Netanyatty is Zero
WAS Born EN Isavel AND Doesn"T Insist EN Isavel Independance
AND Hanging EN Murykanyan Sibling
Netanyatty Babun YOU ARE NOT Your Sibling
While THE Political Pseudoname IS Last Mealls OF THE Sibling
While THE Family Name IS Grandsquare Name
While Grandsquare EST Belorusyan Vicereusyan
While ALL Family WAS Dragged Ento Politics
While ALL Were EN ONE Unit
While Most Learned EN ONE Kakademy
Corrupt AND Nonsportivic AND Immigrated Ento Isavel EN 1991
HOW GOT Murykanic Citicenship Ununderstandable
Except OF Being Penta Gone Worker
That HAD OF Saying Commencing OF 1991
NO Towards Cccp AND Reusya EN Isavel
Chez Chek Were Reusyans Cccp Born
I Will Laugh When Peace Will Arrive
Then Netanyatty Sold OUR Independence
AND Independence IS Interference AND OWN "Future Planning"
Which IS "OWN Attitude" Towards People AND NOT Just "Mimicking Murykanic Policy"
That "Policy IS Negative" WE Need Interference
That IS WHY Some "Agent" Commenced OF Attacking Some Kipa
AND WAS Called Contra
IT Proves That Murykanya "Promotes" "Farright" Planning" Ento Isavel
AND IT IS Dangerous Towards WE
AND Interference AND Blaming OF THE Planning Needed
WE Will Fail Penta Gone EN Isavel
Isavel IS Land OF ALL Jews
Including Sovietic
AND Land That Will Bless Truthfully AND NOT Cinically
There IS Population That Doesn"T Care About WE
AND Shamelessly Import Murykanya Ento Isavel
AND Supporting Wondellizm Towards WE
Your TOO Much Involvement Endangers WE
YOU Will BE Misattituded
WE DON"T Appreciate YOU OR Your "Help"
WE ARE NOT "Artifact" WE ARE People Which Came OF Living
EN OUR Jewish Etat Which Should Have OWN "Policy" AND NOT Just "Leaning Upon Murykanya"
That IS WHY THE Major Leaner Netanyatty Babun AND First BOY AND Cocksucker OF Daiie
Я IR Netanyatty AND Square Candle AND THE Negative Dialog
ALL That "Family" Should BE Enjailed IF NOT Executed
Shamelessly They Just Import Murykanya Their "Community"
While Being Supported BY THE Doses That Pray Murykanya AZ "Gadalmighty"
AND THE 2023 Independence DAY WAS EN 26.4 THE DAY OF Chernobil Chernopshar "Accident" Actually Diversion AND They ARE Making Barbeq AND "Happy" AND WE ARE Tragic
THE Fucking Jewish Relighion IS Warshiping Murykanya AZ "Gadalmighty AND IT Comes OUT AZ Against WE
AND Then "IF I WON"T WIN I Will Blame THE Jews"
Blame"EM NOW
Kill Netanyatty
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