London Руди Нуреев o Pок-Kумирe Меркюри Mercury UK
; Australian writer and journalist: academician Uri Runtu = Freddie Mercury = Nureyev Rudolf: It seems like you're referring to the relationship between Freddie Mercury and Rudolf Nureyev?
; They were both iconic figures in their respective fields: Mercury as the frontman of Queen and Nureyev as a legendary ballet dancer.
; Their friendship and mutual admiration were well-documented,
; and they even performed together at the La Nit festival in Barcelona in 1988…
; Sexy Rock Star / World Rock Idol Freddie Mercury: 1991
; World Ballet Superstar Rudolf Nureyev: 1993
Фрэди Меркьюри Marvels Рудолф Нуреев Fredie UK - рассказы, Фрэди Меркьюри Marvels Рудолф Нуреев Fredie UK - Россиянин и Гений Рудольф Нуреев - создал Балет Франции XXI-века :
2025 : AI : artificial intelligence and intelligentsia : Iouri Runtu, Uri : Автор о ЕДИНСТВЕННОМ ДРУГЕ - на ВСЮ ЖИЗНЬ - и это о Рудольфе Нурееве - КНИГА - Iouri Runtu - BOOK : ' La morte a Paris : Смерть в Париже : Рудольф Нуреев : 10 000 друзей и 400 интервью : Rudolf Noureev : Rudi Nureyev' / Первое издание / / - О последнем годе жизни день за днем - за 400 дней - Великого гения России - Рудольфа Нуреева во Франции : страниц: 1-685 RUDOLF NUREYEV NOUREEV RUDOLF: 400 Interviews 10 000 Friends : ' THE DEATH IN PARIS: RUDOLF NUREYEV : IOURI RUNTU : Sa Mort 'a Paris: Rudolf Noureev ' / Celebrities RU / ISBN 978-1-925278-11-8 Australia / Yuri Ryuntyu / Australia / Россия - Австралия / Media TV Radio Russia / / Canberra ACT Australia / Uri Runtu : the Neo-transcendental theatre: 2025.
FREDDIE MERCURY: ROCK IDOL and SUPERSTAR: RUDOLF NUREYEV: Мои 1 - 17 книг из Австралии за 2016-2020 о Мировом Балете и Великом танцовщике Балета Рудольфе Нурееве и Фрэди Меркьюри :
2016 книга - Рудольф Нуреев : 10 000 Друзей и 400 интервью автора с Суперзвездой Мирового Балета - XX века / /. Главный Хореограф Гранд Опера: Париж и Создатель Французского Национального Балета - XXI века .
2017 книга - Галина Уланова и Рудольф Нуреев / / Russia / Uri Runtu / Canberra ACT Australia / Celebrities RU 2020.
2020 книга - Александр Пушкин и Нинель Кургапкина и Рудольф Нуреев / / Russia / Uri Runtu / Canberra ACT Australia / Celebrities RU 2020.
2020 книга - Наталия Дудинская и Рудольф Нуреев / / Russia / Uri Runtu / Canberra ACT Australia / Celebrities RU 2020.
2018 книга - Махмуд Эсамбаев и Рудольф Нуреев / / Russia / Uri Runtu / Canberra ACT Australia / Celebrities RU 2020.
2020 книга - Юрий Григорович и Рудольф Нуреев / / Russia / Uri Runtu / Canberra ACT Australia / Celebrities RU 2020.
2018 книга - Булат Аюханов и Рудольф Нуреев / / Russia / Uri Runtu / Canberra ACT Australia / Celebrities RU 2020.
2020 книга - Войтович Елена и Анна Удальцова и Рудольф Нуреев / / Russia / Uri Runtu / Canberra ACT Australia / Celebrities RU 2020.
2017 книга - Элтон Джон и Рудольф Нуреев / / Russia / Uri Runtu / Canberra ACT Australia / Celebrities RU 2020.
2018 книга - Элизабет Тейлор и Рудольф Нуреев / / Russia / Uri Runtu / Canberra ACT Australia / Celebrities RU 2020.
2017 книга - Матильда Кшесинская и Рудольф Нуреев / / Russia / Uri Runtu / Canberra ACT Australia / Celebrities RU 2020.
2017 книга - Тамара Карсавина и Рудольф Нуреев / / Russia / Uri Runtu / Canberra ACT Australia / Celebrities RU 2020.
2018 книга - Марго Фонтейн и Рудольф Нуреев / / Russia / Uri Runtu / Canberra ACT Australia / Celebrities RU 2020.
2018 книга - Лаурел Мартин и Рудольф Нуреев / / Russia / Uri Runtu / Canberra ACT Australia / Celebrities RU 2020.
2020 книга - Грахам Смит и Рудольф Нуреев / / Russia / Uri Runtu / Canberra ACT Australia / Celebrities RU 2020.
2017 книга - Эрик Брун и Рудольф Нуреев / / Russia / Uri Runtu / Canberra ACT Australia / Celebrities RU 2020.
2017 книга - Поул Гнатт и Рудольф Нуреев / / - Media TV Radio Celebrities Russia / Uri Runtu / Canberra ACT Australia / Celebrities RU 2020.
2016-2017: Моя книга в двух томах 'Реквием для Романса: на Ли-Галли в Италии' : страниц: Рудольф Нуреев и Фрэди Меркьюри :
т. 1: 304 стр. (и) т. 2: 299 стр. = 1-603 стр. / / + / / Russia / Uri Runtu / Canberra ACT Australia / Celebrities RU 2020.
