Burning daylight from of night

Yes, this song is a striptease in reverse.
Dressing, not undressing.
It's like a movie in reverse.
Why does no one talk about this?
Yes, I saw the news. The last 5-10 thousand years, everything is the same,
The level of madness is slightly higher than usual, but nothing new.
But the mystery of this song is really news to me.
It is complexity disguised as simplicity, or maybe the other way around.

Your perception would also spin in one direction,
spinning simultaneously in the opposite direction.
How is that possible?
This music has incredible mechanics.
Dressing, not undressing, this sequence is incomprehensible to the brain.

Yes, I understand about the different directions of rotation of the hub and the wheel,
but you must trace their movement along the tread in reverse retrospective order, but moving forward.
Even approximate analogies sound crazy.
A looped movement in a circle is a ring - an orbit.

And all good songs are shaped like a ring too.
Well, imagine, Cossacks, your favorite "black raven" is also a ring.
There the raven circles in the sky for ten verses
and nothing else happens.
But at least it does not change the direction of rotation.

And we get the form of rotation.
Next time I will write a poem about a potter's wheel.
And you can even imagine it in advance.
Thank you, I so hope it's a compliment.

Have you decided to dissect music today?
It's a futile exercise, you know, like searching for the philosopher's stone.
Yes, I am an alchemist today.
Then weigh the components and put them in a flask and a test tube.
Don't forget to measure, calculate the kinetic and potential impulses of motion,
Otherwise I will not give you the honorary fool's cap.

You did not say what song it is.
Who knows, knows.
And by the way, it's not a ring, the painting there is different.
It's just that when perception works in the primitive mode,
it perceives a circle, a square and a triangle in everything.
Yes, in fact, a primitive on a plane is just a polygon.
Yes, it's even worse than expected.
Thank you.

But dressing, not undressing, this sequence is incomprehensible to the brain.
As if life went in reverse order,
began with death and ended with birth.
And a healed bone would turn into a culminating fracture of the leg with each passing day,
for example.
Such a reverse retrospection can drive you crazy.
If time moved in the opposite direction.
Dressing is undressing in reverse.
Meetings would happen from the end to the beginning.
And a cut on a finger would not heal with each passing day, but on the contrary, would move towards the moment of an awkward movement of a knife.
Ouija, stop racking my brains, without Mr. Whiskey I have nothing to answer
and I can hardly even imagine such a wild sequence of time.

That's right, without a nagual there is never a game for anyone.
And how can you not imagine this reverse sequence of time if you live in it? Take a closer look.

Yes, I wonder what the naguals of all these crazy monsters are? Who are they following?
The word "following" here is an unacceptable distortion of the essence of what is happening.
And it is better for you not to know this in any case.
Without a close look at the sequence of time, you still will not understand it.

This sequence is linear from beginning to end, not in all aspects.
It is only the habit of breaking everything down into primitives that prevents you from seeing this.
Maybe you are a cubist? Picasso? At least he had a cube shape.

No, a cut first gets hurt, then everything heals linearly, I checked.
And for me a polygon is any shape.
Time is not a form - a different matter,
But a lumberjack, an axe master, approaches everything with an axe.
Thank you.
You're welcome.

Time cannot be turned into an ecorche stump,
That an excessive simplification of an exhibit already without skin.
Time has no edges or facets,
But there is a reverse sequence of the course.
And the ending influences the beginning.
By the way, what ended before it began,
You can describe a view from such a position
A reverse retrospective where the past is the future.

Yes, "back to the future"
Thank you Ouija, I've already taken a break from work,
and these are generally abnormal thoughts for a sober person.

And they are very banal, there are plenty of such fantasy novels.

Who you are is determined by who you will be,
How a person died determines how he lives.
And not vice versa
This influence is in the opposite direction.

Yes, there is no need to be surprised then,
apparently I died, then, choking on a bun.
And this event in the future, inevitably acts in the present,
And that is why I am constantly puzzled by all sorts of nonsense.

Yes, this movie is always shown in reverse, and begins where the end is.
Linearity is illusory.
I hope we have discovered a complete ignorance of science fiction,
Surely all this has been written long ago.

Undoubtedly. Only this is not an exercise for the mind.
What you are now affects what you were before.
Yes? Every morning I generally doubt
that there is some kind of connection of inheritance of qualities with yesterday's person.
But there is. Assess the degree of responsibility to your past.

Well, I see that I from the future did not succeed too much there,
judging by my mood today.
You just need to feel this tension,
And not translate it into the category of funny flat puzzles.

All these tasks are not for waking up at all.
Exactly! But you haven't woken up at all.

I'm spending my last nicotine interestingly after all.
The person "I'm from the future" is probably a very boring person, since it affects my naive past brains for her.
I am a stack of sheets of time and the entire weight of all the sheets lies as a load on the first sheet?
It turns out that a person does have a destiny after all.
Of course. Only it's not how he imagines it.
Yes, I understood the connection of personal times - a striptease in reverse.

Well, some even have a cancan in reverse.
It's symmetrical!
The sequence is the opposite of the cancan in time,
it will only replace the dancers' legs in a mirror image,
And otherwise nothing will change at all.
Left-handers are not obtained according to this principle in this concept?
Then there is nothing to worry about: the same thing, from the end to the beginning, as from the beginning to the end -
We do not change in time, no matter how you turn us.

Shame on Ouija, probably to have such frivolous thoughts against the backdrop of such serious world events.
No, thank you for being reckless enough for that, at least.
There is something wrong with imaginary rationality either, because...
Well, mirrored and upside down, and at the same time, it is turned upside down.
But does rationality at least reflect recklessness?
Imagine, no.
Everything that concerns the mind has absolute autonomy,
This can be a prison, and it can be freedom.

And so I see that Freedom always speaks only of prison.
Recklessness with such a range of paths is a good choice.
Ouija, it seems we have gone too far, it's time to go home.

How could I not understand! Forgive me, I copied everything from Nabokov.

It happened unconsciously.
the concept was called "transparent things",
of course, it was about something else,
but I'll nudge him in the elbow now so that he would also include my overvalued ideas in his text.
Familiar? Are you crazy, of course not.
Ouija, not only him? Don't scare me.

But just in case, I admit I copied ideas, probably everything from everyone,
Where else, because I don't have my own.
"But I don't remember this, because I have retrograde amnesia and deja vu"
I definitely copied this from a movie too. "deja vu".

In general, I think I don't have deja vu but jema vu.
Well, that's when you recognize something that hasn't happened yet.
"yet" or "at all".
Ouija, stop racking my brain right now,
it's only standing on three legs anyway.

Google, thx.
