( https://suno.com/song/b55e5de5-70c3-4765-ab38-451e24d4589b )
Блуждать в сквозняках и меж гномов цинизма скитаться,
Лететь меж грозой мимолетной, как сорванный лист.
Течь кровью во времени, солью от слова живою остаться,
Как может ребёнок небес, что начально и робок и чист.
Смотреть на закат скоротечный, на море солёное крова,
И слышать грозу в облаках, от печального слова земного...
Мирить меланхолию дней и желанье вернуться к основам,
Вопрос пробуждённый рождает в сомненьях ответ.
По клавишам дней пробегать и звучать каждой нотой,
Никто не ответит, летит самолетик средь бури с пилотом,
За синий полог прописных холодов и калёных закатов,
Чтоб хлебушек где-то тихонько крошить и кормить снегирей...
* * *
Wandering drafts, where cynicism collides,
Whispers of shadows, where doubt softly hides.
Fly through the storm like a leaf cast away,
Flowing as blood, holding salt to stay.
Gaze at the sunset, fleeting and red,
Where seas brim with blood from words left unsaid.
Hear how the thunderclouds echo and cry,
Touched by the earth’s heavy sorrowful sigh.
Through days run like notes, each moment shines bright,
Each stands on its own in life’s fleeting flight.
No answers are needed if kindness prevails,
And crumbs feed the bullfinch through cold winter gales.
Beyond the blue veil of the frost and the fire,
The airplane ascends, ever reaching up higher.
Through fleeting sunsets, through storms in the skies,
Carry crumbs of love where true kindness lies.
I see, my dove, how your heart hides away,
Like a secret, whispered at the break of day.
And the cloud in the sky rests, like a letter on a desk,
Unopened, its words lost in the silent dusk.
But you know, my dove, when you're left all alone,
The Lord comes to you, and in His hand, crumbs of bread.
* * *
[Musical Style: Blues, Slow Tempo, Electric Guitar, Bass, Drums, Piano, Harmonica, Soulful Vocals]
[Key: A minor]
[Time Signature: 4/4]
[Tempo: 70 bpm, Blues Style]
[Verse 1]
[Chords: Am, Dm, Am, E7]
[Soft Electric Guitar: playing slow, clean riff]
[Bass Guitar: plays simple root notes with light walking]
[Drums: with brush sticks, soft snare hits]
[Piano: with light, soulful chord support]
Wandering drafts, where cynicism collides,
Whispers of shadows, where doubt softly hides.
Fly through the storm like a leaf cast away,
Flowing as blood, holding salt to stay.
[Verse 2]
[Chords: Am, Dm, Am, E7]
[Electric Guitar: continues slow riff, slightly bending notes]
[Bass Guitar: adds more movement with soft walking]
[Drums: maintain soft rhythm]
[Piano: provides subtle chords]
Gaze at the sunset, fleeting and red,
Where seas brim with blood from words left unsaid.
Hear how the thunderclouds echo and cry,
Touched by the earth’s heavy sorrowful sigh.
[Chords: F, E7, Am, E7]
[Harmonica: adds melodic, soulful fills]
[Electric Guitar: plays simple lead riff between vocal phrases]
[Bass Guitar: moves more freely with walking notes]
[Drums: introduce a slightly stronger backbeat]
[Piano: adds accents to the melody]
Through days run like notes, each moment shines bright,
Each stands on its own in life’s fleeting flight.
No answers are needed if kindness prevails,
And crumbs feed the bullfinch through cold winter gales.
[Verse 3]
[Chords: Am, Dm, Am, E7]
[Electric Guitar: plays slow, expressive lead lines with bends]
[Bass Guitar: follows the chord changes with slight syncopation]
[Drums: return to softer brush strokes]
[Piano: adds tender chords]
Beyond the blue veil of the frost and the fire,
The airplane ascends, ever reaching up higher.
Through fleeting sunsets, through storms in the skies,
Carry crumbs of love where true kindness lies.
[Chords: F, E7, Am]
[Harmonica: plays a soulful melodic break]
[Electric Guitar: provides soft fills in the background]
[Bass Guitar: lightly follows chord changes]
[Drums: play slow, soft rhythm with emphasis on snare]
[Piano: plays chord progression with a subtle, emotive touch]
I see, my dove, how your heart hides away,
Like a secret, whispered at the break of day.
