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промывание мозгов налогообложение тюрьмы психиатрические лечебницы таблетки для душевнобольных неравенство частная собственность федеральная резервная система неизлечимые болезни контроль сознания искусственный интеллект черные дела тюрьмы под открытым небом агенты долги финансовая зависимость завышенные цены на медицинское страхование кредиты с высоким риском коррупция наркотики торговля людьми страх ложь пропавшие без вести люди незаконные тюрьмы пытки коррумпированное образование корпоративная собственность теневые оффшорные банки инвестиционные фирмы внутренняя торговля биткоинами мошенничество с копейками бессмысленное войны, незаконная миграция, преступные организации, коррумпированная полиция и отмывание денег, бездомность, расовая и религиозная ненависть, дискриминация меньшинств во благо многих, медленная и болезненная смерть, калечащая психику и физическое состояние людей, жестокое обращение с детьми, ненужные аборты, гедонистический образ жизни, культы, финансовые пирамиды, детский труд, коррумпированная судебная система, кланы, скрывающие планы, неуважение к старшим, дискриминация прав человека, высказывания ненависти, враждебность, ложная информация сплетни сокрытие фактов и случаи рукопожатий сокрытие фактов теневая криминальная филантропия благотворительность религиозные организации неправильные приговоры в отношении представителей, ограничения свободы слова, позитивные учения о процветании, подавление осведомленности, реклама богемного образа жизни, манипуляции с ДНК, продукты питания и вода, сомнительные химические добавки, нанотехнологии, целевая реклама сокращение населения, дешевая рабочая сила, кризис гендерной идентичности.


brainwashing taxation jails mental institutions mental pills inequality private properties federal reserve untreatable illness mind control araficial intelegence black opperations open air prisons  agents debts financial dependency overprised healthcare insurances high risk loans corruptions drugs human trafiking fear lies missing people illigal prisons torture corrupted education corporate ownership shady offshore banks investment firms inside trading bitcoin penny tradingg scams pointless wars illigal migrations criminal organisations corrupted police and money laundering homelessness racial religious hatered minoritys discriminations for the good of many slow painfull death criple mentaly and physicaly people children abuse unnessesery abortions hedonistic way of life cults pyramid scams child labor corrupted justice system clans hiden agendas disrespect to elders descrimination of human rights hate speach enimosity faulse information gossips cover up and chsines of shaking hands cover ups shady criminal phylantropy charity religiouse organizations wrong verdicts of inosents free speach restrictions faulse  positive  prosperity teachings supression of awareness advertising of  bohemian life style dna manipulations food and water questionable chemical addons nano thechlogy target advertisements population reduction cheap labor gender identity crisis


December 19, 2024

Walking the way we talk

Page 369

"Words mean nothing until we put them into action."

Basic Text, p. 58

To Take Responsibility – As Bill Sees It #145
Learning how to live in the greatest peace, partnership , and brotherhood with all men and women, of whatever description, is a moving and fascinating adventure.

But every AA has found that he can make little headway in this new adventure of living until he first backtracks and really makes an accurate and unsparing survey of the human wreckage he has left in his wake.


The readiness to take the full consequences of our past acts, and to take responsibility for the well being of others at the same time, is the very spirit of Step Nine.

Twelve & Twelve – 1.P. 77, 2. P. 87


When dealing with an alcoholic, there may be a natural annoyance that a man could be so weak, stupid and irresponsible. Even when you understand the malady better, you may feel this feeling rising.

Having suffered from alcoholism, I should understand the illness, but sometimes I feel annoyance, even contempt, toward a person who cannot make it in A.A. When I feel that way, I am satisfying my false sense of superiority and I must remember, but for the grace of God, there go I.

From the book Daily Reflections.
Copyright © 1990 by Alcoholics Anonymous World Services, Inc. All rights reserved.

History Behind AA’s Responsibility Statement

The Responsibility Statement reads:

I am responsible. When anyone, anywhere, reaches out for help, I want the hand of AA always to be there. And for that: I am responsible.
It was written for the 1965 AA International Convention in Toronto. In an article titled, ‘How I am Responsible became a part of AA’, from the GSO newsletter, Box 4-5-9. The article identifies former AA trustee, Al S. as the author of the Responsibility Statement.