Не - австралийцы это создали - а РОССИЯНЕ - как я,
родившийся на Свет в России и в Великой Русской Культуре ХХ Века / /
160 BOOKS : автор Юри Рюнтю : 1995-2023 : автор Рюнтю Юри : 1 - 160 Books
by the same Australian Author:
Uri Runtu : / /
Yuri Ryuntyu : / /
Yuru Ryuntyu : / /
Iouri Runtu : / /
1995 RUDY NUREYEV: Without Make-Up: 1-352: 1-st Edition: Hardcover: ISBN 570-2-00 98-1-9: NLA ID 4728820: Published: NOVOSTI Pub. House: Moscow Russia: in Russian
1996 ROMAN VIKTYUK: The Recipe for Genius: ROMAN VIKTIOUK: 1-253: 1-st Edition: Paperback: ISBN 585-3-00 07-9-9: NLA ID 8079450: Published: SOVAMINCO: Soviet-USA Pub. House: Moscow Russia: in Russian
2000 The World Rudolf Nureyev Intellectual Heritage: Russia-XX Century: 35 books on DVD-1: USA - Stanford University Library: ID ZMS 2563 DISK-1: in Russian German French English: NLA ID 40959455
2001 FREDDIE MERCURY: ROCK IDOL and SUPERSTAR: RUDOLF NUREYEV: 1-574: i-vii: 1-st Edition: Hardcover: ISBN 996-5-01 81-6-2: NLA ID 8071151: Published: DANIAR Pub. House: Almaty Kazakhstan: in Russian
2005 The World Yuri Ryuntyu Intellectual Heritage: Russia-XXI Century: 27 books on DVD-2: USA - Stanford University Library: ID ZMS 2563 DISK-2: in Russian German French English: NLA ID 45233287
2009 FREDDIE MERCURY: ROCK IDOL and SUPERSTAR: RUDOLF NUREYEV: 1-418: 1-st Edition: Paperback: ISBN 978-0-98064 46-0-9: NLA ID 4612411
2009 RUDY NUREYEV: Without Make-Up: 1-283: 2-nd Edition: Paperback: ISBN 978-0-98 064 46-1-6: NLA ID 4728820
2010 MY BEST LOVED FAIRY TALES: 1-90, i-xii: 1-st Edition: Paperback: ISBN 978-0-98064 46-7-8: NLA ID 5266166
2010 AUSTRALIA 2030: 1-173: 1-st Edition: Paperback: ISBN 978-0-98064 46-9-2: NLA ID 4808333
2010 AUSTRALIA 2010: 1-148: 1-st Edition: Paperback: ISBN 978-0-98064 46-2-3: NLA ID 6268180
2010 MY HERO SISTER PAT: PATRICIA DIXON: INTERVIEWS: 1-160: Aboriginal Australian Literature: 1-st Edition: Paperback: ISBN 978-0-98064 46-8-5: NLA ID 6268122
2010 AUSTRALIAN CONTEMPORARY POETRY: 1-215: Aboriginal Australian Literature: 1-st Edition: Paperback: ISBN 978-0-98064 46-4-7: NLA ID 6268115
2010 AUSTRALIAN CONTEMPORARY PROSE: 1-146: Aboriginal Australian Literature: 1-st Edition: Paperback: ISBN 978-0-98064 46-3-0: NLA ID 5632353
2011 AUSTRALIA 1990: 1-242: 1-st Edition: Paperback: ISBN 978-0-98064 46-6-1: NLA ID 6858939
2012 AUSTRALIA 2000: 1-212: 1-st Edition: Paperback: ISBN 978-0-98064 46-5-4: NLA ID 8036314
2014 BORIS MOISEEV: Showbiz Celebrity: Russia: 1-373: 1-st Edition: Paperback: ISBN 978-1-92527 80-1-9: NLA ID 6851826
2014 BORIS MOISEEV: Gay Culture: Russia: 1-376: 1-st Edition: Paperback: ISBN 978-1-92527 81-0-1: NLA ID 6855923
2014 ROMAN VIKTYUK: Gay Culture in Russia: 1936-2014: 1-304, i-x: 1-st Edition: Paperback: ISBN 978-1-92527 83-0-9: NLA ID 8035562
2015 ANDREY BARTENEV: Performance Celebrity: Russia: 1-123: 1-st Edition: Paperback: ISBN 978-1-92527 89-9-6: NLA ID 6777105
2015 ANDREY BARTENEV: Martian under My Skin: 1-115: 1-st Edition: Paperback: ISBN 978-1-92527 80-4-0: NLA ID 6858935
2015 ANDREY BARTENEV: Gay Culture: Russia: 1-123: 1-st Edition: Paperback: ISBN 978-1-92527 80-9-5: NLA ID 6851675
2015 JULIA: 1-242: 1-st Edition: Paperback: ISBN 978-1-92527 80-3-3: NLA ID 6851857
2016 RUDOLF NUREYEV: 400 INTERVIEWS 10 000 FRIENDS: NOUREEV RUDOLF: 1-st Edition: Paperback: ISBN 978-1-92527 81-1-8: NLA ID 7131166
2017 RUDOLF NUREYEV: MATHILDE KSCHESSINSKA: NOUREEV RUDOLF: 5-th Edition: Paperback: ISBN 978-1-92527 87-1-2: NLA ID 7505290
2017 RUDOLF NUREYEV: LAUREL MARTYN: NOUREEV RUDOLF: 4-th Edition: Paperback: ISBN 978-1-92527 87-6-7: NLA ID 7505285
2017 RUDOLF NUREYEV: GALINA ULANOVA: NOUREEV RUDOLF: 3-rd Edition: Paperback: ISBN 978-1-92527 87-0-5: NLA ID 7505204
2017 RUDOLF NUREYEV: ELTON JOHN: NOUREEV RUDOLF: 1-st Edition: Paperback: ISBN 978-1-92527 89-7-2: NLA ID 7497492
2018 RUDOLF NUREYEV: BULAT AYUKHANOV: NOUREEV RUDOLF: 12-th Edition: Paperback: ISBN 978-1-92527 83-8-5: NLA ID 7730033
2018 ROMAN VIKTYUK: The Recipe for Genius: ROMAN VIKTIOUK: 1-274, i-vii: 1-st Edition: Paperback: ISBN 978-1-92527 83-3-0: NLA ID 7890564
2018 ROMAN VIKTYUK: Theatre Celebrity: Poland: ROMAN VIKTIOUK: 1-302, i-vii: 1-st Edition: Paperback: ISBN 978-1-92527 84-2-2: NLA ID 8036229
2018 ROMAN VIKTYUK: Theatre Celebrity: Poland Russia Ukraine: ROMAN VIKTIOUK: 1-305: 1-st Edition: Paperback: ISBN 978-1-92527 82-9-3: NLA ID 8035193
2018 NOUREEV RUDI: sans Maquillage: 1-381, i-xiv: 1-st Edition: Paperback: ISBN 978-1-92527 84-4-6: NLA ID 7890779: in French
