17-23. разбор одного украшения. окончание, но есть

ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ. Текст писался практически сразу в трех, четырех файлах, один за одним, до 17-25.
В фильме Французского Т. В. по гробнице Тутанхамона представлено несколько вещей, что, почему по “ ошибке” не Тутанхамона положили при закрытии в его гробницу. Почему Реально положили, или после из некой разграбленной гробницы. При чем снова упоминается имя Меритатон, что почему то считается уже сестрой Тутанхамона, хотя нет ни одного сюжета, что он, сын Нефертити, как впрочем, какой то иной царицы. Нет данных, но зачем тогда фантазировать. Качество фото предметов в фильме не очень, но важнее –компьютерная прорисовка, что на этом
фрагментеа это  “ вдалбливание” информации! И я рисую, но это рисунок на бумаге, что Дополняется и часто, фото, особенно это важно, когда качество исходного снимка не очень! Но если нет Четких очертаний иероглифов, но вам витиевато убеждают, что  Меритатон, и положила, и это украшение, НЕ ПОКАЗАВ его качественно, и бац - рисуют на экране- Возможные? иероглифы, то это насторожит и подспудно вы начинаете думать, и анализировать. Такой вал информации по нашей теме, вам “ Подсовывается ответ!” Вот  кадр с Прорисовкой по видео, а не на фотрафии Вроде бы- доказано, а на самом деле в фильме –нет информации! Подробней о этом фильме! Он довольно большой, обычно сенсации- не более десяти минут, и разобраны  в том фильме десятки предметов из гробницы Тутанхамона! Вроде бы приближение к некой “ Разгадке”, но! Не для Чапаева!
Что это? Это фрагмент, рисунок здесь. В реальности это золотая пластинка. Полное фото есть в Каталоге- путеводителе по Каирскому музею, и там написано,  не уточнено, что всего пластин шесть,/ в книге Картера уже восемь, но он пишет про некие воротники, что возможно надевались восьмью жрецами в момент закрытия гробницы/.  Но они ее собирались в некий ящик, ларец, а существуют сами по себе, отдельно.. Так и дали бы все пластинки в фото, все же чем больше текста иероглифами, тем точнее ответ! Но там была интрига, а это уже фото, тут часть той же пластинки, и это кусочек так до 3-4 сантиметров, тут указан картуш Тутанхамона справа, что бы не запутаться вам,  и есть ПРОРИСОВКА по фильму это средняя часть, и _Фигурка с солнцем на левой части _ Сын Ра слева, но_ Птичка  тут с Хохолком, и явно не_  Утка! Мелочей нет, и к индефикации иероглифа надо относиться осторожно. Но с Хохолком птичка – hu - иероглиф –Hu-itn, это и есть имя в картуше= “ Эхнатон”! Может, ларец его, Аменхотепа Четвертого изначально - Эхнатона! Примечание:
- В том момент, КОГДа на экране появился Возможный прежний, уничтоженный картуш, Марк
Гобольт говорит:
-  -  “ Интуитивно тут Эти иероглифы!- мол, так ему кажется”! И, такого Расплывчатого
толкования и по другим предметам несколько! Он-Утверждает, но ты тут видишь те иероглифы в середине?!! Я ломал с этим картушем неделю голову, и возможно, если бы поверх некой монеты, ее зачеканили, и перебили другую, я бы может догадался, но дал бы соображения более развернуто, а не парой слов! По тому у меня такие длинные тексты по неким темам. Что в фильме предмет мелькнул с МИНУТУ! В Каталоге Каирского музея под этой пластинкой просто: “” картуш Тутанхамона перебит по старому картушу!” Как зацепка, слабая! Иероглифы Тутанхамона втиснуты в старую рамку, то есть старый картуш примерно такого был размера.
Ни в коем случае! В чем интрига. Вы видите, что картуш справа выбит вновь, и он очень Груб, и видно Позолота молотком или чем еще забита, тут углубление, и остались риски от старого картуша! Интрига. И, это свойство Интернет. Заинтересовать, но как доказать, что там  изначально картуш, что в середине тут Дорисован. Это предположение, а Марк Гобольт, так он представлен -археологом и фильм, так около 2000 года вышел что, он придерживается теории, что предметы в гробницу положила, и ее картуш перебит под картуш Тутанхамона- царицей Меритатон. Проходная теория, еще в 1922 году на некие предметы, раньше про набор акварельных красок от Меритатон предположил Картер в его книге. Но в книге Картера “ Гробница Тутанхамона” нет ни одного текста, именно в книге иероглифами, а есть, конечно, текст на фото, и на саркофагах. То есть- это Описание, там много чего по вещам, цвет, тип камней, стеклянных вставок, на саркофаге, или на ларцах, но нет именно текста в описании, и тут имя Меритатон, и повторно через сто лет Марк Гобольт в фильме! А эти фильмы не только в Интернет, но цитирует и наше Т.В, при чем- постоянно! Но не все в этом фильме- интрига, но есть, конечно, данные, но нет выводов, вот пример такой подачи материала. По просьбе, и для туриста и любителя сенсаций в фильме снимают стеклянный короб с погребальных сеней. Большая она, можно войти нее, не сгибаясь. Что же- реальные размеры показаны, и аналогично в Кв. 55. Что там? На саркофаге в Кв. 55 вставки, и там вставки ПО НОВОЙ_ Фараон, и _Царица с десяток исправлений текста под царицу- фараон!  Я подробно описал раньше саркофаг!. Значит,  саркофаг в гробнице царицы Тии имел мумию царицы фараон по рангу. Но этого нет во всем Интернет. Это реальный факт, но берется цитата именно по книге Перепелкина “ Тайна золотого гроба”, Археолога, но это его Предположение!
Так как основа сайтов часто опирается на выводы, что дает Перепелкин, что мудрить по - пустому- книга на русском, цитируй!  То многие не поняли простую вещь, он отошел от утверждений в книге, и не дал вывод реально. Так он написал “ по ошибке в тексте на пятке Оставлен иероглиф_ Женская фигурка- это тактическая ошибка. В книге он дает на рисунке пятки саркофага, где показано, как раз пунктиром, Вставки и две вставки, и одна за другой_ Фараон_ Женщина. И есть еще __ Женская фигурка, вторая осталась от старого текста. Да,  осталась, от старого текста! Перепелкин прошел мимо слова фараон- женщина, и от него и идут –Регенты. Нечто не внятное, и проход мимо цариц- фараон в прорисовках в Амарне так же.! Все же по картушу, что я заметил сразу. Вверху имя бога Амона, и ниже что часть имени “ Тут- анх- амон”, иероглифы вверху видно не четкие и некие риски от старых знаков остались. Должно начало  имени, верх картуша писаться так_Перо_Грядка со всходами_Волнистая линия-I-mn-n =Амон. Только, Зная, как пишутся знаки реально, можно прочесть имя бога Амона, что выбито повторно очень грубо.
