Игорь Выхованец, стихи 7001-7100

Игорь Выхованец, стихи: 7001-7100

Бездарный мирок и незаурядный ум

"Чтобы проникнуть в сущность заурядных явлений, требуется весьма незаурядный ум".
Альфред Уайтхед.

Заурядность — мира стадность:
Подковёрный сатанизм.
В мыслях мрак и безотрадность —
Одолел весь мир фашизм.

Эти мрак и безотрадность
Как посылку сохрани,
Превзойдя чушь, заурядность
В мыслях тем искорени.


A Mediocre World and an Extraordinary Mind

"To understand the essence of ordinary things, one needs a truly extraordinary mind."
— Alfred Whitehead

Mediocrity is reigning,
Blind obedience in control.
Darkness spreads—no hope remaining,
Fascism devours the soul.

Let this darkness, grim and hollow,
Be a lesson kept in mind.
Rise beyond the lies and follow
Truth—leave ignorance behind.


Чудо Ясной Мысли

"Чудо противоречит не законам природы, а лишь нашим представлениям о законах природы..."
Аврелий Августин.

Чудеса от нас скрывают —
Левитация пример.
Лженаука "объясняет"
Заурядность. Пионер

Постаревший снова верит
Новой ереси попов
Лженауки. Нету меры
В оглуплении ослов.

Лжерелигии похуже
Эта ересь лженаук,
Так как ТВАРЯМ очень нужен
Новый из ослов улов.

Извлечение гавваха
Из ослов всех ТВАРЕЙ цель.
Веришь россказням — дал маху,
Посадив себя на мель.

Главным чудом — Ясной Мысли
В единицах торжество.
Остальные — только числа
Для ТВАРЬЯ. Их божество —

Адских Сфер Верховный Нелюдь,
Хоть бесплотна эта Мразь.
Все "правители" здесь челядь
ТВАРЕЙ — на "ногах" их гРЯЗЬ.

Вариант последней строки: "ТВАРЕЙ; если проще — гРЯЗЬ."


The Miracle of Clear Thought

"A miracle does not contradict the laws of nature, only our perception of them."
— Augustine of Hippo

Truth is hidden, left unspoken—
Levitation proves it well.
Science bends, its laws are broken,
Claiming all is dull and stale.

Aging minds embrace new fiction,
Priests of lies preach old deceit.
Fools fall deep in blind conviction,
Ignorance is their defeat.

Worse than cults, these false equations,
Leading sheep into their snare.
Mindless herds seek new salvation,
Trapped within a cunning lair.

Dark extraction, silent plunder—
That’s the creatures’ only goal.
If you trust their tales, you’ll wonder
How you lost your very soul.

Only thought, so sharp and fearless,
Stands against their hollow creed.
All the rest are numbers—nameless,
Worshiping their lifeless fiend.

This vile beast, unseen but reigning,
Rules through proxies, veiled in dust.
Puppets kneel, obey, and wade in
Filth and ashes, rot and rust.


Judas in a White Coat

A mutant mind, so crude,
Now a doctor? Just a shrewd
Merchant peddling toxic lies,
Selling sickness in disguise.

CowID flashed before our eyes,
Just like "AIDS"—same old disguise.
Lower than the lowest tier,
Fools and traitors thrive down here.

Drugs prescribed with soulless greed,
Bringing home their thirty’s fee.
Strengthening the web of lies,
Spreading madness far and wide.

Darkness rules this hollow sphere,
Only villains prosper here.
Shadows feast, and reason fades,
Dying faith, a world decayed.

Doom is near—no second chance.
Fascist reign will end at last.
With their spawn, they’ll burn and fall.
Nothing’s left to save at all.


"Психологические" фильмецы

Психологию ублюдков
Как изыски подают.
Гомосекой не на шутку
Все сюжеты "разовьют".

Так впендюрят дурням "нормы",
Мерзость школой закрепив.
Пожирает всех нас Прорва
Сатанизма — хоть в обрыв...


"Psychological" Flicks

They serve up villains’ twisted minds
As if they’re something deep and grand.
Perverted plots of every kind —
A sick agenda, finely planned.

They drill their "norms" in foolish heads,
Make filth a lesson, teach the youth.
The chasm grows, it gapes and spreads —
Damnation swallows all, in truth...


Разложение массовыми заблуждениями

"Заблуждения, заключающие в себе некоторую долю правды, самые опасные".
Адам Смит, XVIII-ый век.

