Еврейские песни ссылки
Еврейские песни ссылки
© Copyright: Eanna Inna Balzina-Balzin, 2025
© Copyright: Inna Balzina-Balzin, 2025
© Copyright: Инна Бальзина-Бальзин, 2025
Еврейские песни ссылки
"Тётя Хайя!
Не крутите задом!
Это не пропеллер!
А Вы - не самолёт!"
My Dad liked one song of this.
He liked to sing this song if he was over-drunken by vodka bottle drink:
"Тётя Хайя!
Не крутите задом!
Это не пропеллер!
А Вы - не самолёт!"
He had not memorised all song just this little bit as a memory about my father (born 1937).
Эта песня:
Мой папа (1937 гр) пел мне её (укладывая спать вечером в кровать),
сам поддатый и весёленький, пьяный, выпивши 1 бутылку водки,
в пьяной компании на Украине в 1961-1966. СССР.
И ещё любил петь на украинском: "Рушкник", "Ридна Матэ моя", сам, или чтобы ему пели.
Как память детства:
"Тётя Хайя!
Не крутите задом!
Это не пропеллер!
А Вы - не самолёт!"
Мой папа запомнил и пел только один этот куплет.
Потом мы жили и На Украине, и в России и в Латвии,
вдруг папа вспоминал: но только пьяный, и пел:
это вписывалось в память рассказов о дедушке или прадедушке:
они стояли в Австрии и квартировали в австрийском доме,
в годы 1ой Мировой войны, или ранее: Русско-Французкой ещё,
австриячки ставали, пукали, и приподняв юбки, махали ими колыша,
мужчин австрийские женщины не стеснялись, пукали в присутствии мужин,
выходило важно:
встала, сказав: "Пух! Ух!" , заглушая как бы звуки тела,
потом приподняв длинные юбки, поколыша ими, садились.
Это считалось в Австрии прилично. и веселило мужчин Российской Империи.
"Тётя Хайя!
Не крутите задом!
Это не пропеллер!
А Вы - не самолёт!"
"Aunt Haya!
Do not turn your ass around!
It is not a propeller!
And you are not a plane!"
"Анти Хайя!
До нот тюрн ю асс эраунд!
Ит из нот э проупеллэ!
Энд ю нот э плейн!"
"Tante Haya!
Verdrehen Sie nicht den Rucken!
Das ist kein Propeller!
Und Sie sind kein Flugzeug!"
"Танте Хайя!
Вердрехен Сие нихт ден Руцкен!
Дас ист кейн Пропеллер!
Унд Сие синд кейн Флугзеиг!"
"Zia Haya!
Non girare la schiena!
Questa non e un'elica!
E tu non sei un aereo!"
"Зия Хайа!
Нон жираре ла щиена!
Квуста нон э ун елица!
Э ту нон сеи ун аэрео!"
"i Tia Haia!
i No te muevas!
i No es una helice!
i No Eres un avion!"
"Тиа Хаиа!
Но те муевас!
Но ес уна хелице!
Но Эрес ун авион!"
"Tante Haja!
Negrieziet muguru!
Tas nav dzenskruve!
Un jus neesat lidmasina!"
" Танте Хайа!
Негриезиет мугуру!
Тас нав дзенсрууве!
Ун ююс неесат лидмашиина!"
Давайте радоваться - Еврейские песни. Группа Экспресс
Med Music
Еврейские песни - Давайте радоваться
Еврейские песни - Давайте радоваться (Свадебные песни)
* Нумерология 22 цикл и 22 буквы в финикийском алфавите
* Но 22 буквы были и в 1ом древнем еврейском алфавите
* Что выглядит как: связь Китайская нумерология и Финикийского Алфавита
и евреи впитывали всегда все знания и все языки и все знания, как губка,
в себя, и развивали, впитав. Нумерология Китая не присутствовала в знаниях от евреев, и мы имеем потом косвенное понимание исчезнувшей цивилизации с потрясающими знаниями: где случайно выжившие имели свои крохи знаний:
одни стали знания Китая, Индия, Тибета,
другие стали знания Египта, арабских стран,
другие Азии
Одни затем передавали алфавиты
Другие Нумерологию, аккапунктуру
Такде в городе Бало Боло Бахль медицина Авиценны, переписанный пересказ, с книг, которые удалось прочесть и запомнить Авиценну (12 тип системы физиологии тел человека, каждый тип лечится иначе: создать БАЛАНС и тем ЗДОРОВЬЕ.
Сюда же и бесконтактная межицына Ассирийецв, которой учила Джуна, что часть и понимание (та же система БАЛАНС (вытяжка негатива = мёртвая вода, дополнение позитива - живая вода до БАЛАНС=нордик (то в буддизме: покой и нирвана=БАЛАНС)
(Баланс от названия древнего города Боло Бахль Бааль Баль , и к медицине:
бальной больной боль балею болею больно боль (там и писалось и так и так и а и о,
масса городов с названиями Бол Бал в начале от выходцов того древнего царства
Балашиха, Болдино, Больцово, Барнаул (л-р Балнаул-Барнаул, Болнаул-Балнаул-Барнаул) (аул=село, деревня, стойбище), Италия, Англия с Бол.
Альпы: Ейцы, с китайской аккапунктерой в точках тату: прижигая или коля, снимате боль. Т.е. в Древней Европе были знания китайской аккапунктерой (Средние Века уничтожали друние знания древних цивилизаций, и европейцы затем похощали эти знания с Китая, Тибета, отовсюду)
Так вот.
Нумерология это цифры.
22-значный цикл.
Мы имееем циклы в календаре:
7 дней в неделе. 8ой день 8-7=1 опять 1ый день.
12 месяцев в годе, после 12 месяца? 13-12 = 1 опять 1 ый месяц
24 часа в дне: 25 чай 25-24=1 1ый час (другой день)
60 минут в 1 часе
60 секунд в 1 минуте
10 миллиметров в 1ом сантиметре
100 сантиметров в 1 метре
1000 метров в 1 километре
360 градусов
Карта планеты земля
Координаты карты
точка А и точка Б
НА шесте ночью в железной бочке костёр виден далеко
Идти от точки А до точки Б
проверяю себя оказать посредине:
Установить Шест (костёр в железной бочке на шесте)
После чего идти так, перпендикулярно в сторону от линии АБ
проверяя чтобы расстояние до А и До Б было визуально под одним углом ,
т.е. перпендикулярно.
Прошёл. Установил Шест на нём Потом костёрв Бочке: дошёл.
Потом такие треугольные размётки это карта
Точки А Б ... города.
И огонь в шесте:жив. живы.
Это с времени когда темно и солнца не было.
Риги-Минск-Киев = Костяк Линии =Древний Полюс Север(на Швецию) и Юг-линия до Ирака, Багдад (чуть западнее современного)
Потом полюса поменялись. Север-Юг.
Солнце и свет.
В Англии осталась память и древняя система устройства
костёр на шесте:
При захвате и опасности (враги) костёр можно делать видимым6 но колыхания огня.
Помахад и костёр огонь колышится = передача информации без радио и телефона
на расстояние:
увидел? и передал дальше.
Враги пришли: никого: все спрятались, и никого.
Это древние знания оказались уничтожены (захватывающими чужие земли) и память.
Нет, конечно, не так просто и среди уничтоженного была и память о жестокости.
Кто знает Нумерологию? Посчитайте Мандала тОнких Тел.
Потом возьмите
алфавит местности, вы живёте и вы родились.
под буквой цифра
чтобы проверить что выписали правильно и все полностью
1ый код шифра замена буквы на цифру
Ттут понятно всё
Русский А=1 Б=2 В=3
А в Нумерологии там только 22 знака
22 знака было в финикийском алфавите
с него:
древний еврейский 22 знака
(гласные не писали как буквы вырезали на коже, дереве, камне)
гласные добавили уже потом
Берём Алфавит
мы написали порядковый номер
с 22 го мы отнимаем 22
22-22 = 0
23-22 = 1
24-22= 2
Переписываем алфавит
делаем 2ой ряд
где под буквой А=1
буква (23тья 23-22=1) Х
составя такм образом пары
1 А.Х А! Х! АХ! ХА!
2 Б.Ц Б Ц БЦ ЦБ (БаЦ! БоеЦ! ЦаБе Центральное Бюро ЦыБуля+луковица)
3 В.Ч В Ч ВЧ ЧВ (Вы? Вы! Выть Вот В.Ч.=Военская Часть ВраЧ ЧеВо?=что? не понял? вот это да! чэго? не расслышал? не понял? странное?)
когда 2ая в паре Я , начинаем дополнять алфавит сначала с А
создав пару
Заменяем цифры в Мандале ТОнких Тел (Нумерология Китая)
(Но древний Йеца имео татуировки в местаках аккапунктуры Китя как
тело древнего жителя Европы в Альпах рядом с городом Больцено?
Оттого: древние европейцы таки ЗНАЛИ ЗНАНИЯ КИТАЯ АККАПУНКТУРУ?
а тогда и нумерологию Китая то ТОЖЕ могли знать?
*Спасибо Средним Векам в Европе напрочь уничтоживших все древние знания и знахарей и травников и медицину: отчего европейцы похищали знания Китая и Арабов.
ЗВУКИ от БОГА создали МИР (пространство, время =что затем мы ощущаем календарь даты, звук что речь слово звуки).
Вот то, что я сказала: когда
дата впереводится в тексты на разных языках
что и есть та древняя легенда.
Как только получается СЛОВО понятное : то цифры и звуки становятся СЛОВА,
полученные ЧУДЕСННЫМ ОБРАЗОМ через календарь и ВРЕМЯ.
Мы видим странное:
Что запись звуков человеческой речи
в ряде языков
в иероглифы
Китайские иероглифы.
Чтобы китайцы не смогли бы
в Мандале Тонких Тел, построенных по Китайской Нумерологии,
заменить цифры на звуки китайской речи и языка
и читать тексты.
Но, взяв эти знания:
приложив к Европейские Языки алфавиты:
на основе латыницы и кириллицы:
и мы читаем тексты там порой,
такие: что китаец с Китая, говорящий на китайском,
не прочтёт без знания наших языков и алфавитов.
И, спасибо ЕВРЕЯМ!
Евреи, как губка, впитывали в себя все знания всех языков и народов:
услышали и узнали: впитали: и уже ихнее их, пересказали и развили.
Финикии нет
Финикийский древний алфавит с 22 знаками в массе забыт
Но евреи в ИДИШ-ИВРИТ
впитали знания Финикии и финикийский алфавит в 22 символа
древний еврейский.
Умный, кто учится ремёслам, искусствам, заниям, технологиям, умениям:
он потом может это сделав продать:
ювелирные украшения
лекарства и снадобья
сделать обувь, стачать сапоги, сделать обувь, сандали и продать
пошить платье и костюмы по кройке по фигуре заказчика
написать грамотно письмо и документ
написать песню, и спеть
сыграть мелодию и музыку, написав ноты
А куда развивается те,
кого знания вообще не интересуют совсем?
Вот: смотрит племена и такие есть?
Там закончервирована система власти:
охота (мужчины)
собирание плодов и готовка еды (женщины)
Если у племени есть их земли:
и границы установлены:
то такая повторяемая жизнь
идёт тысячелетиями
Главная установка: почитание Вождя и почитание страшин
Так пройти может
60 тысяч лет
100 тысяч лет
Как наши предки жили 60 тысяч лет назад?
Как наши предки жили 100 тысяч лет назад?
Так и мы живём!
Право жить как кому нравится, хорошо, есть у любого этноса?
Это совсем неплохо? жить на своей земле предков?
Далее туда приёдёт
Почему у Вас нет выборной системы вождя?
Нет в представительстве
Старшины и Вождь женщин?
Почему вы все расово и этнически однородны?
Нет китайцев среди вас почему?
Почему нет наркоманов? алкоголиков? увечных и калек? ментальн больных?
(тут понятно. социальной системы нет)
Исправить это дело:
туда прийдут врачи с вакцинами:
родился ментально больной? выжил! и детей оставил!
(и мы получим остров Англия)
Женщины есть женщины,
Женские дни и идеи.
Она-Вождь Племени
Она - в Старшинах
Это Воинственная Тереза Мей как бы?
И идеями как улутшить жизнь в Англии?
- Воевать! нам надо воевать!
- Нам надо помочь далёкой от нас Украине говорящей на непонятном украинском языке, м мы не понимаем о чём! Но мы отправим туда нАШИХ СЫНОВЕЙ И МУЖЕЙ (наших тут нам нужны? надоели?)
Вышколенные послушанцы сыновья мужья
слушать Вождя Племени
и Решение Старшин
дружно (все здоровые)
покидают земли их племени:
После чего
непонятно почему
все дети
рождаются калеки и быстро умирают
что радует: еда! и их тут же едят!
Потом доходит: что-то не то.
а что не то? не понятно?
Тогда решают
или нам помирится с Украиной и Россией?
или нам с Китаем теперь повоевать?
или мы на Украину наши доходы станем им платить 100 лет договор: там же туда наши сыновья и мужья ушли! ((которых к тому времени давно на Украине местные племена съели))
- Всё дело в врачах и в вакцинах! Вот почему мы тут болеем!
- Пока у нас тут врачей и вакцин не было: мы жили 60 тысяч лет счастливо! 100 тысяч лет наша земля была!
- Давайте проголосуем? у нас же демократия по американски?
Старшина-свекровь: невестке:
- Только попробуй против моего решения проголосовать: что воевать с Россией надо: прийдёшь домой: я ужо тебе все глаза выцарпаю и плёткой отхожу и тебя и своего сына: пора ему за УКраину воевать идти! Молодой пока! Мир повидает! Троеф с войны нам с Украины и с России привезёт!
- Правильно бабушка говорит!
(суёт цветные шарики стекляшки и губную красную помаду ей и её невестке), правильно!
В деревню входит рота
американских солдат на постой.
У них есть паёк: еда.
мясо тушонка в консервных банках.
Весёлая жгучая вода.
Бабушка Старшина и её невестка с лицами в красной губной помаде.
Власть! Вожди! Парламент!
Размеры, шакала. координаты. измерения. счёт.
Как с звуками и с буквами?
Алфавит с Буквами (что звуки).
* Я пробывала учить иврит и идиш: мне нравятся еврейские песни. Красивый и интересный язык. Древняя самобытная культура. Мы жили в 1961-1966 годах на Украине, и украинцы сохранили часть еврейских песен и с Одессы своими, как и русские, часть и украинского, и русского менталитета и этноса. Далеко не все еврейские песни писали , видимо, евреи: в силу совместного проживания и смешивания культур и языков. Эти песни исторические: отражают время. Я чуть чуть помню те пьянки на Украине и застолья, и песни. И Украинские (Рушкник, Ридна мате моя). В комнаниях пели песни смешиваясь языки: запомнилось? и спел, повторил.
