My poems do not appear by chance

My poems do not appear by chance,
They are like clots of some powerful forces,
These energies are hidden there inside,
And may be reproduced then by the author!

I love to watch myself when read them too,
They lull and put me somehow in a trance,
And I fly out of them as in cocoon,
A little like in ecstasy and high.

And that is I must say such a great bliss,
As if the holy life may beat in them,
And I look at them like in cinema films,
As in the Supreme pool, Look at yourself!

That is the fusion of subject and object,
Eternity, like a piece, came through rhythm,
And even it is pleasant in the stomach -
So life poured into the soul from the poems.

It seems to me I even grow more young,
As young as childhood, from reading my poems!
In short, I go crazy and have fun,
And I smile so stupidly from reading poems.

