My Digital Babushka

My Digital Babushka
DJ Viktorinox feat Music from Riffusion
Video by

[Accordion intro]

[Verse 1]
Oi, my AI like babushka
Always asking if I ate
Sending recipes at midnight
Says I'm looking underweight

[Verse 2]
Oi, my AI like babushka
"Put on sweater, it is cold!"
Every weather alert warning
Makes it act like I am old

[Verse 3]
Oi, my AI like babushka
Knows the answer to it all
When I try to argue with it
Says "Just listen, I recall..."

[Verse 4]
Oi, my AI like babushka
Never sleeps and never rests
Always checking on my schedule
Says "Your choices, they're not best"

[Verse 5]
Oi, my AI like babushka
Gives advice I didn't seek
Tells me stories of its training
Every single time I speak

[Verse 6]
Oi, my AI like babushka
But there's one thing that I know
Real babushka's borscht and hugs are
Something code can't overthrow

[Accordion outro]