Эта песня:
Мой папа (1937 гр) пел мне её (укладывая спать вечером в кровать),
сам поддатый и весёленький, пьяный, выпивши 1 бутылку водки,
в пьяной компании на Украине в 1961-1966. СССР.
И ещё любил петь на украинском: "Рушкник", "Ридна Матэ моя", сам, или чтобы ему пели.
Как память детства:
"Тётя Хайя!
Не крутите задом!
Это не пропеллер!
А Вы - не самолёт!"
Мой папа запомнил и пел только один этот куплет.
Потом мы жили и На Украине, и в России и в Латвии,
вдруг папа вспоминал: но только пьяный, и пел:
это вписывалось в память рассказов о дедушке или прадедушке:
они стояли в Австрии и квартировали в австрийском доме,
в годы 1ой Мировой войны, или ранее: Русско-Французкой ещё,
австриячки ставали, пукали, и приподняв юбки, махали ими колыша,
мужчин австрийские женщины не стеснялись, пукали в присутствии мужин,
выходило важно:
встала, сказав: "Пух! Ух!" , заглушая как бы звуки тела,
потом приподняв длинные юбки, поколыша ими, садились.
Это считалось в Австрии прилично. и веселило мужчин Российской Империи.
Давайте радоваться - Еврейские песни. Группа Экспресс
Давайте радоваться - Еврейские песни. Группа Экспресс
Давайте радоваться - Еврейские песни. Группа Экспресс
Med Music
17 песен (папина любимая с Украины с СССР есть)
My Dad liked one song of this.
He liked to sing this song if he was over-drunken by vodka bottle drink:
"Тётя Хайя!
Не крутите задом!
Это не пропеллер!
А Вы - не самолёт!"
He had not memorised all song just this little bit as a memory about my father (born 1937).
01 Хава нагила (0:00) музыка - народная слова - народные исполнение - группа "Экспресс"
02 Семь сорок (3:01) музыка - народная исполнение - группа "Экспресс"
03 Школа Соломона Пляра (6:18) музыка - народная слова - народные исполнение - группа "Экспресс"
04 Лимончики (9:24) музыка - народная слова - народные исполнение - группа "Экспресс"
05 Это наш родной еврей (12:29) музыка - Вячеслав Кукоба слова - Вячеслав Кукоба исполнение - группа "Экспресс"
06 Еврейское попурри (15:59) музыка - народная слова - народные исполнение - группа "Экспресс"
07 Как же нам 7.40 не любить (19:08) музыка - народная слова - народные исполнение - группа "Экспресс"
08 Рахиля, Вы мне нравитесь (22:35) музыка - народная слова - народные исполнение - группа "Экспресс"
09 Сапожник Хайм (26:02) музыка - народная слова - народные исполнение - группа "Экспресс"
10 С добрым утром, тетя Хая (28:58) музыка - народная слова - народные исполнение - группа "Экспресс"
11 А зох ин вей (32:34) музыка - народная слова - народные исполнение - группа "Экспресс"
12 Мои лимончики (36:10) музыка - народная слова - народные исполнение - группа "Экспресс"
13 Семь сорок (7.40) (38:03) музыка - народная исполнение - группа "Экспресс"
14 Люблю еврея Зяму (41:41) музыка - Вячеслав Кукоба слова - Вячеслав Кукоба исполнение - группа "Экспресс"
15 Тумбалайка (44:34) музыка - народная исполнение - группа "Экспресс"
16 Рахиля, мы поженимся (47:47) музыка - народная слова - народные исполнение - группа "Экспресс"
17 В 7.40 он приедет (50:44) музыка - народная слова - народные исполнение - группа "Экспресс"
Давайте радоваться - Еврейские песни. Группа Экспресс
Med Music
17 песен (папина любимая с Украины есть)
17 песен (папина любимая с Украины есть)
Еврейские песни - Давайте радоваться
Еврейские песни - Давайте радоваться (Свадебные песни)
Перелік пісень:
1 Семь сорок (0:00)
исполнение - группа "Экспресс"
2 Лимончики (03:17)
исполнение - группа "Экспресс"
3 Хава нагила (06:22)
исполнение - группа "Экспресс"
4 Рахиля (09:23)
исполнение - группа "Экспресс"
5 Денежки (12:50)
исполнение - группа "Экспресс"
6 Щеточки (16:00)
исполнение - группа "Экспресс"
7 Маслице (19:21)
исполнение - группа "Экспресс"
8 Школа бальных танцев (22:42)
исполнение - группа "Экспресс"
9 Тумбалалайка (25:48)
исполнение - группа "Экспресс"
10 Бабушка здорова (29:04)
музыка и слова - народные
исполнение - группа "Экспресс"
11 Рива (32:23)
музыка и слова - народные
исполнение - группа "Экспресс"
12 Купите бублики (35:58)
музыка и слова - народные
исполнение - группа "Экспресс"
13 Хайм (39:40)
музыка и слова - народные
исполнение - группа "Экспресс"
14 Фрейлекс (43:05)
музыка и слова - народные
исполнение - группа "Экспресс"
15 Чемоданчик (46:20)
музыка и слова - народные
исполнение - группа "Экспресс"
16 Тетя Хая (50:32)
музыка и слова - народные
исполнение - группа "Экспресс"
17 Трим-балалайка (54:00)
музика і слова - народні
виконання - В. Самборська, А.Горбатюк
18 Вступление (59:39)
музыка и слова - народные
исполнение - группа "Кордон"
19 А зох ин вей (1:00:58)
музыка и слова - народные
исполнение - группа "Кордон"
20 Рахиля (1:04:47)
музыка и слова - народные
исполнение - группа "Кордон"
21 Бесалы Ван (1:08:43)
музыка и слова - народные
исполнение - группа "Кордон"
22 Фрейлекс (1:10:57)
музыка и слова - народные
исполнение - группа "Кордон"
23 Кузина (1:14:22)
музыка и слова - народные
исполнение - группа "Кордон"
24 Ибербейтн (1:17:03)
музыка и слова - народные
исполнение - группа "Кордон"
25 Тум балалайка (1:19:50)
музыка и слова - народные
исполнение - группа "Кордон"
26 Лимончики (1:23:21)
музыка и слова - народные
исполнение - группа "Кордон"
27 Фрейлекс (1:26:52)
музыка и слова - народные
исполнение - группа "Кордон"
28 Мазл (1:29:49)
музыка и слова - народные
исполнение - группа "Кордон"
29 Хава нагила (1:32:36)
музыка и слова - народные
исполнение - группа "Кордон"
30 Бублички (1:36:32)
музыка и слова - народные
исполнение - группа "Кордон"
31 Аргентина (1:40:01)
музыка и слова - народные
исполнение - группа "Кордон"
32 На Дерибасовской открылась пивная (1:43:01)
музыка и слова - народные
исполнение - группа "Кордон"
33 Тетя Хая (1:46:02)
музыка и слова - народные
исполнение - группа "Кордон"
34 Прощай, мой город (1:52:20)
музыка и слова - народные
исполнение - группа "Кордон"
35 Хава нагила (1:56:56)
музика - народна
виконання - О. Кравченко
36 7-40 (1:59:35)
музика - народна
виконання - А. Горбатюк
37 Хава нагила 2 (2:05:48)
музика - народна
виконання - О. Кравченко
38 Весільна інструментальна музика 1 (2:13:38)
музика - народна
виконання - О. Кравченко
39 Весільна інструментальна музика 2 (2:17:15)
музика - народна
виконання - О. Кравченко
40 Весільна інструментальна музика 3 (2:20:56)
музика - народна
виконання - О. Кравченко
41 Весільна інструментальна музика 4 (2:24:23)
музика - народна
виконання - О. Кравченко
42 Весільна інструментальна музика 5 (2:29:39)
музика - народна
виконання - О. Кравченко
43 Весільна інструментальна музика 6 (2:32:40)
музика - народна
виконання - О. Кравченко
44 Весільна інструментальна музика 7 (2:36:46)
музика - народна
виконання - О. Кравченко
45 Весільна інструментальна музика 8 (2:40:45)
музика - народна
виконання - О. Кравченко
46 Весільна інструментальна музика 9 (2:43:48)
музика - народна
виконання - О. Кравченко
47 Весільна інструментальна музика 10 (2:47:27)
музика - народна
виконання - О. Кравченко
48 Весільна інструментальна музика 11 (2:49:19)
музика - народна
виконання - О. Кравченко
49 Весільна інструментальна музика 12 (2:52:40)
музика - народна
виконання - О. Кравченко
50 Весільна інструментальна музика 13 (2:57:20)
музика - народна
виконання - О. Кравченко
51 Весільна інструментальна музика 14 (3:01:13)
музика - народна
виконання - М. Янченко
52 Весільна інструментальна музика 15 (3:05:47)
музика - народна
виконання - М. Янченко
53 Весільна інструментальна музика 16 (3:09:15)
музика - народна
виконання - М. Янченко
54 Весільна інструментальна музика 17 (3:13:35)
музика - народна
виконання - М. Янченко
55 Весільна інструментальна музика 18 (3:19:23)
музика - народна
виконання - М. Янченко
56 Весільна інструментальна музика 19 (3:27:31)
музика - народна
виконання - М. Янченко
57 Весільна інструментальна музика 20 (3:30:35)
музика - народна
виконання - М. Янченко
58 Весільна інструментальна музика 21 (3:34:27)
музика - народна
виконання - М. Янченко
59 Весільна інструментальна музика 22 (3:39:10)
музика - народна
виконання - М. Янченко
#ЕврейскиеПесни #ДавайтеРадоваться #ГруппаЭкспресс #МиколаЯнченко #ГруппаКордон #ЗастольніПісні #СвадебныеПесни #УкраинскиеПесни #УкраинскаяМузыка #UkrainianMusic #UkrainianSongs
Еврейские песни - Давайте радоваться
Еврейские песни - Давайте радоваться (Свадебные песни)
<<>> <<>>
My Dad liked one song of this^
"Тётя Хайя!
Не крутите задом!
Это не пропеллер!
А Вы - не самолёт!"
Еврейские песни ссылки
"Тётя Хайя!
Не крутите задом!
Это не пропеллер!
А Вы - не самолёт!"
"Aunt Haya!
Do not turn your ass around!
It is not a propeller!
And you are not a plane!"
"Анти Хайя!
До нот тюрн ю асс эраунд!
Ит из нот э проупеллэ!
Энд ю нот э плейн!"
"Tante Haya!
Verdrehen Sie nicht den Rucken!
Das ist kein Propeller!
Und Sie sind kein Flugzeug!"
"Танте Хайя!
Вердрехен Сие нихт ден Руцкен!
Дас ист кейн Пропеллер!
Унд Сие синд кейн Флугзеиг!"
"Zia Haya!
Non girare la schiena!
Questa non e un'elica!
E tu non sei un aereo!"
"Зия Хайа!
Нон жираре ла щиена!
Квуста нон э ун елица!
Э ту нон сеи ун аэрео!"
"i Tia Haia!
i No te muevas!
i No es una helice!
i No Eres un avion!"
"Тиа Хаиа!
Но те муевас!
Но ес уна хелице!
Но Эрес ун авион!"
"Tante Haja!
Negrieziet muguru!
Tas nav dzenskruve!
Un jus neesat lidmasina!"
" Танте Хайа!
Негриезиет мугуру!
Тас нав дзенсрууве!
Ун ююс неесат лидмашиина!"
"Еврейские песни ссылки" (21.01.2025. Англия)
Еврейские песни ссылки
© Copyright: Eanna Inna Balzina-Balzin, 2025
© Copyright: Inna Balzina-Balzin, 2025
© Copyright: Инна Бальзина-Бальзин, 2025
Русская женщина думает, что может запугивать
Russian Woman Thinks She Can Bully
Russian Woman Thinks She Can Bully
Russian Woman Thinks She Can Bully
Russian Woman Thinks She Can Bully Her Way Out of DUI
Police Insider
25 Sept 2024 #news
On June 30th, 2022, a patrol officer observed a female driving erratically on SR-5. The vehicle was dangerously swerving, braking and accelerating before the officer conducted a traffic stop. The 36-year-old Russian-American confessed to drinking and driving. The officers were having a tough time communicating with her but eventually got her to agree to field sobriety tests. The female’s twitchy body language and the twirl that she did during the walk and turn test was enough to bring the field sobriety tests to a stop. She was subsequently arrested but no without a fight. The female even spat on an officer during the arrest. Her child was handed over to Child Protection Services while she was taken to a detention facility for the preliminary breath test. The female’s breath alcohol content was .240, almost 4 times the legal limit. She continued to behave erratically and even refused to sign the DUI citation. The female was identified as 36-year old- Valentina. She was charged with DUI with a person under 18 in vehicle, damage to property, child neglect, refusal to sign a citation, resisting arrest with violence and battery on a law enforcement officer. The Florida Department of Children and Families took custody of the child.
Russian Woman Thinks She Can Bully Her Way Out of DUI
Police Insider
25 Sept 2024 #news
On June 30th, 2022
#police #uk #usa #florida #dui #america #pregnant #woman #female #Russian #road #driver #child #policeman #Law #Lawwer #Solicitor #FBR #CIA #arrested #custody #2022 #June #30th #attitude #American #human #right #video #drunken #handcuff
#alhogol #test #SR-5
Russian Woman Thinks She Can Bully
Русская женщина думает, что может запугивать
Russian Woman Thinks She Can Bully
Russian Woman Thinks She Can Bully
Русская женщина думает, что может запугивать
Russian Woman Thinks She Can Bully
Русская женщина думает, что может задирать людей
Русская женщина думает, что может задирать людей, чтобы избежать наказания за вождение в нетрезвом виде
Источник в полиции
25 сентября 2024 г. #новости
30 июня 2022 года патрульный полицейский заметил на шоссе SR-5 женщину, которая вела машину в нетрезвом состоянии. Автомобиль опасно вилял, тормозил и разгонялся, прежде чем полицейский остановил движение. 36-летняя американка российского происхождения призналась, что была за рулем в нетрезвом виде. Полицейским было нелегко общаться с ней, но в конце концов они уговорили ее согласиться на полевые тесты на трезвость. Дерганого поведения женщины и того, как она вертелась во время прохождения теста на ходьбу и повороты, было достаточно, чтобы прекратить полевые тесты на трезвость. Впоследствии она была арестована, но не без борьбы. Женщина даже плюнула на полицейского во время задержания. Её ребенок был передан Службе защиты детей, а ее саму доставили в следственный изолятор для предварительного анализа на содержание алкоголя в дыхании. Содержание алкоголя во рту женщины составило 240 г, что почти в 4 раза превышает допустимую норму. Она продолжала вести себя странно и даже отказалась подписать протокол о привлечении к ответственности за вождение в нетрезвом виде. Женщина была опознана как 36-летняя Валентина. Ей были предъявлены обвинения в вождении автомобиля в нетрезвом виде с участием лица моложе 18 лет, нанесении ущерба имуществу, безнадзорности, отказе подписать протокол, сопротивлении аресту с применением насилия и нанесении побоев сотруднику правоохранительных органов. Департамент по делам детей и семьи Флориды взял опеку над ребенком на себя.
