Убегая от тоски, окунись в Отчаянье
"А вопросы… Вопросы не знают ответа —
Налетят, разожгут и умчатся, как корь.
Соломон нам оставил два мудрых совета:
Убегай от тоски и с глупцами не спорь".
Саша Чёрный, "Больному", 1910 г.
От тоски убегай, окунувшись в Отчаянье, —
Может так остановишь в себе одичание?
Одичание носит названье "прогресса".
Единицы то ведают, чернь ни бельмеса
Как всегда, в сложных Духа вопросах не понимает,
Веря ТВАРЯМ бездушным и вновь продолжая
Подчиняться "приказам", "законам" — уловкам,
Что придумали те для в скотов перековки.
Загоны псевдо-стран
Желудок гвозди переварит,
А "ум" подстроится под Зло.
Итог: Загоны в Лживой Мари,
В которых мало не козлов.
Paddocks of Pseudo-Сountries
The stomach will digest the nails,
And “mind” will bend to evil’s call.
The end result: all clevers pale
Where goats standing "proud and tall".
Step by step, so slow, so steady...
Till you're nothing—weak and petty.
Rotting while you claim you're growing,
"Self-expression" ever slowing.
Break the chains—no hesitations!
Only bold avoid stagnation.
Peaks are theirs—so take the leap!
That’s no madness—that’s the feat!
Chatter of "Freedom" in Total Enslavement
"The deepest conflicts between people arise from their understanding of freedom."
— Karl Jaspers
Freedom? What a foolish notion!
Just more lies and more devotion
To the chains they keep us wearing,
Dressed in jokes and false declaring,
Poisoned words and twisted meaning.
Is it freedom? Or deceiving?
Work for shelter, toil for dinner?
Fools on fools—no end, no winner!
That's the pyramid they're building,
At the top—a fiend, unyielding.
Hid from sight, it plays its story:
Making slaves fight slaves for glory,
Locking chains still tighter, stronger,
Feeding Lies and Rule yet longer.
Such the fate of fools—demeaning,
Crushed beneath mad kings' dominion.
A tilted mind finds one alike—
No lone fool, the cracks align.
Madness groans and holds the spike—
Stay alone? Then you're not fine...
Chebureks for Tea
What to stick to life? What’s brewing
In the Dark? A hollow game…
Slowly sour, fear consuming,
Summing up your lies in shame…
Dulling Slavery
Straps are tightened—
Mind is lightened.
Off to labor—
Dumb, but later.
Not at once—fewer orders,
Then they grind you past the borders.
School’s the base of this foundation,
Dulling minds—its occupation.
Like a sawmill shreds the pine,
Brains are wasted—fools align.
--- Total 8 poems. ---
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