Тhe Master of Silhouettes

Building worlds stone by stone
Rock by rock
Free mason at work
There is no time on the clocks
There are no clocks
Planting parks
Painting dawns
Sending sparks
Through the Universe
Breathing storms
Drinking lakes
Designer of snowflakes

Where does he come from?
Where is his home?
Does he really create it All
Just out of Love?
Weaving stardust into eternal dance
Celestial Architect
The Master of silhouettes

Sculpting beauty
From seen and unseen
Molding light into spheres
Setting stars into spin
Dressing rivers with trees
Building bridges between
Life and Grace
Carving ice into shapes
An Artist lost in his Space

Where does he come from?
Where is his home?
Does he really create it All
Just out of Love?
Weaving stardust into eternal dance.
Celestial Architect
The Master of silhouettes
