The food instead of bombs!

Are you gonna solve an our problem?
Do you wanna fix that others do?
Are you gonna take us in the oven,
Or we gotta pray for help from you?

But listen:
Living in the world, where every doesn't care,
War is just solution for increasing our hell!

What's your choice here?
You are so scared, but you can't get that this is all...
Will you choose steel or...
You'll choose the food instead of bombs?

Watching in the picture full of empty,
You're imagination got you grief...
May be desperate or people's lazy,
Generate for us the sea of bleed...

But listen:
Life is not reward for early suffer,
It must be access without murder!

What's your choice here?
You are so scared, but you can't get that this is all...
Will you choose steel or...
You'll choose the food instead of bombs?