В имени Тутанхамона в середине картуша должна быть_ Перепелка- U –буква, “ T-U-t –anh-imn”/и _ Перепелка, и есть буква -У- звучит как в слове – “ утро”. Сам иероглиф Большой, длинный, я не понимал, почему зад иероглифа_ Перепелка, как бы поджимает иероглифом –анх. Все просто_ если не __Перепелка, а например_ Утка_ Сокол_ Журавль тут был с__  Солнце на спине, то это соответственно –сын богов Ра, Гора, или Атона. Но если прочеканить иероглиф, как  буква -Т – как то это и есть иероглиф- anh , тогда если вверху изначально было имя не Амона, а Атона, и Птица__ Журавль, то это картуш Эхнатона, Аменхотепа Четвертого. Кроме того, на пластинке, в другом месте, есть четкий иероглиф_ Журавль, его я приметил, именно –хохолок, и именно с Хохолком на голове. В одном картуше но Древнего царства есть _ Три журавля, но у них хохолок, перья на груди. То есть это _ Простой, и Венценосный вид журавля у Эхнатона в картуше, как бы семейный знак. Что то выходит, и некая Логическая конструкция!  На пластине кулик - ибис, то есть бог Тот.
Даже в этой главе. Что я конкретно сделал?   Чапаев смотрит картуши Аменхотепа Четвертого что ли. Что настораживает! Это уточнение. Журавль не с_ Солнце, а_ Кружок заштрихован, букв-h, так и _Журавль-  иероглиф-Hu! Hu- itn, Так иероглифами пишется имя = Эхнатон, Солнце  с точкой в середине круга – бог Ра. Но возможен, и второй вариант! Не первый, а  Второй картуш, их всего у него –три, Эхнатона другой картуш переделан. Да, при составлении странички несколько раз надо сверять рисунки картушей! А вот это и не делается и в книгах и фильмах. Прорисовку по видео это можно сделать, но это не доказательство! Так как, многое в прорисовке не соответствует тому, как и какие иероглифы, реально, в реальных картушах писали египтяне. Это Грамматика, и если я точно не скажу, чей картуш переделан, то ошибки я могу указать именно в прорисовках к этому фильму, и ошибок много. Это разберется позже, после описание всех вещей, что не имели картуш Тутанхамона, и это не одна вещь, а десятки. Чьи? Там то картуш четкий? Тогда в чем сомнение! Тут слово “ Сомнение, и есть вывод!” Подумай над последним предложением. Подумал, тогда я могу кратко или не очень рассказать о том,  почему можно писать про Египет, и надеюсь, что я это делаю толково…17-23.…
……………………..ПЕРЕВОД…СТРАНИЦЫ 17-40 НИЖЕ………………
THE NOTE. The text was written practically at once in three, four files, one behind one, till 17-25  in list.
In film French Т. В. on гробнице/tomb Тутанхамона some things are submitted, that why by "mistake" not Тутанхамона have put at closing in it(him) гробницу///. Why Really have put, or after from certain plundered гробницы/tomb. At what the name Меритатон is again mentioned, that why that is considered already as sister Тутанхамона, though there is no plot, that he, son Нефертити, as however, with what that of other empress. There are no data, but what for then to dream. Quality of a photo of subjects in film not so, but more important computer portrayal, that on it
Фрагмент/ little chip it " " вдалбливание/ say this not threw is " the information! And I draw, but it is figure on a paper, that the photo Is supplemented and often,, it is especial important, when quality of an initial picture not so! But if there are No precise outlines of hieroglyphs, but you витиевато/ say as I say//// convince, what Меритатон, and has put, and this ornament, NOT HAVING SHOWN it(him) is qualitative, and бац - draw on the screen Possible(probable)? Hieroglyphs, it guards and подспудно/well you begin to think, and to analyze. Such shaft of the information on our theme, Is palmed off on you " the answer! " The staff with a Portrayal till a video, instead of on фотрафии Like is proved, and actually in film there is no information! More in detail about this film! He rather large, is usual sensations no more than ten minutes, and are disassembled in that film of tens subjects from гробницы Тутанхамона! Like approach(approximation) to certain " to a Solution ", but! Not for Чапаева!
What is it? It is a fragment. In a reality it is a gold plate more precisely gilt wall ларца up to 10 см maximal length her(it). The complete photo is in the Catalogue the guidebook on Каирскому to a museum, and there is written, is not specified, that all of plates up to ten, so much them are necessary on all ларец/ bug. And would give all of a plate in a photo, nevertheless than more text by hieroglyphs, the more precisely answer! But there there was an intrigue, and it already photo, here part of the same plate, and is a slice so up to 3-4 centimeters, here is specified картуш / name Тутанхамона on the right what to not get confused to you, and there is a PORTRAYAL on film it is an average part, and _Фигурка/ simbol/ -jair with the sun on the left part _ the Son Ра at the left, но_ the Birdy here with Хохолком /round waves, and is obvious не_ a Duck! The trivialities no, and it is necessary to concern to identification of a hieroglyph cautiously. But with Хохолком////Wings on his head a birdy - hu - hieroglyph -Hu-itn, it also is a name in картуше = "Эхнатон"! Can, ларец//// it(him), Аменхотепа Fourth initially - Эхнатона! The note:
- In that the moment, WHEN on the screen has appeared Possible(probable) former, destroyed картуш, Марк
Гобольт speaks:
- - " Intuitively here These hieroglyphs! - the pier, so seems to him "! And, such Blurred
Interpretation and in other subjects a little! He - affirms, but you here see those hieroglyphs in middle?!! I broke with it картушем/ name week a head, and it is possible, if atop of a certain coin, her(it) зачеканили, and have interrupted another, I can has guessed, but would give reasons is more developed(more unwrapped), instead of pair of words! On that at me such long texts on certain themes. That in film the subject has flashed about ONE MINUTE! In the Catalogue Каирского of a museum under this plate it is simple: " " картуш Тутанхамона перебит/ do one time on old картушу////! " As зацепка, weak! The hieroglyphs Тутанхамона are squeezed in an old framework, that is old картуш about such was of the size.
In no event! In what an intrigue. You see, that картуш on the right выбит again, and he Is very rough, and the Gilding by a hammer or than still забита/ kut/ pressing /chekanka, here deepening is visible, and there were risks from old картуша! An intrigue. And, this property the Internet. To interest, but how to prove, that there is primary картуш, that in middle here Дорисован/ paint. This assumption, and Марк Гобольт, so he is submitted -археологом and film, so about 2000 has left that, he adheres to the theory, that subjects in гробницу has put, and her(it) картуш перебит/ name first broken under картуш//name Тутанхамона- Меритатон. The through passage theory, in 1922 on certain subjects, earlier about a set of water colour paints from Меритатон has assumed Картер in his(its) book. But in the book Картера " Гробница Тутанхамона " there is no text, in the book by hieroglyphs, there is certainly, a text on a photo, and on саркофагах/coffins. That is is a Description, there it is a lot of that on things, colour, type of stones, glass inserts, on саркофаге, or on ларцах, but there is no text in the description, and here name Меритатон, and repeatedly in hundred years Марк Гобольт in film! And these films not only in the Internet, but are quoted also by(with) ours Т.В, at what is constant! But not all in this film the intrigue, but is, certainly, data, but there are no conclusions, example of such submission of a material. At the request, and for the tourist and fan(amateur) of sensations in film remove glass короб with погребальных сеней/ sepulchral canopy. Large she, is possible enter it(her) not being bent. That the real sizes are shown, and is similar in Kv. 55. What there? On саркофаге in Kv. 55 inserts, and there inserts ON НОВОЙ_ Фараон/king, and _Царица/ Queen about ten corrections of the text under empress фараон! I in detail have described earlier саркофаг!. Means, саркофаг in гробнице/tomb empress Тии had a mummy empress фараон on a rank. But it no in all the Internet. It is the real fact, but the citation under the book Перепелкина " Secret of a gold coffin ", Археолога undertakes, but it is his(its) Assumption!
