
Note the magic if you some differently see on a information then you will be not need read it anyway it full circle care
and possible go it around only. Henaro tell it like a youre mom.

Forgeted train
“ A few thing I ?could’t belive
A drunker when he pired
A ?feeth when he swear
A ?lower when he ? care
A shnake when she sleep”
I lost the book I don’t remember such of disc
I have not a some memory
Now I drunk and cry
The was a sound a solder perhaps
All word anywhere go? ? to hell
I don’t believe you when you tell ? what you good and you in heaven
??? I know what there was happened
What it song I almost hear it
I want’t look in web I want remember
But I have not a member
Look for all the drunk isteric
I was cry sitting on the floor.

And it very once contecst added.
I was all pround all around taired.
And why I don’t belive in the taired?
I’s are yurusunai iemen dono!
I don’t can find the disc
Don’t attemtt are right method for.
Me no need a dirt ?? in ??
Other man cet mony in you house
And cuz
Impossoble remember that song such you don’t know
One mont back I hear it
With that deaft
And dunt able for remembers.
I find it now without web help.
It where here
I don’t have a intent for a kiddly in start
I good remember from out idea learning suggest the language/
And it very strange story
But I just never see on back.
Here all was writing
You can read it.
Only don’t it never.
I have my delusion for me in real time.
No need boring me cry.
Like a that a learning a language no one never see.
And it exactly are it’s.
First could be know and after write.

They I’ll present at own think that they don’t yhink really
It boring
I tell as is now
The really think in first leave.
Twoice leave?
Twoise are’t able translate.
And the grande poem are a self terrapy of madless
In med mean kinda
In the column a you verce don’t have
I remind stranger poeme almost sure.
It a foolfalling stopped?
I repeat again it has importante a med affect now

He said to give them $650 each since it was tuj's fault their houses were destroyed. and they're happy I can't stay normal.
I'm the mad fly character from insect life now?
Don’t see there where that disc?
I don’t know such of I
Web know’t also I check

“heng like a of daddy,
And by surely like of a mommy”?
Don Henaro no need laught a politic area come on like a and woese of white and res kingdoms
All was swear Richard planagenet but seem no one don’t got to kill he in end and opposite
See in that up to there kinda hardly. Iy far of me literally no no elriad
It el riad here front in monitor.
Don’t see.
What? Erotic aspect to disc I have?
Yeah Don Henaro 0,7whiskey today take thet know.
 when we were teenagers we were friends and then met and got drunk many years later and she told her husband that she had a big calendar with a portrait of Van Gogh on the door in childhood and she remembered this calendar and said! she sleeps with it.

then we stared at each other for a long time and we all together still did not guess what she meant but this also undoubtedly had some kind of erotic aspect. then I drove across the whole city how was it possible if by the end everyone could hardly stand on their feet yes we had not only alcohol that night.

but it is amazing she remembered this poster with Van Gogh all these years
really we do not know how the brain works.
but I was in love then and I generally had no time for them.

we got drunk together since childhood how could I forget. we do not keep in touch. Katya your child will grow up to be a pyromaniac I swear lights from matches are not suitable for a girl leave my leg alone we will not play barge haulers.

this memory is fifteen years old? so it probably never happened. I'm not sure.
your new husband seems to have become a little intimidated by us. it seemed. he is a real man. I have no doubt. explain about van gogh! you know more than you say.

yes, I hope they are doing well. but I don't trust my memory lately perhaps no Katya ever existed.
in any case, I write no worse than Bukowski, just not as briefly.

at the moment it doesn't matter we will batten down the holes in the hold with anything we can childhood memories will do too we don't need antidepressants we take care of our health.
I am glad if someone was pleased now that there is someone dumber than him. the urgent task is to reduce sensitivity to external stimuli to zero.

we used to develop it and now we need to learn how to suppress it externally.
I need to find a track, it's on some disk, the spirit of Don Genaro said it has an erotic aspect, maybe even like the mystery of Van Gogh's door portrait (with an ear) and not without

the ear was sold in a brothel and then Gauguin almost shot it. or maybe Cesar Katya, to your health!

