Yes, it s wintertime now!

The snow is drifting, swirling cold,
The streets are white and bright.
And puddles turn to glass, so hold,
As frost brings winter’s bite.
Where finches sang in summer skies,
Now look, and you will see—
Like rosy apple catching eyes,
The bullfinch on a tree.

Yes, it’s wintertime now!
Snow hats rest on each house.
Snowflakes dance and sunlight’s glowing,
New Year’s on its way.
Who will greet it full of laughter,
Joy will fill new day!

The snow is marked by skis that glide,
It’s crisp, and dry, and light.
A ginger cat leaps far and wide,
To chase the flakes in flight.
The frost awakens spirits bright,
It nips at cheeks and ears—
To laugh, to run, to feel the light
Of Christmas and New Year

The frost commands: "Now move, now play!"
It stirs the world to cheer.
And children rush to greet the day,
The holidays draw near.
Their skates trace stars upon the ice,
They twirl, they spin, they flee.
While snowmen, silent kings, suffice
To stand and oversee.

Chorus  2 вар It’s the winter we see,
Snow hats crown every tree,
Snowflakes dance and sunlight’s glowing,
New Year’s on its way.
Who will greet it full of laughter,
Joy will fill their day!

Расширенный перевод песенки: Это правда зима!