As the basis of sites often leans(bases) on conclusions, that gives Перепелкин, that мудрить on - empty book on русском, quote! That many have not understood a simple thing, he has departed the statements in the book, and has not given a conclusion really. So he has written " by a mistake in the text on пятке Is left иероглиф_ Female фигурка/ symbol- it is a tactical mistake. In the book he gives in figure пятки саркофага, where the Woman is shown, just by dotted line, Inserts and two inserts, and one for другой_ Фараон_/king. Also is still __ Female фигурка///, second has remained from the old text. Yes, has remained, from the old text! Перепелкин has passed by a word фараон- the woman, and from him(it) and go -Регенты. Something not distinct, and pass by empress фараон in portrayals in Амарне as.! Nevertheless on картушу/name, that I have noticed at once. Above name of the god Амона, and is lower that a part of a name Here анх- амон, иерглифы above it is visible not precise and certain risks from old marks have remained. Owes began of a name, top картуша//// to be written так_Перо/wing _Грядка with всходами_Волнистая/ waves a line - I-mn-n =Амон. Only, Knowing, as the marks really are written, it is possible to read a name of the god Амона, that выбито/press is repeatedly very rough.
In a name Тутанхамона in middle картуша the letter, " T-U-t -anh-imn " /and _ Перепелка owes быть_ Перепелка/chicken- U, and there is a letter -У- the morning sounds as in a word -. Hieroglyph Large, long, I did not understand, why back иерглифа_ Перепелка, as though поджимает by a hieroglyph -анх. All просто_ if not __ Перепелка, and например_ Утка/duck_ Сокол_ Журавль here there was about the Sun on a back, it accordingly son of the gods Ра, Mountain, or Атона. But if прочеканить/press now a hieroglyph, as the letter -Т - as that it also is a hieroglyph anh, then if a name not Амона, and Атона, and Bird __ Журавль, it картуш Эхнатона, Аменхотепа Fourth above was primary. Besides on a plate, in the other place, is precise иероглиф_ Журавль, it(him) I have noticed, -хохолок, and with Хохолком on a head. In one картуше but Ancient empire there are _ Three журавля/sterh, but at them хохолок, перья on a breast. That is it _ Idle time, and Венценосный a kind журавля at Эхнатона in картуше/name, as though family mark. That that leaves, and certain Logic design! 
Even in this chapter. What I particularly have made? Whether Чапаев looks картуши/ 3- names Аменхотепа Fourth that. That guards! This specification. Журавль not с_ the Sun, а_ Круужок/ rounb is shaded, letters - h, and _Журавль- a hieroglyph - Hu! Hu- itn, So the hieroglyphs write a name = Эхнатон.
 But is possible(probable), and second variant! Not first, and Second картуш, them all at him(it) three, Эхнатона another картуш/name is altered. Yes, at drawing up страички несколько/ some of time it is necessary to verify figures картушей///! And it also is not done(made) and in the books and films. A portrayal till a video it is possible to make, but it not the proof! As, much in a portrayal not соответстует to that, as well as what hieroglyphs is real, in real картушах the Egyptians wrote. It is Grammar, and if I precisely shall not say, whose картуш/name is altered, mistakes I can specify in portrayals to this film, and it is a lot of mistakes. It will understand later, ambassador the description of all things, that had no картуш Тутанхамона, and it not one thing, and tens. Whose? There that картуш/// precise? Then in what doubt! Here word " Doubt, also is a conclusion! " Think above last offer. Has thought, then I can is brief or not so tell about, why it is possible write about Египет, and I hope, that I do it is explanatory... 17-23 and 17-40...
………………………And translate page 17-40………………………….
It from a comedy, but also in our case that that from водевильчика/ festival is, н not at us! И. so, in столбике, that adjoins to картушу/ name king or Queen at the left с_Перепелка/ chicken, как_Колпак/ sambrero, as on a crown Нефтиды, so its(her) name is written. But, нет/ have not_ an Egg, as here Тутанхамон-Осирис, and Исида, having _ an Egg, that is she(it) the mother Тутанхамона it is not so complex(difficult), and Исида after has collected parts of a body Осириса, so broken off  God Сет, has given rise! Here specification фараона/ king. Probably if it is necessary, Нефтида as can give rise фараона, sister, became to be, that is it till the совремнному-second wife, or empress. As but зеркально написован/ paint _Рот, and _ a Hand = r + a = the god Ра, is possible, not knowing a myth to understand, that the god Ра - their father, and from the god Ра are born not only son the daughter, фараон and empress, but also their mother. Осирис, Нефтида, Исида it is the gods, write of the second echelon of the gods. It in the book is better почтать who at the gods, for example, the wife is! But at Нефтиды there is a difference in the text. После_Рот идет_Прямоугольник, and __ Каравай/ Bread-p+t/ that is = in Paradise! Further bottom __ Фараон/ King-I, and __ a Mouth, " фараон//// in Paradise "! Shorter, second from картуша столбик/ line simbols: - " it(he) Is shorter, is not present - баа - Duck on rise, one is fixed only baa, and her(it) became to be from Исиды the Son unique(sole), as at Исиды_ a Duck, -I -божественность, unique(sole) " will receive Тутанхамон =. Is only тут_Фараон with бородкой/ bear_bierd_, only of time, as differently there would be two фараона, at Исиды иероглифа_Фараон/ simbol King is not present, and a hieroglyph _Глаз, probably, " saw it Исида and Нефтида ".
Столбик at a hand Нефтиды. I repeat – Nефтида/ goodness, at the left. _Горшок кверх ногаами, and _ Фигурка with бородкой_Исида/ goodness and Фараон, it(him) картуши/name here, look as Gracefully - II, but with an interval, that is Исиде- I, the attribute божественности, and on -I Sits Тутанхамон, it(he) is equal to the god, и_ the Man by a hand ПРЕПОДНОИТ, and as _Горшочек/ big cup, and -I, heart Тутанхамона, and Тутанхамон = it(he) Осирис, that is Ideal heart. Likely, on today this exactest perusal, and for a long time it is necessary to explain, that hieroglyphs, as however, the translation of any modern language, is Compilation, that is - Visions, Sense here there are more, than us understandable, words! And, what it is better? And  how many I have spent for the description of this thing three pages five! Well, the art, and it so not absolutely to canons of Art made it Symbolicalally, and decide(solve), and археологи not зря speak = a hieroglyph symbolical, or alphabetic letter! And, also another!
And it not on Grammar. It not Тутанхамона картуши. Перепелка_ costs(stands) пред- анх, and it(he) -анх- should be Behind of her(it). It is conventional картуш Тутанхамона, and so it(he) passes in the Literature. Differently word is created, name not " Here анх- амон ", and "Анх-тут-амон". Is direct as = " Ах! Not it(he) "! Also it is the second case, когда_Анх is rearranged! I like, that it Тутанхамон First more! As if To rearrange - анх in the end _Перепелка, will be Тутанхамон Second.