Мир повержен заблужденьем,
В коем правды только часть.
Злой шаблон на повторенье
Ставят ТВАРИ, только в масть

Заменяя полуправду
С изменением времён.
Шулера дурью баланду
Скормят снова: как закон

Легковерность, неуменье
Все контексты разглядеть.
А отсюда разложенье,
И его не одолеть:

С каждым годом всё сильнее
Пропаганды злой напор,
Ложь становится подлее.
Легковерность — приговор.

Дно показано говнидом —
Строят Лагерь Цифровой.
И Разумность в нём ДОбита
Будет Ложью Боевой.


Decay Through Mass Delusions

"The most dangerous delusions are those that hold a grain of truth."
— Adam Smith, 18th century.

The world is trapped in blind conviction,
Truth within—a broken part.
Scoundrels shape the same affliction,
Deal their lies with crooked art.

Half-truths twisted, rearranging
With the shifting tides of time.
Swindlers, scheming and deranging,
Feed the masses fraud like crime.

Gullibility and blindness,
Failing facts to comprehend.
Thus begins the rot of mindness,
Thus it spreads—it will not end.

Year by year, the flood grows bolder,
Venom flows in every word.
Lies grow sharper, sly, and colder—
Faith in falsehood stands assured.

CowID showed the depths we've taken—
Now they build a Cyber Cage.
Reason’s breath will be forsaken,
Crushed beneath the War of Fake.


Искать иголку в стоге сена
Попроще, чем сейчас найти
Единомышленника, ведь измена
Душе, уму  на суетном пути

Уж стала нормою в народце,
Что оглуплён и поражён в правах.
Что ж, надо одному бороться —
Хотя б стихами вороша Тлетворный Прах.


Тоска по "Серебряному Веку"

"Народу много, а людей на свете мало".
Диоген Лаэртский, III-ий век до н.э.

Уже давно замечен явный
Изъян в "сознании" толпы.
Днесь оглупленье самым главным —
И ниже плинтуса рабы

Упали: вряд ли человеком
То быдло можно называть.
Что ж, наслаждайся прошлым веком —
"Серебряным": на сей насрать!


Longing for the Silver Age

"The world is full of people, yet so few are truly men."
— Diogenes La;rtius, 3rd century BC.

A flaw is clear—no need to wonder,
The mob’s "mind" crumbles day by day.
They drown in ignorance and blunder,
As slaves, they crawl and waste away.

So low they fall—can we still name them
As human, thinking, standing tall?
No, let the past shine bright to tame them—
The Silver Age... To this, let fall!


Сердце, желудок, душа и ум

"Насос" к желудку подгоняет
Побольше крови — ужин ведь.
День изо дня то повторяет —
Пошляк про совесть забывает:
Средь вечной жрачки одуреть
Несложно. Далее лажает
В убогой жизни — Душа тает.
Пожрать, поспать и умереть!
Одно лишь плохо — то при "жизни" смерть.


Heart, Stomach, Soul, and Mind

The heart pumps blood—its duty given,
To feed the gut—it's supper time.
Day after day, the same dominion,
The fool forgets all thought of conscience,
Drowns in the feast, numbed by the grime.

Then stumbles on—a life so hollow,
The fading soul, a lost regret.
To eat, to sleep, then dust to follow—
A walking corpse that lingers yet.


Hell on Earth

The herd is worse than beasts of fable,
More than monsters dulls their sight.
Hell's dark gate swings wide and able—
Opened simply. That's the plight.

Few would dare to glimpse its warning,
Thus, the world is doomed to drown.
Mindless masses keep descending,
Hitting depths—yet sinking down.

Past the bottom, cracks are showing,
Doom is near—a closing trick.
Yet the surface—smooth, unknowing,
Lies have made the crowd go sick.


The Blaze of Knowledge in Earthly Hell

A fruitless task—each hour trying
To grasp Hell’s depths, to make it plain,
To shape its horror into sayings.
And through verse? Still more confining.
Few can bear the blaze defining—
Lose its fire, and you're restrained,
Drowned in Lies, forever chained.

A fruitless task—if judged by vision,
Truth is granted through decision,
Only honest hearts may find it.
Fools get lies, a wage—then grind it.


The Filth of Lies

Lies clog up the System’s veins—
Block the path to moving on.
To ensure it still not remains,
Purge the liars—every one.

Rotten lies pollute the land,
Drowning all in filth and gloom.
See the Death Camp close at hand,
Churning lies into the doom.