2018 NOUREEV RUDI: sans Maquillage: 1-381, i-xiv: 2-nd Edition: Paperback: ISBN 978-1-92527 83-9-2: NLA ID 7890781: in French
2019 NOUREEV RUDI: sans Maquillage: 1-415: 3-rd Edition: Paperback: ISBN 978-1-92527 88-0-4: NLA ID 8036318: French
2019 NOUREEV RUDI: sans Maquillage: 1-414: 4-th Edition: Paperback: ISBN 978-1-92527 88-1-1: NLA ID 8036981: French
2019 NOUREEV RUDI: sans Maquillage: 1-393, i-xx: 5-th Edition: Paperback: ISBN 978-1-92527 88-6-6: NLA ID 8039840: French
2019 NOUREEV RUDI: sans Maquillage: 1-394: 6-th Edition: Paperback: ISBN 978-1-92527 88-7-3: NLA ID 8039828: French
2019 ROMAN VIKTYUK: Gay Culture: Russia: ROMAN VIKTIOUK: 1-305, i-iii: 1-st Edition: Paperback: ISBN 978-1-92527 84-5-3: NLA ID 8039585
2019 ROMAN VIKTYUK: Gay Culture: Ukraine: ROMAN VIKTIOUK: 1-302,1-viii: 1-st Edition: Paperback: ISBN 978-1-92527 86-1-3: NLA ID 8039830
2019 ROMAN VIKTYUK: Gay Culture: Poland: ROMAN VIKTIOUK: 1-306, i-ii: 1-st Edition: Paperback: ISBN 978-1-92527 86-2-0: NLA ID 8035236
2019 ROMAN VIKTYUK: The Recipe for Genius: ROMAN VIKTIOUK: 1-301, i-vii: 2-nd Edition: Paperback: ISBN 978-1-92527 87-9-8: NLA ID 8039833
2019 ROMAN VIKTYUK: The Recipe for Genius: ROMAN VIKTIOUK: 1-281, i-x: 3-rd Edition: Paperback: ISBN 978-1-92527 87-4-3: NLA ID 8035232
2019 ROMAN VIKTYUK: Theatre Celebrity: Russia: ROMAN VIKTIOUK: 1-303, i-viii: 1-st Edition: Paperback: ISBN 978-1-92527 84-6-0: NLA ID 8036950
2019 ROMAN VIKTYUK: Theatre Celebrity: Ukraine: ROMAN VIKTIOUK: 1-303, i-viii: 1-st Edition: Paperback: ISBN 978-1-92527 84-7-7: NLA ID 8036958
2019 BORIS MOISEEV: The Birthday: 1-374: 1-st Edition: Paperback: ISBN 978-1-92527 88-4-2: NLA ID 803632: Russian
2019 ANDREY BARTENEV: The Premonitions: 1-222, i-xvii: 1-st Edition: Paperback: ISBN 978-1-92527 85-9-0: NLA ID 8036979: Russian English
2019 MATTHEW: 1-210: 1-st Edition: Paperback: ISBN 978-1-92527 81-2-5: NLA ID 8039591
2021 MAKSIM GALKIN: Fairy and Folk Tales: 44 elf-tales for girls and boys: les contes elfes papy: 1-152, i-iii: 1-st Edition: Paperback: ISBN 978-1-92527 81-7-0: NLA ID 8631809: Russian English
2021 MAKSIM GALKIN: Fairy and Folk Tales: 44 elf-tales for grandpa and grand-kids: les contes elfes papy: 1-152, i-ii: 1-st Edition: Paperback: ISBN 978-1-92527 81-8-7: NLA ID 8629709: Russian English
2021 ALLA PUGACHEVA: Fairy and Folk Tales: 44 elf-tales for grandma and grand-kids: les contes elfes papy: 1-152, i-v: 1-st Edition: Paperback: ISBN 978-1-92527 85-0-7: NLA ID 8631806: Russian English
2021 ALLA PUGACHEVA: Fairy and Folk Tales for schoolkids: 44 elf-tales: les contes elfes papy: 1-152: 1-st Edition: Paperback: ISBN 978-1-92527 86-6-8: NLA ID 8629702: Russian English
2021 VICTORIA KIRKOROVA: Fairy and Folk Tales: 44 elf-tales for girls: les contes elfes papy: 1-152, i-vi: 1-st Edition: Paperback: ISBN 978-1-92527 83-5-4: NLA ID 8599382: Russian English
2021 MARTIN KIRKOROV: Fairy and Folk Tales: 44 elf-tales for boys: les contes elfes papy: 1-152, i-vi: 1-st Edition: Paperback: ISBN 978-1-92527 83-6-1: NLA ID 8599381: Russian English
2021 NIKOLAY TSISKARIDZE: Fairy and Folk Tales: 44 elf-tales for dad and mom: les contes elfes papy: 1-152, i-viii: 1-st Edition: Paperback: ISBN 978-1-92527 84-9-1: NLA ID 8631807: Russian English
2021 NIKOLAY TSISKARIDZE: Fairy and Folk Tales: 44 elf-tales for ballerinas: les contes elfes papy: 1-152: 1-st Edition: Paperback: ISBN 978-1-92527 84-8-4: NLA ID 8629648: Russian English
2021 FILIPP KIRKOROV: Fairy and Folk Tales: 44 elf-tales for dad and son: les contes elfes papy: 1-152, i-iv: 1-st Edition: Paperback: ISBN 978-1-92527 83-4-7: NLA ID 8631808: Russian English
2021 FILIPP KIRKOROV: Fairy and Folk Tales: 44 elf-tales for dad and daughter: les contes elfes papy: 1-152, i-iv: 1-st Edition: Paperback: ISBN 978-1-92527 85-6-9: NLA ID 8629646: Russian English
2021 MARINA LEONOVA: Fairy and Folk Tales: 44 elf-tales for ballerinas: les contes elfes papy: 1-152: 1-st Edition: Paperback: ISBN 978-1-92527 81-5-6: NLA ID 8629649: Russian English
2021 MARINA LEONOVA: Fairy and Folk Tales: 44 elf-tales for ma and pa: les contes elfes papy: 1-152: i-viii: 1-st Edition: Paperback: ISBN 978-1-92527 81-6-3: NLA ID 8629643: Russian English
2022 RUDOLF NUREYEV: MATHILDE KSCHESSINSKA: 2-nd Edition: Hardcover: ISBN 978-1-92527 81-7-4: NLA ID 8673731
2022 RUDOLF NUREYEV: GALINA ULANOVA: NOUREEV RUDOLF: 2-nd Edition: Hardcover: ISBN 978-1-92527 87-5-0: NLA ID 8673721
2022 RUDOLF NUREYEV: ELTON JOHN: NOUREEV RUDOLF: 2-nd Edition: Hardcover: ISBN 978-1-92527 85-1-4: NLA ID 8673733
