Kashmir III - © 2024 (Alex Sikorsky lyrics translate) v.1.0
( https://suno.com/song/7fd45de5-ace7-4685-bbbe-3c5620f526e1 )
[Musical Style:]
Hard Rock, Progressive Rock, Middle Eastern influences, dynamic rhythm shifts, exotic scales, hypnotic and powerful, Psychedelic Rock, Ethno-Rock, Tempo 80 BPM
[Exclude Styles:]
no abrupt tempo changes, no overly bright high-end, no generic loops, no electronic percussion, no excessive reverb, no unstructured improvisation, no static melodies
[Musical Prompt:]
[Musical References: "Kashmir" — Led Zeppelin]
[Instruments Performance Style:]
[Guitar: Oriental melody using DADGAD tuning. Consistent arpeggio foundation in a slow, hypnotic rhythm with dynamic variations. Main chords are based on open positions, including octaves and droning notes.]
[Drums: Dense, marching rhythm creating a sense of motion. Emphasis on toms and snare drum, minimal hi-hat use.]
[Bass: Deep, simple lines often doubling the guitar.]
[Strings (or Synth): Subtle ornaments in the background to create an Eastern flavor.]
[Vocals style: Emotional and drawn out, with slight vibrato. Focus on dynamic and dramatic expression.]
[Intro: Key D Minor; Rhythm Slow and hypnotic, 4/4]
[Chords: D5 - A5 - Fadd9 - G6]
[Guitar Adjustment: Add delay effect for enhanced atmosphere.]
[Description: Guitar plays an arpeggiated foundation. Heavy rhythm section maintains intensity, creating a march-like feel.]
О, хай сонце б’є по обличчю моєму,
Зірки у снах живуть,
Я мандрівник крізь час і простір,
Щоб бути там, де вже був.
[Verse 1: Key D Minor; Rhythm Gradually evolving]
[Chords: D5 - A5 - F - G]
[Drum Adjustment: Emphasize toms, minimize hi-hat.]
[Description: Vocals take the lead, strings add texture. Guitar and bass reinforce dynamics.]
Я з мудрими сидів народами,
Що рідко бачив світ,
Вони чекають, коли настане день,
Та все відкриється їм.
[Chorus: Key D Minor; Rhythm Steady, marching rhythm]
[Chords: Dm - G - A7sus4 - Dm]
[Guitar Adjustment: Emphasize lower strings for dramatic effect.]
[Description: Powerful progression with focus on vocals and marching drums.]
В піснях говорять до мене слова,
Що вразять душу мою,
Я їх змісту розкрити не зміг,
Та історія ясна була.
О, люба, я був сліпим,
О, мамо, заперечить неможливо!
[Bridge: Key F Major; Rhythm Slow and meditative]
[Chords: F - C - Gm - A]
[Strings Adjustment: Add glissandos and trills for Eastern flavor.]
[Description: Emotional peak focusing on guitar melody and vocals.]
Все довкола у коричневий тоне,
Як сонце спалює ґрунт,
Очі мої засипає пісок,
На цей пустельний край дивлюсь.
[Verse 2: Key D Minor; Rhythm More complex with slight syncopation]
[Chords: D5 - A5 - G - F]
[Drum Adjustment: Add syncopation and light percussive ornaments.]
[Description: Return to the main rhythm with heightened vocal tension.]
Шукаю, шукаю, що відчуваю я.
О, пілот бурі, сліду не лишаєш,
Як марево у сні,
Залиш потік, що мене сюди привів,
Жовтий, мов пустелі струмок.
[Outro: Key D Minor; Rhythm Gradually slowing]
[Chords: D5 - A5 - G - F]
[Guitar Adjustment: Smooth fade-out with increased reverb.]
[Description: Guitar and vocals fade into infinity, creating a sense of journey's end.]
О, отче вітрів, повні вітрила!
Крізь море років
Без запасів, тільки відкритим лицем
Йду шляхом страхів.
О, коли хочу, коли вирушаю,
Мої ноги ведуть хиткий мій шлях.
О, але вниз, о, так, але вниз,
Так, я падаю, падаю.