“ИДИТЕ ВСЕ НА Х У Й ВОТ ТАКАЯ ССЫЛКА ДУМАЮ ВСЕМ ПОНРАВИТЬСЯ НА ПЛАНЕТЕ ГДЕ ВСЁ ВЫВЕРНУТО НАИЗНАНКУ, ГДЕ ТОРЖЕСТВУЕТ ЗЛО И ЛОЖЬ ВСЕХ ВИДОВ, и есть 24 СТАРЦА КОТОРЫЕ НИКАК НЕ СДОХНУТ, сидят в каком-то жутком подвале бункере, владеют всем баблом Земли, и так бояться СМЕРТИ, что готовы истреблять целые нации и народы, калечить и убивать младенцев, доводить всех до безумия стравливая народы и рассы, торгуют людьми живыми и их органами, садят на наркоту и все другие виды зависимостей миллиарды людей, создают разные виды вирусов и заболеваний, и этим поддерживают баланс, рушат экономику земли, рушат саму землю, им подчинены все и их бояться все кто боится смерти, в их руках все виды контроля и манипулаций, а их армия психологов втирает людям убеждение, что все беды вина самих людей, подчиняйтесь им и вам кинут крохи с их стола, в их мире даже миллиардеры это всего лишь жополизы на побегушках, и как только кто посмел вякнуть то сразу у него / неё отнимают и деньги и власть, в их руках все виды воздействия на мозги людей, но их жополизы гуру и священники учат, что по любому выхода нет, хочешь жить плати налоги жри таблетки и работай или тебя ждёт тюрьма, психушка или смерть, а сидеть в тюрьмах / психушках или умирать добровольно мало кому охота, эту великую тайну давно знают все, но говорить об этом бесполезно, до тех пор пока люди не осознают как можно и чем с ними бороться, а бороться с ними просто, молитва и пост, и Бог свершает то, что люди и представить не могли, Дух Святой реален и Сила Духа Святого может сделать то, чего они бояться больше всего, так было всегда, но сейчас во времена искуственного интелекта, люди начинают осознавать, как вести эту борьбу, не бомбами - нет, а смелым противостоянием и покорностью своей совести, которая подскажет, что делать и как, и для этого не нужно находиться рядом с теми кто это осознал, для этого нужно единство в духе и силе, не нужно иметь капитал или оружие, самое сильное оружие это сила Духа, и эта сила есть у всех угнетённых и наследниках угнетённых!

GO TO FUCK YOU ALL THERE'S A LINK I think everyone will like on a planet where everything is turned upside down, where evil and lies of all kinds thrive, and there are 24 STARS WHO CANNOT DIE, sitting in some creepy basement bunker, owning all the money on Earth, and are so afraid of death that they are ready to exterminate whole nations and peoples, to mutilate and kill babies, to drive everyone to madness by dividing nations and races, to trade in living people and their organs, to put billions of people on drugs and all other kinds of addictions, create different kinds of viruses and diseases, and with this they maintain the balance, ruin the economy of the earth, ruin the earth itself, they are subordinated to everyone and they are feared by everyone who is afraid of death, they have all kinds of control and manipulation in their hands, and their army of psychologists rub people with the belief, that all the troubles are the fault of the people themselves, obey them and you will get crumbs from their table, in their world even billionaires are just ass-kissers on the run, and as soon as someone dares to yell, they take away his / her money and power, they have all kinds of influence on people's brains, but their arsehole gurus and priests teach that there is no way out, if you want to live, pay taxes, take pills and work or you will be in prison, mental institution or death, and few people want to sit in prison / mental institution or die voluntarily, everyone knows this great secret for a long time, but it's useless to talk about it until people realise how to fight them and how to fight them, and fighting them is simple, prayer and fasting, and God does things that people never imagined, the Holy Spirit is real and the Power of the Holy Spirit can do what they fear most, what they fear the most, it has always been so, but now in the times of artificial intelligence, people are beginning to realise how to fight, not with bombs - no, but with courageous confrontation and obedience to their conscience, which will tell them what to do and how to do it, and for this you don't need to be near those who have realised this, for this you need unity in spirit and strength, you don't need to have capital or weapons, the strongest weapon is the power of the Spirit, and this power is in all the oppressed and the heirs of the oppressed!”

Мрачное время
Алексей Широков 3
Морок, небо все накрили
Вовки ті страшенно виють,
Кров та смерть не зупинити,
А світанку ще ї не видно
Всі налякані до сказу,
Молять в Бога допомоги,
Сатана все більш жартує
Та не їде все допомога.
А вовки скаженні виють,
Та страшніш за вовка люди
Я Вас трошки заспокою
Далі лиш страшніше буде.

Автор перевода Широков А. А. 10,11,2022, г Киев

 А вот оригинал

Мгла собою всё накрыла,
Где-то рядом воют волки.
Ночь остановить не в силах,
Ждать рассвета слишком долго.

Все напуганы до жути,
Просят помощи у Бога.
Дьявол всё мрачнее шутит,
Не торопится подмога.
Ночью волки страшно воют,
Но куда страшней их люди.
Дайте я вас успокою -
Дальше только хуже будет.

© Copyright: Алексей Широков 3, 2022
Свидетельство о публикации №122111000988
Рецензия на «Мрачное время» (Алексей Широков 3)

Очень близко по ощущению! Если позволите, ещё один вариант перевода на украинский, предложу (не настолько близкий к тексту, но все же...)
Імла небо все накрила,
Десь-то поруч виють вовки.
Ніч ми зупинить не в змозі,
До світанку надто довго.

Всі налякані до жахів,
Просять допомоги в Бога.
Сатана все бiльш жартує,
Не встигає допомога.

Вночі вовки страшно виють,
Них страшніше лише люди.
Дайте я вас заспокою -
Далі тiльки гірше буде.

Дара Ахот   21.10.2023 10:14   •   Заявить о нарушении


“3 стихотворения Эдуарда Асадова, которые покорят Ваше сердце
2 года назад • 34,1 тыс читали
Асадов Эдуард Аркадьевич - самый известный и популярный среди читателей советский и российский поэт, творчество которого известно практически каждому еще со школьных лет. Асадов во многом стал голосом своей эпохи. Но, в отличие от других поэтов своего времени, он не льстил власти и был далек от социалистического реализма.

