a skill that won t die

And what did you really learn that
has become the knowledge of your body?
Blowing up and giving birth is certainly an acquired body experience
is too narrowly specific a skill - no, it is unlikely to be useful.
These craftsmen have not learned to do anything with their hands.
Well, I am a modeler, this is my profession,
I will imagine a brick with an absolutely correct grid in the dark.
And I will hear the sound, and know the weight.

This is a valuable skill - if there is a need,
I will compile any interior, in any space.
This is the skill of the Daoist foxes -
traditional fox haze, according to all the rules of engineering.
Foreman, where did they drag these bags of cement!?
Sorry, we have a spontaneous construction site in your dream,
Please do not go beyond the white and red ribbons. Or put on your helmets, everyone.

Hope not to wake up, otherwise you will see the basis of the trick.
This is a truly newly acquired skill.
Form is vulgar materialism, but
We never had things,
so we can imagine any form.
The precision of the hand is preserved, but no techniques could be multiplied.
This is a pity and this is what was planned to be done, but failed.
The second half is just a puppet of the first -
Not autonomous, in fact.
In the end, we do not have very much.

Grandpa, we are not ambidextrous, we just subordinated the right half to the left.
Do you play your guitar? Well done! Do not stop,
For a real car factory worker, iron strings are the most suitable.
I was in your alleys and got lost in these mountains around the train stations.
No, I did not climb on the roof, everything there is private property now,
no one would let me do it.
This city is no longer our grandfather,
but you protected it when these rats were not here at all.
On the roofs at night with a bucket, grandfather, my heart is always with you,
The button of your pants strap barely holds on, mind you.
A part of you will forever remain there.

Play Amur waves. You can't? No? Learn then.
You have a great cap, there are none like it now. You will play for me on the roof. I will find it.
Baumanskaya 4-story? good. Near Yelokhovka, wait, there is no such place.
Good. I always know exactly where there are places that do not exist.

Only the knowledge of our body counts.
No, I did not learn to play the guitar and the ukulele either
I have no ear and I am not a musician at all.
But I like the length of their strings.

Not much in a lifetime, right?
"Everything that is needed will remain."
Yes, that's what the eternally drunk artist Zverev said,
When he painted his sketches in oil on blotting paper,
and not on a primed canvas prepared for oil.
There's almost nothing left.

By the way, I studied with his students, they knew him personally,
And you know, such creativity is a very contagious thing.
And then the feeling of freedom is no longer curable.
There's almost nothing left of this feeling now at all.
Knowledge of the body is not knowledge of the mind
And there's no way to deceive yourself by simply arching your back like a cat.

I have to admit I haven't succeeded much.
But there's hope that I've simply forgotten some of the skills I've acquired.
Do you remember or not, it doesn't matter
Everything you've managed to grasp is yours.
Does linguistics count?
It does too.
And thank heavens! Maybe my life wasn't in vain then.

There's no need to write anything on my grave, since I don't have any graves.
So write it.
