Pip Shortsocking

We got a fresh one in the class,
A rather quiet fella.
His first name's Pip. As for the last...
       It's something Scandinavian.

The day he showed up here on-site
Could surely have been better.
'Cause last class (Mr. Brown implied)
          on stats...
sure made us nail the matter.

The challenge followed: re the man—
His wife decreed two hours for fishing.
He went, cast line an hour in vain.
No bites. Doomed project primed frustration.

A fellow fisherman walked by
shrd'An impOrtant observation:
"This spot yields half the fish you'll find
In any nearby location"

Now our guy's mind's in the race,
Against the time already wasted.
He must make best of what's still left,
Find what solution should be based on.

This plight then made its way to class,
And Mr. Brown posed a question:
Exactly how should this be sussed
To ease the angler's complication?
Pack up his gear, try anew,
Or carry on, remaining stationed?"

Debates ensued — no jest or joke.
And numbers sprawled across the slate.
Till Pip, the quiet one, exclaimed:
"I've got a vision to uncloak!"

Oh, wow...
             that IS, indeed, a move.
With confidence Pip stands aloof
The silent classroom's voices fade.
Each word of his, reverberates.

"I have a suggestion, if I may:
He should just wrap it up today.
There’ll'bE no trouble for no one—
Not for the fish, nor for the man.
He'd better leave, and spare us pain,
This dreary, numbers-driven bane."

A silence fell, then second after
We burst into a hearty laughter.

"Well, Pip", - said Mr.Brown, "I see,
Some cunning tactics up your sleeve.
Though your approaches, I believe,
Could flourish with a range of tips
You’ll gain from my course on statistics.