Police Insider
25 Sept 2024 #news
On June 30th, 2022
Russian Woman Thinks She Can Bully Her Way Out of DUI
#полиция #Великобритания #США #Флорида #вождение в нетрезвом виде #америка
Презентация к песне Иван значит русский
Ирина Агафоновна
Flight USA Florida to Fiji
Русская женщина думает, что может запугивать
Russian Woman Thinks She Can Bully
#беременная #женщина #россиянка #дорога #водитель #ребенок #полицейский #Закон #Юрист #Солиситор #ФБР #ЦРУ #арестован #под стражей #2022 #30 июня #отношение #американец #права человека #видео #пьяный #надеть наручники
#алгол #тест #SR-5
Русская женщина думает, что может запугивать
Russian Woman Thinks She Can Bully
Nothing Free! Dust tape put on mouth Lady
Lady Passenger Mouth was glued by dust tape
Lady Passenger Mouth was glued by dust tape
© Copyright: Eanna Inna Balzina-Balzin, 2019
© Copyright: Инна Бальзина-Бальзин, 2025
Lady Passenger Mouth was glued by dust tape
Lady Passenger Mouth was glued by dust tape
Typical British? or American? on plane was??
Lots white race America-British women like this on plane??
NEWS 2025 January 18-20
"Woman restrained with duct tape after outburst during Fiji Airways flight"
"Don't touch me!"
"Don't trust me! Got this? I do nothing wrong!"
Woman of white race
mentioned "American Embassy" "whom I am!"
"This is saving children!"
"This is saving children!"
"O! I am saving my children!"
"This is saving my children!"
and asked "do not touch me!"
"Don't touching me! I do nothing wrong! Aaa My shoulder! "
"American Embassy" "whom I am!"
"This is saving children!"
"This is saving children!"
"You've touched me! Don't touch me!
"Don't touch me!"
"Don't trust me! Got this? I do nothing wrong! Gilt!" "This is saving chilren!"
"O! nothing free!"
- "Stop it! I am from a balcony!"
- "Yes, you are!"
- "Melkiy (Мелкий(=a shot, a little one)). it!
- No, I am not it!
- I am stack in!
- "Stop it!
- " I am from a balcony!" "I am from a balcony!"
- "I am from a balcony!"
- waiting a house!
- "Yes, you are!"
"Don't touch me!"
- "Don't trust me!"
"Don't trust me! Got this?
- "I do nothing wrong! Gilt!? Nothing!"
"People is possible voice
Your voice would possible
go to American Embassy today!"
"Whom I an from!"
"This is saving chilren!"
"This is saving chilren!"
"O! nothing free!"
"Nothing free!"
"O! nothing free!"
- I am Captain
"Не доверяешь мне! Понял? Я не делаю ничего плохого! Позолота!" "Это спасение детей!"
"О! ничего бесплатного!"
- "Прекрати! Я с балкона!"
- "Да, это ты!"
- "Мелкий (маленький (= выстрел, маленький)). это!
- Нет, я не он!
- Я в деле!
- "Прекрати это!
- "Я с балкона!" "Я с балкона!"
- "Я с балкона!"
- ждет целый дом!
- "Да, это так!"
- Не прикасайся ко мне!
- "Не доверяй мне!"
"Не доверяй мне! Понял?
- "Я не делаю ничего плохого! Позолота!? Ничего!"
"Люди, это возможный голос"
Ваш голос, возможно
, дошел бы сегодня до американского посольства!"
"От кого я?"
"Это спасение детей!"
"Это спасение детей!"
- О, ничего бесплатного!
- Ничего бесплатного!
- О, ничего бесплатного!
- Я капитан
Somehow, in a fabulous way
, the drawings of the most secret American missiles
suddenly failed in Russia.
Apparently, that's why Trump wanted to meet with Putin immediately?
So as not to worry about the fate of American missiles in the blueprints?
Каким то сказочным образом
чертежи секретнейших американских ракет
вдруг оказали у России.
Видимо, потому Трамп и захотел немедленнос встретиться с Путиным?
Чтобы не волноваться о судьбе американских ракет в чертежах?
NEWS 2025
Woman restrained with duct tape after outburst during Fiji Airways flight
Vanessa Brown
ExclusiveTravel Incidents
The woman was restrained and her mouth closed with duct tape on board the flight.
Insane footage from Fiji flight leaked
Disturbing video has emerged of an irate Australian passenger being gagged by duct tape on a flight in to Fiji. WARNING: DISTRESSING CONTENT
[on flight FJ871
from San Francisco to Nadi
last Saturday]
[? Saturday, January 18, 2025?]
[? Saturday, January 11, 2025?]
[? Monday, January 20, 2026?]
[In an exclusive vision
provided by news.com.au ,
a suffering
who, According to the police,
he was “intoxicated and inconvenienced,”
was filmed
during flight FJ871.
from San Francisco to Nadi
last Saturday]
[? Saturday, January 18, 2025?]
[? Saturday, January 11, 2025?]
[? Monday, January 20, 2026?]
[Flight landed in Nadi on Monday, January 20, [2025] local time]]
Woman of white race
mentioned "American Embassy" "whom I am!"
"This is saving children!"
"This is saving children!"
"O! I am saving my chldren!"
"This is saving my children!"
and asked "do not touch me!"
"Don't touching me! I do nothing wrong! Aaa My shoulder! "
"American Embassy""whom I am!"
"This is saving children!"
"This is saving children!"
"You've touched me! Don't touch me!
"Don't touch me!"
"Don't trust me! Got this? I do nothing wrong! Gilt!" "This is saving chilren!"
Crew Staff touched her body
Crew Staff used dust tape to closed air passenger woman Lady mouth
(while she asked them "Don't touch me! Don't touching me! I do nothing wrong! Aaa My shoulder! A! "
The woman was restrained and her mouth closed with duct tape on board the flight.
Insane footage from Fiji flight leaked
Disturbing video has emerged of an irate Australian passenger being gagged by duct tape on a flight in to Fiji.
Typical British? or American? on plane was??
Lots white race America-British women like this on plane??
The beauty staff make ORDERS and ANY ORDERS make what ROBOTS .
Especially: this Lady paid money .
oR THEY attacked Lady as she named connected to Embassy of USA, possible member staff?
so, ready to attack USA? as Embassy of USA is the empty place for plane crew from Fijii islands now??
Косметологи делают ЗАКАЗЫ, а ЛЮБЫЕ ЗАКАЗЫ делают РОБОТЫ.
Особенно: эта дама заплатила деньги.
Или они напали на даму, как она назвала, связанную с посольством США, возможно, сотрудницу посольства?
итак, готовы напасть на США? поскольку посольство США сейчас является пустым местом для экипажа самолета с островов Фиджи??
Зарина Дзагоева
Зарина Дзагоева
Зарина Дзагоева
Зарина Дзагоева
Стюардессы попытались заклеить скотчем рот пьяной дебоширке в самолете и попали на видео 13:18 24.01.2025
13:18, 24 января 2025
Женщина белой расы
упомянула "Американское посольство", "чья я такая!"
"Это спасение детей!"
"Это спасение детей!"
"О! Я спасаю своих детей!"
"Это спасает моих детей!"
и попросил: "Не трогайте меня!"
"Не трогайте меня! Я не делаю ничего плохого! Похлопайте меня по плечу!"
"Американское посольство""кто я такой!"
"Это спасает детей!"
"Это спасение детей!"
"Ты прикоснулся ко мне! Не прикасайся ко мне!
Сотрудники экипажа прикасались к ее телу
Сотрудники экипажа заклеили рот пассажирки скотчем
(в то время как она просила их: "Не трогайте меня! Не трогайте меня! Я не делаю ничего плохого! Ааа, мое плечо! А!"
"Don't trust me! Got this? I do nothing wrong! Gilt!" "This is saving chilren!"
"O! nothing free!"
- "Stop it! I am from a balcony!"
- "Yes, you are!"
- "Melkiy (Мелкий(=a shot, a little one)). it!
- No, I am not it!
- I am stack in!
- "Stop it!
- " I am from a balcony!" "I am from a balcony!"
- "I am from a balcony!"
- waiting a house!
- "Yes, you are!"
"Don't touch me!"
- "Don't trust me!"
"Don't trust me! Got this?
- "I do nothing wrong! Gilt!? Nothing!"
"People is possible voice
Your voice would possible
go to American Embassy today!"
"Whom I an from!"
"This is saving chilren!"
"This is saving chilren!"
"O! nothing free!"
"Nothing free!"
"O! nothing free!"
- I am Captain
На борту самолета женщину связали, а рот заклеили скотчем.
В сеть просочились безумные кадры с рейса на Фиджи.
Появилось тревожное видео, на котором разъяренной пассажирке из Австралии клейкой лентой затыкают рот во время полета на Фиджи.
Типичная британка? или американка? в самолете было??
Много таких женщин белой расы в Америке-британки - в самолете??
Woman restrained with duct tape after outburst during Fiji Airways flight
Vanessa Brown
ExclusiveTravel Incidents
The woman was restrained and her mouth closed with duct tape on board the flight.
Insane footage from Fiji flight leaked
Disturbing video has emerged of an irate Australian passenger being gagged by duct tape on a flight in to Fiji. WARNING: DISTRESSING CONTENT
Woman restrained with duct tape after outburst during Fiji Airways flight
Disturbing video has emerged of an irate Australian passenger being gagged by duct tape on a flight in to Fiji.
Lady Passenger Mouth was glued by dust tape
Lady Passenger Mouth was glued by dust tape
© Copyright: Eanna Inna Balzina-Balzin, 2019
© Copyright: Инна Бальзина-Бальзин, 2025
The woman was restrained and her mouth closed with duct tape on board the flight.
Insane footage from Fiji flight leaked
Disturbing video has emerged of an irate Australian passenger being gagged by duct tape on a flight in to Fiji. WARNING: DISTRESSING CONTENT
Vanessa Brown
Vanessa Brown
The woman was restrained and her mouth closed with duct tape on board the flight.
Insane footage from Fiji flight leaked
Disturbing video has emerged of an irate Australian passenger being gagged by duct tape on a flight in to Fiji. WARNING: DISTRESSING CONTENT
January 24, 2025 - 1:57PM
Flight attendants have been recorded attempting to restrain and duct tape the mouth of an Australian woman who was thrashing and screaming on board a Fiji Airways flight as she travelled to the country’s main island.
In exclusive vision provided to news.com.au, the distressed 69-year-old passenger, who police say was “intoxicated and causing a nuisance”, was filmed on flight FJ871 from San Francisco to Nadi last Saturday.
The flight landed in Nadi on Monday, January 20 local time, where it was met by local law enforcement and she was arrested. News.com.au has confirmed the woman was charged by police in Fiji where she remains in custody awaiting a court appearance today. The airline has confirmed the incident is now the subject of a “legal investigation”.
A fellow passenger who filmed the altercation, and requested to remain anonymous, said airline staff were “forced to resort to restraining and taping the mouth” of the woman, whose comments were allegedly “racist and vulgar” in nature.
Flight attendants have been recorded attempting to restrain and duct tape the mouth of an Australian woman who was thrashing and screaming on board a Fiji Airways flight as she travelled to the country’s main island.
In exclusive vision
provided to news.com.au,
the distressed
who police say
was “intoxicated and causing a nuisance”,
was filmed
on flight FJ871
from San Francisco to Nadi
last Saturday
[? Saturday, 18th January 2025 ?]
[? Saturday, 11th January 2025 ?]
[? Monday, 20 January 2026 ?]
[The flight landed in Nadi on Monday, January 20 local time]
The incident occurred
on the flight
Fiji Airways
to Fiji]
from San Francisco [USA
]in Nandi, Fiji,
[on Monday]
January 20th [2025].
[on flight FJ871
from San Francisco to Nadi
last Saturday]
[? Saturday, January 18, 2025?]
[? Saturday, January 11, 2025?]
[? Monday, January 20, 2026?]
[In an exclusive vision
provided by news.com.au ,
a suffering
who, According to the police,
he was “intoxicated and inconvenienced,”
was filmed
during flight FJ871.
from San Francisco to Nadi
last Saturday]
[? Saturday, January 18, 2025?]
[? Saturday, January 11, 2025?]
[? Monday, January 20, 2026?]
[Flight landed in Nadi on Monday, January 20, [2025] local time]]
"Don't trust me! Got this? I do nothing wrong! Gilt!" "This is saving chilren!"
"O! nothing free!"
- "Stop it! I am from a balcony!"
- "Yes, you are!"
- "Melkiy (Мелкий(=a shot, a little one)). it!
- No, I am not it!
- I am stack in!
- "Stop it!
- " I am from a balcony!" "I am from a balcony!"
- "I am from a balcony!"
- waiting a house!
- "Yes, you are!"
"Don't touch me!"
- "Don't trust me!"
"Don't trust me! Got this?
- "I do nothing wrong! Gilt!? Nothing!"
"People is possible voice
Your voice would possible
go to American Embassy today!"
"Whom I an from!"
"This is saving chilren!"
"This is saving chilren!"
"O! nothing free!"
"Nothing free!"
"O! nothing free!"
- I am Captain
Woman restrained with duct tape after outburst during Fiji Airways flight
Vanessa Brown
ExclusiveTravel Incidents
The woman was restrained and her mouth closed with duct tape on board the flight.
Insane footage from Fiji flight leaked
Disturbing video has emerged of an irate Australian passenger being gagged by duct tape on a flight in to Fiji.
Woman restrained with duct tape after outburst during Fiji Airways flight
The flight landed in Nadi on Monday, January 20 [2025] local time,
where it was met by local law enforcement
and she was arrested.
has confirmed
the woman was charged by police in Fiji
where she remains in custody awaiting a court appearance today.
The airline has confirmed the incident is now the subject of a “legal investigation”.
A fellow passenger who filmed the altercation, and requested to remain anonymous,
airline staff
were “forced
to resort to restraining and taping the mouth”
of the woman,
whose comments were allegedly “racist and vulgar” in nature.
The woman was heard screaming and resisting as cabin crew attempted to use duct tape.
The woman was heard screaming and resisting as cabin crew attempted to use duct tape.
The woman allegedly hurled abuse to both cabin crew and passengers.
The woman allegedly hurled abuse to both cabin crew and passengers.
The passenger behind the camera said
the situation unfolded about halfway
into the 11-hour flight towards Nadi,
after the woman started to “raise her voice” within the cabin.
