Behold the Lamb of God who was slain but lives

Before that anything was done,
Before creation made and gone
He was before that and he was
Eternal Light
But in creation he was slain,
And I will tell you this again,
He was slain because that He died for us

2||Hallelujah, hallelujah, behold the lamb who was slain but lives||2

Before he did create the earth
There was a Son - God's Holy Word,
And this Word was for you for me - just be
But once it was, it was created
Perfect like Creator -
But who did ruin it - it was all we

2||Hallelujah, hallelujah, behold the lamb who was slain but lives||2

Behold Lord, your God, behold Creator of all, behold His holy Sight, behold All-in-All

2||Hallelujah, hallelujah, behold the lamb who was slain but lives||2