Эдуард Асадов 1923-2004 гг.

1. Я могу тебя очень ждать...
Я могу тебя очень ждать,
Долго-долго и верно-верно,
И ночами могу не спать
Год, и два, и всю жизнь, наверно!

Пусть ласточки календаря
Облетят, как листва у сада,
Только знать бы, что все не зря,
Что тебе это вправду надо!

Я могу за тобой идти
По чащобам и перелазам,
По пескам, без дорог почти,
По горам, по любому пути,
Где и черт не бывал ни разу!

Все пройду, никого не коря,
Одолею любые тревоги,
Только знать бы, что все не зря,
Что потом не предашь в дороге.

Я могу для тебя отдать
Все, что есть у меня и будет.
Я могу за тебя принять
Горечь злейших на свете судеб.

Буду счастьем считать, даря
Целый мир тебе ежечасно.
Только знать бы, что все не зря,
Что люблю тебя не напрасно!

2.Как много тех, с кем можно лечь в постель
Как много тех, с кем можно лечь в постель,
Как мало тех, с кем хочется проснуться…
И утром, расставаясь улыбнуться,
И помахать рукой, и улыбнуться,
И целый день, волнуясь, ждать вестей.
Как много тех, с кем можно просто жить,
Пить утром кофе, говорить и спорить…
С кем можно ездить отдыхать на море,
И, как положено — и в радости, и в горе
Быть рядом… Но при этом не любить…
Как мало тех, с кем хочется мечтать!
Смотреть, как облака роятся в небе,
Писать слова любви на первом снеге,
И думать лишь об этом человеке…
И счастья большего не знать и не желать.
Как мало тех, с кем можно помолчать,
Кто понимает с полуслова, с полувзгляда,
Кому не жалко год за годом отдавать,
И за кого ты сможешь, как награду,
Любую боль, любую казнь принять…
Вот так и вьётся эта канитель —
Легко встречаются, без боли расстаются…
Все потому, что много тех, с кем можно лечь в постель.
Все потому, что мало тех, с кем хочется проснуться.
Как много тех, с кем можно лечь в постель…
Как мало тех, с кем хочется проснуться…
И жизнь плетёт нас, словно канитель…
Сдвигая, будто при гадании на блюдце.
Мы мечемся: — работа… быт… дела…
Кто хочет слышать- всё же должен слушать…
А на бегу- заметишь лишь тела…
Остановитесь… чтоб увидеть душу.
Мы выбираем сердцем — по уму…
Порой боимся на улыбку- улыбнуться,
Но душу открываем лишь тому,
С которым и захочется проснуться.
Как много тех, с кем можно говорить.
Как мало тех, с кем трепетно молчание.
Когда надежды тоненькая нить
Меж нами, как простое понимание.
Как много тех, с кем можно горевать,
Вопросами подогревать сомнения.
Как мало тех, с кем можно узнавать
Себя, как нашей жизни отражение.
Как много тех, с кем лучше бы молчать,
Кому не проболтаться бы в печали.
Как мало тех, кому мы доверять
Могли бы то, что от себя скрывали.
С кем силы мы душевные найдем,
Кому душой и сердцем слепо верим.
Кого мы непременно позовем,
Когда беда откроет наши двери.
Как мало их, с кем можно — не мудря.
С кем мы печаль и радость пригубили.
Возможно, только им благодаря
Мы этот мир изменчивый любили.

3. Любовь
Известно все: любовь не шутка,
Любовь — весенний стук сердец,
А жить, как ты, одним рассудком,
Нелепо, глупо наконец!
Иначе для чего мечты?
Зачем тропинки под луною?
К чему лоточницы весною
Влюбленным продают цветы?!
Когда бы не было любви,
То и в садах бродить не надо.
Пожалуй, даже соловьи
Ушли бы с горя на эстраду.
Зачем прогулки, тишина.
Ведь не горит огонь во взгляде?
А бесполезная луна
Ржавела б на небесном складе.
Представь: никто не смог влюбиться.
И люди стали крепче спать,
Плотнее кушать, реже бриться,
Стихи забросили читать…
Но нет, недаром есть луна
И звучный перебор гитары,
Не зря приходит к нам весна
И по садам гуляют пары.
Бросай сомнения свои!
Люби и верь. Чего же проще?
Не зря ночные соловьи
До хрипоты поют по рощам!

Сборник стихов поэта был впервые опубликован в 1951 году. Книга имела успех и получила высокую оценку. Поэтому Асадова сразу приняли в КПСС и Союз писателей. Немаловажным было и то, что он окончил институт с отличием.


3 Eduard Asadov poems that will conquer your heart
2 years ago - 34.1 thousand reads
Eduard Arkadyevich Asadov is the most famous and popular among readers Soviet and Russian poet, whose work is known to almost everyone since their school years. Asadov in many ways became the voice of his era. But, unlike other poets of his time, he did not flatter the authorities and was far from socialist realism.

Eduard Asadov 1923-2004.

1. I can wait for you very much...
I can wait for you very much,
For a long, long time and faithfully,
And I can stay up nights
For a year, or two, or a lifetime!

