In the Hall of The Mountain King

In the Hall of (the) Mountain King
Let`s sing jazz, let`s get swing!
In the Hall of (the) Mountain King
We never see the Sun.

In the Hall of (the) Mountain King Singing jazz, getting swing,
In the Hall of (the) Mountain King
We want to have some fun!

Dancing with the Mountain King
You don`t need to tell a thing,
Be yourself and clap your hands, - You`re one of us!

Singing with the Mountain King
Take off your diamond rings!
Take off crown and mask,
We have nothing to disguise!

In the Hall of (the) Mountain King
We don`t want to see the spring,
In the Hall of (the) Mountain King
We sing our winter songs.

But each day we search for Sun,
Search for stars, search for wind.
Day by day we search for God,
It`s in our hearts and souls.


Тема: «В пещере горного короля» — композиция из сюиты «Пер Гюнт» норвежского композитора Эдварда Грига к одноименной пьесе его соотечественника драматурга Генрика Ибсена


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