
I was arguing with a bank lender over the phone.
She yelled pay up.
And I was yelling that your payment instrument wasn't working.
You arrogant, hand-assed pigs.
Raskolnikov's axe didn't hack up the old banker for nothing.
and you're misinterpreting the title of the novel.
My head almost exploded.
It still hurts. I paid for it with their greed and their shoddy service.
No, I paid for everything. I don't tolerate debt.

But I was pissed.
But for waiting on the phone line they had Louis Armstrong let my people go.
Moses saved my head from exploding.
I don't know how and there's no connection but
I do have guardian angels.
I'm gonna learn this song by heart, too. I almost know it, too.
Well, she saved my life today maybe.
Thank you, St. Louis.
