The Future of Israel

Let's read this entire passage from Scripture, as Jesus Christ said about it! The Gospel of Luke 13-35 verse.
*Behold, your house is left to you desolate* - Here is a prediction of the terrible punishment of God that befell Jerusalem in 70, when the Romans devastated it. You will not see Me until the time comes when you will say: blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord - This means the day of the Second Coming of Christ, when unbelievers will involuntarily worship the Lord.
Based on these words, we must understand that the revival of Israel will come only at the 2nd Coming of Christ! And therefore now, in connection with this war, we must CLEARLY UNDERSTAND that the situation will NOT CHANGE for the better. The tension in the East will GROW and GROW until the appearance of the Antichrist in July 2026 under the guise of the New World Leader! Who will be exactly 26.5 years old! And in this 1st Period of 3.5 years he will do a lot for Israel. And the main thing? The Messiah will immediately conclude a 7-Year Pact with the countries of the East about non-aggression against Israel! All the Jewish People around the world will immensely *REJOICE* and will be sure that this New Politician is the *Messiah* That is, the Messiah!
Therefore? God will send TWO PROPHETS to Israel to warn his chosen People! That the Messiah is not the true Messiah! And that he is the coming Antichrist! For this will be revealed to everyone only after 3.5 years! Many Jews will believe the prophets and accept Christ as the Messiah! Despite the PERSECUTION! The awakening in Israel HAS ALREADY BEGUN! The *Jewish Jesus* movement is almost 50 years old! Thousands and thousands of Jews around the world have accepted Christ during this time. Remember this!
All CHRISTIANS! Both Jews and non-Jews, who will not know this now - will fall under a terrible HYPNOSIS! And they will believe the Messiah in his idea of ;;creating a Single World State - WITHOUT BORDERS, ARMIES and WARS! Just as MILLIONS OF PEOPLE BELIEVED in 1985 *ADORABLE Gorbachev* and his idea of ;;*PERESTROIKA*. I gave this as an example to everyone.
And the most interesting thing now?
 NO NEW TEMPLE WILL BE BUILT when the Wise and Kind New Leader - the Messiah appears, as all the sites tell us that this is the MAIN SIGN of the coming of the Antichrist.
The Messiah will turn into the Antichrist only in 3.5 years! When exactly at the age of 30 HE ACCEPTS all the power of the *EVIL SPIRIT* from SATAN and becomes a *SUPERMAN*!
BUT not GOD!
The main sign of the APPEARANCE of the MASHIACH, the coming Antichrist, will be these THREE SUCH FACTORS.
1st. This is his AGE - he will be exactly 26.5 years old at the time of his sudden APPEARANCE as a New Bright Politician.

2nd Fact. God will send TWO PROPHETS to Jerusalem - TO WARN THE ISRAELITE PEOPLE that this is not the Messiah! AND THIS IS THE *COMING ANTICHRIST.