There, deceit will twist and blend,
Crushing Honor, breaking mind.
Madness marching to its end—
Wild. Ruthless. Deaf and blind!


The choice between a lie and a lie is the essence of a wretched world

"Right" or "wrong"—but all is blurred,
Poisoned scales decide the case.
Evil’s law is dull, absurd,
Leading all to the same place.

Lies compete in twisted plays,
Fooling those who fail to see.
Sheep believe in voting days,
"Happy" in their dark debris...


Reading and Watching—A Cure for the Dead

No place to shake this weary load—
The foolish world won’t help it fade.
Watch some film or read some code—
Like balm upon a corpse half-laid.


Marusya, the Cat

Marusya, kitty, waits outside,
She begs for just a bite of meat.
Her games can always be denied—
While "mistress" gossips, lost in speech.


Global Fascism

Mussolini’s stored away,
Hitler, Goebbels—sealed up tight.
New ones rise to rule the day,
Fascism reigns—no nations left in sight.

Plagues and wars expose the game,
CowID showed the creeping chain.
People? No—just worms in shame,
Trapped inside their shrunken brains.

Crushing lies grip like a vise,
Soon they'll squeeze out every thought.
Camps are built to idolize
Tolerance—where minds will rot.

Crowds see nothing, nod along:
“Life is fine, it’s all the same,
Food still comes, they pay me strong
For obedience in this game.”

Few stay honest, few stay true,
Hell won’t shift its burning crest.
Yet don’t cast your cross askew—
Save your soul, if not the rest.


Burnout Grind

Work to death? A simple call—
Only strong ones take the fall.
All the rest? Just filth and waste
In a world that’s breaking fast.


"Real Men"

"Real men" or fools, enslaved?
Judge it by the world they’ve paved.
If you see a "paradise"—
Ask yourself: who paid the price?


No way ahead—
All else is misread.
Only a Doom
Will bury the gloom.


Exploiting "homeland" once again,
And all the nonsense tied to it—
It breeds misshapen, soulless men,
As darker days ignite the pit.


Do Russians long for war?—
Go ask the Devil, search for more.
The land is drowned in Satan’s creed,
Sunk to the depths of darkest deed.


Inverse Proportion

Filth we spread and breed anew,
Fear and darkness growing, too.
Thus, the Mind will rot away—
See the world in filth today.

CowID showed it, war revealed:
Few still stand with thoughts unsealed.
Not just puppets, not just blind—
Only those who use their mind.


To die the perfect way—
The hardest task, they say.
No hope for light to stay—
The darkness won’t decay.


Running Against Stress

Wind is biting, steps are tight,
Mind is drowning in its fight—
Worse than frost or raging air.
Run, my friend, and heal with care.


Rule of the Pseudo-States

The aged fiends, were they in charge?
Or was it puppets, hands at large?
All the troubles, all the pain—
Planned by "gray" consultants' chain.

The elders sit, but not alone,
They're steered like pawns, not on their own.
Advisors—scum of highest class,
They fit in any ruling mass.

From monsters runs a hidden thread,
Yet fools can't see where they are led.
The blinded herd will march in line,
Unknowing slaves to the design.

A few could see, yet failed to break
The feeble thread for reason’s sake.
For in the world of hollow minds,
True wisdom barely stays alive.


Rule of the "Nation"

The mob’s out of touch with the mind,
So lies flow thick, with fear entwined.
Feast on dread and serve the night,
Bow to darkness, hide from light.


Outdated Notion of Selling the Soul

No need to sell the soul to dark,
Under lies' control, we sink and spark.
Demons rot where they must stay—
By silence bound, we serve their sway.

Through faith or ideas, most believe,
In Satan's filth, they’re forced to grieve.
Triumph of beasts, it spreads around,
While truth and light are rarely found.

Only in struggle with the foe
Can the soul be saved from woe.
For fear and lies will break the thread,
And bind the slave, so hope is dead.


Believe in Nothing!

Slavery hasn’t gone away—
It spreads through night, it rules the day.
Impairment hides the deepest fall,
The beasts deceive and blind us all.

Soon in False Veil, the mind will break,
The last spark of reason they’ll take.
Madness reigns, as CowID showed,
More lies will spread down every road.

The box of doom will scream again,
And fools will trust the lies in vain.
Hell is here, don’t be deceived,
The devil’s grip is tight and cleaved!


