A sad melody of my heart

Вольный перевод на англ песни Виктора Цоя - "Невесёлая песня"

Our rivers have dried up.
Our windows see only dark.               
Our mornings look like night.
And the night is mine!
Looking through liquid mirror of splash
At a clock that is dead for decades,
At a flag that's been kissed to the flesh.
For a horse half a kingdom is spent.
Just fly
A sad melody of my heart
Just fly
Just fly
The commanders of the army of time,
We lost day after day in the war.
When we lit up a fire of life
Our flame was killed by rain.
Every day we see broken dreams,
Try to read the fortune in wind
When the stand-up time comes for us -
We sit!
   We wait!
Just fly
A sad melody of my heart
Just fly
Just fly

Just fly
A sad melody of my heart
Just fly
Just fly

Примечание: в некоторых местах были опущены акртикли - так как перевод должен звучать в тон с мелодией. Они стали жертвой этого. И, вообще, изначальная цель - звучание на английском, перевод был вторичен.