“It became known to crew and nearby passengers
early into the incident
that the woman was travelling with her husband,
though they were sitting in different areas of the plane,”
the witness,
who was seated several rows away from the woman,
“The husband requested to be seated elsewhere
when the woman started to raise her voice,
and the altercation between the woman and crew started
when the crew refused to tell the woman where he had been moved to.”
The witness told news.com.au
the woman
“caused great distress to all nearby passengers and crew
by screaming and yelling abuse”
as well as “threatening and throwing objects s
uch as cups at crew members”.
“She had also slapped the hands of a flight attendant,”
the witness claimed.
In the footage, crew can be seen trying to tape the woman’s mouth shut when she refused to stop yelling abuse.
“The other passengers were particularly upset by her overtly racist comments towards the Fijian crew members, with many calling out to the woman to be quiet and behave,” the witness recalled.
“Parents with children onboard were clearly upset with the excessive vulgar language and swearing with many seen blocking the ears of their children.”
A passenger onboard filmed the altercation.
A passenger onboard filmed the altercation.
The woman was restrained with duct tape onboard the flight.
The woman was restrained with duct tape onboard the flight.
In the footage, the woman can be seen towards the back of the plane with two cabin crew members desperately attempting to restrain and ultimately cover her mouth with duct tape.
“The crew forcibly moved the woman to the back of the plane but this didn’t stop the (passenger’s) abusive behaviour, which continued throughout the remainder of the flight,” the witness said.
“The crew informed the woman that authorities would be waiting for her on arrival in Nadi.” It is believed the woman was booked on a connecting flight to Adelaide.
It is understood the altercation took place halfway
in to the 11-hour flight
from San Francisco to Nadi.
“When the flight was two hours away from Nadi, the husband came and sat with the woman but this didn’t improve the woman’s behaviour. She continued to verbally assault crew members and disturb passengers.”
In a statement sent to news.com.au,
Fiji Airways
said the incident was being investigated by local authorities.
“At Fiji Airways,
the safety of our passengers and crew is our highest priority,
and we uphold a zero-tolerance policy
for any threatening behaviour,”
the spokesperson said.
“We are co-operating with the relevant authorities,
who are investigating an incident involving a passenger aboard
flight FJ817 from San Francisco,
which landed at Nadi International Airport on 20th January 2025,
where it was met by law enforcement.”
A spokesperson for Fiji Airways
said the incident on board
flight FJ817 from San Francisco
is now part of an ongoing legal investigation.
A spokesperson for Fiji Airways said the incident on board flight FJ817 from San Francisco is now part of an ongoing legal investigation.
It is understood that the incident is now part of an ongoing legal investigation.
A spokesperson from the Fiji Police Department confirmed the altercation, and that the woman was “intoxicated” and would be facing Nadi Magistrates Court on Friday local time.
“She was intoxicated and causing nuisance to passengers,” Fiji police spokesperson, Sergeant Wame Bautolu told news.com.au.
“She has been charged on a count of Unruly passengers under the Fiji Civil Aviation Act and will be produced at the Nadi Magistrate Court tomorrow.
“She is under the custody of Immigration Officials.”
Under Fiji’s Civil Aviation Authority, airlines have the power to make a passenger leave an aircraft if their behaviour is deemed as “disruptive” with cabin crew given the “right to take measures they think reasonable to prevent the passenger from continuing that behaviour”.
When the aircraft lands, their actions may include:
– making the passenger leave the aircraft, possibly under police escort,
– refusing to carry the passenger on the remaining sectors of the journey shown on their ticket, and
– reporting the incident on board the aircraft to the relevant authorities with a view to prosecuting them for any criminal offences that may have been committed.
Serious offences could result in a large fine or imprisonment.
A spokesperson for the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade said they were aware of reports that an Australian was detained in Fiji.
“We stand ready to provide consular assistance, to any Australian citizen, should they request it,” the spokesperson said.
"Don't trust me! Got this? I do nothing wrong! Gilt!" "This is saving chilren!"
"O! nothing free!"
- "Stop it! I am from a balcony!"
- "Yes, you are!"
- "Melkiy (Мелкий(=a shot, a little one)). it!
- No, I am not it!
- I am stack in!
- "Stop it!
- " I am from a balcony!" "I am from a balcony!"
- "I am from a balcony!"
- waiting a house!
- "Yes, you are!"
"Don't touch me!"
- "Don't trust me!"
"Don't trust me! Got this?
- "I do nothing wrong! Gilt!? Nothing!"
"People is possible voice
Your voice would possible
go to American Embassy today!"
"Whom I an from!"
"This is saving chilren!"
"This is saving chilren!"
"O! nothing free!"
"Nothing free!"
"O! nothing free!"
- I am Captain
Woman restrained with duct tape after outburst during Fiji Airways flight
Vanessa Brown
ExclusiveTravel Incidents
The woman was restrained and her mouth closed with duct tape on board the flight.
Insane footage from Fiji flight leaked
Disturbing video has emerged of an irate Australian passenger being gagged by duct tape on a flight in to Fiji.
Woman restrained with duct tape after outburst during Fiji Airways flight
24.01.2025. Самолёты. Полёты. Стюардессы. Путешествия. Происшествия.
Зарина Дзагоева
Зарина Дзагоева
Зарина Дзагоева
Зарина Дзагоева
Зарина Дзагоева
Стюардессы попытались заклеить скотчем рот пьяной дебоширке в самолете и попали на видео 13:18 24.01.2025
13:18, 24 января 2025
Стюардессы попытались заклеить скотчем рот пьяной дебоширке в самолете и попали на видео
Стюардессы на рейсе Fiji Airways на Фиджи попытались заклеить рот пассажирке
Стюардессы авиакомпании Fiji Airways
попытались заклеить скотчем
рот пьяной дебоширке
в самолете
и попали на видео.
Кадры публикует
Уточняется, что
инцидент произошел
на рейсе
Fiji Airways
на Фиджи]
из Сан-Франциско [США
]в Нанди, Фиджи,
[в понедельник]
20 января [2025].
[на рейсе FJ871
из Сан-Франциско в Нади
в прошлую субботу]
[? Суббота, 18 января 2025 года?]
[? Суббота, 11 января 2025 года?]
[? Понедельник, 20 января 2026 года?]
[В эксклюзивном видении
, предоставленном news.com.au ,
который, по словам полиции,
был “в состоянии алкогольного опьянения и доставлял неудобства”,
был снят
на видео во время полета рейса FJ871
из Сан-Франциско в Нади
в прошлую субботу]
[? Суббота, 18 января 2025 года?]
[? Суббота, 11 января 2025 года?]
[? Понедельник, 20 января 2026 года?]
[Рейс приземлился в Нади в понедельник, 20 января [2025] по местному времени]]
on flight FJ871
from San Francisco to Nadi
last Saturday
[? Saturday, 18th January 2025 ?]
[? Saturday, 11th January 2025 ?]
[? Monday, 20 January 2026 ?]
In exclusive vision
provided to news.com.au,
the distressed
who police say
was “intoxicated and causing a nuisance”,
was filmed
on flight FJ871
from San Francisco to Nadi
last Saturday
[? Saturday, 18th January 2025 ?]
[? Saturday, 11th January 2025 ?]
[? Monday, 20 January 2026 ?]
[The flight landed in Nadi on Monday, January 20 local time]
if some loudly on plane (baby , children, easy put some melodies, musics) the sound of melodies
would calm downm or just sme radia to listen news.
the offer of some drink and food may a mouth busy eating-drinking, may change mood and a low situation
whom tortured humans put dust tape on human faces
если кто-то громко включит в самолете (малыш, дети, изи) какие-нибудь мелодии, музычку, звук мелодий
затихнет, или просто включите радио, чтобы послушать новости.
предложение какого-нибудь напитка или еды может привести к тому, что рот будет занят едой и питьем, может изменить настроение и неблагоприятную ситуацию
, из-за которой замученные люди наклеивают пыльную ленту на лица
The incident occurred
on the flight
Fiji Airways
to Fiji]
from San Francisco [USA
]in Nandi, Fiji,
[on Monday]
January 20th [2025].
[on flight FJ871
from San Francisco to Nadi
last Saturday]
[? Saturday, January 18, 2025?]
[? Saturday, January 11, 2025?]
[? Monday, January 20, 2026?]
[In an exclusive vision
provided by news.com.au ,
a suffering
who, According to the police,
he was “intoxicated and inconvenienced,”
was filmed
during flight FJ871.
from San Francisco to Nadi
last Saturday]
[? Saturday, January 18, 2025?]
[? Saturday, January 11, 2025?]
[? Monday, January 20, 2026?]
[Flight landed in Nadi on Monday, January 20, [2025] local time]]
"Don't trust me! Got this? I do nothing wrong! Gilt!" "This is saving chilren!"
"O! nothing free!"
- "Stop it! I am from a balcony!"
- "Yes, you are!"
- "Melkiy (Мелкий(=a shot, a little one)). it!
- No, I am not it!
- I am stack in!
- "Stop it!
- " I am from a balcony!" "I am from a balcony!"
- "I am from a balcony!"
- waiting a house!
- "Yes, you are!"
"Don't touch me!"
- "Don't trust me!"
"Don't trust me! Got this?
- "I do nothing wrong! Gilt!? Nothing!"
"People is possible voice
Your voice would possible
go to American Embassy today!"
"Whom I an from!"
"This is saving chilren!"
"This is saving chilren!"
"O! nothing free!"
"Nothing free!"
"O! nothing free!"
- I am Captain
"Не доверяешь мне! Понял? Я не делаю ничего плохого! Позолота!" "Это спасение детей!"
"О! ничего бесплатного!"
- "Прекрати! Я с балкона!"
- "Да, это ты!"
- "Мелкий (маленький (= выстрел, маленький)). это!
- Нет, я не он!
- Я в деле!
- "Прекрати это!
- "Я с балкона!" "Я с балкона!"
- "Я с балкона!"
- ждет целый дом!
- "Да, это так!"
- Не прикасайся ко мне!
- "Не доверяй мне!"
"Не доверяй мне! Понял?
- "Я не делаю ничего плохого! Позолота!? Ничего!"
"Люди, это возможный голос"
Ваш голос, возможно
, дошел бы сегодня до американского посольства!"
"От кого я?"
"Это спасение детей!"
"Это спасение детей!"
- О, ничего бесплатного!
- Ничего бесплатного!
- О, ничего бесплатного!
- Я капитан
Женщина, связанная клейкой лентой после вспышки гнева во время полета Fiji Airways
Ванесса Браун
@vanessajbrown - коричневый
Эксклюзивные инциденты в путешествиях
На борту самолета женщину связали, а рот заклеили скотчем.
В сеть просочились безумные кадры с рейса на Фиджи
Появилось тревожное видео, на котором разъяренному австралийскому пассажиру клейкой лентой затыкают рот во время полета на Фиджи.
Женщина, связанная клейкой лентой после вспышки гнева во время полета Fiji Airways
Woman restrained with duct tape after outburst during Fiji Airways flight
Vanessa Brown
ExclusiveTravel Incidents
The woman was restrained and her mouth closed with duct tape on board the flight.
Insane footage from Fiji flight leaked
Disturbing video has emerged of an irate Australian passenger being gagged by duct tape on a flight in to Fiji.
Woman restrained with duct tape after outburst during Fiji Airways flight
Женщина летела с мужем,
однако из-за ее криков и грубого поведения
мужчина попросил пересадить его.
Пассажирка попыталась узнать,
на какой ряд отправили ее супруга,
но стюардессы отказались отвечать.
"Не доверяешь мне! Понял? Я не делаю ничего плохого! Позолота!" "Это спасение детей!"
"О! ничего бесплатного!"
- "Прекрати! Я с балкона!"
- "Да, это ты!"
- "Мелкий (маленький (= выстрел, маленький)). это!
- Нет, я не он!
- Я в деле!
- "Прекрати это!
- "Я с балкона!" "Я с балкона!"
- "Я с балкона!"
- ждет целый дом!
- "Да, это так!"
- Не прикасайся ко мне!
- "Не доверяй мне!"
"Не доверяй мне! Понял?
- "Я не делаю ничего плохого! Позолота!? Ничего!"
"Люди, это возможный голос"
Ваш голос, возможно
, дошел бы сегодня до американского посольства!"
"От кого я?"
"Это спасение детей!"
"Это спасение детей!"
- О, ничего бесплатного!
- Ничего бесплатного!
- О, ничего бесплатного!
- Я капитан
Женщина, связанная клейкой лентой после вспышки гнева во время полета Fiji Airways
Ванесса Браун
@vanessajbrown - коричневый
Эксклюзивные инциденты в путешествиях
На борту самолета женщину связали, а рот заклеили скотчем.
В сеть просочились безумные кадры с рейса на Фиджи
Появилось тревожное видео, на котором разъяренному австралийскому пассажиру клейкой лентой затыкают рот во время полета на Фиджи.
Женщина, связанная клейкой лентой после вспышки гнева во время полета Fiji Airways
Тогда разгневанная путешественница начала их оскорблять, угрожала окружающим и разбрасывала предметы. Бортпроводницы были вынуждены силой удерживать дебоширку на месте. В ролике, снятом одним из очевидцев, стюардесса пытается заклеить женщине рот, но та активно вырывается.
После приземления на Фиджи пассажирку арестовала полиция. Ее будут судить в Нанди за нарушение порядка в самолете.
Стюардессы попытались заклеить скотчем рот пьяной дебоширке в самолете и попали на видео 13:18 24.01.2025
Зарина Дзагоева
Зарина Дзагоева
Зарина Дзагоева
Стюардесса показала свое спальное место в самолете и напугала пользователей сети
14:20 24.01.2025
Стюардессы попытались заклеить скотчем рот пьяной дебоширке в самолете и попали на видео 13:18 24.01.2025
Стало известно об отличиях опубликованной расшифровки черных ящиков AZAL от оригинала
11:29 24.01.2025
Пассажир поскользнулся в туалете самолета, упал в мочу и получил тяжелую травму головы
09:08 24.01.2025
Российская стюардесса рассказала о ненависти к одной особенности профессии
20:48, 23 января 2025
Российская стюардесса назвала самые безопасные места в самолете 20:37, 23 января 2025
Турист устроил расистский скандал в баре в США и пригрозил иностранцам депортацией
19:04, 23 января 2025
Полиция выгнала россиян из «русской деревни» на Бали за неуважение к острову
15:07, 23 января 2025
Россиянин провел полет в каюте самолета с кроватью и описал ее фразой «в объятьях роскоши» 09:02, 23 января 2025
Российская стюардесса раскрыла судьбу забытых в аэропорту чемоданов
20:36, 22 января 2025
Мужчина решил подстричь ногти на ногах в аэропорту и прослыл в сети отвратительным
15:00, 22 января 2025
Пассажирка самолета лишилась дизайнерских вещей на сотни тысяч рублей во время рейса
13:06, 22 января 2025
Забытая в грузовом отсеке самолета кошка совершила три перелета за 24 часа
12:42, 22 января 2025
Россияне массово устремились в одну страну Европы в феврале 10:36, 22 января 2025
В Японии нашли останки исчезнувшего в Китае семь лет назад российского моряка
09:22, 22 января 2025
Рейс застрявших в Гаване российских туристов в Москву снова отложили 09:16, 22 января 2025
Российская тревел-блогерша перечислила обязательные для поездки в Китай вещи
09:00, 22 января 2025
Российская тревел-блогерша описала Европу фразой «не так представляла себе»
07:33, 22 января 2025
Российский тревел-блогер побывал в Мексике и описал ее фразой «не для слабонервных»
05:30, 22 января 2025
Тревел-блогерша отправилась в Мексику и описала страну фразой «будто в Россию приехали»
04:01, 22 января 2025
Зарина Дзагоева
"Не доверяешь мне! Понял? Я не делаю ничего плохого! Позолота!" "Это спасение детей!"
