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We must pretend that there are others,

In the world of shadows, where dreams are not simple.

But it is a lie that hearts are dormant,

And in secret words only mute ears.

On the beaten path, laughing in the shadows,

We seek the chosen ones, as if in the depths.

There are only those we need, who are waiting,

Their soul is inspired by the light of love.

Why do we need stairs to the silent stars,

If only the one who gives a hand is nearby?

Threads are intertwined in the cosmos of feelings,

With participation and faith all doors are open.

We build castles, as in fairy tales,

But only in the heart of true closeness are colors.

Only those who keep our secret with you,

Shine in eternity, in the vastness of the night.

 We must pretend until we get tired,

But we truly know - in many colors,

There are only those who we need, who are near,

And only with them will we be as if within the framework.
