
Darwin's evolution of species.
Well, the outdated consciousness of the feudal state brain is putting up a decisive fight.
with bare hands against these little monkeys armed with a stick.
Alien versus predator and we know who wins.

Where do you see territorial boundaries now, except in your head?
We'll divide it by this ravine.
But the borders in your head are more real than the real borders, no doubt about it.
I can't even get over one language fence, for example.
And it's a real obstacle, it's just very high.
I've made a dig, I've ripped my pants, all in vain.

And there's not just English, by the way, there's the language of animals and birds.
But this border isn't just a fence, it's also energized.
That's the thing, these impregnable fortresses are not guarded by anyone.
And their guards are scary.
Malignant gnats, yes, maybe.
Do you realize what these creatures are?
You don't want to cross this border.

Honorable Kunming! I didn't realize you were so broad-minded!
You lived 500 years ago and there weren't even coffee machines.
It was a wilderness.
Well, the plot of the novel Three Kingdoms is still unfinished.
There's no one to write it down anymore.

And I think I can surprise you a lot more.
So again from a martial arts perspective, write it down,
Holding on to the old is a sure defeat because
Old ideas are a wagon rolling down a hill.
And the allies will be all those who grasp its wheel,
without really wanting to.
You got it?

Do you understand? Mortal enemies will prove to be staunch allies in their clinging to the old ways.
Their argument is the reality of the view from their window and their chains. And which view is better is the subject of argument.
Boundaries? Where do you see boundaries but in your head?
But they can't let go of the wheel.
They've got their hands on it.
No, they're just tethered to that wheel.
And they'd love to get off, but there was only one Guddini.

So we should tie ourselves to a wagon going the other way up the hill?
In the direction of progress, so to speak.
And tying yourself to anything is the old ways.

Dear Jugue Liang, this turtle-shell fortune-telling doesn't mean anything.
Do you see the border here?
I'm not blind.
There isn't one.
So you're a jockey or just a stable boy.
Not every barrier is surmountable. A horse can't jump a mountain or a forest.

Mountains and forests are topographical landmarks - old paths.
Yeah, I know that song, it's called Kill the State Within.
And all this German philosophical lineage led to fascism.
And now we're seeing a new spiral.

Nietzsche was an inconspicuous man with a red folder and he got run over by a horse in the street.
The driver of that horse was me and I just didn't notice.
No horse would intentionally step on a human being.
Pedestrian priority by law on the road?
I'm against that at all times.
Simpleton, watch where you're going!
A cart going uphill is not steerable at all.

What Master? Now I'm supposed to summarize all this information into one core?
But my abilities are so modest that I have my nose on all sides of the fence.
How many sides do I see here?
See 64.
These turtle shells don't even have that many divisions.
These turtles died very young.
Confess, teacher, did you eat them? Did you make soup out of these turtles?

That's the fourth side, all right,
But you need to look up the hill, not down.
Life is always trying to guess at death
That's why the patterns on turtle shells are always limited.
And that pattern will never change.
like this.
Goodini climb out of that grave if you can.

The stenographer turned in the transcript. 571 words, 1 cent a word. Seal. Signature. Payable.

You said you looked good? You lied.
Your black hair isn't black anymore. Dye it an impossible color now. You have a few more tries left.

Tourists are adherents of the old world view of territorial boundaries, tied to a wagon rushing down a hill.
they carry their ass back and forth, and they call it an experience trip.
I'm in a paero there, I'm in a panama here.
So I would carry them in the luggage compartment. A withered branch of evolution since.
Soldiers by the way fall into this species category too. And even politicians aren't all that stupid.

And we always decorate a withered tree with paper flowers so no one will realize it's been withered for a long time? Is that stratagem number 7?

That's right! Number 24!
you can look back in time from the hill if you're going up it.
There's a special kind of aristocracy to it.
Yeah? Where's the monocle I stole from the theater?
I'm gonna watch the wreck of time through it.

And this is definitely not my thought. I seem to have gotten caught in a dust cloud of thoughts that no one else is thinking.
No, I added that to the stratagem. But this dusty smog of doubts and unviable assumptions hangs in the air right now.
Allergy sufferers might even find it hard to breathe.

The cure is inhalation of gasoline vapors and alcohol inside and outside too. There's a lot of ownerless thoughts hanging in the air. We need wind or rain.

Translated with DeepL.com (free version)
