Glory to God for all - Scriabin s Poeme de l extas

Glory to God for all - Scriabin's Poeme de l'extase,
From position of God with the soul melted in him - he writes,
Weightless flight is eternal for piercing all Supersoul,
And this Soul is familiar with everything. Sign: breathe with joy!

Scriabin's tender to all in the world, sorce of love super-gentle!
Not afraid of the problems here and antinomic warfare,
Music is philosophical, and all his music above,
Above this evil here and suffering to overcome.

Also INSIDE these obstacles - INSIDE all torment, GOD'S HERE,
Just in ecstasy merging with Him you receive the main meaning,
That with Him in all-unity ever, He called it - a game,
To move us to the Essence, above it - a genius plays,

Above all the humanity, higher, and music - the symbol-
ecstasy, noone else except Scriabin expressed this before!
In Chinese there's happiness symbol - hieroglyphs "kuai-la"
It's like ring of the ocean - there are bells in finale,

And the sea of love - positive, you are with God reconciled,
And the highest bliss in this, and Scriabin about this writes
One of all the musicians, he added a poem in words:
Merge and glorify, don't be afraid, and co-create with God!

He merged dissonance-consonance, yet his ninth chords sound mild,
Sparkling in the tritone and link nexus of the dominant,
And in harmony he revealed unity - two scales connects,
Contradictions he puts into synthesis, decotates, blessed,

He was filled with delight and with joy, to pour out on us
To the maximum - in ninth chords he loved to close verticals,
From vibrations of seconds to C-dur - ends poem in C,
He completed the story of music total harmonies!