You видите_ Перепелка/chicken, where клюв/face-there Beginning of the text, but also word in картуше. Тогда/ Well_ Анх here is rearranged, and it is Transformation, or the code of the Following фараона - is considered that, as Тутанхамоном. As was and с_ Скарабей, so as hieroglyphs goes Downwards to a stick in картуше, and then the name Атона with the Sun, and Second Sun below, instead of three hieroglyphs, as here Is understandable, why in картуше on a throne! Then, watch(keep up) -анх before Перепелка///, behind Перепелка///, and еше Transformation it(he) at once -анх- cleans(removes) three bottom hieroglyphs Крюк_ Горшок/ big cup _Папирус/papper, as they have passed and Are used Аменхотепом by Third and Аменхотепом by Fourth, and then the Circle becomes isolated and - анх-переместилмся/ go  downwards Солнце/ Son_Круг/round there is downwards on the second Circle, and _Вода = a Separator between words below картуша/fretwork with name. It turns out, that on a throne Тутанхамона sat still фараон and having картуш changed on this circuit, and it Not known фараон. Then Inside an armchair are represented Тутанхамон and Анхсенамон, and outside картуш new фараона, Тутанхамона Second, and on that there and is not present картуша Анхсенамон. Probably it(she) CANNOT of second time correct, as there will be a mess with its(her) children. To whom then and from a branch empress: Тии, Нефертити, Тиу empress фараона to select a pair фараона/// and empress. That is, here and Чапаев, - good expression.
And on that by empress is farther, at фараоне King Egypt  Хоремхебе was Queen Egypt Мутадженет, that by the is considered - sister Нефертити, and it is quite logical and on нашейТеории passes. Their pair monument Мутадженет and Хоремхеба///// in Каирском a museum., that поведал/ say so  схрон/ in bottom of  in a pedestal of a statue Анубиса. Is written same in the Catalogue Каирского of a museum, but without conclusions, that you have read now. And картуш Тутанхамона with - анх before __ Перепелка- is for subjects, when - Анх faces, and behind _Перепелка///. That is, then there were Тутанхамон One, Two, Three. And this armchair, is exacter - throne поведал/ say it him  сие причъ! And with a chair only Чапаев can and argue, and that if will have a drink, " on - хоремхебится in картуш " = напится in an insole, analogue! In next time, Having read the text, I do(make) a conclusion about which NOT ПОДРЗРЕВАЛ! That there at us! All was opened by(with) mouthes, and have closed, is rhythmical! The dinner means!
P/s. A unique(sole) case, when hieroglyphs everyone are read, are looked ideally! And the conclusion corresponds(meets)!
Here still there is an insert, not in colour. This name иероглифы/ simbols_ Анх=жзнь_ Empress фигурка =ей/ she, and name Макетатон _ Сверутый/press a sheet бумаги/ paper_ a Hand __ a Cup with ручкой_ Каравай it also is -M-a-k-t. and иероглиф_ a Reservoir - separator, и_ Фигурка, she(it). This name on a gold throne, inside mummy Тутанхамона, Тутанхамон, its(her) son? Whereas with a name of other mother, that has картуш on a wall stone саркофага/coffin, and _Рука/ arm here without Пирамидки. It Макетатон, and with пирамидка in a hand a syllable - ta - name М that k- t -атон. And the book Картера can divide(share), as at us three names, what are read, how "Макетатон"? It is the partial answer that have noticed still that years back. A mask on gold саркофаге. And to a mummy Тутанхамона are not similar. Means, Тутанхамон is similar to the father!! Originally!
I shall list that is absolutely not correctly interpreted now. I began very much for a long time, watch(keep up) in the text on a page to assort the confusing history with гробницы sq. 55. Is clear also, why many researchers did(made) the conclusions, beginning and trying the forces with this гробницы. She(it) also is now considered гробницей/tomb most mysteriously фараона of Egypt -Аменхотепа Fourth, that it(he) had a nickname -Эхатон " угодный/pretty to the god Атону " has lead(carried out) reform with this god, as by the main god of Egypt, having entered it(him) on a role of the main god of the Consolidated country, it(he) and has finished this прощесс/ work in Gowerment, that went half 18 Dynasties. All is not soon done(made)!. The complex(difficult) question, but in last pages disappears completely statement, that after Тутанхамон has cancelled the god Атона from the texts, and as though all became on old! The old gods, old laws, and изменеия/ chance  in the letter ичезли/ ending Everything, or nearly so everything, even names those who then corrected by Egypt now цитруются incorrectly, and many the pier " a wind of a History " in a heap, where, actually @ conclusions впихнули/ push we, but not Чапаевъ is courageous. And so, гробница Kv.55 _Ring Volley/ - Valley of kings, or " Врата? Doors group  of kings "! This certain downturn about cities of Cairo, and at the bottom of this natural deepening, котловины/ in bottom, on its(her) day are located, and are dug in a natural eminence, hills in известковых breeds, is cut down now, and up to a floor of hundred гробниц/tomb is open. It Аменхотепы, Тутмосы and Рамсесы, all are buried here, it некрополь of an Average empire. There to bury have begun approximately 4000 years back. At the centre of downturn, there is a natural formation(education) a hill and among гробниц/ tomb Рамсесов, that corrected(ruled) later, have found гробницу in 1907. Its(her) existence guessed in many subjects, that found, and including in Амарне. As, if secret empress Тии it, as " closed on the lock " is гробница Kv.. 55-, a key from this lock in Амарне, in all гробницах////, there them about 26, and there were parts of secret. Very briefly about new capital Ахет- Атоне!
The standard term " the Horizon Атона " has given a name of the god Атона, and word "horizon", translation of a hieroglyph from a word of Mountains. __ Two mountains, and between them всходит also come the Sun, and there is a hieroglyph _ Horizon. Now цитирется/ sat much such theory in a course. Аменхотеп the Fourth senior son Аменхотепа Third and empress Тии, and consequently after 34 years(summer) governments of the father, it(he) 14 years of rules, operated by Egypt not less. As, nevertheless on plots it(he) with Нефертити, instead of with the father and mother, the mummies in sq. 55 not less than 50-60 years, and give from 15 till 30 years, and this age has put forward Теодор Девис, strange calculation of age. All this and weight not стыковок has resulted in that, and documents had ways of search, link to the reports others археологов, that order excavation in Egypt we, both I and you and summarized! Anything new, the same figures are in the books now, but выводы привлечены ‘ it is of centenary prescription! That is incorporated in the text already of reports археолгов/scientists, but is brief about new capital. Let's consider(count), that the authors of many books are not mistaken and on certain стелам and texts leaves that, of years five Аменхотеп Fourth had a court yard in Фивах, ancient capital of Egypt, but after the fifth year of a reign it(he) осел / stop his sityin Амарне, it and is city Ахет- Атон. Why it is necessary for five years to build new capital, it is impossible, as this city by the area up to 3 kilometers in an inhabited part, and still temples, as that is not trusted, that per five years it is possible announce a temple, thus huge, devoted to the new god Атону, that was represented as _Сонечный a disk above гоолвами in frescos. So the plot is easily learned(found out) on _Солнце with beams. On work with the texts and discrepancies выкристализовались the concept of Religious reform, also left, that all was balanced of years for hundred up to Амнхотепа Fourth. It is useful to look after creation of a New dynasty, and it процес further from Эхнатона. But all on рорядку, and pair of words about this, New capital.