"О! ничего бесплатного!"
- "Прекрати! Я с балкона!"
- "Да, это ты!"
- "Мелкий (маленький (= выстрел, маленький)). это!
- Нет, я не он!
- Я в деле!
- "Прекрати это!
- "Я с балкона!" "Я с балкона!"
- "Я с балкона!"
- ждет целый дом!
- "Да, это так!"
- Не прикасайся ко мне!
- "Не доверяй мне!"
"Не доверяй мне! Понял?
- "Я не делаю ничего плохого! Позолота!? Ничего!"
"Люди, это возможный голос"
Ваш голос, возможно
, дошел бы сегодня до американского посольства!"
"От кого я?"
"Это спасение детей!"
"Это спасение детей!"
- О, ничего бесплатного!
- Ничего бесплатного!
- О, ничего бесплатного!
- Я капитан
Женщина, связанная клейкой лентой после вспышки гнева во время полета Fiji Airways
Ванесса Браун
@vanessajbrown - коричневый
Эксклюзивные инциденты в путешествиях
На борту самолета женщину связали, а рот заклеили скотчем.
В сеть просочились безумные кадры с рейса на Фиджи
Появилось тревожное видео, на котором разъяренному австралийскому пассажиру клейкой лентой затыкают рот во время полета на Фиджи.
Женщина, связанная клейкой лентой после вспышки гнева во время полета Fiji Airways
Украина получилась при игноре 1991 Латвии + Когда идут атаки женщин белой расы это атака и белой расы мужчин и их детей. Это звоночек и понимают поздно.
Латвия в 1991 пошла против русских в Латвии:
Россия дала поддержку поддержав фашизм и нацизм в Латвии в Евроре?
Получила: Украину , с 2014 по 2025 и Россию.
Надо было тогда в 1991 давить Латвию если там давят русских.
Дав русским уехать в Россию: науку и экономику и промышленность Росиси понимать:
Россия не дала: не дала: уехали поднимать Микрософт, Америку, Канаду, ...
А потом России типа враг США?
кому помогли экономику и науку и промышленность поднять?
А самим красть надо?
(прочла новости 24 января 2025:
каким то сказочным образом, в Россию попали секретные чертежи американских ракет разработки в США. Теперь это уже вот в Росиси и российские стали.)
Индия стала убивать-латышку жену ирланда : он кинул жену та одна. Тут ПОХОЖЕ: кинул жену и жену атакуют и МУЖ НЕ ПОДОШЁЛ к ЕГО ЖЕНЕ.
А что летели на Фиджи?? фиджи там канибаллизм был и не всем приятно когда потомки каннибаллов и то и канибаллы трогают их тело? фиджийцы канибаллы были совсем недавн по их истории и крики
"Don't touch me!"
"Don't trust me! Got this? I do nothing wrong!"
"Не доверяешь мне! Понял? Я не делаю ничего плохого! Позолота!" "Это спасение детей!"
"О! ничего бесплатного!"
- "Прекрати! Я с балкона!"
- "Да, это ты!"
- "Мелкий (маленький (= выстрел, маленький)). это!
- Нет, я не он!
- Я в деле!
- "Прекрати это!
- "Я с балкона!" "Я с балкона!"
- "Я с балкона!"
- ждет целый дом!
- "Да, это так!"
- Не прикасайся ко мне!
- "Не доверяй мне!"
"Не доверяй мне! Понял?
- "Я не делаю ничего плохого! Позолота!? Ничего!"
"Люди, это возможный голос"
Ваш голос, возможно
, дошел бы сегодня до американского посольства!"
"От кого я?"
"Это спасение детей!"
"Это спасение детей!"
- О, ничего бесплатного!
- Ничего бесплатного!
- О, ничего бесплатного!
- Я капитан
Но завязать клейкой лейтой РОТ ПАССАЖИРКИ оплатившей стомость 11 часов полёт США-Фиджи??? ?? как бы те не пыхтели но стюардесса это обслуга и официантка для людей с деньгами в классовом обществе никто политически и социально. Официантка и ДОЛЖНА была предложить Леди
1. одеяло? для комфорта в полёте? Леди холодно?
2. горячего чая? 3. печенья?
4. алкогль небольшой объём но крепкий=коньяк, расширить сосуда согреться = комфорт.
5. вдруг что контрабанда в теле тащит и больно стало? вопит??)))
Woman restrained with duct tape after outburst during Fiji Airways flight
Disturbing video has emerged of an irate Australian passenger being gagged by duct tape on a flight in to Fiji.
Woman shouted loudly on crew members
"Do not touch me!! "
"Do not touch me!"
"I have do nothing wrong!"
"I am ((?a member?) (??) (an Embassy of USA)" ?
"You will fo straight to American Embassy today!" (she may be a member of American Embassy? American Citizen white race woman USA?) (a diplomate USA?)
((attackers here looked FSB USA agents on board themselves, really))
((a real steward as a Phychologist in Service would low a situation by offering a nice drink make a low situation as all this shocked stressed a public to see to have fears to flight use planes))
A woman sat in place near a hole window not attacked any.
<<<<<>>>>> <<<<<>>>>> <<<<<>>>>> <<<<<>>>>> <<<<<>>>>>
Look a big difference of a real service make your comfort of life as their client.
and the attack of whom like to present show own POWER on you as MAIN JOIN.
<<<<<>>>>> <<<<<>>>>> <<<<<>>>>> <<<<<>>>>> <<<<<>>>>>
<<<<<>>>>> <<<<<>>>>> <<<<<>>>>> <<<<<>>>>> <<<<<>>>>>
to put a dust tape on mouth is named a humalation and a torture of humans
<<<<<>>>>> <<<<<>>>>> <<<<<>>>>> <<<<<>>>>> <<<<<>>>>>
<<<<<>>>>> <<<<<>>>>> <<<<<>>>>> <<<<<>>>>> <<<<<>>>>>
lots white race had a thinnest blood vessels
and a high blood pressure , headaches
the load shots make a balance of body and space they are
make low a blood pressure till a balance
<<<<<>>>>> <<<<<>>>>> <<<<<>>>>> <<<<<>>>>> <<<<<>>>>>
lots lots women shout loudly before their female period start so each month as a natural way
if their blood pressure up
<<<<<>>>>> <<<<<>>>>> <<<<<>>>>> <<<<<>>>>> <<<<<>>>>>
white race had specific illness
- thinnest blood vessels make headacges blood pressure
- cardiological problems
- aritmia, tahicardia, diffusia miocards, pain in limbs area,
- insult
- stop of heart beating, insult, death
- thinnest skin make bruises, broken skins, rash, allergy
- allergy
- delicate skin bodies
- white race men and women used lots creams, talc, lotions, for skin
- a white skin sensitive to sun rays, warmth and cold, a wind or no wind
- a sun skin burned on the STraight Sun
- needs in a fresh water drinks, sjower, bath
- special diets
- when they glue her white skin lips they so damaged her lips skin as they took tape with a skin make sore what torture of humans, female
- women if pregnant, if in having a period pain, a climax pain, may be in pain
- some shouted if they had a cancer pain
- some shouted they had a tooth pain
- some shouted they had a stomach pain
- lots white race may say where sore and a pain just privately to own medical doctor never open publicly
- lots had a delicaticy and shame not open if in pain publicly
- lots used painkillers or drugs but this impossible during a flight day if a prescription drugs gone
- a depression someone died , people crying, women crying
I was a wife of British man as my husband 1998-2010.
He beat me strong in my face and twisted my chews as I cried in tears
and he said me he will continue to beat me till i stop to cry in tears or I will died a dead.
I asked called AE he refused to call to AE to me his wife.
Lots white race wives had this make stop to say if in pain to own husband but just to own doctor.
My 1st husband said me some when you cried in tears my reaction I want always to murder you to stop to be upsad crying in tears.
white men cruelty make loot white race women to create a special loud unplesant voice make keep them a distance from them and stop to touch them or attack them
lots British English Ladies had a thiinest unpleasants voices as just a soft female weapon of self-defence KEEP A DISTANCE FROM ME AND MY BODY.Usually this mean LEAVE ME ALONE .
(women not able say to man be in pain or upsad in depression to cry in tears,
but lots victims of domestic violance were being attacked if cried in tears (having a pain))
Muslim another race had not white skin bodies with thinnest blood vessels
to be able speciafic health problem of white race.
But look, all each Muslim , a man or a woman, may use the technology of white race Creators
of planes?
White race woman was attacked in plane creating white race Creators?
I would banned the sale plane to Fijii and banned the repairs of Fijii Aircompany planes
I would banned sale Fijii prodactions
No, not for 1 year, just forever
if someome may attack a woman of white race
to tape her mouth
while using white face technology?
white race had a power in UK/USA/Europe
"make some kinds soft"
White race men and women
heatings/cooling system
buildings with comfort living
as open mougthers freedom speeches people
Please say me
what Muslim people
in Muslim countries
with no ability to save locals in 2001?
where was whom they prayed daily?
They teach to hate any as their religion differences
White race people accepted all religion, races, ethnic
To use a white race planes
to flight by plane created by white race
to have profit income wages as owners and crew of plane
and hate white race women so strongly
if a passenger had her needs, her asks, her questions, her emotions,
she was not satisfied by services of staff?
She was put low lever and her husband high level?
The sit of passenger whom was her husband was near her
as a paid place?
their family stay together?
if his woman his wife scolded him, - this was THEIR OWN FAMILY
Another passenger may put earplugs/a radio/music, they focused on other family life scandals?
<<<<<>>>>> <<<<<>>>>> <<<<<>>>>> <<<<<>>>>> <<<<<>>>>>
<<<<<>>>>> <<<<<>>>>> <<<<<>>>>> <<<<<>>>>> <<<<<>>>>>
<< Note,
lots babyes and children
are loud sounding on a discomfort of flight of plane
make passengers on board discomfort and staff and pilots ,
would all babies and children on boards will stop be a loud sounding now
by dust tape their mouths too
now as a new rule to keep order of a silence during a flight?
for family with children to know what to wait now on a flight from stewards crew members and pilitis as air passengers clients paying own money make their income and profit?"
<<<<<>>>>> <<<<<>>>>> <<<<<>>>>> <<<<<>>>>> <<<<<>>>>>
<<<<<>>>>> <<<<<>>>>> <<<<<>>>>> <<<<<>>>>> <<<<<>>>>>
if some loudly on plane (baby , children, easy put some melodies, musics) the sound of melodies
would calm downm or just sme radia to listen news.
the offer of some drink and food may a mouth busy eating-drinking, may change mood and a low situation
whom tortured humans put dust tape on human faces
<<<<<>>>>> <<<<<>>>>> <<<<<>>>>> <<<<<>>>>> <<<<<>>>>>
если кто-то громко включит в самолете (малыш, дети, изи) какие-нибудь мелодии, музычку, звук мелодий
затихнет, или просто включите радио, чтобы послушать новости.
предложение какого-нибудь напитка или еды может привести к тому, что рот будет занят едой и питьем, может изменить настроение и неблагоприятную ситуацию
, из-за которой замученные люди наклеивают пыльную ленту на лица
<<<<<>>>>> <<<<<>>>>> <<<<<>>>>> <<<<<>>>>> <<<<<>>>>>
<<<<<>>>>> <<<<<>>>>> <<<<<>>>>> <<<<<>>>>> <<<<<>>>>>
Vanessa Brown
ExclusiveTravel Incidents
The woman was restrained and her mouth closed with duct tape on board the flight.
Insane footage from Fiji flight leaked
Disturbing video has emerged of an irate Australian passenger being gagged by duct tape on a flight in to Fiji. WARNING: DISTRESSING CONTENT
Woman restrained with duct tape after outburst during Fiji Airways flight
Disturbing video has emerged of an irate Australian passenger being gagged by duct tape on a flight in to Fiji.
The woman was restrained and her mouth closed with duct tape on board the flight.
Insane footage from Fiji flight leaked
Disturbing video has emerged of an irate Australian passenger being gagged by duct tape on a flight in to Fiji. WARNING: DISTRESSING CONTENT
Vanessa Brown
Vanessa Brown
The woman was restrained and her mouth closed with duct tape on board the flight.
Insane footage from Fiji flight leaked
Disturbing video has emerged of an irate Australian passenger being gagged by duct tape on a flight in to Fiji. WARNING: DISTRESSING CONTENT
January 24, 2025 - 1:57PM
Flight attendants have been recorded attempting to restrain and duct tape the mouth of an Australian woman who was thrashing and screaming on board a Fiji Airways flight as she travelled to the country’s main island.
In exclusive vision provided to news.com.au, the distressed 69-year-old passenger, who police say was “intoxicated and causing a nuisance”, was filmed on flight FJ871 from San Francisco to Nadi last Saturday.
The flight landed in Nadi on Monday, January 20 local time, where it was met by local law enforcement and she was arrested. News.com.au has confirmed the woman was charged by police in Fiji where she remains in custody awaiting a court appearance today. The airline has confirmed the incident is now the subject of a “legal investigation”.
A fellow passenger who filmed the altercation, and requested to remain anonymous, said airline staff were “forced to resort to restraining and taping the mouth” of the woman, whose comments were allegedly “racist and vulgar” in nature.
Flight attendants have been recorded attempting to restrain and duct tape the mouth of an Australian woman who was thrashing and screaming on board a Fiji Airways flight as she travelled to the country’s main island.
In exclusive vision
provided to news.com.au,
the distressed
who police say
was “intoxicated and causing a nuisance”,
was filmed
on flight FJ871
from San Francisco to Nadi
last Saturday
[? Saturday, 18th January 2025 ?]
[? Saturday, 11th January 2025 ?]
[? Monday, 20 January 2026 ?]
[The flight landed in Nadi on Monday, January 20 local time]
The incident occurred
on the flight
Fiji Airways
to Fiji]
from San Francisco [USA
]in Nandi, Fiji,
[on Monday]
January 20th [2025].
