Nikolay Gumilev The Games


Consul’s kind: on bloody arena
They’ve been giving the games
For three whole days;
Are the tigers in furious stage
Anacondas are breathing old rage.
And the elephants, bears and bisons! –
 Romans watch cruel scenes
The whole season.

That is when was them given a captive –
Alamannen – old chief badly wounded;
Tempest-charmer and master of mist,
The hyena-eyed slayer of beast.
How have they awaited this hour!
They’d expected the test of his power…
- Come on! Bite him with fang of a beast!
Tear body to bloody small piece!
Just he snuggled to railing of oak,
Started howling and, thus, he provoked:
He inspired the beasts to reply
With the yowling of infinite cry.
And did wild beasts all kneel,
Waiting orders with thrill.
-Consul, consul and infinite Gods!
That’s unheard and unseen case of acts:
To expect from the hungriest beast
Just lick off the grey dust from the wrist.
