
Make Orwell fiction again,
Make me better than Stan.
Now I'll write you a letters
About what really matters:

This world was comparable to asphodel,
It was beautiful, like anemone,
Like the singing of a golden-voiced oriole,
It was like the shimmer of a beautiful melody.
Bobolink competed with jonquil,
The clouds bloomed like scarlet amaryllis,
Curled like young tendril,
Space was filled with Time, chalice
Was filled with a happy destiny,
Marigolds bloomed in the meadow,
Illuminated by epiphany,
Granting eternal freedom,
Eternity preached liberty;
There was silence, calm, ethereal
Tranquility revealed Infinity,
Until the heinous betrayal
Happened, the little fawn
Looked at the frozen thrush,
The red flames of dawn
Illuminated the faceless hush.
And our whole dear, halcyon
World was subjected to oblivion,
The birds stopped singing, the camellia
Withered, nature raised a rebellion,
Darkness fell, murmuring
Is heard from the shadows, cerulean
Light descended from the constellation,
Marked complete perfection,
Caused a bright flame of inspiration,
Extinguished uncontrollable passion,
Their chieftain called the chimes,
Which struck several times,
The universe of boundless madness
Has called into the world the luminous,
Absolutely evil and nefarious,
Faceless, bodiless and nameless
Creatures covered in vile husk,
Bending like ancient damask,
They composed a lullaby on gossamer,
Spread myrrh like oleander.
Bliss thickens with mint mist,
The somnambulist makes a list
Of things he would like to gobble
While he is alive. Trouble
Is approaching him like an aurora,
Not letting him go like a book hangover,
And these creatures are huge like a galaxy,
They are not familiar with delicacy.
Eloquence is their main faith,
They feed on human guilt,
Our bright dreams, the faint
Soul beckons them, nightmares are built
From frequent innuendo,
Bringing with them duende.
Solitude will open the cellar door
Leading to the lost petrichor,
He will write all over the papyrus,
Express in simple words susurrus,
The phosphene we see will eclipse the demure,
The dirt will instantly cover the pure,
A naive fool will see ineffable,
Well-fed but insatiable,
Fleeting but sempiternal,
Predictable but unbelievable,
He will never stop twinkle,
Even if the world bubble
Bursts. Flame host will crush us like a peach,
Gutsy heart will become a simple glitch.

And when you see the faded silhouette,
The plethora of vile, decadent,
Dank, quintessential, aerial,
Indescribable, abnormal,
Unnameable, unutterable,
Ululating and mortal
Creatures will come
To the sound of the drum.
He is ancient and eldritch,
A frightening dark charnel,
Reeking of a terrible stench,
And we are just gambrel.
An ancient, long-bearded antiquarian
Will create a monstrous, cyclopean,
Squamous and hideous,
Disgusting and blasphemous,
Cruel and amorphous,
Writhing and accursed,
Mountain-like and bloodstained,
Sickening and loathsome
And not at all handsome,
Ugly and non-Euclidean,
Eternally silent, but noisome,
Destructive and daemoniac,
Hunchbacked and wry-necked,
Destroyed and batty,
Tiny but deceptively vasty,
Worn out Brave New World,
But will block the path with a bollard.

But what if these creatures are us,
Destroying ourselves so quickly?
Maybe we should arrange a blast
So bright, kind and lovely,
Which will destroy the infection
And this entire rotten collection.

