My rainbow

My rainbow will never be the same,
It changed becoming more or less than colours,
I want it to return its former fame,
But past is past, that's us, and here are others.

My rainbow will never be my friend,
We treat it densely and without reason.
The truth we always change, distort and bend,
We have a new one for each coming season.

My rainbow will never be just light
Becoming something that is hard to wear.
And minds all around would ignite
To get their own justice, their share.

My rainbow - from innocence and bliss -
Turned into controversy - love and hatred.
Just simple colours I would always miss,
Because today it's always too related.

My rainbow will never be the same -
In children's books, in heaven after raining...
You may decide this vision simply lame,
But I just want it to become sustaining.

These days it's not exactly simple light,
It has ideas, names and a story,
But can we have a basic human right
To see the rainbow in its former glory?

January 2024