Not then, just female estate also stared in all that there were from middle 18 Dynasties. Whenever possible and shortly, as the texts исподволь spoke about it, instead of there is a lot of reform, especially, not correctly clear! If to look after on dates, on a Dynasty it was necessary frequently of 200- 300 years, for example, they were considered on a name of the main god, and it is possible, on city, whence фараон, or on those, or other reasons of city, instead of city as: Moscow or Paris were capital, is exacter from there it came фараон. Here there were on turn gods in картушах, number up to four with 18 till 22 Dynasty Аменхотепы and Рамсесы. Means the god in картуше, in a name varied. It is accepted цитриовать as the main god, but in 18 Dynasties it Амон- Аменхотеп occurs on behalf of this god, and in 19 and two Dynasties corrected(ruled) Рамсесы. It in определенй of a degree Уcловно, as, we look and we specify: And so, the Name of a dynasty Тутмосы, Аменхотепы or Рамсесы, rather conditionally, also is given on a name of one god, but in картуше, and in first, children's gods a little! I shall bring an example: 172_Аменхотеп Fourth, Эхнатон, and Determinant of a sort _ Журавль with хохолком, hieroglyphs in картуше, under the order - картуша figure I resulted, instead of as by the now changed order of hieroglyphs, Greek, altered names фараонов, Аменхотеп Fourth Эхнатон, imperial картуш_ Атон and sun, it сборка_ Перо __ Каравай __ Water __ the Sun __ Журавль, and __ a Circle зачерчен не_ the Sun, and letter - h, and last иероглиф_Вода. As in a name Атона, nevertheless we have understood Солнце_ a Circle the god Ра, then under the order I-t-n-Ra-Hu-n. It not правильно_ the Sun in the assembly - god Атона, nevertheless -Ра the god. For what I write you it:
- On Тутанхамоне, that of rules after Эхнатона, has stopped 18 Dynasties, and as though for fun
Began to correct Рамсесы, the authors sob, and is of two serial films about @@ ютубенный " Тутанхамон. The destruction of a dynasty ", and there, like at Анхсенамон was not of children! But children were in plots, and is not casual, only there, where Аменхотеп Fourth and Нефертити, and before and after in a History of Egypt children in an OFFICIAL stage, WHEN WERE NOT REPRESENTED, and the son Клеопатры Seventh Цезарион, son her(it), and Юдия Цезаря is on a wall of a temple Хатхор in Дендерах! It(he) also was the real Successor. It in what that to a measure happen with Клеопатрой Seventh is identical that was at Хатчепсут. It was necessary to pass to a New Dynasty, as Клеопара Seventh and Птолемеи in the Dynasty corrected(ruled) 300 years, beginning from Александра Македонского! Where it not угомонного of king has brought, ти!! It even what writer not цитрует now, and so, certain love водевиль, with dances and is a little with onions(bows) and arrows. Yes, Плутарх knew, that wrote! Not many analyzed that, not it is not enough, and three династи up to 21 Динавстии- фаронов thirty, but that is interesting, through, щас I shall count! Аменхотеп Fourth Number 172, and Number 186 through 10 фараонов is corrected Меренптах 2 - by(with) a Dynasty 19 - Рамсесы, and in it(him) картуше, first and imperial, as well as in картуше Аменхотепа Fourth _Журавль with хохолком -Hu-n-Ra-stp- n-Ra/ Hu -n- the hieroglyph _Журавль, is again repeated, and _Журавль once again has appeared at Рамсеса Eighth, through -щас I shall count, through from Меренптаха Second through 6 фараонов, I shall write also it(him) картуш by syllables Ra-Maat- wsr-hu-n-Imn. Here in картуше / - hu-n/ itself understand, how a part of a code, and in картуше all Рамсесов four gods and goddesses Ра, Маат -Wsr -Осирис-Imn-Амон. Also it seems anything general(common), but _Журавль Лезет in eyes. They played in the codes! It is heading!
1. Hu-n-Itn-ra -Эхнатон, Аменхотеп Fourth.
2. -Hu-n-Ra-stp- n-Ra = - Меренптах Second.
3. - Ra-Maat- wsr-/ hu-n/-Imn. _ Рамсес Eighth.
The hieroglyphs go in all names not under the order, and as at Баджа in the book of "Mummy". Hardly in syllables and letters you will notice Main Частичкк of a code, that связыает three фараона Журавль, and more _Журавль did not meet! Then that there were from middle 18 Dynasties there is an operating time and she(it) Visual! There are Dependences, it as certain equations, that подчинются to certain Rules. But Why, main question, those or other hieroglyphs, and they from the text теерь in картушах have appeared. It not the special mark, for example, on the arms the Column, or city, and these hieroglyphs, as and, these letters in my text, Always in the text though about how and when to put(plant) tomatoes on fields фараона! In the Instruction on landing(planting), or joking apart - same иерглиф in папирусах, that marked a level of water in Nile in flood! And, it the same letters, code also have not understood, but codes. By the way, time of government also calculate on ппирусам, where in meters a level of water in the river, and there below картуш that фараона! But not nevertheless these recordings have reached, but the fragments are, as well as names фараонов on папирусах. Except for " of the Lists фараонов " котрые are made later in more ancient texts. The dates provisional, them were going, though at us at a fire, and have accepted Ancient dating, actually scientists considered(counted) on everyone, who did(made) it of years on three hundred there is a divergence, though at Айртона and Масперо!! On that I NEVER wrote dates in the text!
So five thousand years, or six corrected(ruled) фараоны, and and who has told, that of rules фараон! More precisely, son фараона! Here also there was a main error. And here not ве so it is simple! And, if all was not casual?
Occurrence Хатчепсут - why began to correct by Egypt and twenty years she(it), mean to it(her) the order has dropped out, and could on a throne apply: either woman or man, quite reasonable question? And if our assumptions are correct, and if well though in Russia, the Successor царевич Алексей at Николая Second was born by the fourth child, but only that the throne could remain empty, one of Great княжон any more could not correct, as the status Императриц- same " empress -фараон " was forbidden Legislatively in a Senate under the decree of king! After Екатерины Second was corrected(ruled) only by(with) one монархи on Руси! But nevertheless, most likely not looking on reasonings, there was a time, and on a certain sort a certain order was produced, and is not casual probably on a Dynasty, though how to consider(count) border as one and beginning of other Dynasty, but two hundred, three hundred years! If also introduction Атона on the main god gradually, and reform, and all was directed on creation of a New dynasty, and лини of relationship went in the end already from Аменхотепа Fourth and Нефертити. Not looking on that, and proceeding, that they had Equal rights on a throne, could correct and daughter Аменхотепа Fourth, and Нефертити, as well as son, if it(he) was at Нефертити. As well as their son, if not his(its) Turn, could not correct. We only have begun to notice laws in картуше, instead of to read literary translations. Эхнатон means " Угодный Атону " is far-fetched, and not сооьветствует to Logic, but as - son Атона, as the fact from the text quite passes! " Beloved Птахом and Исидой " - so translated Бадж all картуши Птолемеев in the book of "Mummy", but sense in the friend! That the gods gave, and it is a code. How many _Топриков _ Анх, and from what the god received, it and is a name in картуше but present, and now all letters of figure on the computer. That is on the one hand rules, calculation, and I have shown on a symbol, иероглифе_ Журавль new фараон, from the same sort occurred not earlier, than through 5-10 фараонов. One business to win the countries on periphery, second to keep huge territory. Simply we frequently float in questions of family. And she(it), at фараоне in the house, not absolutely that now! Though on kitchen at Анки! Though, Чапаев goes as инюю @@@ дюK, excuse -фараон!
