The saga of Russia and Germany


The saga began when Lenin embraced the socialism of Marx, who was a German Jew,
But the emphasis is that a German, who had converted to Christianity. The Tsar, supported France, and Lenin proposed
to support Germany, and thus to tilt the future proposed by the monarch. It is also a fact that a little
Before the end of World War I, the Germans "helped" Lenin appear in Russia, and drag
the country out of the war, by encouraging the revolution. When Germany signed a treaty
surrender, it had the strongest card in its hands: Russian support.... Russia used
In the policy of intermittent support towards European countries, so that there are no winners in Europe
And there are no losers. Usually Russia will support the underdog (the cat), until it starts
To win and then betray him, and fail him too. Russia is waging a war of attrition and containment
Europe, and so when a country in Europe is too dominant, Russia supports the countries
On the other hand. Then Russia started supporting Germany, because England must not win,
Then Germany began to grow stronger, and finally they signed an agreement dividing Europe between the Allies.
The Soviets and Germany. The agreement actually divided Poland, but the future of such a division
All of Europe. Then Germany conquered France, and then when Germany was on its way to conquer
the Middle East and defeat England, Stalin betrayed Germany, supported England,
Then Germans attacked Russia in revenge. There will be no winners in Europe and then Stalin
Together with the English, they captured Hitler. The saga with Germany ended with Germany
Province, and Russia controlled East Germany for a time.
