716. A quarter to timeless Stigmatic Chorus

перевод песни "Без четверти вечность" группы "Stigmatic Chorus" (Россия)

Here he entered silently, leaving no trace,
Bringing into my house the sweet smell of incense.
Like a mysterious cloud, hovering over my chair
He began his story, mournful and misty.

Soaring above the earth, above world's vanity
It becomes clearly to the outsider's eyes
But if I had a blood drop of humanity
Then it would be a shame for the deeds of your side.

Halo of poison is covering us with a dense,
Our cities and villages are crowned from above.
Rotting smelling and strength, disintegration of sense
Evolution is over; the world now is dying.

The loud roar of turbines is instead of birds' songs,
And the factory's smoke chimneys rose like a curtain.
Here the hour's approaching when the whole world
Will become a machine, huge and dead, full of curses.
An industrial concert, the clange - steel on steel;
On the ruins of churches, there is a parade ground.
Our love and morality in the landfill
And like a requiem, a guillotine canonades.

But the world will explode with a flash of sharp pain,
And the sun will extinguish, and day will miss light.
"You are going to die soon", the words that he said,
The dark angel who comes at a quarter to midnight.
An unstoppable fury, it gnaws from inside;
Now it's eating itself, our old race of humans.
Cause its anger to power, like virus in minds,
Poisoned us with agression, and made us to fury

Very soon there'll be equal weakness and strength;
The rich and the poor will lie on the mid side
"You are going to die soon", the words that he said,
The dark angel who comes at a quarter to midnight.
Our nature is sick, and it's bearing unsaints,
Bastards, criminals, freaks, and ungrateful unkindness
"You are going to die soon", the words that he said,
The dark angel who comes at a quarter to timeless.

декабрь 2024, но зарегистрировано в 2025-ом

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