revision of events no poem

I was driving across the road
I was getting honked at from all sides.
He said to meet him at the subway in an hour.
It took me two minutes to get ready
And I think I forgot to lock the door.
I didn't know the route, it was night,
Three left-right interchanges
I think it was this way.
It was raining. I ran to the entrance of this subway five minutes before my appointment.
And stood up.
He was 20 minutes late.
And he said that because
he was just running after another girl on the subway.
I said, what did you want from her?
And he said, well, nothing.
Well, that was our agreement to be honest.
No, I'm not cold, of course.

Look, look, you're the fool!

From this point on, the alternate reality is as follows.
After he said that, I turned and walked away.
But I didn't really leave then.
Didn't anyone recognize themselves in my face?
And why so?

It's the effect of a triggered life rewatch.
These damn flashbacks come on suddenly and for some reason at work.
I have so many fond memories, I could write a book.

Something was specific to this episode.
It's like you find yourself there again.
The movie Butterfly Wings is not a fantasy by any means.
It's the key moments in life that come to mind.
insignificant little things that aren't even events.
But they're repeated in different guises many times.
You may not even recognize the repetition in the replay.
I wouldn't do that again.

You wouldn't? How about now? Look closely.
No vague deja vu?
You remembered that for a reason.
No Ouija,
I now have an alternative course of action.
Yes, and after saying that.
I didn't answer or ask, I turned and walked away.

Well, it's true that since that time.
it was best not to mention other girls in my presence.
It triggered a very bad reaction.
No, putting trash under the rug is not cleaning.
You just have to clean the room.
It's a behavioral pattern, not just an episode.
Damn butterfly wings flapping.
Where's my journal I have to rewrite everything before it's too late.

Don't repeat this set in any form.
This dance position has been repeated too many times.
in too many different ways.
Ouija, I was just sitting there calmly working and then this.

Well, for those of you who don't look back,
will one day have to remember the whole thing in one go.
So it's better to shock yourself in portions.
And don't carry all your junk to the last line with you.
So that it all falls on you at once at the end.

Those night lights and the busy street in the rain in front of the subway station.
At any moment will remind you of that feeling.
Of your strangled contempt for yourself in a bouquet of other feelings.
You want to replay it again in a new iteration?
No, I already caught it.
And I'll recognize those lights if anything.

But Ouija, are you a psychologist?
Magic is not psychology. We don't need comforting.
Magic is pragmatism.
Don't waste your time. That stupid flashback was more important than your work.

That's the sequence of choices you replay every day to this day.
You need to get rid of it.
I've gotten rid of so much already, there's almost nothing left of me at all.
And purity is the standard.