Like, even all is clear to the Author, and that ладно! There was No theory, and without the theories there would be No science in general, and the projects, and they множились were put forward! Yes, not the correct treatments are possible(probable). But I once again shall write all rests against Grammar. I some times changed the point of view, yet has not understood, as is written on the panel in sq. 55 it is possible to explain only that погребальная сень on two empresses - фараон! There was up to Five different картушей! With such success it was possible to write, that погребная сень for Five empresses, that had One картуш! On the other hand картуш they General(common) parent had first, it both name on the mother, and two "Небмаатра" on the grandfather - аменхотепу to Third. For a basis have taken TWO AVERAGE at the centre of a composition two torn off картуша, pier two картуша- фараон, but археолог should know and more than once saw, for example, at False doors the text goes буквой_ П, here them two texts above two дверками, and two дверки on погребальной сени what for! That in one would enter, another =- to leave, and First photo in the book Девиса- one of дверок on a blockage. It could be "help". There is one дверка, on the second blockage in other room - second! And in general in the house do(make) in an inhabited part two doors?
- On дверке on a blockage картуш empress Тии! Tell(have an effect) Айртон, and it is strange, but It is possible! It(he) could not know Exact картуш empress Тии, or has read it(him) " under the letters "! And I remember these three картуша с_ Журавль, that, whether what? Though tens time saw! It was a beginning, but why after have not corrected everything, and городили a kitchen garden with a man's mummy that nevertheless was female. It is a question there is no answer! But, why all proceeds hundred years, as is not explained. And so, погребальная сень for two female mummies in the status of empresses - фараон, and mummy can and there can not одновремнно be what картуши. There is No fact in evidence, but only the ASSUMPTION, that have delivered her(it) from another гробницы - from Ахет - Атона, Амарны, as Young empress Yong Lady, that as though took on the Analysis Закки Хавасс, as empress -фараон. Why? I remind gave a photo of a mummy of this empress and photo from sq. 55! The right hand is stacked on a breast, left is extended and till three rings on запястьях of hands and on legs an attribute of a female mummy, and it is words Картера "... The rings on legs and hands in Egypt carried only women. " That is, answers as though витали in air! It погребальная сень, and the mummies in гробнице empress Тии, and Аменхотепа Second, are the main answer they are found, and the text here is more difficult. It was necessary To understand essence of reforms, and I not зря spoke about keys to the lock, and such keys were гробницы Амарны. And it is logical to search for the answer, for example, on Epoch Петра First in Петеребурге, instead of in нпример, in Holland, where it(he) was the schoolboy of a Seaworthy technical school, studied to build the ships. But reforms it(he) carried out(spent) in Russia. This second imposed condition. The part of the text is torn off on саркофаге, is altered, and same on погребальной сени. But it is subjects сделагны during 34+14, and years ten up to Тутанхамон, and there Solar disk with beams it and was such symbolics these years. It not Other symbols, and on another the sun represented before and after. Means, it was necessary to connect the text and it(he) has appeared Is torn off on саркофаге, but it(he) is repeated in ALL гробницах Амарны! And, us талдычили roofing felt everywhere on саркофаге удаленые картуши, or as on пластнках in a statue Анубиса same картуши, and likely WHO did not see a photo or text from гробницы empress Тии, did not see, but wrote and will write! Did not analyze the text! Real. So practically all that is now written the real text in hieroglyphs IS NOT RESULTED! At us on a revolution, н any assumption was not stated without reduction of a photo and figure, as well as large fragment of the text. Practically, it(he) on all гробнице empress Тии is in parts disassembled, and main, I worked with картушами, and in картуше, instead of whose that opinion, namely with ккртушей, where a name who has not worked, having calmed down: - So, it(he) the pier, is torn off......
Why nevertheless rests against the torn off figure and картуши in Sq. 55, and that that two are torn off картуша, but the text is left and others картуши for other figure the all this time was ignored!. Yes, also what on it(her)? Anything! All were interested by(with) the torn off gilding on the second figure, but text, картуши! It more than strange up to five картушей or were not understood any more then, as well as is persistent now.
I, as strange quickly have found that the answer. When is dug out гробница Тутанхамона? In 1922, and at the same time has appeared Мавзолей in Russia. The ambassador the mummy Сталина was added. Also has remained after performance(statement) on congress КПСС Хрущева, a mummy Сталина have withdrawn, as the dynasty that from Ленина was not created, and his(its) relatives were not in authority, but the authority and has gone from Ленина, as партей under the Constitution USSR, and the party(set) Ленина was ruling. But the Constitutional Monarchy, England is more evident there. A rule(situation) what correct the men can only, but Queen was applied! The improbable fact. The father of the English Queen Елизаветы отрекается from a throne, but its(her) husband, it(he) a certain Lord or Columns can not accept престол, and his(its) wife corrects. That is here love history, where the King of England and американки, renunciation of a throne, also corrects his(its) daughter! And, what exactly the life can throw, and that, the revolts Пугачева are necessary to us, and the impostors, that give out themselves for escaped from the wife. Palace revolution, and two Emperors are displaced them Императрицами! But it, not for the people! Besides by and large, in Egypt a new Dynasty all the same would appear! In Egypt it Рамсесы, they on картушам, certainly relatives there similar set of hieroglyphs and gods, but they corrected(ruled) Three Dynasties кряду. The selection of pairs empress фараон means was simply complicated, and if by analogy to school to read we began " on fingers " that by the end of school Algebra, Mathematics. But nevertheless, there was in the beginning Arithmetics.
Has added ten two картушей of empresses. Their other names, and how to understand First, Second wife фараона- the list of empresses is not present. But amusing case with " Turin папирусом ". Папирусы name or поместу хранеия, here of Turin in Italy, or on a name in it(him) " Папирус писца Ани " where Ани, itself faster and has written for itself папирус, being писцом. And still is папирусы on a name of the scientist, that it(him) has read. Картер so has written, but it concerned, how it(he) kept subjects. But, in the beginning the citation under his(its) book about гробницу Тутанхамона:
- " That not would be possible that with " Turin папирусом ", and it(he) would remove(take off) many secrets, being
By the list фараонов, and all in that there are a lot of fragments no more than ten now is, but Turin, it(he) has turned in труху from a negligent storage in врем of delivery ". I read variant, it is possible about it папирус:
- The measures were not accepted, and at ПЕРВОЗКЕ on the sea it(he) was scattered, and it not пазлы, where sides
Elements precise. So, Картер has kept, and it(he) where that are stored(kept), венки them up to five, and at all one, чоупоминется, чтоАнхсенамо полоила! That it who that saw, and who put осталные five centuries. Жрецы that, лодорничали. But, as it is beautiful! Строени and the set not only colours is possible(probable) now, on that, as paraffin, having warmed up, kept, and is similar by a solution of celluloid in ацетоне, it is glue on ацетоне from the film, dissolved of it(him).
..... Again coast of Nile. Анка грусно looks at grey water! Чапаев, itself not, gloomy has finished smoking, and has thrown a stub "Примы" in a fire has risen облачко of ashes! Has looked at hours, that has got from a pocket:
Everything, Ань! Шабаш! - we extinguish fire! -и, began to fill in a fire! But повариха it(him) has besieged(halted) by shout:
What? Will not come, is exact! - she(it) has asked, and having sighed, прибавила:- Like would like to reach to sit вечерком?
I do not know! - буркнул Чапаев.
But, what they have told you, тама, in city? - sadly has asked повариха! Ить, поглянь! Скока all наготовила!, котлетка, that so loves Девис.