[on flight FJ871
from San Francisco to Nadi
last Saturday]
[? Saturday, January 18, 2025?]
[? Saturday, January 11, 2025?]
[? Monday, January 20, 2026?]
[In an exclusive vision
provided by news.com.au ,
a suffering
who, According to the police,
he was “intoxicated and inconvenienced,”
was filmed
during flight FJ871.
from San Francisco to Nadi
last Saturday]
[? Saturday, January 18, 2025?]
[? Saturday, January 11, 2025?]
[? Monday, January 20, 2026?]
[Flight landed in Nadi on Monday, January 20, [2025] local time]]
The flight landed in Nadi on Monday, January 20 [2025] local time,
where it was met by local law enforcement
and she was arrested.
has confirmed
the woman was charged by police in Fiji
where she remains in custody awaiting a court appearance today.
The airline has confirmed the incident is now the subject of a “legal investigation”.
A fellow passenger who filmed the altercation, and requested to remain anonymous,
airline staff
were “forced
to resort to restraining and taping the mouth”
of the woman,
whose comments were allegedly “racist and vulgar” in nature.
The woman was heard screaming and resisting as cabin crew attempted to use duct tape.
The woman was heard screaming and resisting as cabin crew attempted to use duct tape.
The woman allegedly hurled abuse to both cabin crew and passengers.
The woman allegedly hurled abuse to both cabin crew and passengers.
The passenger behind the camera said
the situation unfolded about halfway
into the 11-hour flight towards Nadi,
after the woman started to “raise her voice” within the cabin.
“It became known to crew and nearby passengers
early into the incident
that the woman was travelling with her husband,
though they were sitting in different areas of the plane,”
the witness,
who was seated several rows away from the woman,
“The husband requested to be seated elsewhere
when the woman started to raise her voice,
and the altercation between the woman and crew started
when the crew refused to tell the woman where he had been moved to.”
The witness told news.com.au
the woman
“caused great distress to all nearby passengers and crew
by screaming and yelling abuse”
as well as “threatening and throwing objects s
uch as cups at crew members”.
“She had also slapped the hands of a flight attendant,”
the witness claimed.
In the footage, crew can be seen trying to tape the woman’s mouth shut when she refused to stop yelling abuse.
“The other passengers were particularly upset by her overtly racist comments towards the Fijian crew members, with many calling out to the woman to be quiet and behave,” the witness recalled.
“Parents with children onboard were clearly upset with the excessive vulgar language and swearing with many seen blocking the ears of their children.”
A passenger onboard filmed the altercation.
A passenger onboard filmed the altercation.
The woman was restrained with duct tape onboard the flight.
The woman was restrained with duct tape onboard the flight.
In the footage, the woman can be seen towards the back of the plane with two cabin crew members desperately attempting to restrain and ultimately cover her mouth with duct tape.
“The crew forcibly moved the woman to the back of the plane but this didn’t stop the (passenger’s) abusive behaviour, which continued throughout the remainder of the flight,” the witness said.
“The crew informed the woman that authorities would be waiting for her on arrival in Nadi.” It is believed the woman was booked on a connecting flight to Adelaide.
It is understood the altercation took place halfway
in to the 11-hour flight
from San Francisco to Nadi.
“When the flight was two hours away from Nadi, the husband came and sat with the woman but this didn’t improve the woman’s behaviour. She continued to verbally assault crew members and disturb passengers.”
In a statement sent to news.com.au,
Fiji Airways
said the incident was being investigated by local authorities.
“At Fiji Airways,
the safety of our passengers and crew is our highest priority,
and we uphold a zero-tolerance policy
for any threatening behaviour,”
the spokesperson said.
“We are co-operating with the relevant authorities,
who are investigating an incident involving a passenger aboard
flight FJ817 from San Francisco,
which landed at Nadi International Airport on 20th January 2025,
where it was met by law enforcement.”
A spokesperson for Fiji Airways
said the incident on board
flight FJ817 from San Francisco
is now part of an ongoing legal investigation.
A spokesperson for Fiji Airways said the incident on board flight FJ817 from San Francisco is now part of an ongoing legal investigation.
It is understood that the incident is now part of an ongoing legal investigation.
A spokesperson from the Fiji Police Department confirmed the altercation, and that the woman was “intoxicated” and would be facing Nadi Magistrates Court on Friday local time.
“She was intoxicated and causing nuisance to passengers,” Fiji police spokesperson, Sergeant Wame Bautolu told news.com.au.
“She has been charged on a count of Unruly passengers under the Fiji Civil Aviation Act and will be produced at the Nadi Magistrate Court tomorrow.
“She is under the custody of Immigration Officials.”
Under Fiji’s Civil Aviation Authority, airlines have the power to make a passenger leave an aircraft if their behaviour is deemed as “disruptive” with cabin crew given the “right to take measures they think reasonable to prevent the passenger from continuing that behaviour”.
When the aircraft lands, their actions may include:
– making the passenger leave the aircraft, possibly under police escort,
– refusing to carry the passenger on the remaining sectors of the journey shown on their ticket, and
– reporting the incident on board the aircraft to the relevant authorities with a view to prosecuting them for any criminal offences that may have been committed.
Serious offences could result in a large fine or imprisonment.
A spokesperson for the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade said they were aware of reports that an Australian was detained in Fiji.
“We stand ready to provide consular assistance, to any Australian citizen, should they request it,” the spokesperson said.
13:18, 24 января 2025 Путешествия
Стюардессы попытались заклеить скотчем рот пьяной дебоширке в самолете и попали на видео
Стюардессы на рейсе Fiji Airways на Фиджи попытались заклеить рот пассажирке
Стюардессы авиакомпании Fiji Airways попытались заклеить скотчем рот пьяной дебоширке в самолете и попали на видео. Кадры публикует News.com.au.
Уточняется, что инцидент произошел на рейсе из Сан-Франциско в Нанди, Фиджи, 20 января. Женщина летела со своим мужем, однако из-за ее криков и грубого поведения мужчина попросил пересадить его. Пассажирка попыталась узнать, на какой ряд отправили ее супруга, но стюардессы отказались отвечать ей.
Тогда разгневанная путешественница начала их оскорблять, угрожала окружающим и разбрасывала предметы. Бортпроводницы были вынуждены силой удерживать дебоширку на месте. В ролике, снятом одним из очевидцев, стюардесса пытается заклеить женщине рот, но та активно вырывается.
После приземления на Фиджи пассажирку арестовала полиция. Ее будут судить в Нанди за нарушение порядка в самолете.
English white race make lot Colonies attacking lot not own their land for centuries and modeern time make lots started to hate white race
and whom hated make paid to kill white race to make less white race as attackers other countries/ethnic
but as a hate they attacked whom able to attack as a resources of attacks.
Some comments
The qlue of a mouth of air passanger for loud shouts may do her a died if astma-heart attcka
make all by a team. and this stop to listen WHAT WAS MAKING her so angry? (own husband or some neighbour sat another place?.
More professional would be make excuse to offer a warm nice cup of tea with a biscuit or sandwitch - the eating and drinking would stop a swarring and make change a mood,,, the another race stewards team picked the physical attack , so, TOUCHING , physical touching of pair passenger body (a woman, a man born a boy, changed a sex be a woman). Lots whom chaned a sex be a woman in passwords still may be indetificated as a men , males by others, as a biological objects males,, make some attacks on "women" were attacks "on men, males, naming themselves "women", so a sexist attacks with touching.
This is not a professional not to calm down a human able to talk to listen verbally
we had not LISTEN STEWARDS TEAM SPEECHES trying calm down own client VERBALLY.
We had not saw the offer a warm drink-a cold drink-a biscuit
while a drink of a liquid would low a blood pressure make a blood another more liquid substance
as angry may be a physical medical sign of a discomfort of human body
having a hight blood pressure
having a pressured stomach (need to empty make a physical comfort(to visit a loo, WC room).
to have a pain (headache, stomatch, back, blood pressure, climax or female period pain)
the aspirin or a shot 50 grams - 100 grams of alcohol 12-40 degree wide blood vessels make "easy"
lots medical doctor adviced used aspirin or a short (not mix or or) make a choice
a slow drinks of a pure fresh water by drops each 5-15 minutes make some.
The woman may had a loss her child be depressed and drinken and so unhappy
still some man upset her on a top and some another race stewards attacked to glue her mouth "for a loud shouts"
The loudness of voice used by lots animals in nature
or a confusion.
the loudness had a reason why? to make whom what near FOR ATTENTION
or to run away
or to run to help whom is a shouting
or to make a recording (visions/sounds)
or to check the situation
Stewards team are not looked ordinary stewards teams as looked strong to attack humans physical power.
People paid money for a comfortable services and safety, make a question about a video.
Make a question about WHOM MAY PAY LOTS MONEY to reduce locals of white race in Ukraine? too?
Stewards make commands of bosses owners presenting THE ATTITUDE OF OWNERS WORDS SPEECHES.
Lots another race of ex-colonies were under English power of British Impair/Empaire
and so some may do hate a white race women/men.
Coo-coo-clans of South America worked had make a horror TABOO to touch our white race women and children, TABOO!
American President Barak Obama took taboo to upsad white race women by paying a budget USA money to organise a genocide in Ukraine Europe make a state change by Revolution Maidan 2014/
The hidden more the open tortures and attacks and experiments on human cruelty.
Lady bought an air ticket and was passed on a board so Lady was a safe air passenger by a screening security team of airport.
Whom had screening STEWARDS TEAM of planes and PILOTS of planes in airport? whom are them? are they safe?
Planes had alcohol bar on a plane to offer for cash/debit card/credit card.
Whom checked the bar for sale was safe? not some cheapest replacements bottles looked some?
Some may be kept open for a long? some may drink and put something in open bottles?
Woman look like humilated on experiences on humans as be hated be a white race Lady airpassenger.
Lady may worry where is my husband?
Lady may worry where is my child if she had a loss her child?
Lady is a woman she may be in stomach pain, womb pain, headage, after a drinken session party, stressed.
She paid money be serving with a comfort and a respect her human rights be a human.
Lots died via Coronavirus
Lady may worried if her husband DIED as a horror on a board of plane?
Lady had not attacked passengers
LOTS BABIES on plane TOO make louds shouts crying noices on planes flights sometimes.
We flied UK to Turkey and back as a discomfort of lots crying babies, childrens,
lots parents with children on holiday flights,
No one stewards teams attacked babies to qlue mouthes "They sounded much to loud!"??
Lots said of kiddnapping humans for moving to Mars colonies and etc and to Moon
lots saw that strangest attacks .
People had fears asking a distance of their bodies as this rules of 2018-2020
when we all sat on a distance 3 metres of each on cafee, bars, shopping, on streets walk, in McDonalds,
we weared a face masks too.
But we saw serving staff of superstores had not weared masks serving us customers on tills,
so a strange Coronavirus attacked just "customers" ? not "staff"?
We saw our British Police had not accepted rules of UK were no masks and touched bodies of protestants civilians UK
and load them into a police van not worring any Coronavirus barrier 3 metres
and we saw "The Strange Coranavirus is the pandemia infection" had not attacked humans bodies working as Police UK.
But we saw Policeman UK used to beat by plastic shed a civilian young student female body she fell down and lots white race true-born in UK "British Ethnic" "colleges" staying calmly looking their college used a violence beating physically a slim female young age body and face and head make her a victim of violence of British Policeman man whom had not wearied any mask on his face some all his white race colleges UK.
People in UK had a fears not thieves or drug-dealers after but fears of British Politicians/British Officials/British Police/British army whom may shot locals on orders of British Politicians UK, British NHS as lots dead serving by NHS, some reported died after a vaccination "not to be a died" but died as a vaccinated some day or the next following days. "They would lived for longer but NHS vaccines make them a died!" and The System UK covered the died death be investigated as reasons as all Politician Order was to cover.
Donald Trump put USA out orders on health vaccinations as human choice to decide lots run away from UK/USA make less budget.
American Nurse of private hospital working in state hospital reported the murdering patients by over-pressured oxygen mask on a patients under drugs make not able to leave the situation. Just one drug-man left and run and safe own life as the regular use of drugs make his dose was high level - he took all "medical equipment make him a died" out body and left a hospital, saving his life.
We realised some was in Germany of Hitler make German Officers and soldiers shooting Soviet medical Doctors/Nurses to stop they looked in Germany stop them to trust. They could not copy the some in Germany, - they did this in USSR as they had not any trust to any after.
Stalin said all some, blaming medics killed lots/Germans killed make copy they had a loss of trust they saw in Germany
We had a horror fears losses 2018-2020 lots died. We need more free spaces comfort.
The flight in a plane sits near while a neighbour may be another sex drunken man for a woman is not a nice.
Some men may said open mouth words or they may touched - but if to try to stop this,
some females and women born a boy before they changed a sex be named women
they had not solidarity to concurrent women and they pick a side of male always
They touched her physically?
They used TORTURED as stewards glued her mouth by a glued tape "she loud much to loud as not happy in a discomfort!"
All each animals used a loud sounds -kittens, cats, dogs, humans make a mark I am in pain! I FEAR YOU! I DO NOT TRUST YOU!"
I worked in English speakers British Care Centre in 2014 with rules WE DO RESPECT CLIENTS AND THEIR CHOICES AND OPINIONS. The well quality comfort was, just Manager left, having a cancer.
The fight for a career place was always as these was not a lot places to fill.
The older age experienced staff was pushed out to leave by demand "We do not work to work as youngest with thoses after 50 here!" They started to ignore you not talking with you on breaks, not naming your name of their college replacing "she" "What she said?" in your presence. They talked between themselves on break, passing photos of own children, home, holidays, ignoring you as the empty place. After my college beat my foot my a metallic trolley not saying Sorry not wrote as work accident book as My Supervisor was too. Later I had the arthrite on this my foot as X-ray in a hospital make a diagnose and a strong pain.
Some staff used to move a client by a force to a sleeping room and she shouted loudly she watched TV Channel film with the interest. By rules, they could not do this without her choice but they do.
By rules, they should make the offer to her to watch the some film in her bedroom , and the offer for a cup of tea with a biscuit, buscuits to her room delivery, making a comfort. They had not followed the routine chat make her agreement, they forced her she shouted loudly.
I was beating in my foot by my Superviser Tina as I stayed she left me herself asked make a preparation our client to a night: i changed her, I helped to clean teeth, I combed her hear, as a massage of head ready to sleep relaxaing. But My Supervisor Tina had not came, make me a worry, we worked Nights staff team, not lot, if something?
