Private value
"Системы организма подключены к мозгу иерархически"*. (С. Лем)
Two points of the history or Past
Possess another subject for its topic.
One is the gratitude delivers to result
Inside time's period the sense of time for profit.
Another is the aim to slip through mind's phantom
Within machine which possibly is able
Because of cybernetic right to change the goal
Inspite the hierarchic right for what is may be.
And so the organism takes doubtly the stream
Which counts brain connections for esteem.
* Страна без Взрослых (читать Э. Берна), похожая на пионерский лагерь: первопроходцам посидеть, остальные в шеренгах... А decent length не может быть ни проблемой, ни условием извне.
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