Magic Of Wind
Storms are raging,
And wars of the ages,
That burn the fields,
And poplars,
And lives of other worlds,
In the world of All Being!,
Where eternal life lives!,
And eternal love!
Magic Of Wind!,
Blows away the whole world!,
With the wind of his soul!,
Air swords in his hands!,
And the Power of the spirit!,
That lives forever!,
In his chest!,
And by the power of the spirit!,
He will forever defeat!,
His enemy!
He is not afraid of the enemy,
Seven Winds,
And seven Seas,
That rushes like a wave,
That rushes like a war,
To his country,
And the enemy rushes on the entire edge of the Earth!,
And will never leave him alone!,
The country of eternal Winds!
Magic Of Wind!,
Blows away the whole world!,
With the wind of his soul!,
Air swords in his hands!,
And the Power of the spirit!,
That lives forever!,
In his chest!,
And the power of the spirit!,
He will defeat forever!,
His enemy!
Magic of Winds,
Blows away the forest around,
That lived here quietly,
For he was here,
And this circle burns,
Of the seven worlds,
Where the world is imprisoned!,
Dead Soul!
Magic Of Wind!,
Blows away the whole world!,
With the wind of his soul!,
Air swords in his hands!,
And the Power of the spirit!,
That lives forever!,
In his chest!,
And the power of the spirit!,
He will defeat forever!,
His enemy!
Winds blow around him,
As in his soul,
Where the eternal gift lived,
Which he easily wielded,
For he flew!,
In the skies!,
Like a bird of nightly Dreams!,
And eternal rainy tears!
Magic Of Wind!,
Blows away the whole world!,
With the wind of his soul!,
Air swords in his hands!,
And the Power of the spirit!,
That lives forever!,
In his chest!,
And by the power of the spirit!,
He will forever defeat!,
His enemy!
He uses the wind,
To blow enemies off their feet,
If they threatened the heroes of the Past Winds,
Who flew alone in the skies,
And created an eternal hurricane!,
Times! In the winds of fate!
Magic Of Wind!,
Blows Away the Whole World!,
With the Wind of His Soul!,
Air Swords in His Hands!,
And the Power of Spirit!,
That Lives Eternally!,
In His Chest!,
And the Power of Spirit!,
He Will Defeat Forever!,
His Enemy!
I know that you cannot resist,
Before the might of the Wind Forces,
Where the Lord of the Hasty Valleys conjured,
Where eternal life flew around him,
Which he tried to preserve,
And not let the enemies destroy it!,
To seize it! Forever!,
But it will not happen!
Magic Of Wind!,
Blows Away the Whole World!,
With the Wind of His Soul!,
Air Swords in His Hands!,
And the Power of Spirit!,
That Lives Eternally!,
In His Chest!,
And the Power of Spirit!,
He Will Defeat Forever!,
His Enemy!
Magic Of Wind!,
Blows away the whole world!,
Magic Of Wind!,
Blows away the whole world!,
Magic Of Wind!,
Blows away the whole world!,
Magic Of Wind!,
Magic Of Wind!,
Magic Of Wind!
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