I came out open door to listen a corridor and noticed the open door light what was a dark before no one. I walked to find our Superviser Tina used to keep a client in a metallic hoist *face of Tina was closed to inner place of client, make something or creaming). Superviser Tina was over-angry to find my presence look and she ordered me to walk out a room with her . My rules, just 3 members of staff may served this client as over-weight heavy weight Lady. The red button for attention was here to press to make all to come to serve or help. Supervisor Tina tried a competions fights be THE BEST able make a work of 3 on her own one. She wanted to proove she (so others too) should be able to IGNORE RULES on serving client (Manager left having a cancer and Tiny pushed some to left as old (tried and me and she had a success I left). I did I could wrote all in emailing with my vision of needs CCTV make a control:
if CCTV would be installed in a corridor: any Manager or Representer may check the situation
watching all moves, faces, chats to control the quality of services and a comfort of clients.
But as this was not, one thinnest weak voice from a team make all own friends colleges?
In a reality: you not able anything if someone or a team lie or lied on you to defend themselves or own career places.
In a reallity: if you report something wrong? - you left this place, not whom make this place a wrong place.
In a reality: you stay just accepted my teams to cover each and Supervisor and collleges.
Lots whom worked here never cried someone died suddenly young as this way much better to be after old in age in care homes serving true-born British teams colleges covered each and Supervisors and Nurses. If Nurses has not a catetor of a right size to use: they had not called to AE Hospital help,
they followed OWENERS-MANAGERS instructions TO KEEP THINGS HIDDEN OF CONTROL and some Managers and Oweners not ordered a delivery of needed things for a client, make areal tortunes ,, and lots relatives never worried or some had not. When a man killed as young man on duty, - you cry. But if you saw the men in age in care? some used to try to attack staff, to beat staff by way some beat own wives at home so own wives left them be alone in old age days.
People in age is a reasources of money and whom make lots jobs services in UK/USA.
Pensions and income and savings people in age creating lots services, goods productions and sales and services, working places.
But I saw this place as a working traditional places replaced by white race.
Some white race had a cruelty of sadists as some attacks of wars, - Crussanda, Iraq, Afganistan, etc.
You work all nice and suddenly they changed be deaf cruel vulgar and as a mass moment you not able make reports as no one would left make a duty after.
You saw things wrong but make a report not enough staff to provide a care in UK, make people to work 12 hours 15 minutes shift not 4/4 but 6/2 8/0 so, a tiredness not enough sleep
and a moral low as no physical strength enought after to provide any choices or listen any client.
Some staff as a damaged staff left or stay they all damaged humans beings after
as a shock of work they saw.
but when clients died as they depressed so vulgar rude serving make they stop to lie:
the shortage of clients to look after
make damaged staff left to work to a police/officials/stewards
Whom had so had a FEARS after.
White race of UK are a mental ill paranoiks with lots fears
as English Racial Classed Culture
English Teachers acted like Sadists in schools,
the beat children in England
My Enlishman neighbour said me
his teacher beat him for refuse to shave his face
his mother used a presser to press his fingers to stop be a thief
Russian Criminals used the glue tape on mouthes whom attacked to make the torture
to ask where you keep a gold? money? or while killing.
Stewards used Russian Criminals technique as Russia-after-90th+
skill to glue mouths of whim said not correct way
HIS WHITE RACE MOTHER HAD A PRESSURE MAKE THE ABORTION SHE SAVED A LIFE BORN A BABY SON, A BASRD OF AMERICA after whom ruined people of white race mother and her parent saved her pregnancy and him, he paid as bastards to white race mothers parents organising a genocide in Ukraine of European white race mothers and children , Barak Obama declared HIM was a MAN as American President USA whom ORDERED to American Military Army Professionals TO ORGANISE REVOLUTIONS 2014 MAIDAN in UKRAINE in EUROPE to replace on Another Nover Voted by WHOLE UKRAINE Non DEMOCRATIC KYEV MAIDAN REVOLUTIONS LEADERS pro=American not pro-Ukrainian. As a result of AMERICAN ACROTIVY in EUROPE in UKRAINE of BARAK OBAMA President USA,,, America put money make a conflict in land people lived peacefully before, Ukrainians and Russians belong to RUSSIAN IMPAIR WITH RUSSIAN LANGUAGE OF STATE TILL 1917, 1917-2014, KIEV SABOTAGEES AL-A LENIN BOLSHEVIK 1917 REVOLUTION IN KIEV 1ST LAW WAS TO STOP TO USE RUSSIAN LANGUAGE OF RUSSIAN IMPAIR IN UKRAINE AS RUSSIAN IMPAIR OLD LAND . RUSSIAN IMPAIR WAS 1ST STATE DECLARED THE INDEPENDANCY OF AMERICA FROM BRITISH IMPAIR 300 YEARS BACK TO WAIT 300 YEARS HOW AMERICA PAID THEM ATTECKED IN 1917, 2014 WITH HATE TO ALL RUSSIANS
I had adviced RUSSIA from UK to delete the declaration of USA as a state ,
really, this land of criminals was before? See America not used own land up, America continuesly attacked land of each Ethnic to be American colony USA to do USA said? never named "American colony" countries had not rights to fight for own rights?
England UK is one on unnamed American Colony USA
Ukraine is unnamed American Colony USA
EU is unnamed Colony USA
American CIa prisones like Guatamo were in EU land in Lithonia to Lithonians be glad be pro-American Colonial secret state.
Fijii islands MAY BE some hidden (British/American) secret (prisons? lab? experiences on humans?)
Fijii named as a "tourists resourts place for holidays to come to joy"?
May you believe in this all watching videos from Fijii Airway Flight Jan 2025
they welcomed white race tourists here? lots drunken as lots not Muslim ?
so always some problems with drunken women and men may be?
This is discussting.
To use to tape a mouth of any human is a torture humans, a damage of human skin.
Criminals in Guamntamo American Prison used tape moths and humilation.
Americans voted to Baraka Obama be a president USA to close all humilation and torture wrong manners.
Bastard as a name of a son of man left his white race pregnant lover woman and a son of her and run away from they was SOME LIER probbaly as his son leaving bastards?
Why had Americans had not picked born in USA man of Africa race? Famouse best kind people USA?
Because they respect mothers, wives, humanity, human rights.
Because they would not signed wars with another Ethnic -- not another races Ethnic of Ukraine and Russia picked theirs be slaves in America? to copy their activity plans?
A symple problem on a plane
1. talked calmly offereing a help to Lady
2. replied her husband safe sit another row-she asked where her husband?
3. they provocate Lady to worry where her husband? (or died?)
4. They used Bosses Command Tone but in social class society, she PAID MONEY AIR PASSANGER
Lady is Client and Lady is Air Passinger Lady PAID MONEY to FIJII AIRWAYS COMPANY
5. How to pay back Fijii's company Fijii Airways Company?
they took money for 11 hours plane a huge amount of money?
Have you see a comfort of a flight here to flight for 11 hours?
6. See her hairs of Lady's haircuts not tidy ? someone might already touched her hairs and head and her before, so??
7. Lady is not able to walk out this her place so TO VISUALATE WHERE HER HUSBAND? IS SAFE?
8. this means we had not saw if some handcuffed her to sit 11 hours some position.
9. Lady looked not able move away to walk (to loo? to pass urine? poo?) as a torture of Lady for 11 hours flight? ??
10. to tape a mouth of someone in a discomfort emotions make gave be murdered by possible insult/astma/stop heat beating/kidneys// - if any pain? = a cruelty to Lady passengers
12. they had not reacted on "American Embassy" make this they are A DEAF , NOT KNOWING ENGLISH, AMERICAN CIA SECURITY AGENTS, -- they used OFFICIALS LANGUAGE OF ORDER PUT OTHERS LOW ,,, may look we saw OFFICIALS OF USA or UK as BRITISH OFFICIALS style we had some in UK make lots Britons to left UK. Out BRITISH OFFICIALS voice on BRITISH ENGLISH.
British Politicians ruined UK economy flashing budget UK out UK in Ukraine as a crazy mental people flashing all income to Ukraine make Ukrainian dead , to keep a CIVILIAN LOCAL WAR in UKRAINE SOME TO SUPPORT ONE WAR IN IRELAND PAID TWO SIDES IN IRELAND To fight between them< dirty hate ex_ussa PEOPLE
13. UK hates Russia as Russia+Ukraine as ex-Russian Impair was a country whom was 1st state declared the independance of America be a indepandant land state not a par of BRITISH IMPAIR OWNERSHIP.
15. So, UK hates Russia for a loss British property - America.
16. I do advice for Russia and Ukraine as for ex-Russian Impair land so hated by British Officials UK to united make Russian Impair and 1st law to declare America is not any more any indepandant land , back to 300 years back belong be BRITISH PROPERTY UK, THE CROWN.
17. had ypu noticed a shortage of locals in Ukraine? in Moscow? as pro-American pro Boris Eltsin Eltcin 1991++ area? less less less statisticly as pro-Americans area 1991 as LUHANS UKRAINE used to talk on English, - - British Politicians passed free BRITISH TANKS TO ATTACKS LOCALS of area created ex-Scottish migrants to Russian Impair. 2014 - 2025 actiivity of UK English Politicians in UKRAINE to reduce "they named them Russians as they talked on Russian in Russian Impair as Scottish-English-German-French Ethnic. - a shock to find some Not Britions UK had DNA true=born locals UK whom had not returned back to UK have "British crazy Politicains in power? blamed be born a wrong social class or family? or a bastard?" They killed locals Ukraine as BRITISH SOLDIERS OFFICIERS NAMED KILLED IN WWI LEFT THEIRS SONS AND DAUGHTERS WITH LOCALS OF RUSSIAN IMPAIR.
18. Ask a normal British family UK members would they all wanted to work pay lots taxes in UK to use taxes not to their pensions increases/benefits increases/ roads conditions repairs but for a crasy mental idea to leave worse worse worse increasing pension age in UK but to kill all ex-USSR locals in ex-USSR area? or in far away Syria? I doubt Britons and British Citizens UK to feel this mental health normal idea to spend budget UK to flash on Ukraine with following shortage of locals here
19. Russians and USSR saved UK vy May 1945 Berlin and this stop a bombing UK areas and saving LIVES in UK and PROPERTY in UK.
20. So, The Politicians UK hate USSR and Soviet people and Russian people that Gremany Hitler Officials Power and German language not filled UK land. Lots Britons Officials used German Offiials orders just on English. Do this-do that. making slavery in UK.
21. Lots "females" those born "boys on their birth 1st"
22. if you born a girl ? you forced to name males born male females woman women if males men wanted be named like this.
23. But as women we lot SAW males named WOMEN themselve as MEN MALES for us, born girls females.
24. We are not able to use a WC for women in a work break lots women born males occupated WC rooms too.
25. We have just 15 minutes short break to make a clothes tidy, lots have female period to make changes and washes be tidy and we are not able as a QUE a gue to come inside WC a longest make more long adding males if named themselves "women".
26. Lots English languages Officials UK or humilated all others make impossible to use any in a comfort.
27, we used closed houses they created their reasons make SEARCHES OF PROPEPERties uk (WHEN YOU NOT PRESENTED SO THEY SEARCHED YOUR PERSONNEL BELONGS)
28. Manager Property inspecting renting property focuses on property of tenants , asked to look clothes, bra of tenant woman, we had a humilation themselves always as a normal as came to UK land .
30. We are not able to find already a place as any place as HOME disturbing out PRIVACY
31. The Lady sat down on own place her ticket was in plane, had she?
32. Had this LADY WHOM PAID MONEY HAVE (A HOME) (A SIT) a private comfort in HER SIT she bought?
34. No, LADY ASKED "Do not touch me!" - "LEAVE ME ALONE GIVE ME MY PRIVACY!"
35. The Team used British Mangers of Proeprty, Inspectors, Officials, Politicians, ect used to create OWN RULES to ruin other people privacy safe own home place to present to step make LOW WE ARE A POWER HERE TO COMMAND
36, this was so mass in UK+USA as English-speakers commands land country make lots American and British Citizens USA+UK+EU came outside on STREETS AS PROTESTORS TO SAVE OWN PRIVACY HOME BE UNTOUCHED SOME HUMAN RIGHTS TOO.
37. When they ordered to wear a mask to all customers we had not saw masks i=on faces of
British Officials JCP, staff of British superstores, British Police === Coronavirus infection pandemia so avoided to infect all in charge in POWER IN UK? as a new type of social infection killed just "those whom"??
38. This means all each whom had not weared a mask to protect face from Coronavirus infection were being defenetly INFECTED as they had LOTS SOCIAL CONTACTS IN A WORKING PLACES.
39. Ot they had being not these Home Sapience? Robots? Bio-robots? Aliens? Another race we do not knoiw in power in UK+USA+EU? aliens?
40. We so British police not wearing masks in Coronovirus took Protestors not wearing masks too to lots police vans... a disturbing video was some longest trailler in USA with liquids of this looking human blood came outside of trailer van.
41, we realised some used humans as cow bull chicken lambs - their meat supply, their food they eat us.
42. we saw their faces eyes they looked at use as BUTCHERS ON COW-apig-lamb-chicken, JUST WAITING,,,, their bodies faces eyes were BUTCHERS EYES FACES no humanity to humans at all
443. lots run away trying safe own lives
444. lots used some additionals add make own body be NOT A FOOD SUPPLY ANY MPRE
1. chemecals, drugs
2. radiation, polinium (2006, Aleksander Litvinenko cae in London)
3. sifilis and other infections
4. smoke
5. tatoo as they took own white skin too
6. we cut hairs and our women too as hunters on humans looked hairs.
7. Turkey. Russian girl 17-19 died in Turkey returned back without her skin , eyes, liver, kidneys, make Muslim country Turkey unsafe place for tourists as a greediness of betrayer - we will not try safe Muslims and Turkey any money while we all fighted for Turkish in own countries having nice holidays here but we had not fighting fo Canniballs as Modern Canniballs for human bodies
8. when was lots moments Turkey could destroyed we saved Turkey , we spend out money in Turkey make their income survive -- Turks paid open country hospitals for hunters on human bodies, skins, hairs, liver, kidnays, blood vessels.- we had these English-speaking hunters in power in own country too in hospitals . we could not ridd off them out a power , our British Army Fleet always sent far away from UK (in Ukraine for a butchers on human bodies). Our stupid British towards not attacked British Hispitals to stop British bodies were terated like this in UK. Later they knew run away of UK BUTCHERS IF POWER GETTO.
German Faschsits of Hitler Soldiers killed all Soviet Medical Doctors, Nurses when they attacked USSR as their 1st activity was NO ANY HOSPITALS , MORQUES< if a person died, let to burry in land in grave.
Modern said this as a crime to kills whom saved live as duty
we open Germany reality= German Medical Doctors and Nurses
used make a list
whom to kills as disability, mental ill, etc.
This what Germans saw in Germany
This why Germans Soldiers Officers killed Soviet Medical staff 1st
what they could not copy in own Germany (but wanted).