О, моя люба, о, моя люба,
Дай мені тебе туди вести.
Ходи, о, дозволь тебе вести,
Дозволь тебе вести.
Insrumental ver.
( https://suno.com/song/fe2cb5b4-6061-4bbe-bed4-ae3e99f51bb6 )
Min.: ( https://suno.com/song/6361ef09-d265-4637-a2d9-3aff0ac6a028 )
[Musical Style:]
NO VOCALS: Instrumental track only, Psychedelic Rock with Eastern Elements, Progressive rock, hard rock, folk rock, world music Ethno-Rock, Tempo: 80 BPM, Key: D Phrygian Dominant
[Exclude Styles:]
looping prior sections, vocals or vocal-like sounds, ignoring square brackets, overly bright tones, chaotic transitions, and excessive improvisation deviating from the prompt
[Musical Prompt:]
[Musical References: "Kashmir" — Led Zeppelin]
[Section 1: Intro, Tempo: 80 BPM, Key: D Phrygian Dominant, Notes: D - F - G]
[Rhythm Guitar (Tuned to DADGAD): D5 - F5 - G5 (Power Chords). Use heavy downstrokes with palm muting on low strings for a percussive effect. Add short pauses to accentuate the rhythm.]
[Bass Guitar: D - F - G (Low Octave). Play sustained notes to reinforce the rhythm guitar with subtle slides between notes.]
[Percussion: Start with tom hits on the 1st and 3rd beats, accented cymbal crashes. Gradual build-up.]
[Synthesizer: Notes — Hold a drone on D with light reverb and echo. Add an Eastern-inspired motif with occasional grace notes.]
[Section 2: Verse, Tempo: 80 BPM, Key: D Phrygian Dominant, Notes: D - F - G]
[Rhythm Guitar: D5 - F5 - G5. Alternate between strong down-up strumming and sliding power chords for dynamic tension.]
[Bass Guitar: D - F - G, occasional passing notes (A - C). "Walking bassline" with slight rhythmic syncopation to add groove.]
[Percussion: Full drum kit, kick drum on beats 1 and 3, snare on 2 and 4, and hi-hat in eighth notes.]
[Strings (Synth): D - F - G. Soft, sustained string chords to add texture.]
[Section 3: Bridge, Tempo: 70 BPM (Slower), Key: B Minor, Notes: B - G]
[Rhythm Guitar: Bm - G. Strum long, sustained chords with emphasis on finger vibrato for an emotional effect.]
[Lead Guitar: Improvise using the D Phrygian Dominant scale. Use bends, slides, and legato runs to create an "Eastern-sounding" melody.]
[Bass Guitar: B - G. Play sustained notes with smooth slides.]
[Percussion: Sparse tom fills and cymbal swells to build dramatic tension.]
[Section 4: Chorus, Tempo: 80 BPM, Key: D Phrygian Dominant, Notes: D - F - G]
[Rhythm Guitar: D5 - F5 - G5. High-energy power chords with strong downstrokes and slight distortion.]
[Lead Guitar: Melodic phrases in D Phrygian Dominant scale. Use tremolo picking on high notes and harmonics for dramatic effect.]
[Bass Guitar: D - F - G. Play in sync with the rhythm guitar with added rhythmic variations.]
[Strings (Synth): D - F - G. Play sustained chords in higher registers to create a "wall of sound."]
[Percussion: Full drum kit at peak intensity. Kick and snare hits on every beat with cymbal crashes.]
[Section 5: Outro, Tempo: 70 BPM (Slowing Down), Key: D Phrygian Dominant, Notes: D - F - G]
[Rhythm Guitar: D5 - F5 - G5. Gradually soften dynamics with muted strumming and slower transitions.]
[Bass Guitar: D - F - G. Long, sustained notes fading out.]
[Synthesizer: Drone on D with light echoes and reverb. Add atmospheric sounds as the track fades out.]
[Percussion: Reduce to shakers and light toms. Gradual decrescendo to silence.]
Musical Prompt © 2024 Alex Sikorsky
Свидетельство о публикации №124122106082