Don't Create Problems for the Flock

Leave the herd to fatten fast,
No need to stir them—let them last.
Make up new "illnesses" to spread,
As they sink deeper, misled.


Графомания с множеством прочтений, хороших отзывов и лайков

Бытовая "проза", краткая. Её
Разобьют на строки. Ритма нет. Сырьё
Не имеет рифмы, страсти также ноль.
Отзывы и лайки! — как поэт сей тролль...

Ну а кто читатель? Тоже графоман.
Хвалят так друг дружку. А ещё профан:
Ересь очень любит — как же без неё!
Смерть литературы — сплошь одно гнильё.

Ну а что Поэты?
Не заметно их
Средь засилья бреда —
"В стол", реально!, стих...


Graphomania with many readings, great reviews, and likes

A "prose" of daily life—plain, curt, and bare—
Chopped in lines like verses—rhythm? Nowhere.
Lacking rhyme or passion, dull as faded ink.
Yet the likes keep coming—trolling, don’t you think?

Who are all these readers? Fellow hacks, it seems.
Praising one another, lost in empty dreams.
Fools embrace the madness—nonsense, rotten, cheap.
True art lies forgotten, buried fast and deep.

What about the Poets?
Nowhere to be found.
Drowned in waves of drivel,
Lost without a sound...


Burattino roams once more,
Chasing fields of golden store.
Fools won’t learn—they always fall,
Traps and tricks await them all.


"AIDS" won’t sleep—it spreads like fire,
Gullibility is dire.


Feint, then strike—the goal is hit,
Keeps dull Emelyas glued to it.


Chasing chimeras,
March on, young bearers!


Cain and Abel,
Evil and jest—
Lies wrapped in labels,
Madness at best.


A pastor preaching...
"Thou shalt not kill?"
Die like a hero,
Shoot—he’s the chill.


Roses, dreams—but threats come creeping,
I resist, yet far too many.
In the end, there’s tears and weeping—
Ostrich-madness, fear uncanny.



The public gasps in disbelief—
So many lost, so much grief.
Yet bled dry, the land decays—
Just a whim in madness’ gaze.


State Secret

No secrets here—just crimes to trace,
Yet trails are gone, no court, no case.

For madness, slaughter—none will pay,
Yet fools trust leaders day by day.

CowID unmasked their rotten core—
The vilest spawn, the filth, the gore.
Still, blindness hides what all should see—
The willful fraud in tyranny.


Winnie’s Quest

Winnie sets off, chasing honey,
Craves it more than fear or pain.
Sweet addiction drives him running,
Lost in paths that twist in vain.

Generations walk the same way,
Signs mislead them—tricks and lies.
Every road just ends in mayhem,
Make your own—don’t trust disguise.

Fake or real, just keep it ready,
Sip your tea, enjoy the ride.
In your den, alone but steady,
No need for some bunny guide.

Few will take the road less taken,
Mind and soul must light the track.
Fools stay lost, confused, mistaken—
Wisdom never turns one back.


Злой поэт себе лишь друг
Среди творческих потуг.
Только в ком тогда недуг?
В нём? В толпе рабов, прислуг?


A bitter poet stands alone,
Among his struggles, all unknown.
Who bears pernicious flaw? His mind?
Or crowd of delirious slaves behind?


A blank of page no longer calls,
You like a worm in darkness crawl.
And only highly oeuvre flame
Can sever ties with evil shame.


An "expert" spews the bile of lies,
With stench of schemes that taint the skies.
Weak minds will swallow, numb and small—
Provoked by memes that prey on all.



The teacher strides into the room,
With evil’s task, she seals their doom—
To crush their minds and bend their wills,
To teach them fear and hollow thrills.

She’s blind to what her actions bring,
Thinking sowing something "king",
But lie is all she’s really spreading,
In world where minds are "sweetly" bedding.

The diagnosis is all too clear—
Three-quarters fall, again to cheer
False idols, sinking ever low,
Repenting only for their woe.


So-Called "Teachers"

We sow our nonsense, as we can,
The crops will grow in minds so bland.
Through them, the world rots and decays,
Yet we’re too blind to see the ways—
We bleat along to TV’s craze.



Ads are mom, and lies are dad,
The world’s a mill, so grim and bad.
Leave the oaks, don’t touch the trees—
They’re the last of what’s still free.


The ad's a brute,
Trick found in lies,
In a world of noise,
Where falsehoods rise.



Luck’s a nag, it drags you slow,
Barely gets you where you go.
Think and act, don’t just rely—
That’s the key to reaching high.