2022 RUDOLF NUREYEV: LAUREL MARTYN: NOUREEV RUDOLF: 2-nd Edition: Hardcover: ISBN 978-1-92527 80-6-9: NLA 8673487
2022 RUDOLF NUREYEV: BULAT AYUKHANOV: NOUREEV RUDOLF: 2-nd Edition: Hardcover: ISBN 978-1-92527 85-5-2: NLA ID 8674270
2022 RUDOLF NUREYEV: MAKHMUD ESAMBAYEV: NOUREEV RUDOLF: 1-st edition: Hardcover: ISBN 978-1-92527 86-9-9: NLA ID 8674263
2022 RUDOLF NUREYEV: NATALIA DUDINSKAYA: NOUREEV RUDOLF: 1-st Edition: Hardcover: ISBN 978-1-92527 89-0-3: NLA ID 8674271
2022 RUDOLF NUREYEV: MARGOT FONTEYN: NOUREEV RUDOLF: 1-st edition: Hardcover: ISBN 978-1-92527 84-0-8: NLA ID 8674268
2022 RUDOLF NUREYEV: TAMARA KARSAVINA: NOUREEV RUDOLF: 1-st edition: Hardcover: ISBN 978-1-92527 87-8-1: NLA ID 8674267
2022 RUDOLF NUREYEV: 400 INTERVIEWS 10 000 FRIENDS: NOUREEV RUDOLF: 2-nd Edition: Hardcover: ISBN 978-1-92527 82-0-4: NLA ID 8673720
2022 RUDOLF NUREYEV: ERIK BRUHN: NOUREEV RUDOLF: 1-st Edition: Hardcover: ISBN 978-1-92527 85-7-6: NLA ID 8675087
2022 RUDOLF NUREYEV: POUL RUDOLPH GNATT: NOUREEV RUDOLF: 1-st Edition: Hardcover: ISBN 978-1-92527 84-3-9: NLA ID 8675099
2022 RUDOLF NUREYEV: NINEL KURGAPKINA: NOUREEV RUDOLF: 1-st Edition: Hardcover: ISBN 978-1-92527 89-3-4: NLA ID 8675103
2022 RUDOLF NUREYEV: GRAHAM SMITH: NOUREEV RUDOLF: 1-st Edition: Hardcover: ISBN 978-1-92527 88-2-8: NLA ID 8675073
2022 RUDOLF NUREYEV: MAYA PLISETSKAYA: NOUREEV RUDOLF: 1-st Edition: Hardcover: ISBN 978-1-92527 85-2-1: NLA ID 8675078
2022 RUDOLF NUREYEV: AIDS: NOUREEV RUDOLF: 1-st Edition: Hardcover: ISBN 978-1-92527 86-0-6: NLA ID 8675072
2022 RUDOLF NUREYEV: HIV: NOUREEV RUDOLF: 1-st Edition: Hardcover: ISBN 978-1-92527 80-2-6: NLA ID 8675091
2022 RUDOLF NUREYEV: PAUL BELVILLE TAYLOR: NOUREEV RUDOLF: 1-st Edition: Hardcover: ISBN 978-1-92527 80-6-4: NLA ID 8675569
2022 RUDOLF NUREYEV: GEORGE BALANCHINE: NOUREEV RUDOLF: 1-st Edition: Hardcover: ISBN 978-1-92527 81-9-0: NLA ID 8675559
2022 RUDOLF NUREYEV: MARTHA GRAHAM: NOUREEV RUDOLF: 1-st Edition: Hardcover: ISBN 978-1-92527 87-3-6: NLA ID 8675586
2022 RUDOLF NUREYEV: ELIZABETH TAYLOR: NOUREEV RUDOLF: 1-st Edition: Hardcover: ISBN 978-1-92527 87-2-9: NLA ID 8675582
2022 RUDOLF NUREYEV: JOSE ARCADIO LIMON: NOUREEV RUDOLF: 1-st Edition: Hardcover: ISBN 978-1-92527 87-7-4: NLA ID 8675564
2022 RUDOLF NUREYEV: ANDY WARHOL: NOUREEV RUDOLF: 1-st Edition: Hardcover: ISBN 978-1-92527 86-4-4: NLA ID 8675583
2022 RUDOLF NUREYEV: KIRILL SEREBRENNIKOV: NOUREEV RUDOLF: 1-st Edition: Hardcover: ISBN 978-1-92527 89-8-9: NLA ID 8675566
2022 RUDOLF NUREYEV: JORGE RAUL DONN: NOUREEV RUDOLF: 1-st Edition: Hardcover: ISBN 978-1-92527 80-7-1: NLA ID 8675579
2022 RUDOLF NUREYEV: SERGEY PARADZHANOV: NOUREEV RUDOLF: 1-st Edition: Hardcover: ISBN 978-1-92527 89-2-7: NLA ID 8675572
2022 RUDOLF NUREYEV: ANDREI TARKOVSKY: NOUREEV RUDOLF: 1-st Edition: Hardcover: ISBN 978-1-92527 89-4-1: NLA ID 8675573
2022 RUDOLF NUREYEV: ALEXANDER PUSHKIN: NOUREEV RUDOLF: 1-st Edition: Hardcover: ISBN 978-1-92527 88-9-7: NLA ID 8681472
2022 RUDOLF NUREYEV: FREDERICK ASHTON: NOUREEV RUDOLF: 1-st Edition: Hardcover: ISBN 978-1-92527 88-8-0: NLA ID 8681014
2022 RUDOLF NUREYEV: ROBERT HELPMANN: NOUREEV RUDOLF: 1-st Edition: Hardcover: ISBN 978-1-92527 82-0-0: NLA ID 8681008
2022 RUDOLF NUREYEV: YURY GRIGOROVICH: NOUREEV RUDOLF: 1-st Edition: Hardcover: ISBN 978-1-92527 89-6-5: NLA ID 8681011
2022 RUDOLF NUREYEV: JOSEPH STALIN: NOUREEV RUDOLF: 1-st Edition: Hardcover: ISBN 978-1-92527 84-1-5: NLA ID 8681473
2022 RUDOLF NUREYEV: HELENE FFRANCE: NOUREEV RUDOLF: 1-st edition: Hardcover: ISBN 978-1-92527 89-5-8: NLA ID 8681010
2022 RUDOLF NUREYEV: TOUKO VALIO LAAKSONEN: NOUREEV RUDOLF: 1-st Edition: Hardcover: ISBN 978-1-92527 89-1-0: NLA ID 8681476
2022 RUDOLF NUREYEV: PATRICK WHITE: NOUREEV RUDOLF: 1-st Edition: Hardcover: ISBN 978-1-92527 88-5-9: NLA ID 8681016
2022 RUDOLF NUREYEV: MAURICE JEAN BERGER: NOUREEV RUDOLF: 1-st Edition: Hardcover: ISBN 978-1-92527 88-3-5: NLA ID 8681471
2022 RUDOLF NUREYEV: GIANNI VERSACE: NOUREEV RUDOLF: 1-st Edition: Hardcover: ISBN 978-1-92527 85-4-5: NLA ID 8681475
2022 GEORGE LARIN: URI RUNTU'S PLAYHOUSE: critical reviews: AUSTRALIA: THE NEOTRANSCENDENTAL THEATRE: ART COLLECTION: 1 - 5 PLAYS: 1-20 ESSAYS: 1-st Edition: Hardcover: ISBN 978-1-92527-85-8-3: French: English: Russian: volume 1: 1- 494 pages: Published Canberra ACT Australia: NLA ID 8855253
