not Kansas at all

Well, about a year ago, I decided to hide in a bottle for a couple days
until the war was over, because I couldn't see or hear it anymore.
But it's been a year and the nightmare still lingers.
And I dissolved into alcohol.
But there were a lot of interesting things in the bottle.
Hiding here seemed like a good option for a couple days.

And the sequence wasn't the same.
I don't remember.
Yes, you do.
Exactly, Ouija boarding path
seems even more ominous and winding.
Yeah, around some flowerbeds.
And nothing to do with the world's cataclysmic events.
No matter how much you want to convince yourself otherwise.
This inconspicuous path started with a sound. Unbelievable.

It's all about airtightness, I guessed.
A watertight ball floats on water and a holey one will sink.
Oh, they're airtight and impenetrable, but they'll be punctured from the outside.
Don't be jealous, your energy will destroy you from the inside out.
Let the politicians settle this without your interference.
First of all, you're not a subject, and secondly, they didn't invite you into their place.

You should, by the way. I'm the only one capable of replacing a hundred idiot politicians.
That's so true.
So I hid in a bottle in vain?
It wasn't for an outside reason,
you just made up what seemed like a reasonable excuse.

Analyzing how I got to this point
Plots a rather unobvious and winding traveled route,
through subtle landmarks.
Lost? Forest trails like this are not easy to discern.
You want to get back on the paved highway with jackhammers?
8 lanes, two directions, go wherever you want, backwards or forwards.
And you can live a normal human life,
with normal human aspirations.
Would you like that?

Ouija, are you suggesting I make a reasonable choice?
Walk in the woods with ghosts or die of boredom?
The only alternative is to hang myself from a suitable bitch.
This isn't a suicide forest, because there's a lot of dashed hopes lying around.
I don't know how you leave trash in the woods.
There's a lot of tourists out in the wilderness.
Disillusioned with life.
Just their resource of choices made has come to an end.
But I don't choose preferences.
Then congratulations, you've been working on a false problem for an hour.

Shh, I'm waiting for a sign.
Oh, no kidding. Really?
What is it? Waiting for something is a preference, by the way.
Aren't those lines blurred enough already?
It's still your favorite short shadow.
It's as clear as day.
Your skills suck. Keep practicing.
Ambiguity is the Dragon's technique, he's a fog.

Your Ouija melancholy takes on bizarre forms.
You want to be unambiguous, don't you?
I'm telling you again, I don't want anything on purpose, it's just the way it is.
That's the way it is? Smudge that boundary too.
It's a lot of work, I suggest you drown all the boundaries in alcohol first and they'll blur themselves.
That's also an option. The dragon is gas-like.

I'm not a dragon.
Stool? You're thinking in terms of benefits.
Don't think in terms of benefits.
Whoever owns it doesn't need benefits anymore.
Right now your “want nothing” is a fake ticket.
You're envious, you envy the measured simplicity of their lives.
But that simplicity is fake too,
They're looking for themselves in other people's eyes - they're in for a nasty surprise.

Translated with (free version)