Let the swallows of the calendar
Will fly away like the leaves of a garden,
I just wish I knew it wasn't all for nothing,
¶¶ That you really need it ¶¶

I can follow you
Through thickets and overhangs,
Over sands, over sands, over sands, over sands, over sands, over sands, over sands, over sands,
Over mountains, along any path
Where the devil has never been

I'll go through everything, without blame,
I'll overcome all the worries,
I just wish I knew it was all for a good reason,
That you won't betray me on the road

I can give you everything I've got
# Everything I have and everything I'll ever have
I can take for you
The bitterness of the worst fates in the world.

I'll count it a blessing to give you
The whole world to you every hour
I'd like to know that it's not all for nothing,
That I love you for a reason!

2.There are so many people to go to bed with.
There are so many people to go to bed with,
There's so few to wake up with.
And smile in the morning when we part,
And wave and smile,
And wait all day long, anxious to hear from them.
There's so many people you can just live with,
Drinking coffee in the morning, talking and arguing...
With whom you can go on holiday to the sea,
And, as it should be, for better or for worse.
To be close to... But not to love...
How few people are there with whom you want to dream!
Watching the clouds swarming in the sky,
To write words of love on the first snow
And think only of this man...
And never know or wish for more happiness.
There's so few people to be quiet with,
Who understands with half a word, half a look,
To whom it's not a pity to give year after year,
For whom you can give as a reward,
Any pain, any execution...
That's how it goes on and on and on
; Easy to meet, painless to part ;
; 'Cause there's plenty of people to go to bed with ;
It's because there's not enough people to wake up with.
There's too many people to go to bed with...
There's not enough people to wake up with.
And life weaves us around like a tangle.
Shifting us as if we were guessing on a saucer.
We're in a tangle: work... life... things to do....
Who wants to hear, must still listen...
And when we're running, we only see bodies.
Stop to see the soul.
We choose with our heart - with our mind...
Sometimes we're afraid to smile,
; But we only open our souls to someone ;
To the one we want to wake up with.
There are so many people to talk to.
How few are there with whom silence is reverent.
When hope is a thin thread
Between us like a simple understanding.
There are so many to grieve with,
And questions to stir up doubts.
How few are there with whom we can recognise
We can recognise ourselves as a reflection of our lives.
There are so many with whom it's better to keep silent,
To whom it's better not to speak when we're sad.
How few we can trust
To whom we can confide what we've kept from ourselves.
With whom we can find strength of heart
Whom we trust with heart and soul.
Whom we will call
When trouble opens our doors.
How few there are who we can be with without wisdom.
With whom we've drunk our sorrows and joys.
Perhaps it's only thanks to them
We have loved this changing world.

3. Love
Everyone knows that love is not a joke,
Love is the spring beat of our hearts,
And to live as you do, with only reason,
Ridiculous, foolish at last!
What are dreams for?
Why are there paths under the moon?
Why do the hawkers in springtime
Why do they sell flowers to lovers?
If there were no love
There's no need to wander in gardens.
Perhaps even the nightingales
Would go to the bandstand in grief.
No need for walks, no need for silence.
When there's no fire in your eyes?
And the useless moon
Would rust in the heavenly warehouse.
Imagine, no one could fall in love.
And people would sleep more soundly,
They ate more, shaved less,
They stopped reading poetry.
But no, there's a moon
And a guitar strumming,
There's a reason why spring comes to us
And couples strolling through the gardens.
Give up your doubts!
Love and faith What's easier than that?
There's a reason why nightingales
Singing hoarsely in the groves!

The collection of poems of the poet was first published in 1951. The book was a success and was highly appreciated. Therefore, Asadov was immediately accepted into the CPSU and the Union of Writers. It was also important that he graduated from the institute with honours.”


In the souvenir book for the 1965 Convention, Dr. Jack Norris writes:

“…We must remember that AA will continue strong only so long as each of us freely and happily gives it away to another person, only as each of us takes our fair share of responsibility for sponsorship of those who still suffer, for the growth and integrity of our Group, for our Intergroup activities, and for AA as a whole.

It is in taking responsibility that real freedom and the enduring satisfactions of life are found. AA has given us the power to choose – to drink or not to drink – and in doing so has given us the freedom to be responsible for ourselves. As we become responsible for ourselves, we are free to be responsible for our share in AA, and unless we happily accept this responsibility we lose AA. Strange, isn’t it?”

In a Grapevine article in October 1965, the Responsibility Statement is discussed, and Bill W. expresses his views:

Two major thoughts stood out in the remarks of the many speakers, alcoholic and nonalcoholic, at AA’s July Toronto Convention. The first was admiration and gratitude for AA’s startling success in sobering up hundreds of thousands of lost-cause drunks. The other was concern that the success which has come to AA over the thirty years since its start in Akron, Ohio in 1935 would not lead us to any complacency about the size of the job still to be done.

The theme of the Convention was: Responsibility. “I am responsible. . .when anyone, anywhere, reaches out for help, I want the hand of AA always to be there. And for that: I am responsible.”

AA’s co-founder, Bill, in his talk to over 10,000 attending the major sessions of the Convention, stressed the need for cooperation with all who work on the problem of alcoholism, the more than 100 agencies in the United States and Canada alone now engaged in research, alcohol education and rehabilitation.