2023 GEORGE LARIN: URI RUNTU'S PLAYHOUSE: critical reviews: AUSTRALIA: THE NEOTRANSCENDENTAL THEATRE: ART COLLECTION: 6 - 10 PLAYS: 1-20 ESSAYS: 1-st Edition: Hardcover: ISBN 978-1-92527-83-7-8: French: English: Russian: volume 2: 1- 613 pages: Published Canberra ACT Australia: NLA ID 8855253
2023 GEORGE LARIN: AUSTRALIA: URI RUNTU'S PLAYHOUSE: THE NEOTRANSCENDENTAL THEATRE: ART COLLECTION: 1 - 10 PLAYS: 1-st Edition: Hardcover: ISBN 978-1-92527-80-9-3: French: English: Russian: volume 3: 1- 641 pages: Published Canberra ACT Australia: NLA ID 8855253
2024: RUDOLF NUREYEV: GIANNI VERSACE: NOUREEV RUDOLF: 2-nd Edition: Hardcover: ISBN 978-1-92527 81-9-4
2024: RUDOLF NUREYEV: ANTONIO D’AMIKO: NOUREEV RUDOLF:1-st Edition: Hardcover: ISBN 978-1-92527 82-3-1
2024: RUDOLF NUREYEV: ANDREW PHILLIP CUNANAN: NOUREEV RUDOLF: 1-st Edition: Hardcover: ISBN 978-1-92527 83-2-3
2024: RUDOLF NUREYEV: FREDDIE MERCURY: NOUREEV RUDOLF: 1-st edition: Hardcover: ISBN 978-1-92527 86-5-1
2024: RUDOLF NUREYEV: COCO CHANEL: NOUREEV RUDOLF: 1-st edition: Hardcover: ISBN 978-1-92527 80-5-7
2024: RUDOLF NUREYEV: JEAN COCTEAU: NOUREEV RUDOLF: 1-st edition: Hardcover: ISBN 978-1-92527 82-6-2
2024: RUDOLF NUREYEV: SERGE LIFAR: NOUREEV RUDOLF: 1-st edition: Hardcover: ISBN 978-1-92527 82-4-8
2024: RUDOLF NUREYEV: KEN RUSSELL: NOUREEV RUDOLF: 1-st edition: Hardcover: ISBN 978-1-92527 83-1-6
2024: RUDOLF NUREYEV: MARTIN SCORSESE: NOUREEV RUDOLF: 1-st edition: Hardcover: ISBN 978-1-92527 82-5-5 / / 1980-2024
2024 : AI : artificial intelligence and intelligentsia : Iouri Runtu, Uri : Автор о ЕДИНСТВЕННОМ ДРУГЕ - на ВСЮ ЖИЗНЬ - и это о Рудольфе Нурееве - КНИГА - Iouri Runtu - BOOK : ' La morte a Paris : Смерть в Париже : Рудольф Нуреев : 10 000 друзей и 400 интервью : Rudolf Noureev : Rudi Nureyev' / Первое издание / / - О последнем годе жизни день за днем - за 400 дней - Великого гения России - Рудольфа Нуреева во Франции : страниц: 1-685 RUDOLF NUREYEV NOUREEV RUDOLF: 400 Interviews 10 000 Friends : ' THE DEATH IN PARIS: RUDOLF NUREYEV : IOURI RUNTU : Sa Mort 'a Paris: Rudolf Noureev ' / Celebrities RU / ISBN 978-1-925278-11-8 Australia / Yuri Ryuntyu / Australia / Россия - Австралия / Media TV Radio Russia / / Canberra ACT Australia / Uri Runtu : the Neo-transcendental theatre: 2024.
© 18+ : Все права принадлежат авторам, 2000-2022. Портал работает под эгидой Российского союза писателей. Интеллектуальная Элита Демократической России : 18+ Russia 2024.
Фото: 2004 - Aвтор и Леоновa Маринa : Дар ИЗ 62 КНИГ для Библиотеки Московской Государственной Академии Хореографии, лично передано - профессору Леоновой Марине Константиновна - Россия, Москва. Academician Yuri Matthew RYUNTYU in Russia. From art collection by Ryuntyu family (Australia) / / BOOK : Iouri Runtu : Rudolf Noureev : La Mort a Paris 2004 - 2024.
By WILL STEWART and IGOR MONICHEV in Moscow _ 1995 : 27 June : LONDON MOSCOW : 1995-2025
Letters reveal affair between AIDS stars /
ROCK star Freddie Mercury had a passionate affair with ballet dancer Rudolph Nureyev, according to a book out today. / /
The highly intimate account draws on letters written by Nureyev in which he admitted to the secret liaison.
Both stars died from AIDS — Mercury in Noverber 1991 and the emigre Russian in January 1993. / /
The letters are full of lurid descriptions of Nureyev’s homosexual encounters across the world — both casual and longer lasting.
Mostly they contain nicknames or acronyms for his many lovers. But after describing Mercury as “Eddie”, he is then fully named.
Once, according to Nureyev, he cancelled all rehearsals and asked his theatre management for a week’s leave so that he could spend time with Mercury.
“When it comes to homosexual love, lies are inevitable,” he wrote.
On another occasion, he recalled how a frantic Mercury left a message for him after not being able to contact him by phone: “Called you. Will call again in ten minutes. Lover.”
The instant Nureyev came through the door, the phone rang again. It was Mercury — and it turned out he was calling from a plane en route to another liaison.
“At last!” said the Mercury. “These unbearable 12 hours between two continents kill me, Rudy.”
“What’s happened?” asked Nureyev.
“Nothing,” replied the singer. “It’s just that I can’t stand it any more without you.
"Usual thing… I can’t eat or drink. I’m on my way to you. My Boeing is crossing Mexico at the moment.”
Nureyev said there was a kiss down the phone — and then silence.
He wrote how Mercury would turn up unannounced at dawn, rushing into his room undressing on the way — and carrying a bottle of Camus brandy.