- Be not silent, as истуан! Whether saw them, and what have told? So to wait, whether that! Чапаев путано has informed,
That saw, and that the part наденных of things already was carried by(with) the employees in Каирский a museum, a part sent by mail in the countries Масперо, Вейгалл. It was accompanied by the letters with the list sent статуэток, vase, and any triviality! Анка there is some упокоилась, having estimated, what it can borrow(occupy) time.
- Waters whether has brought! - she(it) asked!
- Ды, тута of buckets ten her(it)! - did not want to rise with пенька Чапаев!
- And, ежели to wash from a road захотють, and not дури! Bring свженькой! - From heat, look in a bucket,
What that тузыри тама! Is not present, nevertheless author, as represents then a life. That, зря I I gave to you ten photo графий from 1900,, I shall describe evening of this day! Soon began to occur the visitors, and Анка повеселела and more loudly has rung out кастрюдями on kitchen. The local girl have appeared помощницы,! It were two fun-loving особы of years to seventeen корым very much it would be desirable will look on famous археологов, so скзать ввочию. Газкты, basic иточник of the information then were complete невероянтыми иториями about неввероятны исории, as well as mountain of gold things, and that touches серца all young девшек- by ornaments. They hoped even to hear what then were in a style причеки, and that оиа, for example Нефертити in a hair had, in ушах, and on hands! It was not possible to the author, but it(he) tried on Поисковику to find, for example, on search " Clause in " of New York a post " about гробинцу in Egypt! " Nothing has found, or pair of the newspapers of those years, but not on a subject of Egypt. At all the sea of a video and text in the Internet as anything worth, and efficient not so it is a lot of. I about our subject, that incredibly confusing in the facts, still now and мнгократно not by those by names, not by that by statues, that I in detail have described in this chapter!
By one of first has come Масперо. I shall describe it(him) till it(him) фотграфии of those years. It was not high, плотгый the man with fast взглялом of an eye, the colour котрых was difficult поньт behind glasses of glasses in металической оправе. Was polite, and did not carry a beard, and moustache. And Картер, that on the contrary - carried a smart moustache, but glasses held in a box and put on them only when that that расматривал, or read that that! It is a little шарма. They came in a difference of minutes in ten, and both галантно приподнесли bouquets of colours at once three, as have issued have noticed three female фигурки! Likely will be as that not on Русски, if they begin to discuss those subjects, that we have mentioned in 17 Chapters! There was a simply wonderful evening, and as the Author even approximately not in a rate that grows and blossoms on coast by this благословенной of the river, I this part, obligatory with " благаухающими by araucarias " what truly to tell the Author at all does not represent that it: цветок, palm, or certain plant. I shall not become уподобаться with those the authors, that sin by it, and to understand that flora fauna it is possible only having read in Энциклопелии on - and. An araucaria a type зонтичных or, and who also saw them those арауканий! On shall write, lovely heart Russian " the cane " rustled.
The reader, confuses a cane with рогозом faster! Рогоз- it that, as though ice-cream on a stick, that on top of stalks, also that таят not probable quantity(amount) of down! A nightmare for the teachers, when озорники a pair such шоколадок will spray, and such will rise down in a corridor! But the present cane rustled.
- -Масперо! The beginnings who, when on light of a fire was typed(collected) already man ten, and while who that of saws
Water is direct from a bucket, today there was a hot evening, almost night, and the cane is valid rustled. The canes are plants, the high herb on длином, and thin stalk of height till a breast, or till a head, and above at them is метелка, that развеваетсяна to a wind, and the cane seems to me as that " деревянно cracks " by a dry sound, at what not then " of a code the wind is those, that the trees bent " and really at usual after a strong wind, as blows in the evening, freshening after heat a body! Has arisen as that неожиланно dispute and on today not решено_Перо, it - перо of a falcon, or метелка of a reed further. If _ Перо-and - letter, quite will approach для_Сокола, as it is the god of Mountains. First, main god, as well as letter first, and question this have set Масперо, as the answer could be in the  word "Cane" the termination(ending) ours, and has denominated this "noisy" plant, that here, number(line) by a wall lasted on a coast, and was lost where that in натупающих twilight. Масперо, could not recollect as on коптски "cane", or even - рогоз, which I have mentioned, rustled and the cane rustled the answer has come. A song " the cane Rustled, the trees bent " and that pair went for a walk on a coast, about what сказла on morning the crumpled herb, have sung later and have decided(solved) Перо of a falcon, letter -А. Even in a simple word Перо, или_ a Cane, and that there is no consent and till this days! Usually, per simple day ватага sat, and some man exposed on a table "first", then all rest, but now there was a present laying, and the set of dishes was more. On Russian custom has put four bottles of vodka, as the fault not was usual for a female half! Nevertheless Egypt, and as always повариха, and her(it) помощницы will have a meal on kitchen! And so, on tables all stood, and on the end Чапаев, посморев on Анку, and that has noded, and it(he) скзал важно:- " To eat is sent! "! That you would understand who, when and with whom conducted excavation гробниц, н do not overlook(forget), that till 1914, as further I should enter Картера, and still археологов, that worked already together with it(him), Картером, instead of Теодором Девисом. All is amicable заржали above забитой by a phrase " the obligatory servant " with a tray. That суммирую of an operating time in this chapter by a certain plot with usual evening on the river.
- So, мужики! - beginnings Чапаев:- and, орокинув стопку has continued: is possible считьать question with
матерьюТутанхамона closed, also is гарнтия, what again not всплыет? Here it(he) has scratched a nape, we закончил:-tell(закончил:-have an effect) in 2025? There has come(stepped) silence, but soon opinion has informed надвое. A word has taken Масперо! Эх, if it was in a reality...
- Friends! - beginnings Масперо! - and, having kept silent, has continued! It(he) has reminded, that the answer as though
нащупан, the pier, at us is empress, and at last that, we know their names!
But that I here was told by(with) the comrade де, Гаррис - Девис! - Has continued Маперо thoughtfully. Here there was a man, that was obviously above everything, and проедя on усвм by a hand, and is farther not торпливо with Йокширским акцениом, and thus pressing on -О, as волгарь, beginnings to state the idea. His(its) opinion was those, that it is necessary partially to recognize, that Тутанхамон рожден from вторй the wife фараона, as well as it is simple from other family what to consider(count) it is possible more precisely " by a circle of the relatives Аменхотепа Fourth, as well as Аменхотепа Third. It could confuse all again, and Чапаев strict попосил to not plant Антимоний, having explained, that then the question will emerge how to drink to not give, in hundred years, and has named 2025!
But sirs! - has parried де, Гаорис -Девис!: - Василий, as at you " Will hurry, the cats will be смеятся "! All have understood irony, and Чапаев is angry буркнул, that the pier is still proverb " Haste is necessary at catching блох "! - but, nevertheless asked the scientist to specify, and to result his(its) doubts in exacter form, whenever possible, without proverbs. Here де, Гаррис has told, that it(he) can not give an exact perusal of the  text, as his(its) report, is the Fifth volume " Rocky гробницы Амарны " has left, how was a pier you, here it(he) квнул on Чапаева, you give this Theory!
- -Эт you, about картуши? Ask Чапаев? - as considered(counted), what картуш, it is the balanced code? On
That де, Гаррис has told, that it is necessary much переомыслить! As you can see " пере the comprehension " lasts more than hundred years! Then the conversation was switched to a throne Тутанхамона, but as it is not possible, of time гробницу Тутанхамона Картер will open after that evenings on Nile only of years through ten, in 1922? It is possible, as certain sequences from the real biography археолога Картера are farther.