“Too often, we have deprecated and even derided these projects of our friends just because we do not always see eye to eye with them,” Bill said. “We should very seriously ask ourselves how many alcoholics have gone on drinking simply because we have failed to cooperate in good spirit with these many agencies. No alcoholic should go mad or die merely because he did not come straight to AA in the beginning.”

“The first concern of AA members should be with problem drinkers the movement is still unable to reach,” Bill said. He estimated that there are 20 million alcoholics in the world today, five million in the U.S. alone. “Some cannot be reached because they are not hurt enough, others because they are hurt too much,” he declared.

“Many sufferers have mental and emotional complications that seem to foreclose their chances. Yet it would be conservative to estimate that at any particular time there are four million alcoholics in the world who are able, ready and willing to get well if only they knew how. When we remember that in the 30 years of AA’s existence we have reached less than ten per cent of those who might have been willing to approach us, we begin to get an idea of the immensity of our task and of the responsibilities with which we will always be confronted.”

There have been two Advisory Actions from the General Service Conference regarding the Declaration of Responsibility since it was introduced. In 1971, the Conference recommended that:

The Literature Committee, following the general feeling of the Conference, reaffirm both the spirit and the wording of the “I am Responsible” Declaration from the International Convention held in Toronto in 1965.

And in 1977, the Conference recommended that:

The Responsibility Declaration not be changed, as it was made at the 1965 International Convention in Toronto.

By Alcoholics Anonymous World Services

The Twelfth Step reminds us "to practice these principles in all our affairs." In NA, we see living examples of this suggestion all around us. The more experienced members, who seem to have an aura of peace surrounding them, demonstrate the rewards of applying this bit of wisdom in their lives.

To receive the rewards of the Twelfth Step, it is vital that we practice the spiritual principles of recovery even when no one is looking. If we talk about recovery at meetings but continue to live as we did in active addiction, our fellow members may suspect that we are doing nothing more than quoting bumper stickers.

What we pass on to newer members comes more from how we live than what we say. If we advise someone to "turn it over" without having experienced the miracle of the Third Step, chances are the message will fail to reach the ears of the newcomer for whom it's intended. On the other hand, if we "walk what we talk" and share our genuine experience in recovery, the message will surely be evident to all.

Just for Today: I will practice the principles of recovery, even when I'm the only one who knows.

Copyright (c) 2007-2023,  NA World Services, Inc. All Rights Reserved

Created to carry the message of recovery to all addicts. Whether the addiction is alcohol, drugs, food or any other addiction the program of recovery is the same. I am a recovering alcoholic of over twenty-seven years, a day at a time of course and I believe my primary purpose is to stay sober and help other alcoholics achieve recovery. Remember seven days without a meeting makes one weak. Sign up to get emails.This Blog is NOT IN ANY WAY affiliated to either A.A. or N.A. Help to stop drinking.
Sunday, 10 March 2024
AS BILL SEES IT #essentialsofrec #Demands #Newcomers

~ Page 69 ~

Giving Without Demand

Watch any A.A. of six months working with a Twelfth Step prospect. If the newcomer says, “To the devil with you,” the twelfth-stepper only smiles and finds another alcoholic to help. He doesn’t feel frustrated or rejected. If this next drunk responds, and in turn starts to give love and attention to other sufferers, yet gives none back to him, the sponsor is happy about it anyway. He still doesn’t feel rejected; instead he rejoices that his former prospect is sober and happy.

And he well knows that his own life has been made richer, as an extra dividend of giving to another without any demand for a return.


© 1967 by Alcoholics Anonymous ® World Services, Inc
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at Sunday, March 10, 2024

Bill Meets Henrietta Seiberling
henrietta seiberling
Reverend Tunks provided Bill with numbers of ten Oxford Group members to which Bill risked his then-precious nickels to no avail, save one contact, Norman Sheppard, who knew about Henrietta Seiberling’s efforts to help a doctor get off the hooch. Her very name made Bill wax diffident.

He realized she was a member of the prodigious Seiberling Rubber Company family; such a millionaire socialite would doubtless take a dim view on the prospect of helping some unknown New York drunk find another drunk—Bill left the telephone booth and dejectedly returned to his room. But in profound desperation he finally made the call (Note that was call #12!).

Only weeks before, Dr. Bob Smith had admitted to the Akron Oxford Group that he was a secret drinker and would they pray for him; Henrietta believed that Bob’s answer would come through regular prayer. So, when a phone call came from a rum hound from New York who needed another drunk to keep him sober she thought to herself: “This is really manna from heaven.” She replied: “You come right out here.”

One must wonder whether Bill invested his limited funds on a taxi ride, or walked those several hilly miles. (A speaker at the 2008 Founder’s Day believes he walked, so the next day he planned to count the exact number of steps that Bill would have taken; then report back to us the next year, but I have never heard the report.).

Henrietta did arrange for the two alcoholics to meet for supper at the gatehouse of the Stan Hywet Mansion where she and her teenage children were then residing. This was Sunday Evening, May 12, 1935. Dr. Bob Smith, his wife Ann, and 17 year old son, Bob, arrived at about five o’clock, but Dr. Bob’s severe hangover would not allow him to partake of the supper.

