Unconditional love

Unconditional love
is a truly one and the most precious
like mother's love to child,
even more
like a  deep love and attraction  to someone or something
we have nor idea about,
maybe like love of God or Christ
or Great intelligence of Universe
to us like divine gravity
which permanently exists.
He created us so exclusive
and sustained so long and ever,
hiding himself behind the curtain
as entity quite invisible
and incomprehensible,
almost not existing even,
so great and so mysterious,
who granted us enormously
by  this consciousness
rising up human highly above all   
other forms of life, created and evolved
in this existence and nature,
so stunningly full with wonders,
weird laws, eternal beauties, deep harmonies
steadily and gradually unfolding
to our eyes and mind
sharpening and growing...
What is that all about
if not a hidden signature
of the really great love and adores?