Tomorrow is my birthday and I don't know how old I am. at least I look young, at least that. but I'm ready to die of old age right now.
Are there old people who are young at heart? they're unlucky, aren't they.
500? well, let's not try to be young, it always looks pathetic.
well, yes, with an eternal guarantee, an external skeleton. where are you from anyway?
Van Gogh, let's go to bed.

nothing extra test tube stream of consciousness whiskey 0.7
tomograph scan in written transcript.
but in any case it's charlottanism because
the brain doesn't think it's a high-frequency receiver

vincent please confirm and put on a hat it's a hot day today your head in the field can overheat.
no for your dead ear you won't get anything here and don't even hope. good luck dear, draw the sky and the field and sell it and then come back.

yeah love and poverty oh my god well we owe it to the expression of the madwoman of these canvases. and yes there was a certain erotic aspect to them.
we all saw her red hair and her corset it seems to me she was a little too fat
he shot because the fop and the rake are just a city boy and not an artist?
it wasn't a landscape there was a portrait of that woman from the brothel everywhere
how dare he paint her too like some kind of fruit!

pardon me, I'm a medium of course and almost an oracle but this is some kind of complete nonsense
no, ears don't pay here either.
who shot whom here and who's sleeping with whom?

what kind of Miranda could it be? it's not even a Dutch name.

is she in a painting? what other painting? where there are spirals instead of stars? dear Vincent, what exactly did you draw there?

well, they think it's a landscape from life, but it seems to have been drawn something else. but of course I'm not an art historian. in any case, technology is outdated and artificial intelligence will draw better.

and he won't be able to, he didn't know her.

keep in mind, I'll check all this madness tomorrow on the web.
genaro said you can't leave your energy in physical things, otherwise you'll be connected to them and it's a pathological connection.

no, I have nothing to do with esotericism, I'm a very rational person
by the way, where is my disk, I lost a song among them
of exceptional value
no, imagine, I don't remember its words.
by the way, your portrait of Miranda doesn't look like Miranda either.
don't offer me your ear, or I'll cut off your other one.
and in general they don't talk to me about other women, it's uncultured.

of course I think it's very overrated
but that's marketing
yes, pardon me, your picture is hanging upside down on the wall.
who's a psychopath?
I'm just clarifying which of us because there are no women who are psychopaths. yes, almost a quote, I was joking a little.

have we already waited out the crazy news feed?
no, we can't be crazier than her, my imaginary colleague.
and in general I understand in the end why he shot you.
imagine why I can also understand now.

Well, I just checked, we didn’t miss anything, outside it’s still the same senseless crap.

let's continue the conversation.
I would like to formulate in English as easily as in my native language.
no, not only that. the order is an immodest question.
well, from the outside they can't understand the difference in terminology between fighting a country and fighting a totalitarian regime in a country, these are oppositely different things.

fighting a country is helping a dictatorship. and vice versa, but there are few sober-minded people left in the world, it seems
no, Vincent, we are always clear-headed, only you may have had sunstroke. and I drank a fair amount today, but it seems that this is not an indicator of sobriety at all.
they have no one to ask the question: are you fighting a country or a dictatorship? and if you are fighting a country, then you are accomplices of this dictatorship and all its crimes.

we will not be heard for another century. and your portrait does not even look like a portrait. how is she like this if I saw her?
no need to grab a knife right away Dutchman because I have a pistol. get a better job as a sailor on a ship you are busy with strange things here.

we will not be heard for another century. and your portrait does not even look like a portrait. how is she like that if I saw her?
no need to grab a knife right away Dutchman because I have a gun. get a job as a sailor on a ship better you are busy here with strange things.
and by the way, you could also give me some kind of compliment. no, give me a heart in the form of an ear, I don't need it
well, you just won't get anything in return.