Excerpt from Pre-AA History

Bill W. Meets Dr. Bob
gatehouse inside
Dr. Bob had in mind that time spent with this mug would be snappy, so he had made Henrietta promise that they would stay only 15 minutes after supper, but this notion became less compelling when Bill said something to the effect that Dr. Bob appeared to need a drink. But the 15-minute talk continued on and on till eleven o’clock!

Perhaps the prevailing factor sparking the doctor’s continued interest was that Bill’s revelations came from personal experience, unlike from other benignly motivated friends who spoke from book knowledge. Another factor would have been that Bill doubtless related Dr. Silkworth’s ideas of the physical allergy and the mental obsession . . . any true alcoholic would immediately see the truth in this concept through their own experience.

Bill’s recently enlightened method of talking with new prospects reflects lesson #2 from the earlier page of this book. Doctor Silkworth’s pointing out the necessity that Bill change his approach from preaching to personal experience, at just the right time, may well have provided another example of Dr. Carl Jung’s notion of ‘synchronicity.’

Dr. Bob had been privy to the teachings of the Oxford Group for over two years, so he obviously would not have been impressed by Bill’s new-found spiritual knowledge. Just as today, one drunk sharing his or her alcoholic experience with another alcoholic best implants the seed of hope into a newcomer’s world of doubt and confusion.

But yet, it is not beyond reason that Ebby’s miracle would have been discussed, as well as Bill’s spiritual experience at Towns Hospital. Plus, certainly, both parties would have shared a mutual interest in the Oxford Group teachings of which they were both deeply and regularly involved.

Excerpt from Pre-AA History

Beckoning of the Bar
mayflower hotel
May 11, 1935, found Bill Wilson feverously pacing the lobby of the Mayflower Hotel remorsefully reflecting on the failed aforementioned enterprise. Had he been successful, he would have been set on his feet financially which, at the time, seemed vitally important. Bitterly discouraged, he found himself in a strange place, discredited and almost broke. Still physically weak, and sober but five months, he saw that his predicament was dangerous. He wanted so much to talk with someone, but whom?

At the end of the room stood a glass covered directory of local churches. Down the lobby a door opened into an attractive bar. He could see the gay crowd inside. In there he would find companionship and release. Unless he took some drinks, he might not have the courage to scrape an acquaintance and would have a lonely weekend.

Of course he couldn’t drink, but why not sit hopefully at a table, a bottle of ginger ale before him? After all, had he not been sober five months now? Perhaps he could handle, say, three drinks—no more! Fear gripped him. He was on thin ice! Again it was the old, insidious insanity—that first drink.

With a shiver, he turned away and walked down the lobby to the church directory. Music and gay chatter still floated to him from the bar. But what about his responsibilities — his family and the men who would die because they would not know how to get well, ah—yes, those other alcoholics? There must be many such in this town. He would phone a clergyman.

His sanity returned and he thanked God. Selecting the name of Reverend Walter F. Tunks from the church directory, he invested a nickel to make one of the most important calls in AA history (Lois Wilson thought the reason for picking the name of Tunks may have been that one of Bill’s favorite expressions was, “taking a tunk,” which refers to a short walk.).

Excerpt from Pre-AA History

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Out Of Bondage – As Bill Sees It #210
At Step Three, many of us said to our Maker, as we understood Him: “God, I offer myself to Thee—to build with me and to do with me as Thou wilt. Relieve me of the bondage of self, that I may better do Thy will. Take away my difficulties, that my transcendence over them may bear witness to those I would help of Thy power, Thy love, and Thy way of life. May I do Thy will always!”

We thought well before taking this Step, making sure we were ready. Then we could commence to abandon ourselves utterly to Him.

ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS, P. 63 with the change from the original of ‘victory’ to ‘transcendence’

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Posted byBruce McPhersonSeptember 5, 2022Posted inAs Bill Sees It, Big Book Quotes, Change, Prayer & Mediation

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How GUGOGS Meditation Works
Assembled and edited by Wayne S. As you ready yourself for your meditation practice, please be fully present during the meditation and avoid distractions. Be in a place where you can devote your full attention to the practice. As you read this, please consider that your meditation practice has already begun . . . The
Continue reading “How GUGOGS Meditation Works”
Posted byBruce McPhersonSeptember 18, 2021Posted in#GUGOGS Monthly Meditation, 12 and 12 quotes, Big Book Quotes, Guidance, Humility, Meditation, Open Mindedness, Patience, Perseverance, Prayer & Mediation, Self Reflection, Step 10, Step 11, Wisdom2 Comments on How GUGOGS Meditation Works
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Alcoholism-12 Step Support
As Bill Sees It-Praying for others
  #1 (permalink) 
CarolD's Avatar CarolD , 07-24-2011 11:34 PM
*~*~*~*~*^As Bill Sees It^*~*~*~*~*

Praying for Others

While praying sincerely, we still may fall into temptation. We form ideas as to what we think God's will is for other people. We say to ourselves, "This one ought to be cured of his fatal malady" or "That one ought to be relieved of his emotional pain," and we pray for these specific things.
Such prayers, of course, are fundamentally good acts, but often they are
based upon a supposition that we know God's will for the person for whom we pray. This means that side by side with an earnest prayer there can be a certain amount of presumption and conceit in us.
It is A.A.'s experience that particularly in these cases we ought to pray
that God's will, whatever it is, be done for others as well as for ourselves.