"Warriors" all time in play,
Like small children in a game.
Beasts leads their in the way -
Depth where only filth can claim.



Illusions cling and won’t let go,
Your life becomes a twisted show.
Believe in lies, you’ll tell them few,
Deceiving self, and others too.

Illusions hold - you’ll lose your mind,
Confusion takes its toll, you’ll find,
What once was real, now lost in jest,
And everything becomes a foolish test.


To a Poet

Breathe—while breath remains.
Write—while ink still stains.
Fears and lies surround—
Phantoms all around.
Breathe—so you may write.
Write—so you keep light.
Dying comes too fast
If you're stuck in Past.



For ranks, they'll pay the price—
No problem, none at all!
The brass will count, think twice,
Yet conscience won’t recall.

So much “meat” for taking,
Do with it as you will.
The war keeps profits waking—
It never foots the bill.

The enemy? Who cares?
A neighbor suits just fine.
Brave but sold in shares—
War’s double-think design.


Fascism and Cataclysm

As a whole, "we stand up tall,
Growing stronger day by day".
But divided, doomed to fall—
Rot in fear and false display.

No horizon, none at all—
Genocide is all we see.
We will perish, others call—
Feeding Lies and Shame’s decree.

Nature fades, it takes its toll—
Bringing doom, a final chime.
Earth won’t shelter twisted souls
Bowing down to fascist crime.


Like the Rest!

"Be like all!"—but all are rotten,
Not the best of arguments.
Fools make jokes, yet all forgotten—
"All" have lost their common sense.

"Nothing’s real!"—but all is faking,
"Nothing’s real"—the latest brand.
Madness grips the world, remaking
Truth to dust and lies to sand.

Few escape this grand delusion,
Fleeting sparks in memory’s mist.
Shame, decay, and false inclusion—
"All" are swine that still exist...



CowID: the world’s a crude cartoon—
So dull, obscene, enraged, insane.
We mourn as Culture meets its doom,
Drowned out by media’s dull refrain.

Corrupt reports now rule the land,
No higher power left to see.
The few who think can barely stand—
Their blood runs cold from this disease.


Трындёж о "свободе" в Тотальном Рабстве

"Самые глубокие противоречия между людьми обусловлены их пониманием свободы".
Карл Ясперс.

Понимание "свободы"?
Что за чушь! — одни невзгоды
Нам планируют ублюдки,
Обернув всё в прибаутки,
Подлой ложью всё приправив.
В чём она? Во лжи отраве?
За еду и кров работе?
Идиот на идиоте —
Вот "свободы" пирамида,
Наверху же нелюдь-гнида.
Скрыта гнида от народца:
Лишь с подобными бороться,
Умножая этим рабство,
Усиляя Ложь, тиранство, —
Вот судьбина идиотов
Под пятою сумасбродов.


Chatter of "Freedom" in Total Enslavement

"The deepest conflicts between people arise from their understanding of freedom."
— Karl Jaspers

Freedom? What a foolish notion!
Just more lies and more devotion
To the chains they keep us wearing,
Dressed in jokes and false declaring,
Poisoned words and twisted meaning.
Is it freedom? Or deceiving?
Work for shelter, toil for dinner?
Fools on fools—no end, no winner!
That's the pyramid they're building,
At the top—a fiend, unyielding.
Hid from sight, it plays its story:
Making slaves fight slaves for glory,
Locking chains still tighter, stronger,
Feeding Lies and Rule yet longer.
Such the fate of fools—demeaning,
Crushed beneath mad kings' dominion.


Загоны псевдо-стран

Желудок гвозди переварит,
А "ум" подстроится под Зло.
Итог: Загоны в Лживой Мари,
В которых мало не козлов.


Paddocks of Pseudo-Сountries

The stomach will digest the nails,
And “mind” will bend to evil’s call.
The end result: all clevers pale
Where goats standing "proud and tall".


Убегая от тоски, окунись в Отчаянье

"А вопросы… Вопросы не знают ответа —
Налетят, разожгут и умчатся, как корь.
Соломон нам оставил два мудрых совета:
Убегай от тоски и с глупцами не спорь".
Саша Чёрный, "Больному", 1910 г.

От тоски убегай, окунувшись в Отчаянье, —
Может так остановишь в себе одичание?
Одичание носит названье "прогресса".
Единицы то ведают, чернь ни бельмеса

Как всегда, в сложных Духа вопросах не понимает,
Веря ТВАРЯМ бездушным и вновь продолжая
Подчиняться "приказам", "законам" — уловкам,
Что придумали те для в скотов перековки.