And the cloud in the sky rests, like a letter on a desk,
Unopened, its words lost in the silent dusk.
[Verse 4]
[Chords: Am, Dm, Am, E7]
[Harmonica: provides soft, soulful accents]
[Electric Guitar: plays slow melodic phrases]
[Bass Guitar: adds deeper root notes]
[Drums: return to soft brushwork]
[Piano: gently accompanies with chords]
But you know, my dove, when you're left all alone,
The Lord comes to you, and in His hand, crumbs of bread.
* * *
Title: Airplan
( https://suno.com/song/e7adf878-4852-4619-bf8e-fa788f985cd8 )*v.1
( https://suno.com/song/a4e71a85-b5fb-4fed-9ea0-dd81b0fa0f4a )*v.2
*v.1 [Musical Style: Illbient Alternative Rock / Dark Coptic, operatic female vocals, atmospheric and dramatic, blending heavy textures with ethereal elements][Tempo: 85 BPM]
*v.2 [Musical Style: Dark Folk/Neofolk, haunting atmosphere, cinematic textures, tribal percussion, deep male chanting (with introspective nuances)][Tempo: 90 BPM]
[Meter: 4/4][Key: D minor]
[Instrumentation: Electric Guitar, Synth Pads, Electronic Bass, Drum Machine, Orchestral Strings, Operatic Female Vocals, Additional Percussion, Subtle Choir]
[Effects: Heavy Reverb, Analog Tape Delay, Distorted Ambient Textures, Occasional Glitch Effects, Dark Room Ambiance]
[Post Production: Use soft limiter & multi-band compressor on Bass & Drum Machine; apply low-cut filter to remove sub-bass, preventing clipping/distortion.]
[Intro: 8 bars]
[Electric Guitar Riff: Dm – Gm – Am – Dm (with ethereal synth pads)]
[Instructions: Atmospheric synth textures and a haunting electric guitar riff set the mood; operatic vocals introduce a sustained, descending phrase]
[Verse 1: 16 bars]
[Electric Guitar: (Dm – Am – Gm – Dm) x3]
[Operatic Vocal Melody: Counter-melody complementing the guitar progression]
Блуждать в сквозняках и меж гномов цинизма скитаться,
Лететь меж грозой мимолетной, как сорванный лист.
Течь кровью во времени, солью от слова живою остаться,
Как может ребёнок небес, что начально и робок и чист.
[Instructions: Layered electric guitar and synth pads underpin the deep, expressive female vocals; a steady alternative rock pulse supports the reflective text]
[Chorus: 8 bars]
[Electric Guitar: Dm – Gm – Am – Dm]
[Operatic Vocal Melody: Bold and soaring, emphasizing harmonic roots]
Смотреть на закат скоротечный, на море солёное крова,
И слышать грозу в облаках, от печального слова земного...
Мирить меланхолию дней и желанье вернуться к основам,
Вопрос пробуждённый рождает в сомненьях ответ.
[Instructions: Powerful guitar strums and layered operatic vocals drive the section; heavy percussion and subtle choir backing add dramatic weight]
[Verse 2: 16 bars]
[Electric Guitar: (Dm – Am – Gm – Dm) x3]
[Operatic Vocal Melody: Softens to convey introspection, with gentle dynamic nuances]
По клавишам дней пробегать и звучать каждой нотой,
Никто не ответит, летит самолетик средь бури с пилотом,
За синий полог прописных холодов и калёных закатов,
Чтоб хлебушек где-то тихонько крошить и кормить снегирей...
