Ethnological Museum Anima Mundi

"Current home within Vatican Museums"
"Розенкрейцеры взяли слова Христа о делах Святого Духа и описали ими Самого Святого Духа" (розенкрейцерам противостояли лютеране).

Half of the road for not map holds aim
Direct the meeting to the different claims,
When form is not exact with power to ignore
Amount of mutual goods may not possess word "More"

As Holy strength of Lord when not described to read
But only in the way of Holy Spirit's deed.
And Act as action of a mutual right
Proceed within Agreement to reject insight

The form of not exact as current Home for State
As values, not material. Besides the ancient gate
Will of the muslim "president of court"
Brings Aya Sofia to change roof of gold

For dots of dozens (drawing to repeat)  -
Associated land for time of Vaticans need
Arrives inside Museum - not its book
With branch of new belief for definite new look.
