a stupor

i got a stupor in end ending
From the all it news
I catch self on still starring through the monitor with open mouth
Are the crush off self portrait.
I can congratulate self with it from all heart.
Here's the news I read:
“The bandits have embezzled the treasury
and now they're using the leftovers to buy themselves powerful friends.
and any price - no qwestion if superbigcountry you has in pocket or..”
pardon me must be it a fake news a dark movie or i just wrong reading.
That's right.
here note bottom writing
was flyed in on a negotiation.
so clear now ofcourse.

We couldn’t be trust to some information at all.
but only to that was veryfer sorry veryficating excuse verifcationing sorry damn that such was be checking.
how my stupor? no it dont't left yet anyway

i see a conference mr Trump for study language yesterday
i was undernstand only a few words.
cuz mt ears in deedly have hear only ve-ve-ve-ve without about any speach.
but he dont't saying word "dont't".
perhaps i do structure spech dont't right at all.
again it donut here.
i has a negation uppon a negation three lot in line.
and negation that do negating other negation
well the metod think diferenly

it are't a small thing
assertion through of a assertion or throu of a negation
cuz any perceived are a linguistic
it hard accept i know.
i must in study came back to a poeme and song or the stupor dont past at all
a task now keep own mind at least.
starring in happening in a news yet like a pacient of mad house ain't ok.
the shock has a half planet now
and a chenge phases a action are more quiclt then a phases moon.
it able get to a stupor.
 i have my morning imaginary portraite still with open mouth.