  #2 (permalink) 
tmbg's Avatar tmbg , 07-25-2011 12:58 AM
  #3 (permalink) 
doert444's Avatar doert444 , 07-25-2011 04:20 AM
Great post Carol and definitely His ways are not my ways and His thoughts are not my thoughts. God can see the end from the beginning and that is a real comfort when I witness something I can not understand. I know God sees the best way to get me and others to exactly where we/they need to be. It is said in our circle that God writes straight with crooked lines. And when it comes to God bringing forth His will for me sometimes the longest way round is the shortest way home!
  #4 (permalink) 
StPeteGrad's Avatar StPeteGrad , 07-25-2011 09:39 AM
I needed this one today!

I've spent the last two weeks taking my wife's inventory (vs. my own) as she has been quickly spiraling into depression, alcohol ABUSE and abusing her prescriptions.

It has been very difficult watching this as I am not even a year sober myself not to pray that she gets better, much less telling her what she "should do."
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Joy Of Living Happy Hour
Meeets Daily At 5:30pm
Finding Your Own Way

We hope this booklet has made it eminently clear that we don't consider drinking a frivolous subject Alcoholism deserves and gets dead serious attention from us. We do not find jokes told at the expense of sick problem drinkers funny, except those we tell on ourselves from our vantage point of sobriety. We aren't amused when someone teasingly threatens to get drunk. That's like teasing about Russian roulette.

In spite of our serious attitude toward alcoholism, you will find we can usually talk with humor and detachment about our past and our recovery. This is a healthy approach, we think. Certainly, it does not weaken our resolve to get and stay well.

Most of us have seen death close up. We have known the kind of suffering that wrenches the bones. But we also have known the sort of hope that makes the heart sing. And we hope this booklet has conveyed to you more encouragement than pain. If you are a problem drinker, you already know enough about pain and loneliness. We'd like you to find some of the peace and joy we have found in meeting the reality of life's ups and downs with a clear head and a steady heart.

No doubt we have made just a bare beginning in the business of living sober. Time and again, we learn additional ideas that can help.

As you stay sober, you are sure to think of new ideas not recorded here. We hope so. We also hope that when you do come up with fresh ideas on this subject, you will pass them on. Please do share. (You'll recall that the act of sharing can itself be helpful to you.) The more experience we can all pool, the more problem drinkers can be helped.

Some of us go back to drinking a time or so before we get a real foothold on sobriety. If that happens to you, don't despair. Many of us have done this and have finally come through to successful sobriety. Try to remember that alcoholism is an extremely serious human condition, and that relapses are as possible in this ailment as in others. Recovery can still follow.

Even after setbacks, if you continue to want to get well, and remain willing to try new approaches, our experience convinces us that you have embarked with hundreds of thousands of companions on the path of a happy, healthy destiny. We hope we see you among us in person.

But whatever track you travel, along with us or on your own, you go with our strongest good wishes.

Мечта о Музе
(Жалкое подражание великому
Асадову Эдуарду Аркадьевичу)

“Как мало тех с кем можно помолчать...
...Как мало тех, кому мы доверять
Могли бы то, что от себя скрывали.
С кем силы мы душевные найдем,
Кому душой и сердцем слепо верим.
Кого мы непременно позовем,
Когда беда откроет наши двери.
Как мало их, с кем можно — не мудря.
С кем мы печаль и радость пригубили.
Возможно, только им благодаря
Мы этот мир изменчивый любили. - Э.А.А.С.А.Д.О.В”


Моя мечта, не лечь с тобой в постель,
В постели я хочу с тобой проснуться...
Увидеть как ты спишь и улыбнуться,
Уйти, с волнением новых ждать вестей... 

Моя мечта, с тобою просто жить,
С тобою ездить отдыхать на море...
С тобой быть рядом, в радости и в горе,
Одной тобой жить, лишь тебя любить...

Мечта, кто может запретить мечтать,
Видеть своё в одном лишь человеке...
Любви слова писать на первом снеге,
И никогда другую не желать...

Мечта, а нужно ли о ней молчать,
Хоть и без слов, всё видно с полу взгляда...
Любовь, и наказанье и награда,
Но даже боль любви можно принять...

Моя мечта, не лечь с тобой в постель,
После постели часто расстаются...
В постели я хочу с тобой проснуться,
Моя мечта не лечь с тобой в постель!


Dream of a Muse

My dream is not to go to bed with you,
In bed, I want to wake up with you.
To see you sleeping and smile,
To walk away, excited to hear more news... 

My dream is to live with you,
To go on holiday to the sea with you...
To be with you, for better or for worse,
To live with you, to love you...

A dream, who can stop me from dreaming?
To see one's self in only one person...
To write the words of love on the first snow
And never wish for another

A dream, should we not speak of it?
Though without words, you can see everything in half a glance...
Love is both a punishment and a reward,
But even the pain of love can be accepted.

My dream is not to get into bed with you,
After bed, they often break up.
I want to wake up in bed with you,
My dream is not to go to bed with you!