Step by step, so slow, so steady...
Till you're nothing—weak and petty.
Rotting while you claim you're growing,
"Self-expression" ever slowing.

Break the chains—no hesitations!
Only bold avoid stagnation.
Peaks are theirs—so take the leap!
That’s no madness—that’s the feat!



A tilted mind finds one alike—
No lone fool, the cracks align.
Madness groans and holds the spike—
Stay alone? Then you're not fine...


Chebureks for Tea

What to stick to life? What’s brewing
In the Dark? A hollow game…
Slowly sour, fear consuming,
Summing up your lies in shame…


Dulling Slavery

Straps are tightened—
Mind is lightened.
Off to labor—
Dumb, but later.
Not at once—fewer orders,
Then they grind you past the borders.
School’s the base of this foundation,
Dulling minds—its occupation.
Like a sawmill shreds the pine,
Brains are wasted—fools align.


Философия и интроспекция

"Торжество над самим собой есть венец философии".
Диоген Синопский, III-ий век до н.э.

Мелочность, покорность,
Чушь, что застит ум:
Одолеешь вздорность —
Бывший тугодум

Растворится. В этом
Может нам помочь
Размышленье. Бредом
Застят Мира Ночь.

Только философия
В тех делах слаба.
Чуткость, интроспекция —
Вот что для раба

Лучшее лечение.
С ним ПОД Духом ум.
Сплошь фашизма бум.

Мысль ПОД Духом может
Это различить.
Чуткость приумножит
Ясность, Зло чтоб бить.


Philosophy and Introspection

"Victory over oneself is the crown of philosophy."
— Diogenes of Sinope, 3rd century BCE

Petty fears, submission,
Nonsense clouds the mind.
Break through false cognition—
Truth is redefined.

Thoughts dissolve and scatter,
Reason clears the way.
Fools mistake for chatter
Night that blinds the day.

Yet philosophy alone
Fails to set us free.
Sense and introspection—
That’s the golden key.

Slaves must heal through feeling,
Raise the soul above.
World’s decay revealing
Fascist waves thereof.

Mind, when led by spirit,
Sees the hidden rift.
Sense will help us clear it,
Crushing evil swift.


Оттенки смысла переводом
Отлично можно изменить.
А узколобым быть уродом —
Как в догмах в виршах будешь гнить.

Коль перевод ведёт в сторонку,
Но сохраняет чёткий ритм
И рифмы, так открой воронку
Возможностей — вот чёткий перевода алгоритм.


Мятежный дух —
Он режет слух,
Коль облекается в слова,
Ведь чужд желаньицам Зла слуг.
Забита чушью голова
У них — основа рабства то.
Чрез чушь впендюрят дурням страх,
Тем превращая их в НИЧТО,
А мир — в тлетворный едкий прах.


The Rebel Spirit

A rebel’s soul
Will take its toll
On ears that fear the voice of might,
For wicked slaves adore control
That tears the veil of blind delight.

Their minds are chained,
Deprived of light.
Through lies, they turn the fools to dust,
And thus the world, once burning bright,
Becomes a wasteland choked with rust.


Что такое толпа?

Наркоманы Чуши,
Что из всех щелей
Лезет, гробя Души
Через страх. Елей

Вовремя добавят —
Раны подлечить.
Честного ославят —
С оным трудно ГНИТЬ.

Наркоманы Чуши,
Ломка светит вам,
Ведь просрали Души
Многие. Бедлам

В Лагерь обратится —
Новый, мировой.
А пока что длится
Кайф — Зла пир горой.


What Is a Crowd?

Addicts craving fiction,
Feeding on the lies,
Drenched in dark affliction,
Drowned in fear’s disguise.

Balms are swiftly given—
Patch the wounds, make peace.
Truth is unforgiven—

Addicts craving fiction,
Withdrawal’s near at hand,
For their souls were wasted,
Lost to shifting sand.

Madness turns to prisons—
Global, cold, and grim.
Till the feast of demons
Ends in ruin’s hymn.


Гимн Руин

Гимн Руин — в сознаньи, в душах —
Воспоём: приблизит то,
Если будем Ересь слушать,
Превращение в НИЧТО

Мира глупого. Руины
Воплотятся и в бетон:
Превращение в скотину —
Новый мировой Закон.