- How your businesses, дружице with excavation, and кажетсявы send on гробницу Тутанхамона? -
Have asked Картера, and it was that missing part, that could connect all in one узелок, and so much was not understandable. The Author will remind, that the name empress Анхсенамон could not appear earlier, than have dug out гробницу, and throne, where she(it) is represented together with фараоном. So by the wife фараона, could a life up to four daughters Нефертити. Картер has answered, that it is a little, for example, is at him(it) фпагменты from on a threshold, on eve отопаной гробницы that have found, and there was a certain box with картушем Тутанхамона, and find of seales, as in несольких гробницах of a Valley of kings, and in Амарне всплявали it(him) предеты with картушами, for example rings. The ring Тутанхамона was found on a floor гробницы sq. 55.

- Yes! Insert Девис! - was like a ring stone, I not especially have remembered it(him), and on it(him) it(him),
Тутанхамона картуш. Here everyone began to recollect, and has appeared, that many saw rings and ксочки from vessels, for example jugs with вином, and there there was a seal Тутанхамона! Now author, we shall tell through Чапаева and on a certain subject yet not worked will set a Strange question what turn all can Интрнет таперь:
-А, how you think, the wife Тутанхамона has died earlier Тутанхамона? Not important that have answered, but in what not ожиданость of a question as such! That душещипательно in the Internet, and as we can by ours язвком, as английскми-Картер, and in the Internet on anyone:
, you see that безутешная молодаяв дова Тутанхамона, Анхсенамон quiveringly has put венок from knapweeds on саркофаг. It is all not and with Анхсенамон, and bouquets! That she(it) тогла, Personally has assigned five венков, it is so much them on all саркофагах. On that I did not come for 1914! At Картере other collective, not those scientists worked, that at Девисе all fifteen years were!, I as felt, that the "strongest" moment, how Анхсенамон puts букетик of knapweeds will have absolutely other value for Анхсенамон, and quite there could be all complex for it(her), Анхсенамон, instead of for Тутанхамона, and was initially her(it) гробница. On a throne is иеролиф_Мумия, and as that is strange on a throne, on which sits Тутанхамон, and I am a pity I can precisely understand all hieroglyphs are extended from a photo, but on a throne is precise иерглиф_Мумия! Певый variant it Тутанхамона a mummy, Whereas it(he) could sit on a throne? Н, presence of Three kinds картушей all puts on the places! On a throne Тутанхамона sat the ambassador, and was A little, up to Three alterations of the text, and main, картушей, and it here in 17 Chapters is shown! While, with the account, that there is no exact vision картушей in the text, and on спинке of a throne, it is not understandable, whose таи кртуш in general! As, all упираетсв Grammar. At me IS NOT PRESENT, remember it, answer, and it(him) can give not витеватое a reasoning, namely the text, whether and was there картуш Нефертиити? It(he) not чиается is exact. And, it is simple further.
I would not understand, how Changed картуш, it is ritual for empress фараонов, and without it it was not possible to leave on погребальную сень, two empresses фаронов. It before eyes, but it "did not see".
So you consider(count), what at assignment, so we shall write of a title " empress фараон " происхождит significant изменеие of the text about картушей? - cпросили in what that момнт, and whom? And, not who! I can not give to answer whom, as they did not know then the answer! And it(he), answer, was! It was necessary to understand, HOW passed ritual in изменеиях of the text around картуша, and it is simple how empress instead of one картуша has received two? If it to write in two гробницах in the text, and to not connect, will be that on Grammar - .Царицы with one and two картушам, it is Different empresses. For this purpose it is necessary ritual to write on One wall гробницы. Neither I, nor who when have not understood how to write and that, if for this purpose there is No rule, and in Egypt only on a wall гробницы, as what Граматика on a paper would not reach through thousand years. Corrected(ruled) to us тепрь it would be necessary to understand that! The text was translated more or less precisely, as there was a polemic, though in a magazine " Ancient Egypt " how to read lines of hieroglyphs, and such рассуждеий was much. But was not вообшще of the term in one report on empress - фараоне and on that Пирдуман translation without rules, and it seemed, that exact! The answer was at де, Гаррис -Девис, on a fresco гробницы Хьюйи:
So! Who tells(have an effect) задумиво that, thumbing through figures on гробнице жрецп! - That - that does not converge! Certainly! So! Now, when I in one of the chapters shall write by brackets: " On one fresco in гробницы Хьюйи жреца all stages that момнта are embodied, as empress has received second картуш, fixed to empress - фараону. And the similar case Would owe for Хатчепсут, and this text not so прочитли, and for it(her) can. Not at once, and Хатепсут- on those to you, empress фарон! Process is simple! Empress in figure has behind itself her(it) картуш, on матеи, but измененый from a name empress Тии, изветной empress, on empress Ти Second II иерглиф in top картушща, it speaks. But, де - Гаррис -Девис, as well as Теодоро Девис- it is different археологи, read names " Тии, and Ти Неюмаатра Second " only on first картушу, thus not correctly read, as Identical. Here not how with modern names. Further in средине its(her) was again written children's картуш " Ти Second " and, added - second какртуш, as "Небмаатра" on картушу Аменхотепа Third. " Yet has not understood. Археолг де, Гаррис- девис having read NOT CORRECTLY name, as Тии, that that simply Ignored her(it) гробница sq. 55 second картуш! Then, time two картуша, could write, that it is certain фараон. And as that is strange it(he) has written under a fresco " Family Аменхотеп Third, and empress Тии ". Accept, as a joke, but it(he) assumed that that, you see картуш Аменхоепа Третего to it(him) was familiar, but in сценках in гробнице Хьюй there is no it(him) картуш, and Аменхотепа Треьего, or empress Тии here widow, or Амнхотеп Third where that beside, not in the staff! But this not the photo, when is possible of one man not сфотографипрвать! Same has repeated, гробница Хьюй about 1905 is dug out, and text, that I have mentioned all knew, but all has repeated in 1922, three names on a throne, different фараонов have attributed одномуТутанхамону! It(he) a pier, did not like reforms Аменхотепа Fourth, and it(he) Отмняя of the god Амона in the text, for one three time has replaced картуш. As чудоно! At THREE фараонов картуш with _Скарабей is identical, and others three different, at what on five, six Different иерглифов. But it is quoted repeatedly! An armchair Тутанхамона! And, whether so it was complex(difficult). It also could then tell, but ill luck I worked with Archives, but it is their reports, but their diaries, letter and recording are not accessible to me! I simply have restored the text in hieroglyphs, and answer: not to one hundred, or тысяи of the transferred(translated) words in иерогифах, and in about what they now think! Настуило silence!
At last that! - Договарились! Tell(have an effect) Анка, and has yawned!
- Precisely this time came to one opinion? Ask her(it) Лиза Квибелл!
- Morning of evening мудреннее, Лизок! - we go to bathe! From darkness was distributed: - " Чапай - ай-ай! Not
Overlook(forget)! Today your turn to wash utensils "! So, they it is possible сазать, came to the remarkable answer, and нате, how not справеливо to wash utensils still?
Пущай not зазнаются, also has added Анка: the scientists, they as вьюны! Tomorrow will be again at the opinion! - We dive, whether what? So all is possible раставить in the places!............ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@.........
P/s. This file, is understandable why, very long? Conclusions basically here, and his(its) Interpreter will not take! The English text this file, можн to read in a page 17-23.........
