Ювелир Масон Левша и Его Рабов ЛеВ Прав S H
Jeweller Mason Lefty and His Slaves Cut of Left Hands S H @.
Пусть не золота изделье
Пусть не золота изделье
И не камень дорогой
Пусть не жемчуг, ожерелье
Украшают, украшают образ твой
Камнем вечности заветной
С пышным цветом доброты
Светом радости, привета
Украшайся, украшайся в жизни ты
С торжествующим смиреньем
С кроткой ласкою любви
Будь сама ты украшеньем
На восторг, на восторг другим живи
Будь счастлива, разливая
Счастье мирное вокруг
Вот что хочет, дорогая
От тебя, от тебя твой лучший друг
Традиционная песня для перевода и исполнения!
Anyone can play crap like that note to note, beauty of playing Hebdrix is to play it y o u r f u c k i n g way, mess it up, make shit loads of wrong notes but feel it, cry it with fingers playing with a perfect smile is a f u k i n g insult not to Hendrix but to all black community who know truth about RED HOUSE HISTORY and HELL that happend there, young stupid generation don't understand basic point of why Jimi played at all why Little Richard did NOT want him is HIS BAND, blues has nothing to do with curly hair tits and ass, it's about poverty addiction survival war vets gays and slaves and human rights and to play like this is your last song and you be killed if you play it but your guilt will kill you if you don't F U C K why do I even have to explain this shit???!i!666 because schools and you tube teachers teach crap note for note covers, no one ever will make it BiG With shit pleasing to eyes and ears but does NOT touch SOUL at All, BLUES is about LiFE on the EDGE, F U C K, new generation fake Barbies are dumb. Mary Christmas Burn the fucking Strat and get real job S o C k i n C o o K S, u will get far in life, or really pay attention to my words learn history of Slaves and Why it was so brave to play American Himn at Woodstok, simple People who are here to make a difference are willing to D i E for better humanity, has nothing to do with her been a girl or boy or f u c k i n g trasgender, this is the CRAP that new TEACHERS teach watch movie Crossroads or Listen to Men of Constant Sorrow read f u c k i n g Uncle Tom Cabin tgen you will understand MAYBE why Black Woman HATE when White boy play Honkey Tonk Woman or By the River Side they do LOVE Jagger version but NOT COPY CATS, play on guitar about YOUR LIFE life of WHITE PRIVILEGED GIRL FROM UPPER CLASS but play about dirt in Basements of private Clubs of Old Golfers where you are Servant and Bitch NOT EQUAL, play that fucky music white girl, scared that they will fire your ass and you end up on the streets with White Trush Red Necks then just take your strat left handed or right handed and give it to your girlfriend boyfriend who got f u c k i n g ba lls to do this right or live and learn Life be a fuc king mother raise kids and listen to you parents grandparents and husband all this woman power was designed by smart Hiroshima survivors to pay back for all the shit was done to them that is what S o N y S u n n y record industry is about TO distroy everyone from inside...s.p. http://stihi.ru/2009/05/30/1767
May it not be a piece of gold
Nor a precious stone
Let not pearls and necklaces
Adorn, adorn thy image
With the stone of eternity
With the lush blossom of kindness
With the light of joy and cheer
Adorn yourself, adorn yourself in life
With triumphant humility
With meek affection of love
Be thou thyself a jewel
Live to the delight, to the delight of others
Be happy, spreading
Happiness all around you
That's what my darling wants
From you, from you your best friend
A traditional song to translate and perform!
Баку-АПА. Представители следственных органов Зимбабве заявили, что необработанные алмазы, которые продает страна, добываются с помощью труда рабов, в том числе и детей.
Baku-APA. Representatives of Zimbabwe's investigative bodies said that rough diamonds sold by the country are extracted with the help of slave labour, including children.
SHitty Cover of great Red House by Jimmy Hendrix
@ maddieparcker8193
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