You know love is deathly wound...

"О, как убийственно мы любим" (Ф.И. Тютчев)

You know love is deathly wound.
By passion blinded at start
You ruin everything around
That loves and cherishes your heart.

A victory you celebrated,
You told in arrogance: she’s mine...
A year passed. In love ill-fated
She’ll only suffer and decline.

Where are her cheeks — the scarlet roses, —
Her happy smile and shining eyes?
The image burning tears exposes
And beauty is destroyed likewise.

Do you remember your first meeting,
First meeting in that fateful night,
A wonder in her gaze and greeting —
A lively picture in your sight?

And now what? The love, new-comer,
Was not a fortune you were blessed.
You understand, like northern summer
It only was a fleeting guest.

As terrible and brutal sentence
Your love for her came in the end —
Disgrace, unmerited dependence,
The evil you can not amend.

The life of suffering she knows,
Of self-denial every day.
But memories like ancient clothe
Betrayed her, fading far away.

What happiness she was allowed
By cruel life that lost its charm,
When she was seized by ruthless crowd,
Was trampled in the mud and harm?

What has she saved like burning ashes
In lifelong misery unfurled?
The pain, an ugly pain that rushes
From dying heart into the world.

You know love is deathly wound...
By passion blinded at start
You ruin everything around
That loves and cherishes your heart.
