filling in the blanks

They're willing to believe in demonic children.
They're willing to believe that as citizens they should
to repay their country for debts that they didn't borrow.
They're willing to believe they're flesh and blood.
They're willing to believe anything you tell them.
Because there's a lot of empty spaces in their heads,
and those clusters need to be filled with something.
And it doesn't really matter what it is.

“I must as a citizen,” she said selflessly.
Yes, I'm a victim of advertising in many ways, too.
But there must have been a big hole there, but now it's filled with Mao's Little Red Book, adapted and translated, tight to the brim.
The trick is the citizen is ready.
and he won't even remember that he wasn't such a fanatic yesterday.
The structure is closed totalitarian sects and states.

I might open one of those someday,
Let's start unconventionally, with a small branch, said Saint Exupery.
A deserted planet would be a good place to start.
Here's a rose, here's a fox, you're responsible,
Make sure nothing goes missing, you'll be a prince.

Their willingness to believe is not a willingness, not even a willingness,
but just empty cavities of consciousness.
And they're bound to be filled by something.
Filled by whatever they pour in there.
and there are a lot of empty brain cavities.
Well, you didn't choose what to fill them with,
and by default, it's a compote of dried fruit and newspapers.

Well, I'm just pointing out the issue.
No, you dug another hole in the road.
for someone to trip and fall.
That's not true. I filled it with almonds right away.
