Обращение к главному редактору WP

To the editor-in-chief of the Washington Post

from Khazrat Tebu
the son of Shukur Tebuev (1944-2021), author of the largest poetic work of the world written by one person, As-Safi Octalogy - an epic drama with elements of lyrics of philosophical and didactic content in 8 parts, 40 books - with the volume of more than 400 thousand lines.

I appealed to the UN and UNESCO with a request to include my father's As-Safi Octalogy in the World Cultural Heritage Fund.
The work surpasses by volume Homer's Iliad-Odyssey (29K), Valmiki's Ramayana (48), Ferdowsi's Shah-nameh (120K), Vyasa's Mahabharata (180K) and the official version of the Manas epic (396K), while yielding to the printed version of the epic from the Guinness Book of Records (500K).
I ask you to provide informational support by printing a small article about the work.
I hope that you can show your will and understanding not to make my dead father a hostage of the current world political conjuncture only because he was born in the USSR, died in Russia and wrote in Russian.

With respect
Khazrat Tebu

Materials for the article can be found in pdf file.