Показали то говнидом,
Также новою войной.
Завершат всё Гимном Гниды
С оскоплённой головой.


The Hymn of Ruin

The Hymn of Ruin—souls can hear it,
Feel it creeping, drawing near.
If we bow to heresy's spirit,
Soon the void will claim us here.

Foolish worlds collapse to cinder,
Stone and steel will rot away.
Mindless cattle—new law’s splendor,
Branded slaves without a say.

Plague of CowID made it clearer,
Wars confirmed the fate they weave.
Gnawed and gelded, lice sing nearer—
Rotten minds in filth believe.


Превращение в НИЧТО:
Ум чрез Ересь — в решето!
Коль добавить липкий страх,
Обратим мирок весь в Прах.


Transformation into NOTHING

The mind, through Heresy— a sieve!
Add sticky fear, and thus we live,
And turn the world to dust and ash,
A fleeting dream, a final crash.


Transformation in Dark NOTHING
Through The False — see Foolish coming!
Mix in fear, cold and  Black—
And the world won’t e’er come back.


Я в Большой Литературе.
Как овца в медвежьей шкуре?
Или волк, что некультурен?
Иль осёл, в пути понурен?
Мне всё похуй — молча плохо:
Лечь под печкою и сдохнуть,
Только не плясать от печи —
Надоели все "предтечи".
Просто Нетерпимость, Ярь —
Вновь стихами в Мерзость вжарь!..


Sharp Rise in Egg Prices

The price of eggs has soared so high—
For poor folks, less to eat again.
They bow before the wicked lie,
And life turns harder now for them...

A man-made scheme in full control—
The grip of death will tighten fast.
Deception reigns—its final goal:
A flood of lies too vast to grasp.


I See and I Know

I see it, I know—
My verses will show.
That’s work, that’s my duty!
Yet sorrow’s sharp beauty
Still rings, never fading,
For fate is invading
My soul with its fire—
Not lost in the mire
Of this world of lies,
But where spirits rise,
Where demigods reign.
A poem may guide—
If you don’t comply...


Slow Boil

The frog had heard a tale so grim—
A pot where heat would slowly rise.
Yet she believed it was a whim—
Until she boiled... to her surprise.

You’ll see the truth when it's too late:
The cook pretends to feed us all.
But beasts are food—he sets their fate.
His goal’s to boil, not to enthrall!



The "new" fool rises once again
To spread the Lies of those in power,
And chains grow tighter on all men—
Their nonsense chills us by the hour.

The few who see—too rare to save,
A fading kind, a dying breed.
The world is lost, beyond the grave—
The Depths laid bare by CowID’s deed.


False Religions

"If triangles had their own god’s might,
He’d surely be a three-sided sight."
— Montesquieu

How weak the gods that men devise,
Mere foolish food, absurd and vain.
Their holy books repeat old lies—
Three lines, and all begins to wane.

This world is built on dull deceit,
Its masses led by fraud and fear—
To slave for crumbs, accept defeat,
To die in wars, or rot right here.

They trust in myths, they kneel and wait
For bliss beyond, yet fail to see:
They’ve never truly lived to date—
Like salted slugs, they crawl to sea.


No savior will come, none will aid—
So fight as you can ‘gainst the Wrong.
But Death is the judge, and it’s weighed:
Were you just a fool all along?


Crystals of Truth Amid Mountains of Mire

They’ll write up tons of hollow lines—
Editors rule with careful hand,
Selecting all that twists and blinds
The soul, so darkness grips the land.

They lift up ego, sharpen guile,
And heap deception on the pyre.
Confusion blooms—a numbing smile,
While minds are drowning in the mire.

This trash was made to cloud the sight,
Truth’s crystals lost within the lies.
The media now owns the night,
As Bedlam feeds the world’s disguise.

So finding truth—just slim remains—
Like searching needles in the stains.



To twist your soul, just heed the lies,
Let nonsense fill your ears and eyes.
To kill the mind—obey once more,
Drink poison words that Evil pours.

Decay will spread, enslaving all,
And you will help the darkness crawl.
For greed alone you play the game,
All else erased without a shame.

The world is blind, corrupt, untrue,
And those who see are far too few.
No handful here can turn the tide—
Decay will grow. It won’t subside.


Managing the Mob

The ministers all play their game,
The parliament's a joke, a shame.
The president’s a mindless fool—
The mob just loves a puppet’s rule.