3rd fact. Together with the Messiah, the *False Prophet* will also appear. In the Scripture, he is called the 2nd beast from the sea. That is, he will come out of the people of this world. Most likely, this will be a very influential Rabbi from New York. Oh, and he will heart-rendingly GLORIFY ALL the IDEAS and DEEDS of the Messiah through all the *MEDIA* around the world.
Understand! That this will be the MOST SERIOUS EXAM for ALL CHRISTIANS around the world.
In the middle of 2029, the 3rd World War will begin! All these events in the world are PREPARATION for THIS WAR!
The war will be very SHORT. First, the Russian Army will STRIKE Europe for all their sanctions, and then it will go to Israel! And then 200 million of the Army of the Islamic countries will join the Russian Army! Perhaps the Chinese army will join too. They do not support Israel. AND NEXT?
But these Armies will be COMPLETELY *SUPERNATURALLY* DESTROYED in the Euphrates Valley near Jerusalem. How do we not know! And then FINALLY the threat of Islam will COMPLETELY DISAPPEAR for the Jewish People. Well, the Messiah will immediately attribute this victory to himself and DECLARE IT TO THE WHOLE WORLD!
So we finally have *Peace and Security* Exactly for the Jewish People!
Imagine! How the entire Jewish People WILL REJOICE ALL OVER THE WORLD! From this joy the Jews will erect a MANUAL like a STATUE for the Messiah. And then the words of the Scripture will come true. Read
First Thessalonians 5:3
*For while they are saying, "Peace and safety," then sudden destruction comes upon them, as labor pains come upon a pregnant woman; and they shall not escape*
What does THIS MEAN? DESTRUCTION? Let's look at it in detail.
After the Messiah at the age of 30 is filled with the full power of the *EVIL SPIRIT* from the Devil and speaks *PROUDLY and BLASPHEMICALLY* at the beginning of 2030! He will declare to the High Priests to their faces!
That your God is not the TRUE GOD! But I AM GOD! And now you will all WORSHIP ONLY ME! FROM THIS MOMENT ON, ALL DEMONS WILL START OPENLY SERVE the Antichrist! This means that they will have DIRECT CONTACT with the Antichrist and *DIRECTLY INFLUENCE PEOPLE*
EXACTLY this time from the beginning of January 2030 will become the *Great Tribulation*... Or GRIEF! The likes of which the earth has never known since its creation. And especially for the Jewish People first and foremost!
And it WILL BEGIN exactly on the 1st day, when the Messiah REIGNS in the New Temple at the beginning of January 2030! And it will last exactly 3.5 years! Not 7 years! What will the Antichrist do? He will demand from ALL PEOPLE ON EARTH - DIVINE WORSHIP OF HIMSELF! And moreover under *FEAR OF DEATH* For the 2nd Beast - the False Prophet will issue the Law on *Accepting the SEAL OF THE BEAST*
It is IMPOSSIBLE for us now to fully understand the meaning of the words about the false prophet: "And it was given to him to put spirit into the image of the beast, so that the image of the beast would speak and act so that everyone who would not worship the image of the beast would be killed."
At that time, everything will be under the control of the COMPUTER CENTER in Brussels!
And the most important thing! Upon receiving BAR CODES on the FOREHEAD and HAND? Every person who has accepted the *SEAL OF THE BEAST* - WILL BE UNDER FULL CONTROL! THAT IS? PEOPLE WILL BECOME like CONTROLLED ROBOTS!
Without this *Seal of the Beast* no one will be able to BUY OR SELL ANYTHING!
And the most important thing! This will not affect the Church of Christ, BECAUSE? On this 1st day of the power of the Antichrist ALL OVER THE EARTH, the *Secret Rapture of the Church* will occur.
And the Committee of 300 will ORGANIZE AN ASSASSINATION ATTEMPT on the Antichrist!
But the mortal wound - will miraculously HEAL! And the resurrected Antichrist, understanding who attempted to kill him, will begin the most terrible PERSECUTION of the Jewish People throughout the world in the history of the earth!
This will be that *PAHBA* as we read above! That is why this time is called the *Great Tribulation* The services of the Antichrist will SEARCH FOR JEWS EVERYWHERE! Like under Hitler. Millions of Jews will die!
And at the end of the Great Tribulation, seeing that SALVATION IS NOT TO BE FOUND ANYWHERE, 144 Thousand Jewish Virgins from the 12 Tribes of Judah in 2033 will CRY OUT to Christ in REPENTANCE for their ancestors! And Jesus will not delay! And he will come to SAVE THEM. This will be the 2nd Coming of Christ in July 2033.
It is important to understand that modern Jehovah's Witnesses are NOT JEWS! AND NOT VIRGINS!
THAT'S EXACTLY WHY! They have NOTHING to do with the 144 Thousand Jews! And there are more than 10 million of them already on earth!
It is precisely the 144 Thousand SAVED JEWS under the *Antichrist* who will become the New Israel in the 1000-year Kingdom of Christ and will be FAITHFUL to HIM! THAT'S WHAT'S IMPORTANT!
But what will happen at the end of the 1000-year Kingdom? Look at this BIBLICAL FACT!
Read Rev. John: 20 ch: 7 verse
"And when the thousand years are ended, Satan will be loosed out of his prison and will go out to deceive the nations of Gog and Magog, which are in the four corners of the earth, and to gather them together to battle; the number of whom is as the sand of the sea." That is? They will WANT to COMPLETELY DESTROY Israel again.
Now we cannot know who these nations of Gog and Magog will be.
A lot of people will be born during the 1000-year Kingdom of Christ and from them these PEOPLES *GOG and MAGOG* will be formed. That is when the Battle of Armageddon will take place in the valley of Megiddo. AND THE MOST IMPORTANT THING!
What will they be ARMED WITH - this is also a RIDDLE FOR THEOLOGIANS.
Because in the 1000-year Kingdom of Jesus Christ - THERE WILL BE NO WEAPONS or ARMIES. AS WELL AS THERE WILL BE NO POLICE and all types of SECURITY SERVICES.
The world will live in COMPLETE HARMONY OF PEACE and LOVE.
No wars! No hunger! No diseases! No natural disasters. People will live like in PARADISE. Because - EVIL WILL NOT AFFECT PEOPLE for 1000 years! There WILL BE NO SUFFERING and BLOOD!
And I think that PEOPLE WILL NOT EAT MEAT! THAT IS, THERE WILL BE NO KILLING OF ANIMALS FOR FOOD in the 1000-year Kingdom of Christ!
And even *PREDATORY ANIMALS* WILL NOT EAT ANYONE! The lion will graze next to the lamb! And the child will play with a SNAKE that will not have poison! You can read all this separately in my story *The 1000-year Kingdom of Christ* And now here is a fact! I will repeat it again...
Who will these nations of *Gog and Magog* be at the end of the 1000-year Kingdom? Who will go against Israel against Christ? WE DO NOT KNOW THIS NOW EITHER.
That this entire REBEL ARMY of the peoples of Gog and Magog, as numerous as SEA SAND, will be *SUPERNATURALLY destroyed by FIRE* in the valley of Megiddo. MOST LIKELY BY ANALOGY with the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah. FIRE WILL COME OUT STRAIGHT FROM THE BOWLS OF THE EARTH! THERE WILL BE NO SALVATION FOR THE REBELS!
This will be the last ARMAGEDDON BATTLE of the PEOPLES OF THE EARTH against Jesus Christ himself in Jerusalem! And the Antichrist WILL NOT BE THERE! For he will be thrown into the LAKE OF FIRE immediately at the 2nd Coming of Christ.
Well, and the battle of Armageddon will begin in 3033. Most likely in July.
That is? After 1000 years of LIFE as in PARADISE, people under the influence of EVIL will again BETRAY Christ!
And only 144 thousand Jews will remain FAITHFUL to Christ! They will BECOME THE NEW REBORN ISRAEL!
This is how the *SALVATION OF ISRAEL* will happen - ONLY AFTER the 1000 year Kingdom!
And now? Terrible SEDUCTIONS and TEMPTATIONS await all people in the world after the appearance of the 26.5 year New World Leader - Messiah in July 2026!