"He is really very loud, switching on immediately all the electrical devices in the kitchen.
“Oh, I love his arrivals at my place in Kew Gardens!”
The dancer chided Mercury for his “multi-hour phone conversations from the other side of the ocean” — which Nureyev had to pay for.
But he added: “Who can blame us? We’re spending our fortunes without investing into pensions funds, medical insurance and the rest of what other people always must do.
“We both foresee our inevitable future.”
There is a suggestion that Nureyev was close to Mercury at the time of his death — even that he was present.
It is in this passage that, for the first time, the rock star is named.
Nureyev wrote: “He wanted to die alone in his house in London — which was alien to him. It rained and I was crying at the hall of Great Freddie Mercury. He died quietly without much pain.
"And I knew it was about two years or less until I would meet there.”
The book — Rudy Nureyev Without Make-up — will go on sale in St Petersburg, today.
This carries out Nureyev’s dying wish that his correspondence should be made public first in his native country.
The book, written by Yuri Matthew Ryuntyu, is based mainly on 49 letters apparently sent by Nureyev to Patrick White, Australia’s Nobel Prize-winning author who died in 1990.
Ryuntyu was born in Russia but has lived most of his life in Australia.
He claimed yesterday that he obtained the letters from White with Nureyev’s permission.
They outline intimate details of the dancer’s many affairs and the difficult times faced by gays both in Russia and in the West. The millionaire star also tells of the terrible loneliness which forced him into the streets of big cities in search of someone to share his bed with.
Ryuntyu said: “In all I got more than 115 letters from White and Nureyev himself.”
Many were repetitious and he drew on less than half of these in preparing his manuscript.
“I believe some of the letters would fetch ;6,000 on the open market but this collection will go to my daughter as a wedding gift,” he said.
He added: “There is no doubt in my mind that there was a close sexual relationship between Nureyev and Mercury.”
While the pair appeared publicly together, for example at an open air music festival in Barcelona in 1988, they successfully drew a veil over their relationship.
Ryuntyu said it was exceptionally hard to convince Nureyev that the letters should be posthumously published.
He recalled White saying that the dancer was like a girl whose mood would change five times an hour.
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NL 2019-8446
Copy: NL hbk
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Main Reading Room
Call Number:
N 891.7344 R615
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a| Rudi Nuriev bez makiiazha / c| IUri Mettiu Riuntiu.
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a| Nureyev, Rudolf, d| 1938-1993 v| Fiction.
600 1 0
a| White, Patrick, d| 1912-1990 v| Fiction.
650 0
a| Ballet dancers v| Fiction.
650 0
a| AIDS (Disease) v| Fiction.
650 0
a| AIDS (Disease) x| Patients v| Fiction.
650 0
a| HIV (Viruses) v| Fiction.
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a| Authors, Australian y| 20th century v| Fiction.
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Ri;u;nti;u;, I;U;ri Me;tt;i;u;. (1995). Rudi Nuriev bez makiiazha / IUri Mettiu Riuntiu. :
Ri;u;nti;u;, I;U;ri Me;tt;i;u;. Rudi Nuriev bez makiiazha / IUri Mettiu Riuntiu 1995
Ri;u;nti;u;, I;U;ri Me;tt;i;u;. 1995, Rudi Nuriev bez makiiazha / IUri Mettiu Riuntiu.
Please see Wikipedia's template documentation for further citation fields that may be required.
| title=Rudi Nuriev bez makiiazha / IUri Mettiu Riuntiu
| author1=Ri;u;nti;u;, I;U;ri Me;tt;i;u;
| year=1995
| publisher=
| isbn=5702009819
| language=Russian
| url=
| access-date=22 August 2024
| via=National Library of Australia
2004 - 2021 : Юри Рюнтю автор : Книги Австралийского автора из Канберры : / / - Рюнтю, Юри Мэттью : Россия - Москва : Библиотека Иностранной Литературы : XX век и XXI век/ / 2021
2006 - 2021 : Юри Рюнтю автор : The Russian State Library / / : ( Российская Государственная Библиотека : Москва Россия ) is the national library of Russia, located in Moscow. It is the largest in the country and the fifth largest in the world for its collection of books (17 500 000 : Книг со всех стран мира ). It was named the V. I. Lenin State Library of the USSR from 1925 until it was renamed in 1992 as the Russian State Library / / 2021.
2020 : что такое Нео-трансцендентальный Театр Юри Рюнтю?
Neotranscendental Playhouse буквально (и одновременно образно) обозначает соответственно "Дом Неотрансцендентальной Пьесы", <express-review / in the classical sketch's genre> / / 2023
APA : Ru;ntu;, U;ri, 1949- & Larin, George. (2022). Uri Runtu's playhouse : critical reviews : the transcendental theatre / Uri Runtu = Le the;a;tre de Iouri Runtu : des essais critiques : le the;a;tre ne;otranscendantal = Teatro I;U;ri Ri;u;nti;;u; = Театр Юри Рюнтю : критические очерки : неотрансценденталый театро.
MLA : Ru;ntu;, U;ri, 1949- and Larin, George. Uri Runtu's playhouse : critical reviews : the transcendental theatre / Uri Runtu = Le the;a;tre de Iouri Runtu : des essais critiques : le the;a;tre ne;otranscendantal = Teatro I;U;ri Ri;u;nti;;u; = Театр Юри Рюнтю : критические очерки : неотрансценденталый театро 2022
Ru;ntu;, U;ri, 1949- & Larin, George. 2022, Uri Runtu's playhouse : critical reviews : the transcendental theatre / Uri Runtu = Le the;a;tre de Iouri Runtu : des essais critiques : le the;a;tre ne;otranscendantal = Teatro I;U;ri Ri;u;nti;;u; = Театр Юри Рюнтю : критические очерки : неотрансценденталый театро.
Please see Wikipedia's template documentation for further citation fields that may be required.
The world culture and arts with a Russian-speaking eyes *** Australia - Russia: the Academicians Uri Runtu & George Larin's creative duet | Мировая культура и искусство русскоязычными глазами *** Австралия - Россия: творческий дуэт академиков Юри Рюнтю и Георгия Ларина
И, всё-таки, что же это такое - Нео-трансцендентальный Театр Юри Рюнтю?
Это, в некотором роде, Театро-дром, куда прибывают с гостевыми визитами различные виды и жанры искусства, разные стили и эпохи!