The ministers don’t waste their stay—
No time for pride, just loot and play.
Their terms are short, so steal it fast,
Before the chance has quickly passed.

The media now runs the show—
The fools consume the filth they throw,
Obeying plans of those in power,
Drunk on lies from hour to hour.

Yet behind the scenes, the beast
Tightens chains and won’t release.
Bound by dirt, they nod and crawl—
Obey, and you may rise—or fall.

The tale’s old, but still it grows,
And madness deepens as it flows.


Защита Честью в Кромешной Жести

"Наглость сильнее там, где защита слабее".
Марк Порций Катон Младший, I-ый век до н.э.

Зашкаленная наглость,
Коль сплошь тупой народ,
Забывший Честь и Гордость —
Теперь он всё сожрёт.

Сожрёт он лже-болезни
И новую войну.
Кто с Честью, бесполезны,
Раз мир идёт ко дну.

Надень Забрало Чести —
Себя хоть защити.
А если будут вместе,
Кто с Честью, то спасти

Они сумеют Души —
Свои и в ближних то ж.
Друг, никого не слушай —
Тотальна в мире ложь.

Чутьё на тех, кто с Честью,
В себе ты развивай:
Их мало в Гиблом Месте.
Усилья умножай

В Борьбе, пускай напрасна:
Три четверти — урод. 
Защита ежечасно —
Не одолеет сброд:

Умрёшь с Душой и Честью —
Иное ерунда.
Пока ж Кромешной Жестью
Уродуют стада:

Честь требует Ответа.
Найди его в себе,
Не средь засилья Бреда
В толпе — лишь страх в рабе.


Defense by Honor in the Reign of Impudence

"Impudence is stronger where defense is weaker."
— Marcus Porcius Cato the Younger, 1st century BC

Where ignorance is growing,
Bold arrogance will reign.
A herd, unworthy knowing,
Devours lies again.

They'll swallow wars and "plagues",
Embrace the grand deceit.
But Honor never begs,
Though sinking in defeat.

So wear the Helm of Honor—
Defend your Soul with pride.
And stand as one with others,
Whose truth is on their side.

For souls may yet be lifted,
If kindred hearts unite.
Don’t heed the world, it's twisted—
Deception veils the light.

Learn well to spot the fearless,
For few will still remain.
Among the lost and tearless,
Keep striving through the pain.

Though odds may seem mistaken
When cowards form their horde.
Your shield must not be taken—
They’ll never breach your sword.

To die with honor—glory!
No fate is worthier.
While madness tells its story,
And drives the herd to stir.

Let Honor be your answer,
You’ll find it in your soul.
Not in the slaves of cancer—
The blind, who fear control.


Толстый канат лженауки

"Знания увеличивают незнание".
Анаксимен, VI-ой век до н.э.

Цепочки лжи, подстав, подлогов
Вплетаются в большой канат.
Гнилья такого очень много,
Но толстый он. Сознанью мат:

Подвешен мир на нём, а Пропасть
Внизу маячит — это Ад.
Незнанье множится, и очень скоро Жопа:
Порвётся он — "незнайки" в Бездну улетят.


The Thick Rope of Pseudoscience

"Knowledge expands ignorance."
— Anaximenes, 6th century BCE

Deception, fraud, and misbelief
Are twisted in a mighty rope.
It's thick, though rotting underneath,
Yet minds still cling to it in hope.

The world hangs high, the Pit below—
The yawning Hell, the deadly traps.
But ignorance will grow and grow...
And when it snaps—they all collapse.


Подчиняющаяся ТВАРЯМ чернь

Говномасса ждёт приказа —
ТВАРИ не замедлят "фас!":
Войны, Чушь и лже-заразы
Скоро доконают нас...


The Herd That Bows to Beasts

The filth-mass waits for beasts’ command—
They’ll shout out “Go!” without delay.
With wars, deceit, and plagues at hand,
They'll wear us down—we’ll waste away.


False Religions

How absurd the structures seem
Of false beliefs, their gods so cheap—
A fool’s feast, a hollow dream,
Too dull for minds that dare to think.

Three vague lines in sacred scrolls,
And all their writings turn to dust.
The world is built on blinded souls,
Deception thrives, commands their trust.

They bow, obey, and blindly wait,
Toil for pennies, die in wars,
Perish from injections' fate,
As lies consume them more and more.

They dream of life that never ends,
Yet never lived on Earth at all.
Like salted slugs, they crawl in chains—
Together sliding to their fall.
