
En What Etata It is Taking Three Months of Having An Id Card
Also Appointmeant Needed
What IS OF Being Prepared OF
I Understand Jdjdbuilding HAZ OF Reading Some Documeants
Interior Office What IS HAS OF Being Prepared OF Towards
IT IS Just A Dictator Netanyatty Babun That IS Preventing OF "Certain People" Their Eligable Personality Cards
Signalling "That WE ARE Unlegitimate" AND That IS WHY THE Line AND Whole Months OF Waitage
OF A Personality Card AND Name Absent OF Immigration Office AND Date OF Immigration AND Jdjdbuilding Briefcases Whole SET OF Offences Overally Suggesting OF Negative Attitude
DUE Etata OF Birth Cccp
Netanyatty I PUT A Finger EN Your ASS YOU ARE Spiteful