Прибывают сюда и, крепко подружившись (презрев заплесневевшие стереотипы мышления и избитые шаблоны восприятия!), остаются здесь навсегда - для того, чтобы, ещё крепче сплотившись друг с другом, зачать и породить Новое Искусство Цифровой Эры Человечества:
Мульти-вариативную Драматургию и Нео-трансцендентальный Театр, где на принципах творческого симбиоза апостериорного опыта и априорного ощущения пульсирует Абсолютная Любовь.
Георгий Георгиевич Ларин 31.07.2023 02:12
<express-review / in the classical sketch's genre>
The world culture and arts with a Russian-speaking eyes *** Australia - Russia: the Academicians Uri Runtu & George Larin's creative duet | Мировая культура и искусство русскоязычными глазами *** Творческий дуэт академиков Юри Рюнтю и Георгия Ларина
Letters reveal affair between AIDS stars / ROCK star Freddie Mercury had a passionate affair with ballet dancer Rudolph Nureyev, according to a book out today.
The highly intimate account draws on letters written by Nureyev in which he admitted to the secret liaison.
Both stars died from AIDS — Mercury in Noverber 1991 and the emigre Russian in January 1993.
The letters are full of lurid descriptions of Nureyev’s homosexual encounters across the world — both casual and longer lasting.
Mostly they contain nicknames or acronyms for his many lovers. But after describing Mercury as “Eddie”, he is then fully named.
Once, according to Nureyev, he cancelled all rehearsals and asked his theatre management for a week’s leave so that he could spend time with Mercury.
“When it comes to homosexual love, lies are inevitable,” he wrote.
On another occasion, he recalled how a frantic Mercury left a message for him after not being able to contact him by phone: “Called you. Will call again in ten minutes. Lover.”
The instant Nureyev came through the door, the phone rang again. It was Mercury — and it turned out he was calling from a plane en route to another liaison.
“At last!” said the Mercury. “These unbearable 12 hours between two continents kill me, Rudy.”
“What’s happened?” asked Nureyev.
“Nothing,” replied the singer. “It’s just that I can’t stand it any more without you.
"Usual thing… I can’t eat or drink. I’m on my way to you. My Boeing is crossing Mexico at the moment.”
Nureyev said there was a kiss down the phone — and then silence.
He wrote how Mercury would turn up unannounced at dawn, rushing into his room undressing on the way — and carrying a bottle of Camus brandy.
"He is really very loud, switching on immediately all the electrical devices in the kitchen.
“Oh, I love his arrivals at my place in Kew Gardens!”
The dancer chided Mercury for his “multi-hour phone conversations from the other side of the ocean” — which Nureyev had to pay for.
But he added: “Who can blame us? We’re spending our fortunes without investing into pensions funds, medical insurance and the rest of what other people always must do.
“We both foresee our inevitable future.”
There is a suggestion that Nureyev was close to Mercury at the time of his death — even that he was present.
It is in this passage that, for the first time, the rock star is named.
Nureyev wrote: “He wanted to die alone in his house in London — which was alien to him. It rained and I was crying at the hall of Great Freddie Mercury. He died quietly without much pain.
"And I knew it was about two years or less until I would meet there.”
The book — Rudy Nureyev Without Make-up — will go on sale in St Petersburg, today.
This carries out Nureyev’s dying wish that his correspondence should be made public first in his native country.
The book, written by Yuri Matthew Ryuntyu, is based mainly on 49 letters apparently sent by Nureyev to Patrick White, Australia’s Nobel Prize-winning author who died in 1990.
Ryuntyu was born in Russia but has lived most of his life in Australia.
He claimed yesterday that he obtained the letters from White with Nureyev’s permission.
They outline intimate details of the dancer’s many affairs and the difficult times faced by gays both in Russia and in the West. The millionaire star also tells of the terrible loneliness which forced him into the streets of big cities in search of someone to share his bed with.
Ryuntyu said: “In all I got more than 115 letters from White and Nureyev himself.”
Many were repetitious and he drew on less than half of these in preparing his manuscript.
“I believe some of the letters would fetch ;6,000 on the open market but this collection will go to my daughter as a wedding gift,” he said.
He added: “There is no doubt in my mind that there was a close sexual relationship between Nureyev and Mercury.”
While the pair appeared publicly together, for example at an open air music festival in Barcelona in 1988, they successfully drew a veil over their relationship.
Ryuntyu said it was exceptionally hard to convince Nureyev that the letters should be posthumously published.
He recalled White saying that the dancer was like a girl whose mood would change five times an hour.
Neotranscendental Playhouse буквально (и одновременно образно) обозначает соответственно "Дом Неотрансцендентальной Пьесы", где непрерывно рождаются, живут, умирают и вновь воскресают люди, события, эпохи... где, перефразируя крылатые слова лауреата Нобелевской премии по литературе Патрика Уайта (Австралия),
"говорят друг с другом души"...
А "когда говорят друг с другом души - люди молчат"...
Георгий Георгиевич Ларин 31.07.2023
2022 : " The neo-transcendental theatre was born for the first time in Australia, his founder is the most well-known modern english-french-russian writer, the playwright and the journalist Uri Matthew Runtu (Canberra ACT).. "
/ / 2022
2023 Hео-трансцендентальный театр Рюнтю Юри 1-1748 CTP : 1 - 1748 pages
2023 - Iouri Runtu: French / Юри Рюнтю : Russian / Uri Runtu: English : Yuri Ryuntyu / Canberra ACT Australia / Celebrities RU
National Library of Australia : 100 Books by Uri Runtu / / 1995-2023
NLA Canberra Australia / / 2000-2023 / / 1993-2023
SUL : Stanford University : Library / / Stanford, California 94305 USA
2024: RUDOLF NUREYEV: FREDDIE MERCURY: NOUREEV RUDOLF: 1-st edition: Hardcover: ISBN 978-1-92527 86-5-1
2024: RUDOLF NUREYEV: COCO CHANEL: NOUREEV RUDOLF: 1-st edition: Hardcover: ISBN 978-1-92527 80-5-7
2024: RUDOLF NUREYEV: JEAN COCTEAU: NOUREEV RUDOLF: 1-st edition: Hardcover: ISBN 978-1-92527 82-6-2
2024: RUDOLF NUREYEV: SERGE LIFAR: NOUREEV RUDOLF: 1-st edition: Hardcover: ISBN 978-1-92527 82-4-8
2024: RUDOLF NUREYEV: KEN RUSSELL: NOUREEV RUDOLF: 1-st edition: Hardcover: ISBN 978-1-92527 83-1-6
2024: RUDOLF NUREYEV: MARTIN SCORSESE: NOUREEV RUDOLF: 1-st edition: Hardcover: ISBN 978-1-92527 82-5-5 / / 1980-2024
Свидетельство о публикации №124111904709
MLA : Ru;ntu;, U;ri, 1949- and Larin, George. Uri Runtu's playhouse : critical reviews : the transcendental theatre / Uri Runtu = Le the;a;tre de Iouri Runtu : des essais critiques : le the;a;tre ne;otranscendantal = Teatro I;U;ri Ri;u;nti;;u; = Театр Юри Рюнтю : критические очерки : неотрансценденталый театро 2022
Ru;ntu;, U;ri, 1949- & Larin, George. 2022, Uri Runtu's playhouse : critical reviews : the transcendental theatre / Uri Runtu = Le the;a;tre de Iouri Runtu : des essais critiques : le the;a;tre ne;otranscendantal = Teatro I;U;ri Ri;u;nti;;u; = Театр Юри Рюнтю : критические очерки : неотрансценденталый театро.
