There s a dentist at the front desk of the clinic
But one way or another, they all face the fate of being replaced with implants if I live too long.
I can't understand why holes can appear in teeth in the first place, it's a very strange thing.
She laughed at me while crying:
she's either laughing or crying,
Because she was, laughing, and I was folded in half.
And I laughed at her amazing comedic performance.
She entertained those in attendance by running back and forth and talking, writing checks and writing in line for customers.
They have a rare sense of humor.
And a precise beauty. They're twins, I can tell by their bangs.
She said when she wrote the check,
that she'd been a cop for ten years and then almost went to prison herself.
Husband said pack warm clothes, policeman.
The story was long with all the details.
But my sister had a dental clinic and she helped her.
And she went to seven temples praying for her sister.
Everything ended well.
The villain who almost ruined her life was a priest,
But she didn't lose her faith in the Lord and remained a Christian despite the terrible shock.
She told me exactly how surprised she was that it could happen.
Well, a police officer is used to being a police officer and all of a sudden you have warm clothes ready? What?
I love open, easy-going people like that.
Well, she was telling this to me, a total stranger,
in front of ten other strangers waiting for their turn at the dentist's office.
The stories she told were very funny.
The men along the walls on the sofas did not laugh, but they listened attentively
And watched her closely. Maybe they had a toothache.
The doctor came out and asked where the pregnant woman with the sharp pain was,
The hostess looked at the man pressed into the sofa and said.
How about this?
And ran off to take care of the traffic.
When you see women like this, you can see why men like women in general.
You can never tell from other women.
They both have perfect naturally slender figures beautiful faces and gorgeous long black straight hair. And gorgeous lashes lips and eyes. And they're identical,
but they assure everyone that they're completely different.
But for some reason nobody laughed at her chirping but her and me,
because they must have all had toothaches.
I mean, I'd already fixed mine, I didn't have a toothache.
Oh, the beauty of policewomen is special. She's perfect, we don't get any bad-looking women on the force,
But since she's an ex-cop, with high heels, long legs and a black leather mini-skirt, it's irresistible.
Models eat nothing and learn to walk more gracefully to become a knockoff of such women.
But such luxuries can't be faked well enough.
Their movements are like they're in a fast dance all the time.
And they both have amazing humor
they could make a huge room laugh for, like, three hours straight.
and the most horrible story sounds funny like a funny joke.
An open, funny person, a hottie with a gift for storytelling - are you crazy about them yet?
And such amazing people are busy at the dental office,
filling in for each other, and they have a large staff of employed doctors,
But they never work together at the same time.
The owners of the clinic take their own appointments.
Twins are an amazing thing.
What if it's one person after all?!
And when they're so beautiful, there's something crazy about it.
Patients can't tell them apart. The other sister told me that even their mother confused them.
But for some reason nobody laughed at her chirping but her and me,
because they must have all had toothaches.
I mean, I'd already fixed mine, I didn't have a toothache.
Oh, the beauty of policewomen is special.
She's perfect, we don't get any bad-looking women on the force,
But since she's an ex-cop, with high heels, long legs and a black leather mini-skirt, it's irresistible.
Models eat nothing and learn to walk more gracefully to become a knockoff of such women.
But such luxuries can't be faked well enough.
Their movements are like they're in a fast dance all the time.
And they both have amazing humor
they could make a huge room laugh for, like, three hours straight.
and the most horrible story sounds funny as a funny joke.
An open, funny person, a hottie with a gift for storytelling - are you crazy about them yet?
Their movements are like they're in a fast dance all the time.
And they both have amazing humor
they could make a huge room laugh for, like, three hours straight.
and the most horrible story sounds funny like a funny joke.
An open, funny person, a hottie with a gift for storytelling - are you crazy about them yet?
And such amazing people are busy at the dental office,
filling in for each other, and they have a large staff of employed doctors,
But they never work together at the same time.
The owners of the clinic take their own appointments.
Twins are an amazing thing.
What if it's one person after all?!
And when they're so beautiful, there's something crazy about it.
Patients can't tell them apart. The other sister told me that even their mother confused them.
-We talked to you about it yesterday. -We did.
-Not to me.
She said, “Sister is good and I'm evil.
And that, too, was said in an incredibly funny way.
Oh, la la la life story wasn't exactly told for me.
Honey, why do you need that sullen lump huddled on the couch,
he never smiled once, do you like stone monuments?
(I didn't say that out loud, did I? I didn't say it exactly, I hope so.)
No, put me back on your best-looking doctor,
of course he's handsome as an Apollo.
Only, yes, I do have some preferences.
Let's swear we're gonna die laughing right here.
All the laundry staff peeked out the door to see the dental receptionist at work.
Honey, I swear, all those sullen men in blue chairs waiting for appointments around here don't have toothaches anymore, they all have erections because of you.
(I didn't make that joke, I didn't say that. Yeah, just a thought, thank goodness.)
A pregnant woman with a sore tooth can give birth right here.
(I didn't say that either, right)
Yeah, that's what she said.
Honey, do we know how to deliver babies?
I can't come to you next time with a bottle doctor, I'm a patient after all.
Did the payment go through? Great!
Decent people make jokes without going too far out of bounds.
We're not on duty.
No doubt about it.
That's right.
What are you doing?
Weejah sorry, I couldn't help it in this sullen world.
You're a writer, a columnist maybe?
You have no sense of humor at all.
Don't you sit on the blue couch with a toothache, too?
Is that what you think? Do you really want to laugh?
Ouija, please don't scare me.
I want the same cheerfulness as them.
but you are a gloomy introvert with a company of dead friends.
is this a joke?
yes, if someone wants to joke about it.
Ouija, do you have a toothache or? confess to me now.
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