Thrinity in Eurodance

Deutch Eurodance as the key to God-pleasant life
What Lord demands of us? Enjoyment of life, communication, communion and proficiency of Him.
The type of music techno can give communication, in some cases allegria of Life? Because there`s represented the  beat, bass party and some synthetisers. It`s rather dull and ugly so according to saint Kleopa it can`t give the communion at once or at the spot. Enjoyement of life it gives faster in techno clubs, to some houses where is strong belief in things, their souls and in pioneers of techno: Juan Atkins,
Kevin Sanderson. I don`t deny that the early non –developed techno music gives the proficiency in theology, but only to those who can open their hearts after ears and then their brains. To make the brain totally recognize information one has to pass it to his heart, to welcome it. After it the brain easily opens it in different times. Some individs aged like me pour from all music communication with GOD.
How is it done? You hear words they must correspond with the facts that you want to tell to almighty. Then the music comes to chorus, to apogee, to katarsis comes your soul.
But what is soul? The mix between powers in you:  will power, thought power and anger power. As you can see both the heart and the brain are included in soul.
So average ravecore finds everything for his soul in techno music. What is the history of it.  Kraftwerk has become the point from which the Bellwille`s trinity of Detroit have invented a new self style. Nothing strange about the fact that it was called hip-hop and house at once.
Techno…. Well that word drives us to ;;;;; art. What is it art? The given by God ability to create love.
How to create from techno Eurodance or hi-energy music? A classy MC decides everything. The question is what chords to apply to the track and how many synthetisers: pads or leads to apply to tha track. Matters quality of that samples. One must know that if you start to record your sample by yourself there`s a high level of complexity while recording.Why? Speed. Rhytm. Meter. And invention of hitfull chords. Why the song must be a hit? Even from the name Eurodance, comes out that`s it oughts to be dancial.Dancial means energical. If the song isn`t dancial it oughts to be at least sad. If it`s not a hit it must have at least a clip. But whether it`s a metal hit or a ghospel hit it tears the auditorium. I was not once singing at the birthday of a hit. How does the musician feels before the birth of a hit. He feels very reverendly in that what touches upon the technics. He doesn`t know that after 30 seconds he will give to his beloved people pleasure, great aethtetical enjoyment, deep emotional orgasmus.In fact he even doesn`t know that he is giving birth to a hit. He feels only the enlightment.
In music Eurodance you have to be a dynamic person with feeling of rhytm, tonality and an extremely charismatic person. In music hi-energy you ought to have a dancial figure and a foreign language. But in music techno one has to be all in b.e.a.t.
If the rock music is according to dramatic literature, rap music to poetry, rave and all techno to romans because of its long synthetizers, fast tempo because romans are usually not long and sweet voice.
The aestaticks of Eurodance music is one mysterious. It  kicks your heart by its drums, the synthetizors lead you into the mood of its creators and clip by far guarantees you sweet emotions. And by seizing its harmony, you get closer to God Sabaoth, who had created the world. You`re touched by the Spirit of Joy. And Jesus is glad to give you that joy as a obeidance to Father who had given life to a man as a gift of abundant joys.
2. Faices. I can`t help thinking that when in your mind faith is on the first plan you have a vain glory.You do everything for your faith. But Allmighty gave you the garden for you to develop. He asked you to work and promised you the faith of Him. Not in vain we call our believe-faith and our faith of the human whichhas nose eyes forehaid mouth and ears your believe.Ancient fathers believed in faices. They thought that everything is on your human faith. That`s why they carried their bodies to church to God only to show the meeting of faices. Faith religious and faith of humans.