Please see Wikipedia's template documentation for further citation fields that may be required.
The world culture and arts with a Russian-speaking eyes *** Australia - Russia: the Academicians Uri Runtu & George Larin's creative duet | Мировая культура и искусство русскоязычными глазами *** Австралия - Россия: творческий дуэт академиков Юри Рюнтю и Георгия Ларина
И, всё-таки, что же это такое - Нео-трансцендентальный Театр Юри Рюнтю?
Это, в некотором роде, Театро-дром, куда прибывают с гостевыми визитами различные виды и жанры искусства, разные стили и эпохи!
Прибывают сюда и, крепко подружившись (презрев заплесневевшие стереотипы мышления и избитые шаблоны восприятия!), остаются здесь навсегда - для того, чтобы, ещё крепче сплотившись друг с другом, зачать и породить Новое Искусство Цифровой Эры Человечества:
Мульти-вариативную Драматургию и Нео-трансцендентальный Театр, где на принципах творческого симбиоза апостериорного опыта и априорного ощущения пульсирует Абсолютная Любовь.
Георгий Георгиевич Ларин 31.07.2023 02:12
<express-review / in the classical sketch's genre>
The world culture and arts with a Russian-speaking eyes *** Australia - Russia: the Academicians Uri Runtu & George Larin's creative duet | Мировая культура и искусство русскоязычными глазами *** Творческий дуэт академиков Юри Рюнтю и Георгия Ларина
Letters reveal affair between AIDS stars / ROCK star Freddie Mercury had a passionate affair with ballet dancer Rudolph Nureyev, according to a book out today.
The highly intimate account draws on letters written by Nureyev in which he admitted to the secret liaison.
Both stars died from AIDS — Mercury in Noverber 1991 and the emigre Russian in January 1993.
The letters are full of lurid descriptions of Nureyev’s homosexual encounters across the world — both casual and longer lasting.
Mostly they contain nicknames or acronyms for his many lovers. But after describing Mercury as “Eddie”, he is then fully named.
Once, according to Nureyev, he cancelled all rehearsals and asked his theatre management for a week’s leave so that he could spend time with Mercury.
“When it comes to homosexual love, lies are inevitable,” he wrote.
On another occasion, he recalled how a frantic Mercury left a message for him after not being able to contact him by phone: “Called you. Will call again in ten minutes. Lover.”
The instant Nureyev came through the door, the phone rang again. It was Mercury — and it turned out he was calling from a plane en route to another liaison.
“At last!” said the Mercury. “These unbearable 12 hours between two continents kill me, Rudy.”
“What’s happened?” asked Nureyev.
“Nothing,” replied the singer. “It’s just that I can’t stand it any more without you.
"Usual thing… I can’t eat or drink. I’m on my way to you. My Boeing is crossing Mexico at the moment.”
Nureyev said there was a kiss down the phone — and then silence.
He wrote how Mercury would turn up unannounced at dawn, rushing into his room undressing on the way — and carrying a bottle of Camus brandy.
"He is really very loud, switching on immediately all the electrical devices in the kitchen.
“Oh, I love his arrivals at my place in Kew Gardens!”
The dancer chided Mercury for his “multi-hour phone conversations from the other side of the ocean” — which Nureyev had to pay for.
But he added: “Who can blame us? We’re spending our fortunes without investing into pensions funds, medical insurance and the rest of what other people always must do.
“We both foresee our inevitable future.”
There is a suggestion that Nureyev was close to Mercury at the time of his death — even that he was present.
It is in this passage that, for the first time, the rock star is named.
Nureyev wrote: “He wanted to die alone in his house in London — which was alien to him. It rained and I was crying at the hall of Great Freddie Mercury. He died quietly without much pain.
"And I knew it was about two years or less until I would meet there.”
The book — Rudy Nureyev Without Make-up — will go on sale in St Petersburg, today.
This carries out Nureyev’s dying wish that his correspondence should be made public first in his native country.
The book, written by Yuri Matthew Ryuntyu, is based mainly on 49 letters apparently sent by Nureyev to Patrick White, Australia’s Nobel Prize-winning author who died in 1990.
Ryuntyu was born in Russia but has lived most of his life in Australia.
He claimed yesterday that he obtained the letters from White with Nureyev’s permission.
They outline intimate details of the dancer’s many affairs and the difficult times faced by gays both in Russia and in the West. The millionaire star also tells of the terrible loneliness which forced him into the streets of big cities in search of someone to share his bed with.
Ryuntyu said: “In all I got more than 115 letters from White and Nureyev himself.”
Many were repetitious and he drew on less than half of these in preparing his manuscript.
“I believe some of the letters would fetch ;6,000 on the open market but this collection will go to my daughter as a wedding gift,” he said.
He added: “There is no doubt in my mind that there was a close sexual relationship between Nureyev and Mercury.”
While the pair appeared publicly together, for example at an open air music festival in Barcelona in 1988, they successfully drew a veil over their relationship.
Ryuntyu said it was exceptionally hard to convince Nureyev that the letters should be posthumously published.
He recalled White saying that the dancer was like a girl whose mood would change five times an hour.
Neotranscendental Playhouse буквально (и одновременно образно) обозначает соответственно "Дом Неотрансцендентальной Пьесы", где непрерывно рождаются, живут, умирают и вновь воскресают люди, события, эпохи... где, перефразируя крылатые слова лауреата Нобелевской премии по литературе Патрика Уайта (Австралия),
"говорят друг с другом души"...
А "когда говорят друг с другом души - люди молчат"...
Георгий Георгиевич Ларин 31.07.2023
Юри Рюнтю 23.11.2024 15:50 Заявить о нарушении