3 стихотворения Эдуарда Асадова, которые покорят Ваше сердце
2 года назад • 34,1 тыс читали
Асадов Эдуард Аркадьевич - самый известный и популярный среди читателей советский и российский поэт, творчество которого известно практически каждому еще со школьных лет. Асадов во многом стал голосом своей эпохи. Но, в отличие от других поэтов своего времени, он не льстил власти и был далек от социалистического реализма.

Эдуард Асадов 1923-2004 гг.

1. Я могу тебя очень ждать...
Я могу тебя очень ждать,
Долго-долго и верно-верно,
И ночами могу не спать
Год, и два, и всю жизнь, наверно!

Пусть ласточки календаря
Облетят, как листва у сада,
Только знать бы, что все не зря,
Что тебе это вправду надо!

Я могу за тобой идти
По чащобам и перелазам,
По пескам, без дорог почти,
По горам, по любому пути,
Где и черт не бывал ни разу!

Все пройду, никого не коря,
Одолею любые тревоги,
Только знать бы, что все не зря,
Что потом не предашь в дороге.

Я могу для тебя отдать
Все, что есть у меня и будет.
Я могу за тебя принять
Горечь злейших на свете судеб.

Буду счастьем считать, даря
Целый мир тебе ежечасно.
Только знать бы, что все не зря,
Что люблю тебя не напрасно!

2.Как много тех, с кем можно лечь в постель
Как много тех, с кем можно лечь в постель,
Как мало тех, с кем хочется проснуться…
И утром, расставаясь улыбнуться,
И помахать рукой, и улыбнуться,
И целый день, волнуясь, ждать вестей.
Как много тех, с кем можно просто жить,
Пить утром кофе, говорить и спорить…
С кем можно ездить отдыхать на море,
И, как положено — и в радости, и в горе
Быть рядом… Но при этом не любить…
Как мало тех, с кем хочется мечтать!
Смотреть, как облака роятся в небе,
Писать слова любви на первом снеге,
И думать лишь об этом человеке…
И счастья большего не знать и не желать.
Как мало тех, с кем можно помолчать,
Кто понимает с полуслова, с полувзгляда,
Кому не жалко год за годом отдавать,
И за кого ты сможешь, как награду,
Любую боль, любую казнь принять…
Вот так и вьётся эта канитель —
Легко встречаются, без боли расстаются…
Все потому, что много тех, с кем можно лечь в постель.
Все потому, что мало тех, с кем хочется проснуться.
Как много тех, с кем можно лечь в постель…
Как мало тех, с кем хочется проснуться…
И жизнь плетёт нас, словно канитель…
Сдвигая, будто при гадании на блюдце.
Мы мечемся: — работа… быт… дела…
Кто хочет слышать- всё же должен слушать…
А на бегу- заметишь лишь тела…
Остановитесь… чтоб увидеть душу.
Мы выбираем сердцем — по уму…
Порой боимся на улыбку- улыбнуться,
Но душу открываем лишь тому,
С которым и захочется проснуться.
Как много тех, с кем можно говорить.
Как мало тех, с кем трепетно молчание.
Когда надежды тоненькая нить
Меж нами, как простое понимание.
Как много тех, с кем можно горевать,
Вопросами подогревать сомнения.
Как мало тех, с кем можно узнавать
Себя, как нашей жизни отражение.
Как много тех, с кем лучше бы молчать,
Кому не проболтаться бы в печали.
Как мало тех, кому мы доверять
Могли бы то, что от себя скрывали.
С кем силы мы душевные найдем,
Кому душой и сердцем слепо верим.
Кого мы непременно позовем,
Когда беда откроет наши двери.
Как мало их, с кем можно — не мудря.
С кем мы печаль и радость пригубили.
Возможно, только им благодаря
Мы этот мир изменчивый любили.

3. Любовь
Известно все: любовь не шутка,
Любовь — весенний стук сердец,
А жить, как ты, одним рассудком,
Нелепо, глупо наконец!
Иначе для чего мечты?
Зачем тропинки под луною?
К чему лоточницы весною
Влюбленным продают цветы?!
Когда бы не было любви,
То и в садах бродить не надо.
Пожалуй, даже соловьи
Ушли бы с горя на эстраду.
Зачем прогулки, тишина.
Ведь не горит огонь во взгляде?
А бесполезная луна
Ржавела б на небесном складе.
Представь: никто не смог влюбиться.
И люди стали крепче спать,
Плотнее кушать, реже бриться,
Стихи забросили читать…
Но нет, недаром есть луна
И звучный перебор гитары,
Не зря приходит к нам весна
И по садам гуляют пары.
Бросай сомнения свои!
Люби и верь. Чего же проще?
Не зря ночные соловьи
До хрипоты поют по рощам!

Сборник стихов поэта был впервые опубликован в 1951 году. Книга имела успех и получила высокую оценку. Поэтому Асадова сразу приняли в КПСС и Союз писателей. Немаловажным было и то, что он окончил институт с отличием.

Ой у Гаю при Дунаю Соловей Спиваэ
Мiлла Йвоввич
Клип: Россия - Игорь Тальков (HD)
G L O B E - Глобус (БЛУ ЕЛОУ БАС) Тальков
Atlas Shrugged
Novel by Ayn Rand (Interview 1959)
