Англоязычные стихи. 4. Редактура старых таковых

Здесь я размещу новые редакции моих старых произведений на английском языке, они были написаны множество лет назад, тогда, когда моё знание языка было заметно хуже, впрочем, как и навыки стихотворчества, ныне эти произведения претерпели существенные изменения, в том числе смысловые. Буду


I drink cheap beer and i smoke cigars,
my friend, you know, im in hate with bars,
but there, in horrorful woods of stone,
there is a darkness, where i alone.
I have no children, i have no wife,
as sadful story - my lonely life,
i suffer wisdom, i see by mind:
the luck is whore, and i tell you - blind.  *1
There is no luck, and there is no bless,  *2
just slimy, venomous, evil steam,
but maybe then will be time, i guess,
when i will fall in a quiet dream.
And there, in chaos of steam and cars,  *3
there will be body without a grace,  *4
in mess of bottle and cheap cigars,
with happy smile on a bloody face.


what luck is whore, and i tell you - blind.
a luck is whore, and i tell you - blind.
what luck is whore, which i tell you - blind.
what luck is whore, and believe me - blind.

There is no luck, and there is no bless,
just water, slimy, terrific, deep,
but maybe then will be time, i guess,
when i, in quiet, will fall asleep.
There is no luck, and there is no bless,
just doom in penniless overcoat,
but maybe then will be time, i guess,
when you awake with Kharon in boat.

And there, on road - where is chaos, cars,

will lie a body without a grace,


People is weak, they lie and steal,
they see in others no more then meal,  *1
they go for corruption, they run for rapes,
and shots with mufflers right in the napes.  *2

People is weak, but in palace of sin -
where demons smiling with bloody grin,  *3
on hallway of dirt, which is God-damn long,
there is something, what keep me strong.  *4

Why you live - if you - cannot give your life
for poor, for child, beloved wife?
if you love your flesh, but she weak, she lies,  *5
if you one - of soulless - with empty eyes.


if you one of bastards with empty eyes.
if you one - of heartless - with empty eyes.


they go for bloody and cruel kill,

and shots from pistols right in the napes. 

where beasts are smiling with bloody grin,

there is something shining that keep me strong.
i believe in those what will keep me strong.

if you love your body, but it weak, it lies,


In my soul now dead all those painful peal,  *1
gone, and instead - only hate arise,
tell me, my beautiful - how do you feel?
have you forgotten my voice and eyes?  *2
Maybe now you have smile on your pretty face?
and your feet, under your dress, are bare,
while you walk on street as a purest grace, *2.2
the smells of love leaving in the air?
Let it be, i had love, but my love is done,
and not for you shiny day above,  *3
the shot, the smell of a heated gun,  *4
and empty eyes of a broken love.


and squeezed noizes of dying love.
and empty eyes of a broken love.
and empty eyes of a rotten love.
and empty eyes of a rotted love.
and empty eyes of a vanished love.
and empty eyes of forgotten love.
the dying eyes of forgotten love.
the dying flesh of forgotten love.
the soulless flesh of forgotten love.


In my soul now dead all those painfull peal,
gone - and won't burn anymore the flame,
please...tell me beautiful - how do you feel?
are you remember my voice and name?

are you remember my voice and eyes?

while you walk on street like a purest grace,

there is no place for a rose in glove,
and not for you all those light above,

the shot, the silence, the heated gun,
the shot, the smell of a smoky gun,
the shot, the beautiful smell of gun,
the shot, the spatter, the smell of gun,
the shot, the beautiful smoke of gun,

(В слове "fre*eze" поставлена звёздочка т.к без неё сайт удаляет слово и строчку в котором оно расположено).

I still not forget sunny time of my,
happy memories knocking to me some time,
i fre*eze - when wonder in me - arise,
so strange and scary in peoples eyes.  *1
I just (it looks like a miracle) see -  *2
those wooden house on a ancient tree,
and sturdy stairway in bush of leaves,
in hearth of happy and sunny dreams.  *3
And i feel a bliss in this hidden place,
and a sunshine rising behind your face,
in so blessed miracle i have been,
in my sunny, lovely seventeen.


what a blessed miracle i have seen,
in my sunny, lovely seventeen.
your pretty smile on a tree so green,  *Ш
pleasure date, my lovely seventeen.
pleasure time, my lovely seventeen.


so strange and weird in peoples eyes.

I just (it looks like impossible) see -

in middle of happy and sunny dreams. 

your warming smile in the leaves so green,


Раз уж это необычная публикация, притом связанная с английским языком - за одно размещу здесь свои скромные псевдонимы на английском языке, которые являются переводом или вариантом моих обычных псевдонимов, итак: Caina Molagem, Dismal master, Amber king.