[Instructions: Minimal instrumentation with focus on vocal expression and ambient synth layers; electric guitar remains atmospheric]
[Bridge: 8 bars]
[Electric Guitar: Gm – Dm – Am – Dm]
[Operatic Vocal/Instrumental: Orchestral strings join, with vocal ad-libs and dynamic trills]
[Instructions: A dramatic build with glitch effects and rapid percussive elements; the operatic vocals ascend with arpeggios and expressive trills, intensifying the tension]
[Final Chorus: 8 bars]
[Electric Guitar: Bb – Am – Dm]
[Operatic Vocal Melody: Reaches peak intensity with sustained high notes]
[Lyrics: (Repeat Chorus)]
[Instructions: Full instrumental intensity with layered operatic vocals and orchestral backing; the final vocal statement is powerful and resolute]
[Outro: 8 bars]
[Electric Guitar: Dm – Gm – Am – Dm]
[Operatic Vocal Melody: Concludes with an emotive, descending phrase]
[Instructions: Gradual fade-out of guitar and synth textures, leaving a lingering operatic echo to conclude the piece]
* * *
Airplane — © 2025 (Alex Sikorsky lyrics) v.2.2S
( https://suno.com/song/29daaf1c-09c8-4e15-9448-2e75e08d92c0 )
( https://suno.com/song/a8afdce1-faf4-4efa-88b2-9c83f1b3431a )
Musical Style:
[Style: Blues-metal fusion, darkwave elements, atmospheric piano and wah guitar]
[tempo: 80 BPM]
[key: A minor (7 semitone modulation in chorus)]
[Vocal style: male/female vocal]
Musical prompt:
[intro: (8 bars)]
[instrumentation: Grand Piano, Electric Guitar (Wah & Flanger), Funk Bass, Synth Layers]
[effects: Chorusing, Darkwave-style reverb, Off-set soundscapes]
[Grand Piano: Legato part, plays the main theme in A minor]
[Electric Guitar: Wah-filter, sliding between notes, light flageolet sound]
[Funk Bass: Deep, dry fingerpicking, moderate staccato]
[Synth Layers: Dark background pulse with reverb]
[verse 1: (16 bars)]
[chords: A minor – C major – G major – D minor]
[Electric Guitar: Clean blues solo sound, expressive glissandos]
[Funk Bass: Countermelody with variations, diversifies the movement]
[Drums: Light ghost notes on snare drum, accents on hi-hat]
[Synth: Light background drone for atmosphere]
Блукаючі чернетки, де стикається цинізм,
Шепіт тіней, де тихо ховається сумнів.
Летіть крізь шторм, як скинутий лист,
Тече, як кров, утримує сіль, щоб залишитися.
[chorus: (8 bars)]
[chords: (Transposed) D minor – G major – A major – E minor]
[Piano: Legato, expressive melody, emphasis on upper voice]
[Guitar: Flanger + Wah, accent shifting, double notes]
[Bass: Tight groove, moderate drive, eighth notes on the same level]
[Drums: Ride cymbal added to emphasize the rhythm]
Дивись на захід сонця, швидкоплинний і червоний,
Де моря наповнюються кров'ю від невимовлених слів.
Почуй, як лунають і плачуть грозові хмари,
Зворушений тяжким скорботним зітханням землі.
[verse 2: (16 bars)]
[chords: A minor – C major – G major – D minor]
[Guitar: Increased attack, more dynamics, light overdrive]
[Drums: Syncopated beats added, transition to open hi-hat]
[Background Synths: Light background with atmospheric layers, plays long notes]
Крізь дні біжать, як ноти, кожна мить сяє яскраво,
Кожен стоїть сам по собі в швидкоплинному польоті життя.
Не потрібні відповіді, якщо доброта перемагає,
А крихти годують снігура крізь холодні зимові шторми.
[bridge: (8 bars)]
[chords: D minor – E major – A minor]
[Guitar: Experimental slide transitions, vibrato]
[Synth: Powerful darkwave transition, deep reverb]
[Bass: Funky rhythm, active groove, syncopations]
[Drums: Tom fills, preparation for the final rise]
За синьою пеленою морозу й вогню,
Літак піднімається вгору, піднімаючись все вище.
Крізь швидкоплинні заходи сонця, крізь бурі в небі,
Несіть крихти любові там, де справжня доброта.
[chorus (reprise): (8 bars)]
[modulation: +7 semitones]
[Piano: Ascending stroke, creates a build-up effect]
[Guitar: Intense Wah + Flanger, rich staccato]
[Bass: Clear octaves, dense sound]
[Drums: Powerful percussion finale, double bass drum in the last bars]
Я бачу, моя голубко, як твоє серце ховається,
Як таємниця, прошепотіла на світанку.
А хмара в небі лежить, як лист на столі,
Нерозкритий, його слова губилися в мовчазних сутінках.
[outro: (8 bars)]
[Guitar: Repeating motif with wah effect, fade-out]
[Synth: Atmospheric drifting background, filter modulation]
[Bass: Decreasing number of notes, gradual fading]
[Drums: Final snare drum hit with reverb]
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