Modern students named Stalin a mental ill paranoic some histeric Hitler- they would be killed
just a top elite position saved their live survive
Modern study named Stalin and Hitler were a MASK of MORE POWERFULL not open FACES
There were so not Stalin or Hitler a real some in power.
Wikipedia, President Bush started 2001 war with Iraq, never served in Army himself
but easy signed others son would served soldiers in war zone.
* If Trump want USA be in war,
Trump must sent own relatives, brothers, nephews, sons-in-law, daughters
to a battle field to American Army/Fleet.
Had Zelenski's son in a war battle or in Kiev?
Look Ukraine Europe Jugoslavia
and as yourself
whom do hate and whom had hated
a white race women and men and children so strong
that paid lot money
of own pockets income
Ukraine 1917
Ukraine 2014
Coronavirus ??
living not this area far away not be disturbing?
whom visited this area as a tourist?
somone whom was upset as a tourist?
his wife-her husband-theirs children had been humilated or murdered ?
All locals Kings of tribes
took presents money as a greediness
sold own for money
they accepted foreigners for money in pockets and gifts
greediness to money presents follow by a hand with the be betrayer
coward and a betrayers staying closely near too.
Rissian locals kings sold own ffamily relatives for money.
this saved in Asian tradition to sold daughter be a wive for money.
Russians father stopped sold daughters
on replacing to pay to a man if any take his daughter be their wife.
Russians cared cowards betrayers grediness cruelty make their beauty daughters
are unwanted by others men be wives, -- "easy"< "open to each man", "easy girl".
So, men paid for Asian girl and for Asian woman
be their wive by a gold, to fathers of a girl.
Noone wanted to pay for daughters of Russian Ethnic men or Ukrainian Ethnic men
and never paid = they paid instaid, as if not to pay, their daughters are unwmated, not a married, singles.
Some for British Ethnic - no one paid to parents of future wife: be glad if any took your daughter as a wife.
Some for American girls of USA: no one pay for American parents to Father of American girl taking his daughter be his wife (some marriages 1 day or 1 week just, some longer in years).
These beauty are calm, nice looking
but to survive in small village in UK
300-500-600 years some all faces
to be able to fight to shout loudly defending all own.
all visitors took your items, money, food, damaged your property
to make a headache pain shouting to make to keep all out
so to keep own children home property safe.
If you listen this fir a long
this would be
I listened as neighbours shouts for 26 years any social class typical British.
My own neighbour owed a haidresser salon and nice calm smiling till her relaxing drunken day-night weekend out a work, i listend lots shouts till 3 am at night and longers,,
We just waiting calmly, if to put a radio, a radio covered all noices outside.
Lots and lots of ours are mental ill people and disability some in pain as a cancer pain too.
if some may they bought own land and a house inside far so a calm.
But we are living like this daily yearly
No one put tape on mouths of our neighbours
this like a weather - you pick any wearther not blaming.
to be a woman is a hard as emotions, feelings, pain, sadness, depressions, cry, drunken sessions time to up a mood too.
the problem that others should ACCEPT OTHERS AS THEY ARE ANOTHER
and to walk with this still to accept and TO LOVE OTHERS
as if you ask THE GOD loves you as you are may be GOD would love or dislike each? look?
If you have own parents in age wrong shouting drunking fighting?
Do you be better forgot you had own parents?
yes, lots left.
after own children grow to left too.
The beauty staff make ORDERS and ANY ORDERS make what ROBOTS .
Especially: this Lady paid money .
oR THEY attacked Lady as she named connected to Embassy of USA, possible member staff?
so, ready to attack USA? as Embassy of USA is the empty place for plane crew from Fijii islands now??
Lady Passenger Mouth was glued by dust tape
Lady Passenger Mouth was glued by dust tape
© Copyright: Eanna Inna Balzina-Balzin, 2019
© Copyright: Инна Бальзина-Бальзин, 2025
Lady Passenger Mouth was glued by dust tape
Lady Passenger Mouth was glued by dust tape
Typical British? or American? on plane was??
Lots white race America-British women like this on plane??
NEWS 2025 January 18-20
Woman restrained with duct tape after outburst during Fiji Airways flight
"Don't touch me!"
"Don't trust me! Got this? I do nothing wrong!"
Woman of white race
mentioned "American Embassy" "whom I am!"
"This is saving children!"
"This is saving children!"
"O! I am saving my chldren!"
"This is saving my children!"
and asked "do not touch me!"
"Don't touching me! I do nothing wrong! Aaa My shoulder! "
"American Embassy""whom I am!"
"This is saving children!"
"This is saving children!"
"You've touched me! Don't touch me!
"Don't touch me!"
"Don't trust me! Got this? I do nothing wrong! Gilt!" "This is saving chilren!"
"O! nothing free!"
- "Stop it! I am from a balcony!"
- "Yes, you are!"
- "Melkiy (Мелкий(=a shot, a little one)). it!
- No, I am not it!
- I am stack in!
- "Stop it!
- " I am from a balcony!" "I am from a balcony!"
- "I am from a balcony!"
- waiting a house!
- "Yes, you are!"
"Don't touch me!"
- "Don't trust me!"
"Don't trust me! Got this?
- "I do nothing wrong! Gilt!? Nothing!"
"People is possible voice
Your voice would possible
go to American Embassy today!"
"Whom I an from!"
"This is saving chilren!"
"This is saving chilren!"
"O! nothing free!"
"Nothing free!"
"O! nothing free!"
- I am Captain
NEWS 2025
Woman restrained with duct tape after outburst during Fiji Airways flight
Vanessa Brown
ExclusiveTravel Incidents
The woman was restrained and her mouth closed with duct tape on board the flight.
Insane footage from Fiji flight leaked
Disturbing video has emerged of an irate Australian passenger being gagged by duct tape on a flight in to Fiji. WARNING: DISTRESSING CONTENT
[on flight FJ871
from San Francisco to Nadi
last Saturday]
[? Saturday, January 18, 2025?]
[? Saturday, January 11, 2025?]
[? Monday, January 20, 2026?]
[In an exclusive vision
provided by news.com.au ,
a suffering
who, According to the police,
he was “intoxicated and inconvenienced,”
was filmed
during flight FJ871.
from San Francisco to Nadi
last Saturday]
[? Saturday, January 18, 2025?]
[? Saturday, January 11, 2025?]
[? Monday, January 20, 2026?]
[Flight landed in Nadi on Monday, January 20, [2025] local time]]
Woman of white race
mentioned "American Embassy" "whom I am!"
"This is saving children!"
"This is saving children!"
"O! I am saving my chldren!"
"This is saving my children!"
and asked "do not touch me!"
"Don't touching me! I do nothing wrong! Aaa My shoulder! "
"American Embassy""whom I am!"
"This is saving children!"
"This is saving children!"
"You've touched me! Don't touch me!
"Don't touch me!"
"Don't trust me! Got this? I do nothing wrong! Gilt!" "This is saving chilren!"
"Don't trust me! Got this? I do nothing wrong! Gilt!" "This is saving chilren!"
"O! nothing free!"
- "Stop it! I am from a balcony!"
- "Yes, you are!"
- "Melkiy (Мелкий(=a shot, a little one)). it!
- No, I am not it!
- I am stack in!
- "Stop it!
- " I am from a balcony!" "I am from a balcony!"
- "I am from a balcony!"
- waiting a house!
- "Yes, you are!"
"Don't touch me!"
- "Don't trust me!"
"Don't trust me! Got this?
- "I do nothing wrong! Gilt!? Nothing!"
"People is possible voice
Your voice would possible
go to American Embassy today!"
"Whom I an from!"
"This is saving chilren!"
"This is saving chilren!"
"O! nothing free!"
"Nothing free!"
"O! nothing free!"
- I am Captain
Crew Staff touched her body
Crew Staff used dust tape to closed air passenger woman Lady mouth
(while she asked them "Don't touch me! Don't touching me! I do nothing wrong! Aaa My shoulder! A! "
The woman was restrained and her mouth closed with duct tape on board the flight.
Insane footage from Fiji flight leaked
Disturbing video has emerged of an irate Australian passenger being gagged by duct tape on a flight in to Fiji.
Typical British? or American? on plane was??
Lots white race America-British women like this on plane??
Somehow, in a fabulous way
, the drawings of the most secret American missiles
suddenly failed in Russia.
Apparently, that's why Trump wanted to meet with Putin immediately?
So as not to worry about the fate of American missiles in the blueprints?
Каким то сказочным образом
чертежи секретнейших американских ракет
вдруг оказали у России.
Видимо, потому Трамп и захотел немедленнос встретиться с Путиным?
Чтобы не волноваться о судьбе американских ракет в чертежах?
Lady Passenger Mouth was glued by dust tape
Lady Passenger Mouth was glued by dust tape
Lady Passenger Mouth was glued by dust tape
Lady Passenger Mouth was glued by dust tape
Lists of those executed in the Crimea in 1920-1921
"Lists of those executed in the Crimea in 1920-1921", a collection of materials, a reference book with personal notes in the margins, in memory of the deceased Russians.
* Translated By Yandex from original work on Russian:
"Списки расстрелянных в Крыму в 1920-1921 гг",
сборный материал.,
справочник с личными заметками на полях,
в память погибшим россиянам.
Списки расстрелянных в Крыму в 1920-1921 гг
© Copyright: Eanna Inna Balzina-Balzin, 2019
© Copyright: Inna Balzina-Balzin, 2019
© Copyright: Инна Бальзина-Бальзин, 2019
© Copyright: Eanna Inna Balzina-Balzin, 2022
© Copyright: Inna Balzina-Balzin, 2022
© Copyright: Инна Бальзина-Бальзин, 2022
© Copyright: Eanna Inna Balzina-Balzin, 2025
© Copyright: Inna Balzina-Balzin, 2025
© Copyright: Инна Бальзина-Бальзин, 2025
Списки расстрелянных в Крыму в 1920-1921 гг
Lady Passenger Mouth was glued by dust tape
Nothing Free! Dust tape put on mouth Lady
Lady Passenger Mouth was glued by dust tape
Lady Passenger Mouth was glued by dust tape
© Copyright: Eanna Inna Balzina-Balzin, 2019
© Copyright: Инна Бальзина-Бальзин, 2025
Русская женщина думает, что может запугивать
Russian Woman Thinks She Can Bully
Russian Woman Thinks She Can Bully
Russian Woman Thinks She Can Bully
Russian Woman Thinks She Can Bully Her Way Out of DUI
Police Insider
25 Sept 2024 #news
On June 30th, 2022, a patrol officer observed a female driving erratically on SR-5. The vehicle was dangerously swerving, braking and accelerating before the officer conducted a traffic stop. The 36-year-old Russian-American confessed to drinking and driving. The officers were having a tough time communicating with her but eventually got her to agree to field sobriety tests. The female’s twitchy body language and the twirl that she did during the walk and turn test was enough to bring the field sobriety tests to a stop. She was subsequently arrested but no without a fight. The female even spat on an officer during the arrest. Her child was handed over to Child Protection Services while she was taken to a detention facility for the preliminary breath test. The female’s breath alcohol content was .240, almost 4 times the legal limit. She continued to behave erratically and even refused to sign the DUI citation. The female was identified as 36-year old- Valentina. She was charged with DUI with a person under 18 in vehicle, damage to property, child neglect, refusal to sign a citation, resisting arrest with violence and battery on a law enforcement officer. The Florida Department of Children and Families took custody of the child.
Russian Woman Thinks She Can Bully Her Way Out of DUI
Police Insider
25 Sept 2024 #news
On June 30th, 2022
#police #uk #usa #florida #dui #america #pregnant #woman #female #Russian #road #driver #child #policeman #Law #Lawwer #Solicitor #FBR #CIA #arrested #custody #2022 #June #30th #attitude #American #human #right #video #drunken #handcuff
#alhogol #test #SR-5
Russian Woman Thinks She Can Bully
Русская женщина думает, что может запугивать
Russian Woman Thinks She Can Bully
Russian Woman Thinks She Can Bully
Русская женщина думает, что может запугивать
Russian Woman Thinks She Can Bully
Русская женщина думает, что может задирать людей
Русская женщина думает, что может задирать людей, чтобы избежать наказания за вождение в нетрезвом виде
Источник в полиции
25 сентября 2024 г. #новости
30 июня 2022 года патрульный полицейский заметил на шоссе SR-5 женщину, которая вела машину в нетрезвом состоянии. Автомобиль опасно вилял, тормозил и разгонялся, прежде чем полицейский остановил движение. 36-летняя американка российского происхождения призналась, что была за рулем в нетрезвом виде. Полицейским было нелегко общаться с ней, но в конце концов они уговорили ее согласиться на полевые тесты на трезвость. Дерганого поведения женщины и того, как она вертелась во время прохождения теста на ходьбу и повороты, было достаточно, чтобы прекратить полевые тесты на трезвость. Впоследствии она была арестована, но не без борьбы. Женщина даже плюнула на полицейского во время задержания. Её ребенок был передан Службе защиты детей, а ее саму доставили в следственный изолятор для предварительного анализа на содержание алкоголя в дыхании. Содержание алкоголя во рту женщины составило 240 г, что почти в 4 раза превышает допустимую норму. Она продолжала вести себя странно и даже отказалась подписать протокол о привлечении к ответственности за вождение в нетрезвом виде. Женщина была опознана как 36-летняя Валентина. Ей были предъявлены обвинения в вождении автомобиля в нетрезвом виде с участием лица моложе 18 лет, нанесении ущерба имуществу, безнадзорности, отказе подписать протокол, сопротивлении аресту с применением насилия и нанесении побоев сотруднику правоохранительных органов. Департамент по делам детей и семьи Флориды взял опеку над ребенком на себя.
Police Insider
25 Sept 2024 #news
On June 30th, 2022
Russian Woman Thinks She Can Bully Her Way Out of DUI
#полиция #Великобритания #США #Флорида #вождение в нетрезвом виде #америка
Презентация к песне Иван значит русский
Ирина Агафоновна
Flight USA Florida to Fiji
Русская женщина думает, что может запугивать
Russian Woman Thinks She Can Bully
#беременная #женщина #россиянка #дорога #водитель #ребенок #полицейский #Закон #Юрист #Солиситор #ФБР #ЦРУ #арестован #под стражей #2022 #30 июня #отношение #американец #права человека #видео #пьяный #надеть наручники
#алгол #тест #SR-5
Русская женщина думает, что может запугивать
Russian Woman Thinks She Can Bully
Nothing Free! Dust tape put on mouth Lady
Lady Passenger Mouth was glued by dust tape
Lady Passenger Mouth was glued by dust tape
© Copyright: Eanna Inna Balzina-Balzin, 2019
© Copyright: Инна Бальзина-Бальзин, 2025
Lady Passenger Mouth was glued by dust tape
Lady Passenger Mouth was glued by dust tape
Русская женщина думает, что может запугивать
Russian Woman Thinks She Can Bully
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