
Oh fucking some fruits!
Today it first day after I was hear English movie speak with a attention not casual as anything
And I lost able understand a native speech fluent by a bloggers
It’s truly are a awesome feeling.
Stopping I yet don’t know some other language.
What he tell now? It my native language I can’t belive.
the surprise by me owenly brain.
It’s don’t  you’re owning
It’s amazing.
Cull now I don’t understand no one language at all.
Ouijia I can congratulate you
We broken off brain unreturn.
For me don’t was problem a bad diction in native language never.
I would be hear any word anyway
but now he chew a few words that I don’t cutch up they mean.
I was be know any case if seacker drunk or woth a defect speech if swipper or if yell I was syrong know I I’ll be can understand any of words excpode that I don’t know just.
But now I hear veveve?
I seems under a leegs must be a earth?
Do it you self.
I don’t a early a language now.
It are amazing 
and absolves you of the responsibility to understand anything at all
a more people that live with them born.
yeah they are happeners.
I just won’t know about.
I like ve-ve-ve in native but the same mechanic processe
Unundernstand are analogic
Veveveve what he was saying now? In my language you can take my wow here
Just I’m linguist and forget about that with my native language I don’t have a some problems
And get please I hear veveve.
Like a baby
Get out from me I’m nothing know.
Stop swear own brain
it think are receiver, not transmitter
thenx for you Tessla lightning lord
I don’t understand in hear on the both languages now.
A lighting lord the Zeus.
Ouijia it no care me even
I ask
Now I don’t  know what I want ask.
To more how.
But you have ecstatic from the new unstable feel
You cracked me it sure veveve?
A some experiments could be danger.
I has work helmet.
You it put on in what?
In a manecen wingchung ofcourse
Sometime on one a stick or sometime on a other.
Don’t understand no one a language it’s hit.
the cogwheels of your mind - yep.
you don't know how it work.
Don’t worry I ‘m master pro mechanic
Now I all be fix
Here a electric scheme for don’t understand one the same
Now the headlight light but don’t rolling windows
I’m sorry so
The electric cars are a seriously do.
The headlight don’t light now.
now day. 20 with fix with tuning 50
window roll scroll in opposite side the feature
your brain
you drive somehow somewhere anyway.
