

Evening, in light of the small hopes of being released, and going home to the existential security that exists, in view of the threats caused by the conspiracy, threats that attack everything, there is a joy of freedom at home, and a degree of independence, and therefore of course I am eagerly awaiting my release. The end of the instruction, they said if everything is fine, there is no reason to keep me. Therefore, only a few days of staying in the institution... I miss my dogs, and all the time the country commits offenses... a criminal state... We will continue to work on the new Koenig-Antique, Koenig is important, because it makes you work and move your mind. The most important thing is to behave like a writer and not like a reader, you need to show strength... a bit of a nightmare. My rib also hurts, apparently we hit it in the rib. It may be...
