I m sailing to the land Leniniana 5ямб

I'm sailing to the land Leniniana,
around there's a subtle scarlet fog,
I'm lying on my back in wooden boat,
Chopin is played - it's the twentieth nocturne.

And for two hours straight, all the last evening
Beethoven Moonlight the first movement played.
incessantly was spinning and repeating,
I managed to fall in a beautiful dream.

As I will enter land Leniniana,
Where there was peace, and love and common sense,
Without foreign deception, evil down,
And every goal-thought was pure and chaste.

I'm sailing to the land Leniniana,
As if finally come again back home,
Where there is no pseudo-elite humbug,
But the long line of philosophies world.

There, where I am floating - it is the same there,
That was since childhood - the same blissful world,
It was heavenly, all-God, I didn't know,
That the world's floating through us, I through world.

Lenin was smiling at me all around -
As in the spheres, face appeared non-stop,
And in the white-blue haze along the river
As in an eternal dream, the entrance shone.

He took me to the land Leniniana,
He hugged me from behind, and like Charon,
He smiled at me, and we were both silent,
thinking together, a result-award.

There is one boss in our land who has power,
He instantly could change here everything,
But we don't coincide with him - too sad then,
And I must live out of place, not at ease.

And Lenin smiled at me so open, clear,
As if he knew everything in advance,
Amd all came true, the earthly hid in heaven,
That "in the earthly is your shitty sky."

In Kronstadt John did everything the same way,
He lived like "in the earthly - scarlet sky,"
But he coudn't realize that may be one day
the System could be changed by genius mind.

And What did the great Lenin think up smoothly,
So that by alms - a trillion at once
He could distribute even in the universe,
So that man would forget oppression chaos.

He asked to make a Living Church, remember,
There would be a reproach if he hadn't asked,
And that means he was not against Christ-the-Church,
Remember this point, old-timer, it's right.

He made the point - got - pleasantly in power -
He lived like "in the earthly heaven of truth,"
And since men have distorted all this madly,
He simply did not call it Christ, for good.

And I float warmly and harmoniously,
I"m in a boat, water, glare of light,
It's my best evening - excellent and obvious,
And my Charon nods to me from above.

There were no princes in Leniniana,
Should I forget Beethoven, genius mind,
Who has despised the princes, Richard Wagner
wanted to open theaters to everyone.

As if all centuries are the same topic -
the savior - who has helped, Princes and mob,
G is for heaven, D is earth, and so on,
One in another - that's how we get G-o-d.

How slowly my breathing became now,
My greedy century is satisfied,
And I float to my land Leniniana,
Where is my home original and fine.

He murdered those who didn't understand it,
After all, there's no death, and here is then,
Those who defended undefended - tumbled,
He wanted to wait point-blank - and he was clever!

And I see childhood - there're true connections,
I feel that "in the earthly - sky of truth ".
And I walk in the sky - you didn't get it?
And God is in my feet, my breath, in all.

How the cross became clear to the feeling:
In earthly there is sky, and now = in then,
This moment of immortal is so pleasing,
It's my eternal home - just this moment!

And now I am two halves, as an image,
(But this is just a symbol - not banal):
The left part is the flight of heavenly power,
It is the earthly warmth on the right side.

Life is a process - and is all-connection.
Abstract, forget unnecessary move
From vanity, to over-certain fatum,
You Movement - never immobilize should.

Oh No, I dare not fight with the stupid,
I will explain for a long time, so nice:
When just at the wallpaper you were looking -
You saw in the wallpaper - Grace of Gods!

So clear only in childhood is the closeness
To silence, Charon floating down with me,
And so by Easter - death, Insult are washed down,
And you and I sail in a boat, so fleet

To beautiful land of Leniniana,
You can't leave good in it for later on,
You have to do good in it here right now,
"your shitty sky's in earthly", after all.

From everything that I have said - remember
The Cross of Truth, Charon percieved it all:
Remember: here in then, life begets death and
"your oldest heaven is here on the earth."

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