When I hear Tchaikovsky - I am God

When I hear Tchaikovsky - I am God,
And God is watching with musical eyes,
And God is never killing anyone,
because he is always with everyone.

And so Tchaikovsky changed me, upsidedown,
now he is somehow deeply close to me,
I cannot kill a person, no matter
how mean and low he can ever be.

Tchaikovsky changed me in this hardest question,
he showed me his heights without limits,
where he reached musically, and by tension
Ha has convinced my nerves too much on killers.

I like everything by him - absolutely!
His megalithic scale, and like in Egypt
in sphere of pyramids - he will amuze you,
And very greatly stun among musicians!

His moves are unpredictable, unknown,
Like a look from God and a superman,
And to me from God all are as if low,
I can't commit the murder of a man.

I don't know how to explain this logic,
But I decided for myself now firmly,
That I cannot kill people and don't want to,
Even though I consider enemy worthy.

Lenin would UNDERSTAND me, he had said, *
that music of Beethoven's superhuman,
And although he has acted differently,
But matters more that Lenin UNDERSTOOD it.

And now I say so consciously in full
To Petr Tchaikovsky my complete Thank You!
That he convinced me of this, very true,
He cut my soul, divided it in two

And showed there's the abysses - a whole world,
Enormous and diverse, hysterical, strong,
And weak, and sometimes lovingly mischievous,
Unbearably subtle and exquisite.

I simply may say that met God again!
I met Him in Tchaikovsky's playing space,
And God overcame murder and the death!
I HEAR it joyfully in passions plays.

For me only Tchaikovsky is a titan!
He's Supermountains, superlove, up-fondness,
Tchaikovsky is the most complex, after
him I can never be the same in soul.

He has destroyed the human soul in me
Somehow easily and painfully
(Like Nietzsche and ideal superman),
And so once again I saw - oh God -

You are, and our pettiness in You,
I'm petty like musician in Tchaikovsky.
And it's for me - in Tempest halleluya,
That I saw our humanity - the smallest

Against the background of his STORM, in brains,
And how huge and beautiful it is!
And now I thank him, and to forget
is dangerously for eternity.


Ваши чувства божественно-прекрасны. Вы говорите о любви и о прощении, о чуткости, и о понимании. Действительно музыка Чайковского делает нас в наших чувствах, хоть на время, но подобными Богу. Фраза "God is watching with musical eyes" бесподобна.

Артамонов Андрей Иванович   03.02.2025 14:32     Заявить о нарушении
Да, она переворачивает душу, и даже построение каждого такта такое - переворачивающее к добру, вплетение мелодий в аккорды, изменяющее всю структуру из разрозненной на гармоничную! Как синтез чего-то, а душа интуитивнр интерпретирует как синтез в Богочеловека. Ни один больше композитор так не пишет.

Елизавета Судьина   03.02.2025 14:43   Заявить о нарушении